Families DIY School Bus Conversion - Fully Off Grid Tiny House

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hi i'm jesse this is lily this is our son jonah and we are bricks of happiness and this is our bus well we didn't want to live in arizona anymore and we thought perhaps we would like to live in oregon or texas but neither one of us had spent any time in either of those states so we thought we would get an rv travel around them and see which one we liked best we started shopping around for rvs and we couldn't really find anything that fit our lifestyle we liked i wanted to i wanted to tear them out and just redo everything and i'm like what's the point in that so i had seen a picture of a schooly years prior with just a bed and a mattress on the floor and i said hey why don't we get a school bus and then we can customize it and make it exactly what we want he was not so on board at first but i was like that's crazy i put a pen and paper in his hand he started sketching different floor plans and it was all downhill from there uphill uphill not down it was all upheld from there welcome to our bus 40 feet long 250-ish maybe 300 square feet of living space we absolutely love it come on in check it out this right here is our newest addition we actually tore out our front end and remodeled it a couple months ago part of the reason we're also still not finished we decided to put in a wood stove which is from tiny tinywoodstoves.com tinywoodstove.com i believe this is their dwarf 5k we haven't even had a chance to burn it yet but we have enjoyed it in other people's rigs and know that we're absolutely going to love it it will cook us out of here in the winter so we can park up snowboarding sledding playing in the cold environments and still stay warm and more importantly than that still stay nice and dry inside so there's no moisture issues how i being that i remodeled my front end we installed ours a bit differently just so i didn't have to demo and rebuild a bunch of stuff there was a seat here before so i modified what used to be there and bolted the stove plate to that it's also bolted to the floor and the wall if i were to do it from fresh and just putting in a stove i would build my hearth you know whatever piece you want to call it right on my wheel well and bolt it straight to the frame and everything i didn't have that choice without a lot more demo so i chose to go a different route but it's definitely secure it's not a flying projectile it's anchored with nice long grade eight bolts all the way through so it's good to go being that it's in a tiny home bus and there's lots of wood and flammable materials around we do have to have heat shields the dwarf has the option that you can put the heat shields on the stove but you do lose a little bit of heat plus we wanted you know kind of an area barrier around it that people weren't going to end up in or drop stuff into that kind of thing so we have just these aluminum heat shields that we made ourselves just from raw sheets we have a video on that i think it's on our instagram one of our favorite stories that shows how we did it super easy way easier than i thought it was going to be we actually did it in the home depot parking lot and partially at an rv park at a lake it was fun these are aluminum uh they're actually raised gaps tiles from home depot that is on concrete board and then you know mounted underneath that so that you have a heat barrier all the way around so we don't have to worry about pieces falling out and catching things on fire this right here is also our our box that we are able to keep our our logs or coal or whatever it is that we decide that we're going to burn in it and there's lots of options for that stove so that's where that stuff will stay this is our dead cat skitty kitty kitty kitty bus panda she goes by multiple names she doesn't answer to any of them she'll stretch occasionally she holds the fort down this is jonah's area and part of our couch area just redid this this is jonah's table it's actually our cutout for our sink from when we built it we were hanging on to it for over a year weren't sure what we were going to do with it glad we held on to it it mounts on a track on this wall and so you can slide the table any way you want you can also it angles up and pulls off so that you can get it out of the way and make this all seating so people can just sit and hang out so once the kids go to bed adults can conversate not getting eaten by mosquitoes jonah uses this as the dining area mostly once in a while lily will sit down and you know eat there usually i'm busy doing something or on the computer or some i'll stand and eat or walk around or just sit here and hold it this used to be my desk setup you can see in our older posts there was a big cutout piece that my office chair sat here jonah had a seat where the stove is and obviously we tore that out so currently i just have kind of a standing desk which works out great this monitor moves all over when we travel i just set it down on the couch and it actually rides there really well i've never had it even move let alone fall off soon i already have a different monitor set up and i'm moving everything up front to the driver area so my driver's seat will also be my desk when i sit here to work if i'm sitting i'm in everybody's way so anytime someone walks by they're having to step over me it's an inconvenience for both of us let alone work so i have a big ultra wide monitor that i'm putting up above the driver's window and that's going to be that's our tv also my computer and it's going to be absolutely amazing i can't wait it'll have storage behind it but it's not done yet originally we were going to do dual mini splits dual head unit mini splits there were also heat pumps and we since decided that when it's hot we move we have that luxury i work online so we might as well do that so now i'm just now almost two years later getting ready to build out what we call our top bulkheads i don't know if they have a real name i am a freight broker i ship freight for a living i have customers that need to move freight or need trucks i work for a very large company that does those kinds of things so we are able to work with our assets along with other companies assets and get them a discount for their freight we handle all of that job for them if they want us to so it takes that workload off of them and plus gives us work they get a cheaper rate than if they were just to get those prices straight from those companies that we use and we're able to make some money off of that and they're able to ship at a discount and not have to do the work if you're looking to get into that kind of thing there are some great opportunities out there you can find them in all the usual places and look at their reviews usually start in an office you have to be very lucky to get into an outside position that is good there are plenty of outside positions some are good some aren't as great they all give you freedom if you do it right so it is well worth it if you don't mind um it's not easy work but you put a couple years into an office and then you know what you're doing and then you can move out there's also you know you can take classes for being a freight broker you know there's companies that do that kind of thing too i can't really say if they're good or not because i don't know anybody that's ever used them i only know people that have worked in an office and then either done their own thing or joined another company that they were able to go outside when we were building the bus we needed a place for electronics i worked at this job then knew i needed a place for all of that stuff so we built these two cubbies both this one and this one that have storage down below they have power built into the back of them 12 volt usbs usbs here and then of course you know 110s and they're a nightmare i absolutely hate them i love that they're storage but they've never been finished they're supposed to have tops and you know faces on them and i was going to build full charging stations and maybe some cup holders that kind of thing and just haven't gotten around to it we've had some mechanical issues and a few breakdowns that have caused us to not pass that 90 mark finished and uh we're looking at getting those done hopefully this summer if we quit screwing around and traveling that gets in a way a lot too okay so jesse has two older daughters who come and stay with us occasionally one's in college one's in high school so we knew that we wanted a couch that turned into a bed and a lot of people do the slats we did ours a little bit differently this whole piece pulls out and then there's pieces that flip up and set on this piece here so this turns into a twin bed we also needed a place to store our solar components so in this box here we have our our dc fuse box our ac fuse box and charge controller and everything is stored in this back area i'm very happy with the location of it i think it's a clever use of space it keeps everything out of the way so that it's not all over the place initially like jesse said we wanted to run uh two air conditioning units at each bulkhead so in order to do that i had to get a bunch of solar i actually purchased 22 panels at auction each solar panel is 285 watts we ended up keeping eight of them and selling the others which was great it essentially made our cost free but so there's eight to 285 watt panels on the roof it would have been more than enough to run in air conditioning but like jesse said we kind of changed our mind on that so we are slightly overpowered for a normal sunny day that being said we have enough panels and wattage on top that we can go through a couple of cloudy days without worrying whatsoever about our battery life the batteries are 325 amp hours each we have four of them hooked together in parallel in series that gives us roughly 650 usable amp hours of which we barely tap into 10 of that every day and then on this side these also open up this side also opens up and we keep our sand blankets and our umbrellas and paperwork underneath and just really anything that we don't access too often so initially when building the bus we discussed putting the batteries inside i wasn't comfortable with having that much power located within the bus so they are actually located outside of the bus in a belly box and this is our second round of cushions the first ones we made it was just one big cushion you couldn't remove the fabric you couldn't wash it and when you have teenagers and kids sitting on it and sand and dirt it just got really grimy so i actually remade these so that all of the covers can come off and be thrown in the washer going from a house to a bus we thought we needed a ton of storage so there is actually storage underneath both sides of the couch and in the back on both sides of the couch we don't really even use the storage under here it's got a few pieces of paper in it it just ended up being too much storage so it's a little empty when we were looking at building a bus we really liked that the buses looked like school buses so a lot of people choose to cover their windows which does make more sense for insulation and privacy we wanted to keep the good classic school bus look so we kept all of the windows and although it doesn't do great at keeping the heat or the cold out it's fantastic it lets all the light in we get to see 360 degree views of the country and we absolutely love being able to drop them on a warm day and feel a nice cool breeze we we don't regret that decision at all everything in this bus is built by us that included the couch that includes the bed frame the one thing that we didn't want to build was a kitchen we didn't want to build cabinets so the entire kitchen came from ikea we have these huge deep drawers that have top loading drawers they're nice soft clothes if i had to do one thing differently actually i would permanently seal the butcher block countertop rather than uh oil it regularly that can be kind of a chore but it's gorgeous and very durable and we love it it did come from ikea and like jessie said the cut out for the sink that we did ourselves turned into the table later on it was very nerve-wracking cutting the countertops but it turned out i think it's my favorite thing in the bus with the ikea cabinetry they're uh they don't come with kick boards so jesse built five-inch kick boards and we are able to actually store some of our dry goods in baskets that we slide out from underneath and then in here we have some of our heavier items pots and pans and tupperware up here are mostly cups little kitchen gadgets toothbrushes and then in this top one is all of our cutlery this drawer is snacks and more food this drawer is uh your ziploc bags couple of cookbooks and just towels there's a little section right here that's all for dog stuff we have the traditional junk drawer that every household needs that one is baking pans and leftover easter goodies then this one is all of my baking goods and this is all of my spices and then yeah another junk drawer junk drawers are great everybody has junk the first time we drove the bus all of the drawers flew open we then learned very quickly that we needed a locking system so these are actually magnetic kid locks you just flip this little piece here and it catches on another little piece inside and locks the drawer what we didn't know is that our drawers are heavy enough that they can actually just push those kidlocks so we went to a high class fancier system we now use shower curtain rods slip them in just like that and that's how it keeps everything closed so the stove we hand picked out of an rv that had caught fire it was in almost brand new condition and it's just propane we never connected the igniter so we ignite it with a lighter it's very well loved and used as you can see has four burners and an oven it is honestly our favorite stove we've had be it in a bus or in a home it cooks very evenly it boils water very quickly it's just a very hot flame so you can throw stuff together really easily we gave it a little vent back here that also turns into a knife holder so that some of the heat can escape the back of the stove just everything has dual purpose when we first set out i had a fruit basket on the counter and you can tell that the fruit just rotted in a basket and i did a lot of research on actually what's the best way to store your fruits and veggies this i believe is like a norwegian thing style where you hang them with as much air surrounding them as possible so we got these little baskets at uh on amazon and they have been great our food lasts much longer we're no longer dripping you know fruit juice all over the counter top and i think it's pretty when we were building the bus we wanted to try and save as much money as possible like i said i bought the solar panels at auction i also bought the sink and the faucet at auction the sink had a little ding in the corner that we were able to snap back into place pretty easily the faucet was brand new it just had been returned for some reason so this whole setup here i believe was like the total of a hundred dollars i was apprehensive about putting a sink in this big but it has been such a blessing the succulents go in the sink when we drive jonah can take sink baths in here and he loves it we turn jesse's computer screen around he can watch cartoons and relax in his sauna basically and it's been pretty great i wouldn't change that and the storage when you're driving i don't have to permanently affix my plants i just put them in the sink when i drive which allows me to be able to switch them up and that's pretty important to me i really wanted greenery in the bus i wanted it to feel like a home so as you can see i have a little bit of a succulent problem we did without curtains for quite some time we would just try and clip or magnet something over whatever window we were trying to cover so i was really excited to find this track system and it's kind of like an airstream style curtain track it's very low profile i sewed all of these curtains myself they're not very insulating but they definitely give you privacy and they keep a lot of light out at night i think you can find those on curtaintracks.com it took me all of a day to make curtains for the whole bus so it was very easy this is actual siding like house siding that uh was cheap easy to work with it's painted with tractor paint so it's virtually indestructible and it works wonders to cover all of our wiring for our lights that are up here so initially we didn't know what material we wanted to use for the ceiling so we weren't able to do the lights until we chose the material so we decided to uh go with the led strip lights because we could put those in before we chose our ceiling material and we shopped around for i'd say a good year before we found these antique style ceiling tiles they're actually foam so they have a little bit of an insulation factor but it was something we hadn't seen before it was super unique and we really liked the way that they looked antique we found them at antique ceiling tiles.com i believe in addition to those led strip lights we also have these ikea lights that are up underneath the wire chase we have one that illuminates the sink one that illuminates the stove and one that illuminates the dining table we found those at ikea fun fact ikea lighting is wired for 24 volt which made it very easy for us to wire because our entire system is 24 volt so we didn't have to step down to 12 volt which was really convenient between the led strip lights and the added lights that are underneath the chase it can get very bright in here i wouldn't do just led strip lights i don't think it gives quite enough light but between the two you can kind of choose what atmosphere you want do you want it nice and mellow with some blue lighting or do you need it bright so you can work on school work or something so the fridge is just a magic chef apartment size fridge i believe it's 7.2 cubic feet it's not quite the same size as what you would see in a house but it's definitely bigger than what you would see in a regular rv uh it is ran completely off of solar so there's no propane component it seems to have been perfectly adequate for us every now and again i get it a little too full but it's a good time to eat the leftovers at that point unfortunately we did not plan a pantry so this has served as part of our pantry for bread crackers tortillas just like the quick things that you grab and then we also have an extra basket up here that is filled with other pantry items so our pantry is kind of scattered about the kitchen but the kitchen is so big that it doesn't really matter we've both gotten quite used to it so the kitchen we put a lot of thought into we have the whole triangle of reachability we love cooking in here i do most of the cooking i feel like i'm actually in a bigger kitchen most of the time and it's it's easy to keep clean it's just total functionality this is actually wallpaper since we are bricks of happiness we wanted to incorporate some sort of brick into it this is round two of the wallpaper the first round i tried using spray adhesive that was a fail it flapped around fell out the window and this is round two so what i used was mod podge and i slathered it on put the wallpaper up and it's been up for a while and it's actually great because it's vinyl wallpaper so you can still clean it moving back from the kitchen now uh this is the hallway a couple bunks some storage as you can see i'm a little wide and we made this as skinny as we possibly could so that the bunks on this side and the bathroom on this side were as big as they could possibly be so that the kids had as much room as they could because that's their only space inside to themselves and so that when you're taking a shower you're not like this i'd rather be a little sideways or like this in a hallway than like that in the shower this is our hot water heater it's an instant hot water heater ecotemp i12 liquid propane it's designed for low flow a lot of people have problems with putting instants in their vehicles and rvs because a lot of them aren't made for low flow so this thing will run the book says that it runs on a lot less gallons per minute than it actually will but it works great for us it also doubles as kind of a black mirror this hallway piece we didn't know exactly how or what we wanted we just knew we wanted storage so just built this kind of cubby box that has worked out really well that we haven't reworked lily found some pretty popular wood that she did the faces with and then you know we each have our cubbies i have a cubby up here for just it's bathroom stuff and you know essentials dental floss and your combs and stuff like that so i have one lily has one lily has three and then there's one for towels right here is our bathroom this is also part of the reason we're only 90 percent done when we first built our bus we're in a hurry to get on the road my dad was really sick and we needed to go everything in here is functional but we weren't using it because we didn't know how we wanted to finish it initially we built our own or lily did actually built our own composting toilet which worked great but she decided that she wanted to change from there and go to an air head versus the nature's head it has a toilet seat same functions works great we absolutely love it i thought the other one worked fine but cleaning wasn't as easy and everything was you know wood and you know built that kind of way so it was porous and it just wasn't great after a while so we decided to move on from it even though it was painted in tractor paint and sealed as good as it could be just doesn't last it seems so have the airhead happy with that we didn't know how we wanted to finish the bathroom the bathroom floor has dropped six inches so that tall people can still shower up against the curve without having to worry about running into things but we didn't know what we wanted to do for walls and sealing and making it watertight we have since decided what we wanted to do we're going to do cedar plank up top and then down below is going to be black river rock tile and then the floor is almost like a sauna teak floor because our emergency door is right there it opens up the shower head is going to have the ability to go on the door as well and then the whole shower floor along with this riser piece that's in here will be able to go outside so you can wash dogs outside you can shower outside you can rinse things off and then come in the bus that way so you're not getting things dirty essential with kids and teenagers so hopefully this summer we can finish it last summer we went to get the supplies to finish it and the bus wouldn't start we spent three months making sure that we could get fixed and get out of the cold so that we didn't freeze to death because we didn't have a wood stove then now we do we're going to finish it this summer and lily will be super happy to have a functional bathroom and shower currently when we're on the road it actually hasn't been nearly as much of an inconvenience as we thought it would truck stops state parks rv parks you name them i mean we have to stop and drain and fill and sometimes you know just take a day or two to be parked somewhere easy without having to worry about moving or needing anything and so we find ourselves you know stopping in places frequently anyway so it works out grab a shower do the tanks that kind of thing rest for a day and then move on so that's been our plan in the meantime otherwise you can put up curtains and still make it work our sink will also go out the window conveniently we didn't plan it that way but it worked so you can you know get a quick pits and ditch in that way when we first built the bus we know we wanted bunks i have a daughter that is now in high school she was in junior high when we first built the bus and we have jonah so i built two bunks my oldest daughter is in college she gets the couch whenever she visits uh at first for the first year these were just open bunks this is the only thing in my bus that was two by four framed everything else is three quarter inch that's just reinforced and everything's plenty strong but i wanted to do two by fours here because i wanted to be able to rebuild it and change it so i have a solid frame around it and the floor in here when my this daughter is you know in college or older high school and doesn't want to be with us as much then that will turn into jonah's area and i'll rebuild this whole thing but currently two bunks again my daughter brent is not with us all the time so when she's not with us it turns into storage i have the stove pieces in here because it pipes out the window and we haven't finished that part of the install on it we're actually getting with teeny wood stove to do so so that stuff's in here extra computers some fans pillows laundry basket all that stuff hangs out in this bunk and then when she comes we rearrange things a little more tightly so that everybody fits this is jonah's bunk he loves it he actually doesn't sleep in it a whole lot because we have a whole another area that we call the loft or the study or whatever you want to call it it's actually our rear engine cover which i'll show you in a few minutes um but this is for when he gets a little bigger we're actually when he turns five coming up here in a month or so we're going to move him into here full time but he loves to play in here currently so let me get these emptied out and i'll show you what they look like when they're being used so both bunks obviously we hand cut it's just three quarter inch plywood that i took a pencil and a jigsaw too and made a little turtle and a little raindrop this kind of opens up my daughter thought it was so cool and it was for her but it's actually so i can stick my face in there and yell for her to get to wake up and so i can reach her light and just click it on on her and she doesn't have a choice i mean they both look exactly the same they have the same attributes except for this one has a little bit more of a wall they both have uh the ability to have a curtain up john has got little jungle ropes and stuff hanging up so he loves to swing on him and that's how he pulls himself in especially when he was littler they both have led track lighting in them that are on a little touch pad so they can change the colors and play with presets and stuff i didn't want them to have a remote that they were going to lose and then there's a reading light that's just on a little toggle switch so cool area to hang out this is just a little storage bin for jonah i'm actually toying with idea initially i was going to build this in right here and make a toy garage for him and book storage and then this would all be closed storage for him but with breakdowns and you know other stuff we just haven't we haven't even finished the bathroom how can i add stuff underneath is all storage these handy totes again from ikea so one for shirts one for pants one for miscellaneous stuff and one for shoes then i think there's one with like books and games and stuff or a different basket this is the palace where the magic never happens because we're always so tired from traveling zenith mattresses the best mattress we've ever had we've actually had two of them we actually cut a couple up to make the bunk mattresses along with our cushions everything in here is out of the same thing they're cheap they're online they deliver for free it's not a plug for them they don't pay us they're just incredible so i absolutely love it king size bed made it so that we can lift it up have to give my stepfather credit for that he's the one that figured it all out because they don't make a kit for a king size bed to lift that way the way that our design is but it works perfectly we both have a big storage box underneath for seasonal clothes extra objects obviously this is mari's apartment she would like to know why i lifted her roof and then paddle board obviously there's some extra insulation back there wet dry bag first uh you know just all the stuff you don't normally need lily's uh lily sewing machines under there a bunch of fabric will probably make you a whole new set of curtains and blankets for your bus who knows she can she can squirrel some stuff we love it back here when it's uh you know rainy day and pelting down on the roof and we'll all pile in i mean even if my girls are with us we can all hang out in here watch a movie be comfortable everybody has their own space back there we're a rear engine bus so that's what we call our loft or our study it's the engine cover lily upholstered some thin cushions for it and that's where we stored all of our extra blankets all kinds of stuff to begin with and then jonah decided that he wanted to hang out back there all the time and so that's kind of been his bed while he's little you know like i said when he turns five we're going to move him into his bunk full-time but for now we let him hang out back there and he really loves it it's a cool little spot and he's close to us so no matter where we are we know he's safe and not trying to wander out of the bus or something not that he does but lily's closet isn't the best design initially when we first left neither one of us had a closet we had the underneath storage and we had our suitcases that we had closing and stuff that we stored in the bunk since then lily made some little shelf drawer type things they're not the best storage we'll probably rebuild that soon but it works currently i have since built a little dresser area that stuff likes to fall out of i need to add probably some bungees or something to help keep things in but currently whatever before we move i just grab what i know is going to fall out and set it on the bed and everything rides here just fine one of the best parts of our bedroom and our entire bus is that we couldn't keep both hatches but we kept one and it's right here it opens up onto our rooftop deck that we have some nice fake turf on and we'll go hang out up there and watch the stars and satellites go over jonah will fall asleep up there and then we'll pass him down here and let him go to sleep it's one of the most amazing things you could ever have on a vehicle and i highly recommend it yeah getting in and out lily's a little bit short so we have a stool that we'll put on the bed and she'll hop up on that i can i have enough that i can just lift myself up and butt scoot onto it and then pop up on top uh we also have a wii boost i have it up there on like a five foot pole that rotates up so normally it's down all the time but if i need it i can pop it up and get that extra elevation so i can get some some good service because if i don't have service i can't work we found these fans online at amazon they are amazing they fit right into a bus window with just a little clip and that's probably one of the easiest ventilation additions we could have ever done moving back from the inside to the outside of the bus and all its wonderful outside features we'll go over the solar batteries the awning and where we got that and i'll actually let lily take care of that because she's very proud of her handiwork so when we were shopping for a bus we found our engine and transmission combo but the bus that we fell in love with didn't have any belly storage like i said before i didn't want batteries inside the bus so all of these belly boxes are friend who is a fabricator made for us and they're caged we were able to use the old ceiling to make a floor in the battery box which gives it some airflow it doesn't get too hot in there these are our lovely batteries that give us all of our power it's about 600 pounds of weight on this side so we counter balance it with our 70 gallon fresh water tank on the other side the awning came from the same burnt rv as the stove did so we took this awning off it was originally like 800 i think we paid 120 for it it comes with a wind sensor system but we never hooked that part up it is automatic so it's just controlled with a button inside the bus comes all the way out and provides tons of extra shade on a warm day we use the awning all the time even on breezy days like this it still holds its own and these parts can actually be disconnected and staked into the ground so it's just one flat roof so each one of these belly boxes is reinforced with i believe two by one steel and they serve as storage for all sorts of things we have sand toys in here kites and barbecue equipment and that one this big one is for a very large i believe hundred gallon propane tank that came from the same rv as the awning it is probably a little too big for our needs uh we fill it up maybe halfway once a year but we weren't sure how to size it so there it lives again our bus is a 1999 international amtran it has a dt466e which means it's electronic and has an allison md 3060 transmission we bought this bus set up strategically for how the engine bay is and i am glad that i have because i have spent i don't even know how many hours tucked in here working on it this lifts up panels like this lift up on both sides so you can actually get into the engine i've worked on it in the snow and sleet and hail when it was just absolutely nasty outside and inside was bearable so that i could get my bus back on the road i've spent a few months in there so highly recommend that when you're shopping for whatever your vehicle might be make sure that you shop this part of it as well not just what you want to build out of it but the maintenance aspects and being able to get to things is very important because if you're trying to save a dime and want to do it yourself you're going to want to be able to get to everything and it serves as extra storage some extra oil our uh the beach big cart is in there that we take down to the beach it has the big tires that's in the way everywhere else and we found some firewood at the bus fair so we threw that in there we weren't going to let it go to waste so that's that and these doors are on both sides so you can get in on both sides of the engine it's awesome we decided that we needed a tow vehicle we had a 2010 ford flex at the time you can't flat tow one of those i didn't want a car dolly i didn't want a trailer i wanted something that i could tow and just unhook there's half a dozen decent options for that we decided to go with the jeep because it's a jeep and you can go out and play and have fun and four-wheel and it'll go anywhere we needed to plus as you can tell we like to ride bikes we have a couple of fat bikes obviously you can mount those on anything but we can ride further out and then ride them further out from there it's amazing it takes five minutes to set it up we have the brake buddy stealth braking system which is all stashed away inside the jeep it's one cord that plugs into the bus and the jeep you hook up the the tow hitch and you're on the road and it's quick literally under five minutes to hook and unhook no problem initially i had a whole design for the rack and how i wanted it to be my buddy was going to make it for me we were going to do it all out a nice lightweight aluminum and then i found this guy on facebook marketplace for 40 bucks and done it was off of an e350 van like a river rafting trip kind of thing we actually had to cut it down because it was too long whacked 15 inches off of it put new mounts on it mounted it to the roof it's amazing the only thing i would change is it's not as wide as i would like it to be i wish that it was a little bit wider even though there's plenty of room i mean you can always use more
Channel: Tiny Home Tours
Views: 269,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house, tiny house on wheels, living big in a tiny house, tiny house movement, tiny home, small house, small spaces, small house design, alternative living, architecture, affordable home, off the grid, small space living, tiny house life, diy tiny house, diy home, skoolie conversion, skoolie tour, skoolie build, skoolie conversion tour, skoolie life, skoolie conversion build, school bus conversion family, school bus conversion cost, school bus conversion, family rv
Id: PT1_Omo3fOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 54sec (2214 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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