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[Music] welcome to the joy of editing with Dave Kelly on today's episode this is an in-depth look at topaz denoising software the other day I showed you comparisons with different denoising software but today I really wanted to take you into the nuts and the bolts of topaz denoising software we're gonna get our hands dirty we're gonna get in there we're gonna move sliders around I'm gonna show you how it works we're gonna do comparisons at the end I'm also going to do a Lightroom denoising so I'll show you how I do that as well and then we'll compare everything at the end so I think you're really gonna enjoy this one so stay tuned and let's get started I'm starting out in Lightroom today and I just want to show you my settings under basic I just clicked Auto I'm just you know just a basic adjustment here white-balance as shot detail is shut off so we're doing no noise reduction and I also have on my lens Corrections remove chromatic aberrations and enable profile Corrections so that's it just a basic adjustment all right and so we're gonna launch we're going to be working with topaz denoise ai it's two models of AI clear and the D noise a I'm Auto and I'm also going to work with topaz studio to the AI clear inside of topaz studio 2 and at the end I'll do a Lightroom noise reduction as well and then when we're finally all said and done we'll go ahead and do comparisons of everything by the way this image was shot with a Canon 5d Mark to ISO 2500 so that's a pretty high ISO for this camera so it's kind of noisy and let me zoom in so you can actually see the noise and there's no noise reduction on here at all so you can see the color noise and the luminance noise so it's it's a noisy image okay no sharpening as well I was shot at f/8 and 1/4 hundredths of a second just to give you a little information about the actual image itself it's a camera raw image now I'm gonna right click it and send it into topaz D noise AI so we're just going to come down here and click on edit in whoops edit in and then in topaz D noise a I know it's gonna ask me what file format I want and I'm gonna send it in as a tiff because that's a really high resolution file prophoto RGB 16-bit bit depth and a 360 resolution because that's what my my Epson ink jet printer used its 360 so that's why I use 360 if you're wondering why I'm using that so I'm just going to go ahead and click Edit and in real time you're gonna see how long it takes to launch the program and do its initial phase of noise reduction here and so there it is right there it's Indy noise is that there's two models here it says select a model it's very simple to use D noise a IRA I clear and then you have two modes manual or auto right now it's in the manual mode so not a whole Lots happening the noise is at 15 in the sharpness at 15 recovered detail is off and the chroma noises off I'm not going to look at this d noise AI model first I'm gonna look at the AI clear mono okay so let's go ahead and click on AI clear and by the way you see I have this in a split screen so the image on the left is the original the image on the right is with the denoising right now it's in the manual mode and I'll explain some things here in a second but also I wanted to show you you also have a you can view the original image here under single okay actually that's a single size that's with noise reduction if you click on original you see it without the noise reduction so click original again and you're back to a single view I like to split screen view because it really really helps you out because you can see the actual job is slowing the left is again the original the right is the noise reduction okay but you'll notice here in the AI clear model it's very simple you have remove noise low medium or high you take a choice here and try it and see what you get and then you have enhance sharpness to lower high you can recover details with this slider here and you can reduce or remove chroma noise reduction I find in the AG clear model it seems like it does it for you so I've really never had a need to use it here I do use it when you're using the D noise AI model alright so we'll look here now I'm zoomed in at 100 so let's go ahead and zoom into 200% so we can really see here now you'll see some pixelation here because we are zoomed in really close here at 200% so let's go that's low let's try medium there's medium and let's try high okay so I'm thinking medium would probably do the job and then let's see what the enhance sharpness does now let's go to a nice sharp part of this image which is right here there you can see that's pretty sharp and let's click this on high ok so there's high and it's hard to tell with that 200% cuz there is some pixelization here so let's go back to back to 100% right there so now let's click it on low and let's go to high so you don't see any haloing or anything it's really good but for our test today I want to use this in the auto position because if you saw my last video I did tell you that I really like this in the auto position it's pretty much a one click thing and you're done so there's Auto right there and I'll tell you it looks pretty good you know it could maybe stand for a little extra sharpening but really I think that looks really nice and I don't even have to touch the chroma noise reduction so let's go ahead and save this out see how long it takes it to actually bring it back into Lightroom I'm using an iMac with an i-9 processor so it's pretty fast and I have a 8 gigabyte graphics processor unit that is working with this software here so it it saves this out pretty quickly and now we'll be in Lightroom here in a second here we are back in late room as I said we're going to do our comparisons at the end so stay tuned we're going to zoom in up-close-and-personal on all these images so let's go back to the original c r2 image the raw image I'm going to right click it and edit in we're going to go right back into topaz denoise ai with the same settings and this time we're going to use the D noise AI model okay so and we're going to I'm going to show it to you in manual and I don't like or not sorry I'm gonna show it to you in Auto and I'm gonna show it to you in manual as well we're gonna end up making our adjustment in manual because I don't think the auto does a good job at all and I mentioned that in my last video so we're in denoise AI right now and we're in the manual model so let's click it on auto and give it a second or two to render out here and we are at a hundred percent here so let's move this around to a short part of the image which is right here so you can see right there I don't know if you can really notice this let me zoom in to two hundred percent but I see color noise in here and I also see I also see noise is you can see it does not look that good give it a second to render see that there it doesn't look good now bear in mind that's two hundred percent so I'm really zoomed in here so that does not look good I'm gonna go back to 100% so that's in the auto mode right there okay so now we're gonna go to manual and there's only and this is simple to do there's only three sliders here we have remove noise sharpen and recover details so I'm gonna start out with I'm gonna leave these at the default settings here I'm gonna start out actually with the chroma noise reduction here so and you got to really be careful on this chrome annoys reduction because it'll mess your colors up if you're not careful and I'll show you what I mean let's go ahead and start to drag this to the right when I do you'll see another slider pops open when I start to drag it to the right I found for my images anyway it right at point eight eliminates the noise see let me go back see how my point three point four point five point six you can see the color noise I don't know if you can see that or not here's at seven you can see it as soon as I hit eight the noise goes away alright and now this Chrome annoys reduction size is up at point fifty now let me zoom out and I'll show you what I mean here let's go back to let's go to like fifty percent let it has to regenerate itself here takes longer when you're at a a larger size here but watch this noise reduction right now it's at 50 and compare it to the image on the left here it's losing some of its colour watch when I take it the whole way to the right see how the colour it gets really drained out of it so I find that you've you got to be under fifty or you're not going to be happy with your colour so I'm saying you probably want this size up probably no more than fifteen percent I would say now let's zoom back into a hundred percent here and that looks good I don't see any color noise in here at all so that's good so I would recommend in my opinion to do the color noise first and then starting out at the default settings I'm just gonna start to move this noise up it'll take it a second or two to render okay and we're at a hundred percent I can see just a little bit of noise in there that's looking pretty good I'm gonna go a little bit more I'm gonna say right around there and now let's look at the sharpening here let's pull the sharpening up okay but this sharpening is amazing you will you won't get any halos or anything with it it's really good some saying maybe right around in here something like that now if we wanted to recover some of the details we could start to move this slider up to the right and usually what I like to do is move it up till I start seeing some noise coming back in like right around there you can see noise and then just back it off till that noise goes away maybe just a little bit maybe right around in there maybe just a little bit more right there I think that looks pretty good so on the left is the original on the right is the D noise okay so I have 70 666 and 15 on the recover and the chroma is at 0.08 and point one five and you can see down here these settings are down here as well 76 on noise sharpness 66 recover 15 okay and I'm just going to go ahead and click on save and that will bring it right back into Lightroom and this is real time again see this maybe a slightly longer with the G noise AI model but on my computer I'd say it's probably under it's definitely under a minute to do it so it's not that big of a deal so we're almost done and we'll be in Lightroom right about now we're back in Lightroom and now let's go back and select the original raw image okay and we're gonna right-click again edit in this time we're going to come and edit it in topaz studio - same settings TIFF pro phone a 16-bit I'm gonna do my resolution at 360 this may vary depending on what type of a printer you have or what media medium you're gonna put it on but I'm gonna leave mine for a print so I'm gonna say edit and that'll open up topaz studio - now in topaz studio - we're gonna use the AI clear lures reduction and it's very simple you just come up here and click Add filter and click on AI clear and you're pretty much done at that point now you can manually adjust it in here as well if you'd like to but let's go ahead and zoom in here a little bit right here and that is that's in the auto position right here and of course we have the same settings just like in denoise ai we have lo I'll click it on low so you can see it takes it a second or two to render out a little blue bar goes across the top there's low there's medium and there's high and you notice how medium went fast that pretty much tells me it used medium okay as it's noise reduction for auto so and then we ever recovers details here as well so I'm gonna go back and it and I think it was automatically set up at point tenth it also has an exposure and clarity but I'm not going to touch those I'm gonna put it back to auto and send it out as auto and we'll compare it with the D noise AI so let's go ahead and click up here except and that'll bring us back into Lightroom alright and here we are back in late room I'm just going to do one more noise reduction on the original raw file and that's with Lightroom snores reduction and then after that we're going to compare all the results alright so let's go to the original raw image which is this guy right here and let's go ahead and zoom into them and let's go to develop and now we're going to come down to the detail module here and I'm going to turn it on and this is the default sharpening setting I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and shut this off for now let's start with noise reduction now I'm just going to take my noise reduction and start to pull it to the right I'm gonna take my detail slider and take it the whole way to the left this is the way I like to do it I just use the default color noise reduction because I find that works out perfectly and I never have problems so I don't touch that one so I'm gonna take the luminance up just till the noise goes away and maybe something right around there looks pretty good and then I'm gonna take my detail slider and what I like to do here is pull it up just like start seeing some of that noise coming back through and then just backing it off a little bit so actually right up around and there looks pretty good now let's play with our sharpening let's add some sharpening to it and maybe right around there and the radius is that one that's gonna be good here detail I think that's okay I'm not going to touch it and I'm just gonna Matt do a little masking I'm just looking for noise in here I'm just trying to mask out some of that noise that came back when I bumped up my detail here so I'm just gonna mess some of that noise out of there maybe somewhere right around in there and that's my Lightroom noise reduction let's click back out I brought all my results into Photoshop because I thought it would be easier to show you we're looking at a 200% magnification here folk focusing in on the sharpest part of the image right here this is no noise reduction so this is what we're going to compare everything to the first image you're going to see is the Lightroom noise reduction right there as you can see it doesn't really nice result but notice these areas right in here in these areas on this pod right here notice how detail is going to start to pop in there as I start to move into the land of topaz now the first one is the Topaz studio to a I clear in the auto position but what's the extra details pop in and there's no noise whatsoever so here's Lightroom and here's a I clear pretty amazing next we move on to D noise AI in the AI clear model in auto ok so it's similar to topaz studio 2 only it's the D noise software so let me compare it to Lightroom city noisy so there you see it right there after before after before and as you can see there's a lot of nice detail in here okay and also up in here and now we're going to go to the D noise AI manual and and that's this is now in the denoise ai model I know this gets confusing but right there and to me this one looks the sharpest let me compare it to Lightroom again definitely looks a sharpness there's a slight amount of noise in here but I could have bumped up the noise reduction a little bit more the other day on my tests I thought that the D noise AI auto in the AI clear mono was the best but here manually I think you can get a little bit better results but you got to take your time but if you really want a fast noise reduction edit use D noise AI in the auto mode ai clear or studio Tuesday I clear now let's compare studio Tuesday i clear to denoise Auto a I clear and see the difference so here's first topaz studio - and it's looks really nice lots of nice detail in here now I'm gonna compare 2d noise AI Auto okay so here is Studio - here's the noise AI studio 2d noise AI I mean D noise AI is slightly better but not that much so if you had topaz studio - and you were using AI clear even on a 2500 ISO image you're gonna get great results but I think D noise AI software is the absolute best in my opinion follow closely by prime DX o prime which I am not showing in this video I'll do another video where I just show you how DX o prime works alright but my favorite really is topaz D noise and either using it in the studio - AI clear or the de noise AI do you always say I slightly better than a studio - but there either one of those you're going to be super happy with now one more time let's compare the original and I'll just run up the line and show you each one so here's the no noise reduction here's Lightroom okay here's no noise reduction here is studio - AI clear Auto alright here's no noise reduction here is D noise AI Auto AI clear model beautiful results again no noise reduction and now D noise AI manual D noise AI model and to me that one's the best so well this was my in-depth look at topaz denoising software whether it would be AI clear inside of topaz studio - or topaz standalone plug-in D noise AI both exceptional and I think after this video you'll understand that yes they are exceptional if you enjoyed this video today please give it a like and share it with your friends it really helps me in my channel to grow and also if you're not yet to subscribe to my channel please subscribe and click the bell notification icon and then every time I upload a new tutorial you'll be notified about it hey also please leave comments and questions in the comment section below and I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can I really appreciate each and every one of you thank you very much for joining me today in the joy of editing with dave kelly and i'll see you all next time but until then happy editing [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 10,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Topaz, Topaz Studio 2, Noise Reduction, Ai Clear, DeNoise Ai, Photography, Noise, ISO, Sharpening, Noise Removal, Photography Tutorial, Photo Editing
Id: l_rhEdRTgEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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