Quickly Create this Dry Lake Environment Terrain in Blender 2.8

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hey this is Kent with blender binge in this video we're gonna make this cool dry lakebed and it's gonna be dry and you're gonna like it and it's gonna be the first part of a video and the next part we're gonna go to compositing it and building it out and stuff but this video will be a self-contained video and showing you how to just get this in camera so let's go first thing we need to do is create our lake create a grid and I'm just gonna say sighs like five hundred meters pretty big good done we have our lake see that how it's quite clipping out so for newbies take note you get rid of that by just going over here take the end throw a few zeroes in there done it's just called a clipping plane okay view adds more zeros while we're here let's do it to the camera to camera so like camera go to the end here couple more of these zeroes I'm good great we're done now let's just you know let's open that again go to item and zero out our camera so the location here zero rotation and all this rotation zero and that's good and then for the rotation on the camera that you can't see him here let's turn them 90 degrees and then raise them up about 1.5 meters great there's our camera camera move them back and there we go it's zero and wonderful perfect okay so now let's just start getting our environment going first thing I want to do and hit n hide that and I'm gonna go over here to render change render engine two cycles okay this we're gonna be using cycles and a device I'll change GPU compute so it's a bit faster and let's get our environment so I'm gonna go to shading and I'm gonna go to rendered view and again hit zero to set the camera up here and now let's just call in a world so right now the world is gray okay here's our little gray thing have I changed out the world I get this now background here if I have node Wrangler installed I hit ctrl T and I did this if you don't have node Wrangler installed just go up here edit preferences and install it right wonderful now I'm gonna load in an image that I got off of HDRI Haven calm okay so I'm going to choose Quarry Oh - and there it is Quarry Oh - 4k and I get this big wall in front of me and that's probably not what I want to be seeing so I'll just rotate on the Z over here first change it to texture and then I'll rotate on the Z over here about 150 degrees there now I have like this side of the image and it's looking decent so I can use it so now let's go ahead and start making our lake so to do that I'm gonna go back here to object select the lake which I should call Lake I'm gonna hit new and what I'll do now is I'm just gonna hit the principal shader and I'm gonna pull him out and I'm just gonna concern myself with displacement now before I do this I have a video up here where I explain displacement a lot better so it'll be linked inside the the link area here you could always check it out it's decent and it'll go over a lot more than what we're gonna do is we're gonna breeze through this now so what we're gonna do here is I'm gonna go to feature set supported change this to experimental okay because we want this to be able to deform then I have to go to material all the way down go to settings and change displacement from bump only to displacement and bump you can do displacement only but I'm gonna do both okay fine and I'm gonna go to modifiers here for the lake add modifier subdivision surface and check adaptive now I can I'm set up and I can actually displace this geometry so the first thing I'll do is I'll add in a displacement so I'll just hit shift a I'll go to vector and say displacement plug that in purple - purple and then for displacement here I'm gonna hit ctrl T because I have no regular installed and I get to do that okay I'm gonna put this here and I'm gonna take these guys and pull these guys out change out the texture and now I can change this so I don't want an image texture we're gonna do this with procedural shading so I'm gonna hit shift s to swap because I have no Wrangler installed and I'm going to say texture Voronoi and now we see nothing because well there's it's too small so if I change scale here like 150 now we start seeing this pattern happen and it looks kind of like dunes so somebody asked me hey can I make dunes with this thing yet like you can use this and soften it up a bit and that would probably work I can think of a better way but that'll work so now let's go to our Voronoi here and we're just gonna pull them out we're gonna change a few things here alright so I get this out of the way I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna change closest to crackle and that's gonna give me a different pattern and then I'm gonna go add converter color ramp throw a color ramp in here take this back to about here and there we go now I have this nice dry lakebed a bit big but dry lakebed so if i change scale here to like eight 100 there we go so yeah it's like stepped and not very good-looking yet but we're gonna get there so this gives you a very basic dry lakebed look with not a lot of work so now we can do is I can go here and I can change the base color so what I'll do is I'm gonna throw in another one of these color ramps so I can just go here hit shift D pull this over and I can plug color into base color and now what I'll do with this is I'll select a color that's more like what we want so I'll go for like something a little bit darker like that and then I can control this and break it up just add a little more detail in here with a musgrave texture so I'm just gonna go add texture I'll say Musgrave I'll plug factor to factor and I will go change this to hybrid multifractal and while I'm at it - before I forget when we added this is not color to factor we want factor to factor okay kind of makes a difference so it's the correct data type now what I'll do here is I'm gonna play around with this and you start getting some breakup in here okay I don't I don't need too much of it but just enough that it starts giving me something a little more interesting than just that flat look so I want a few different shades in here and and that's probably pretty good so now I can do is just add a little more detail to this by throwing in a bump map so I'll just go here throw in a bump map okay normal the normal purple a purple and well I'm here to I can connect a few of these things so I'll go uv2 vector over here and then I'm gonna add in something over here so I'll add in a texture it'll be a noise texture okay I'll throw a factor to height take this UV throw them in the vector and then I can scale this up to like 1500 and that breaks this up a bit more now what we can also do here is right now the strength is pretty high it's a little shiny so I'll take the roughing this up and I can control the depth here by the scale so I'll take this to 0.08 maybe a little more 0.18 that's better it starts cracking and it doesn't look too crazy and it looks a little bit uneven and I kind of like that now with this little stair stepping thing here you can play around this dicing scale and you can lower it from one down and the lower it gets the tighter this will get and the more resolution you'll get but it comes with a price and that price is render time and it'll choke your computer so be careful with this one I'll leave it at one for now and we will go on from here so now I can add a little more detail to my noise if you push it up a little bit and see what we're getting okay so that's getting a decent break up okay I'm kind of liking that and while we're here I could probably just go and the size of these cracks are dictated now by this so the further away you move the white from the black the wider these gaps go so that's probably decent and I can probably go back to 0.08 mmm I'm not liking that 0.1 that's giving me some crack tighten that up a little bit and then we're getting somewhere all right so we can always return to this later so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go and add the mountains so for that I'll go to layout and I'm gonna go add mesh landscape now landscape what that does is it throws in this thing and it's called another noise tool ant ant landscape and it's not there under add you have to enable the add-ons edit preferences add-ons and type in a NT landscape another noise tool a and T landscape okay so it gives me this I don't really like that so I have all these presets here I'm gonna choose mountain one and then I'm going to say alright well if you look at this not much resolution so let's change that 128 over here I can change to 512 it'll think for a little bit and when it comes back there we go more resolution I like that so let's scale this thing up let's push them out to the edge of the horizon here look through our camera and there we go there's the Lonely Mountain it's not really what we want so I'll scale it up a bit more and I'll scale it down a little bit and I'll scale it out a little bit and there we go and then the same way I can add another mountain in here okay I could just go back here add mesh and then just go to landscape and here's how you get a different one okay it comes in with these five twelve settings that's good we want that and we just have to change random seed guy is already on the mountain thing because we already chose that so I just changed this from three to any other number or maybe like 15 it doesn't really matter and then I scale this one up there now I have a different mountain and I can do that one more time so now I can just take these guys here all right I can pull them back you can spread them out okay scale them up and then I can take this I can move them back like this will be behind here I don't know let's go 350 okay that's now nice and behind okay that's cool this guy same thing push him back alright help you in the background there we go and now we have mountains so if I look at this okay we're getting somewhere but they still look like salt so I'll go back here to shading and I'm gonna go ahead and give these guys a shader so I'll hit new okay it gives me another principal the SDF and what I'll do is I'm gonna grab like a brown color here let's see what that looks like turn up roughness and maybe make this turn this down a little bit maybe make it a little more red okay and that's looking pretty decent and I can rename this mountains okay go here mountains go here mountains and there we go and what I could do with this too is if it's not blending in here which these seem to be doing a pretty good job of you could go ahead and here's a cool trick I can add in color mix RGB okay take this color drag it down here and then this color I'll make like a really crazy green and put in color okay and now this gives me the color I want this gives me the color I don't want so we're gonna go ahead and we're going to control this green with the z-axis so to do that I'm just gonna go here hit ctrl T okay if you don't have known Wrangler installed turn it on I'm gonna change this to generated okay that's important for this turn this the texture and then here I'm just gonna hit shift actually not I don't even need that I'm gonna hit shift s and I'm going to change this to converter separate X Y Z plug the Z into the fact and there we go see seeing some brown up here so now all I have to do because I'm just working on the Z here okay height is just go to converter color ramp throw that in and now the closer I bring the white down you see that going away so you can use this to blend in this so all I have to do is just grab this hit this little eyedropper tool and find something you know on the horizon that's very close to the mountains and there you go so now it looks like it's more it's blending in more and you can play around with this okay bring it down more and just get an edge you can darken it a little if you want okay and just just play with it until you get something you like now also we can kind of blend out these mountains in the background instead of using fog which renders a lot longer but we're going to use that for compositing in the next video we can fake it by either changing this color to more blue or we can add in another one of these guys so I can just hit shift D pull this in okay I'm going to put this on the bottom I could take color one and I'll have to do here is select something near the sky and then it kind of blends into the sky a little bit it's it's a it's a trick but if you use it really really subtly you can kind of blend blend out your mountains a little bit and again like real true volumetric fog is gonna work a lot better for this but this is kind of cool and it'll work so now all that's left is let's go to world and we can play around with our lighting a little bit so the lighting here is pretty drab so I what I could do is I can cheat a little bit on this because we don't see the background and clouds are clouds I can stretch them down just a little bit hit like point four and now I start getting more contrast okay it also squishes the Sun so you don't want the Sun in here but a little more a little more contrast will do and from here okay you can just move the Sun around until you find something that you like all right some contrast that's kind of cool and lastly we can go back here the object and let's play around just a little bit more okay with our lake and I could take the scale out a little bit more and I really don't need that to be so dark so what you could do is you can hit - you can add and you get the exact same color here and then you can just take the value down on this a little bit start talking and go to bit just a little bit and there you go so you're getting something like a dry lakebed and it's working and then you could also go ahead and take the roughness if you want like if you want it like it just rained you could you know do something like this or you could just push it up and make it really really dry and crackly okay some of these like have a little bit baked in there's a little bit of a little bit of specular reflection hit in there so that's kind of cool and again you know you can play with the dicing scale here but I wouldn't go too crazy so let's render it now and we'll see what we get okay so here we are rendered and it's you know you can see it's about two minutes of frame at 7:20 nothing great we can optimize this obviously like these are really sharp here this really needs a lot more work here - you know we could multiply a noise over the other displacement and kind of push these out and stuff but I think once the cameras moving later on and we started doing some other stuff in here that I'm gonna address the next video this a lot of this might go away depending on how fast we move the camera so it's kind of like give or take and right versus render time versus a whole lot of other stuff so you can go around play with this do something similar and you know get a feel for how to create a dry lakebed that's you know somewhat passable and we're gonna go into compositing in the next video or next couple of videos and I'm gonna show you how to break this up and do some more stuff with it so hopefully you got something out of it and if you did great and I'll see you the next one thanks bye
Channel: Kev Binge
Views: 45,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fast blender tutorial, blender canyon, blender tutorial, blender 2.8 terrain, blender 2.8, cycles displacement 2.8, blender modeling, blender enviornment, blender easy, ian hubert, blender cycles, blender 3d, b3d, blender guru, intro to blender, cg geek, cg cookie
Id: zJGphR_LBoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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