3 RULES to Escaping LOW ELO! - Valorant Guide

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if i was to ask you one thing that low ranked players and high rank players do differently what would you say most players would immediately jump to aim believing that all radians can just one tap every enemy they face compare this to an iron player who can barely hit a leg shot well you're wrong all radiant players miss shots but you're not completely wrong yes better aim can get you higher up in rankings winning aim duels obviously gives you a major advantage in the game however chances are you don't have tens level aim where you can just take these duels and know you're going to win most players don't have that kind of skill and talent unfortunately even if we did though there is more to the puzzle that is valor and competitive if you've dropped 30 bombs and are still losing games this is probably why in this video we're going to go over one rule that if followed will really separate you from the rest of the low elo pack even if you don't have the best aiming mechanics this will give you a gigantic leap toward winning more games and therefore finally getting out of the low elo life before we get into it though remember if your match history looks like this guy then head on over to skillcap.com and we can help you fix that stick around at the end of the video to hear more the biggest mistake low elo players make is painfully obvious pushes depending on your rank the most common strategy you may be using on attack side is let's rush a or let's rush b now rushing sight on its own can be a good tactic depending on the enemy this may work and you can run it down every round to win round and if it does all the power to you get that easy elo however if the enemies use their noggin just a teeny bit these rushes at the start of rounds are no longer going to work the reason they don't work is the timing let's take the a site of haven for example if we were to run with our knife out down a long to get onto site it takes approximately nine seconds if we were to go down from a short with the exact same method it takes approximately eight seconds now running with your knife out the whole time isn't going to be realistic there's a chance you'll have to get into an early engagement so you must have your weapon out if we do this suddenly our timer climbs drastically with these two sample runs it now took me roughly 13 seconds to get onto the site and you may need to take some time to throw out abilities prior to your push too this will then drastically increase the time it takes for you and your team to get onto the site these times are also without consideration of how much time the defenders are able to stall from you for example abilities such as chambers trademark can slow players down for several seconds similarly brimstone's smokes and molotov can stop enemies in their tracks and force them to wait before they want to push again and there's also sage who has two slow orbs to slow players for seven seconds each totaling 14 seconds that along with their barrier orb which if fully fortified can take multiple more seconds to break down before enemies can try to push through it so i just threw out a bunch of timings and numbers at you and you may be thinking that these few extra seconds shouldn't be that big of a deal just wait it out and push onto the site after right well let's take a deeper look at the defender perspective of things this will make it more clear how important these seconds can be if you as the attacker make noise off the very start of the round the defenders will know right away where you're going with that information they can react immediately let's say someone is playing in a-link now let's look at the rotation from here it's about four to five seconds to get over to the a site how about if they're in ceiling if we look at the numbers here it takes a player about eight seconds to get onto the site looking at the other popular areas to rotate from garage window will take about 12 seconds to rotate to a and the back of c can take between 13 to 14 seconds with these numbers in mind if the defenders put any sort of effort in slowing down your attacking push they'll buy enough time for their teammates to rotate over to the site now when you finally are able to push onto the site you'll be met with several defenders three four maybe even five players could be present this will be a very hard sight to take the defenders could already be optimally positioned to counter your push you don't know where they're located while they know exactly where you're coming from now it should be a little more clear why fully booking it onto sites the start of rounds isn't going to be very effective you're giving away your plan off the bat and giving plenty of time for the defenders to react stall and rotate not to mention that with enough stalling power defenders could also push up and flank you now you don't even have an escape route and are pinched this is by far the worst case scenario valorem isn't so simple that you can just rush your way to radiant rounds can last up to a minute and 40 seconds and there's a reason for that you need to learn to play rounds out if you want to increase your chances of winning on the attack side most low elo players don't do this so if you do you'll be miles ahead of them and out of low elo jail there are three essential goals you want to achieve during a round before you commit to a site first you want to gather information on the enemy what does their setup look like how many players are on each site which agents are on each site with intel you'll have a better idea of what abilities and positions are coming your way based on that you can determine what the best place is to push second you want to burn through the enemy's utility assuming the enemy saved enough credits they'll start the round out with full abilities you want to try to bait those abilities out early on in the round you could do this by using abilities on your own to force a reaction for example if i throw up a viper wall onto sight the defender may respond by throwing a smoke or molly in anticipation that your team could be heading towards them or you can make noise and presence that will likely cause enemies to throw abilities in case you try to make an aggressive move this is the hey we're trying to rush you but not really tactic the best part about this is that you don't have to use any abilities of your own a few footsteps and shots could be all it takes to get the enemy to waste a smoke or sage wall if you do this properly the enemy won't have enough abilities to stall your push when it actually happens third you want to look for picks to create space and gaps in the enemy's defense if we're able to get into a favorable duel and win it that'll give a man advantage to your team along with that it can force the defenders to reposition so that they can cover lost ground this will likely split them up further thus making it easier for you to push a choke point or site when looking for picks though we recommend doing this with a teammate so that someone is around to trade plus having strength in numbers is never a bad thing if we accomplish even one of these three goals pushing onto sight later in the round is going to be way easier the more the merrier though with that said let's compare how a round looks like when it's rushed versus when it's played out in this round my team is slowly creeping up onto b main it was essentially given to us for free so getting this space uncontested is good we set up for a full-on hit i alt in we smoke the choke points out and even wall for the spike plan the problem that arises is we didn't achieve any of the three goals we just mentioned we don't have any information about the enemy's position we didn't burn any of the enemy's utility prior to this push and we didn't get any picks viper still has full abilities so we end up getting stalled on planting due to her poison cloud and snake bites that along with race's grenade leads us to losing a player early on during our push these abilities delayed us from planting the spike we eventually get it but it took 20 seconds for us to do so which is plenty of time for the defenders to all rotate or be in good positions to play retake that versus my team who is a man down and needs to still set up for the post plant due to the superior positioning the defenders were able to easily pick us off and retake the site they didn't even break a sweat now let's go on to another round where we played things out much better the round starts and we have our team split up two towards b one towards middle and two towards a the goal with this positioning is to prevent the enemy team from pushing while also scouting out the opposition an important point to note is the enemy chamber's ultimate is up so finding specifically where he is located is crucial to avoiding an operator unfortunately we find out the chamber's position with raw peaks and end up falling victim to tour de force because we're a man down it's even more important that we try to gather more information burn abilities or look for a pick of our own to even the round out i know chambers b so it's better to look through middle or a to get a rifle duel rather than taking on an operator i find the initial frag onto reyes through knowledge of where she played in previous rounds she was consistently on rafters so this was an easy pre-fire and kill now we have the a site weakened but we're not really in position to fully push out only two of us are close to a and we have our other teammates scouting out middle and b because of this i continue to look for additional picks with my sage i end up lucking out and catching breech whiffing on pipes i snagged the frag onto him and we have the man advantage four versus three now the situation has changed we have omen who can rotate to a relatively quickly and who can also listen to and cut off rotations from b we know chamber at the very least is still on b but there would be two players on site and with how fast we got our picks they aren't likely to be in good positions yet to take us on this ends up being the case and with the help of a sage wall we end up getting the spike down with minimal delay from the defenders our jet also rotates over to a quite quickly being late by only a few seconds after the spike has been planted now we have a three versus two spike defense while omen can fiddle with chamber to delay time the odds are in our favor the enemy knows that and their viper tries to use her ultimate to make for an easier retake our strength in numbers pays dividends though as the viper couldn't check every angle at once i get the timing right and flank her from behind while our omen ends up toying with chamber and eventually actually grabbing the frag off him the hecticness of viper's pit going down allows me to also surprise sage and get a pick on her as well now it's four versus one and we overwhelm the remaining raise that round was really based on our third goal of going for picks we ended up a little lucky though as we started a man down and i was able to win two individual duels to gain the advantage back so let's look at another round where it's not so focused on picks in this round we start off with a deceivingly quick a hit we charge off from pipes into a main and go for duels key point though we didn't go for individual duels we have three players peaking at the same time from pipes and remember when i told you i noticed rey's playing around rafters every round well that previous information gathering plus our triple swing from pipes nearly guaranteed that we'd win this duel yep another pick but there's more to it this time around this initial duel forces viper to use her wall and eventually breach uses a flash to try to peek for information along with that it's safe to assume enemies are gearing towards a afterwards knowing this it's likely that the b site is now relatively clear plus we have omen lurking up middle and taking control of that choke point so if the enemies do decide to rotate back to b omen will catch them off the defenders never spotted any of us during this portion of the round so they have no idea where we're going all this information puts us in a prime position to push the b site this is exactly how the round plays out there aren't any players on the b side and when one person tries to rotate over omen is there and picks him off now our man advantage has extended to two this is what a round looks like when you achieve greater than one of our essential goals we got a pick early in the round and forced rotations plus we burned enemy utility without sacrificing too much of our own this puts the enemy defense into shambles they have to spend significant time rotating plus they have less players and less abilities to play retake with without an insane play being done the round is nearly guaranteed at this point with the way we played it out that's all we have for today's video next time your five man rushes stop working consider playing the round out while focusing on three goals gathering information burning enemy utility and finding early picks if you achieve even one of these goals you'll significantly improve the odds of you and your team winning the round if you achieve more than one without losing players or using too many resources yourself you're nearly golden to wrap this up though it's important to note that hard pushes at the start of rounds do have their place sometimes the enemy team isn't good enough to handle it in which you'll want to abuse these rushes as much as possible or on the other hand a quick rush after a slow round can catch defenders off guard defenders may not expect the change of pace and as a result they aren't properly prepared for it for most rounds though you'll want to play things out and look to gain an advantage prior to committing to a site get the round in your favor so that your sight hints have a higher chance of succeeding that's all we got for our video today but remember that if you're really looking to improve at valerian i highly recommend checking out skillcap.com we get it you're just a player trying to get better at the game that's why you're watching this video in the first place you're capable of hitting that rank you deserve but there's no shame in asking for a little help at skillcap.com we spend hours going through viewer submitted replays to let you know all the mistakes that you're making we also couple this with our smurf commentaries to show players that it is possible to carry themselves out of whatever rank they're stuck in it might seem hopeless at times but trust me when i say we can help you out all you have to do is check out skillcap.com link in the description below that's gonna do it for us today though as always we here at skillcap want to thank you all for watching and we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: SkillCapped Valorant Tips Tricks and Guides
Views: 241,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valorant, Valorant Guide, Valorant Tips and Tricks, Valorant tips, Skillcapped valorant, Valorant Skillcapped, Skillcapped, Skill Capped, Gameleap Valorant, Pro Guides Valorant, Proguides, Proguides Valorant, Valorant Ascended, Dragonmar, Sero, Low Elo, Valorant Low Elo, Elo Hell, Climb, How to Climb, Rank Up, Rank, Habits
Id: aP2ScfRI5NI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2022
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