Top Tips and Tricks YOU DIDN'T KNOW for Space Engineers

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whether you've played 10 hours or 100 hours there's always something new to learn in space engineers over my time playing i've learned lots of things that have absolutely blown my mind and changed the way i play the game from the build planner to merging large and small grids together to quite simply never pressing a certain button on my keyboard there's so many things i've learned to improve the way i play so without further ado here's my collection of ultimate tips and tricks for space engineers let's be honest the inventory system in space engineers is very clunky i would say it's probably one of the biggest barriers to entry for new players getting into the game it also gives me great pain when i see people looking through cargo containers looking for each component needed to weld up a block when there's a much easier way of doing it there's a number of shortcuts you can use to easily get components you need to weld up blocks and there's also shortcuts to empty your inventory components when you're finished so the most important part of the inventory shortcuts that i'm about to talk about involves the bill planner if i press nine place down this battery and then with my welder i right click you'll see at the bottom it says components out of the build planner press g you can see over here i've got the build planner and all the components of the battery in it additionally if you middle click on any block you can add it to the build planner for example this light armor block or i can drag it over to add it to there and then i can right click to remove them if i go over to any inventory face and middle click it will pull out all the resources it can from the bill planner and then i can keep doing that until i've welded up this block now i've hit a slight issue i can't withdraw 20 power cells as i currently don't have them in my cargo system i could be boring and just cue up 20 power cells or if i press shift middle click it will automatically add them to the production queue and now that i'm done i can middle click to withdraw them and there you go our battery is complete if i were to add an all detectors to the queue i could then shift middle click and kill all the components required for the entire block but if you wanted to make sure you had the components for a block before you built it this would be the best way to do it you also don't have to use the build planner if i have this light armor block in my hand and i middle click each middle clip will pull out all the components for the block so there you go i withdrew 175 steel plates which is exactly enough for seven blocks however if i no longer need those steel plates i can press alt and middle clip to deposit all those components back into the cargo system now there are other shortcuts you can use to make the inventory system much easier to use but these are the best ones to get started with for years i played the game constantly replacing which items are on my toolbar i would waste so much time deliberating which tools or blocks i needed the least on my toolbar and then minutes later i'd realized i'd need them again to my horror i learned recently that you can have multiple toolbars nine of them in fact and each of them can have nine items on them now i organize my toolbars based on categories all of my tools on the first one armor blocks on the second and the motes on number 9 or 10. that is when i remember as my muscle memory for this isn't quite there yet and i'm still guilty of replacing things i do need so here i am lining up my rover and now i'm going to turn on the handbrake professing stop right there criminal scum okay don't press p i mean it don't press it don't start a bad habit just don't do it pressing p on pc is the button for switching the lock on your hand brake connectors and landing gear i will tell you what the button is on xbox but the wiki doesn't tell me so i have absolutely no idea whilst pressing p for parking is a nice shortcut getting into the habit of doing it can be really really bad because it switches the lock on your handbrake and all your connectors and all your landing gear at the same time that means if you have a ship or a rover with lots of connected ships every time you park in a park they all fall off so unless you want to rebuilding all your mining ships all the time or in a worst case the interior of your hangar don't press p i just realized i've recorded most of this video and i haven't actually shown you what to do instead of pressing p if you get into the cockpit of your ship and press g you can then find your cockpit in the list drag it onto your toolbar and one of the options you'll have is hiring brick on and off instead of pressing p you can now press one to turn your power brake on and off the same can be done for doing switch lock on connectors and switch lock for landing gears obviously you can choose from the list of other settings here for example if you just want to have a dedicated lock and unlock button you could do that for connectors and landing gear but for the handbrake for the wheels you've only got to toggle long enough whilst we're on the topic of rope it's just a quick tip if you hold x on pc or left bumper and x on xbox it lowers the suspension to the lowest it can be and then when you release you do a comically large jump this is very useful for getting your rover on stock avoiding obstacles or freaking out all your passengers as you jump off the edge of a cliff [Music] are you enjoying the video so far there's more tips to come but in the meantime give this video a like if you're enjoying it and subscribe for more space engineers content also if you're interested while hosting a space engineers multiplayer server on my discord over the summer you can find the link to my discord in the description for more info i'm not a big fan of the two grid system in space engineers i get why it's there in principle but i'd really like to detail my large ships with small blocks now whilst it's not perfect there is a really easy way to merge small grid and large grids together large and small rotors can be merged with small and large rotor heads to bridge the gap between grid types you can also merge large grid hinges with small grid ones and whilst it looks like it won't work i promise you it does the way you do this for both the rotors and the hinge is by placing the base of them and then removing the head then place a separate rotor or hinge head and then use a ship or something to move it into place once aligned go to the menu for your rotor or hinge and press attach congratulations you've now merged a small and large grip together there is also an easier way to do this exclusively for large grid rotors once you've removed the head you simply need to go to its terminal and click add small head i've mainly seen this used for building custom turrets on large grips but in theory this could be used for anything you can imagine ah hand tools every time i use them i think man i really should build a ship that does this and then i go back to using them when using hand tools there's a couple of things you can do to make your life easier for starters if you double left click or right trigger on xbox with a grinder welder or drill in hand it will toggle the tool on no need to keep holding the button you can just point in a direction the tool will do its job please give those poor finger muscles to rest when you're done just click again and it's set back to normal additionally with both hand drills and ship drills if you hold right click or double right click the toggle as i just explained your drills will mine in a wider area than usual but with the downside of not gathering any resources like stone or this can be very useful for clearing terrain for bases or tunnels or if you don't want to pick up any stone while you're mining underground for all this one is only really an issue when you're playing multiplayer but considering it happens every single goddamn time i play multiplayer it's probably a good thing that i bring it up when you have a base and you dock your ships to that base power is shared between the base and your ship this means if you have any kind of power generation on your ships be it batteries reactor or engines that power is also at your base disposal this means the batteries on your ship might not actually be charging and instead they could be powering the 200 lights on your base or worse they could be charging other batteries on the base or other ships this could mean that your ship could end up with less charge than when you docked it however this isn't even the worst offender you see the hydrogen engine exists and it is the bane of my existence never have i hated a virtual inanimate object more you see when you're docked the hydrogen engine will continue to generate energy to power your base thus wasting all of your hydrogen needlessly the number of times i've seen this happen in multiplayer surface pains me logging on for the day to find out that we have no hydrogen left in our base and all of our hydrogen ships don't work for the fourth day in a row please please please please when your ships are docked to the base turn off the power generators and set your batteries to recharge you will save yourself so much time and resources and more importantly it will stop the slow erosion of my remaining sanity whilst on the subject of connecting to your base do you ever find it really difficult to connect and disconnect from your connectors that when you're trying to leave the base the connector magnetizes you back or that when you're trying to connect you're sucked towards the base so violently that you break your connector and proceed to sit there and cry for five minutes just me you can super easily fix this by configuring the strength of your connectors either by reducing it or removing it entirely now connecting is a breeze or at least slightly less of a hassle than before groups you need to use them but not only that you need to name them properly i'd hope that i don't have to show you how to root blocks but if you don't know just select the blocks on the left and then you can name them over here but stop what are you doing can't just call a group batteries what kind of sacrilege is this when you dock your ships to a station or a ship the groups for the ship become available on both grids the reason this is important is if you have two groups of the same name they get merged together for example the last time we played multiplayer we had one person whose ship had the group the same name as the group on the base and what would happen was when he disconnected from the base he would toggle on all his batteries and toggle off all the batteries on the base leaving us without power and more importantly killing everyone in the cryo pods fixing this is as simple as adding the name of your ship to the beginning of all your groups and now all of those problems can be avoided whilst we're on the topic of groups did you know that you can hide blocks in the terminal allowing you to declutter the list of blocks on your grid tell me honestly do you really need all of those thrusters in that list or each individual battery when you could set them all to recharge from a group hiding them from your terminal means that only the blocks and groups you need to interact with are there in the list and also it really confuses your friends when they try and use your ships did you know any of these tips and tricks maybe you knew all of them let me know with a comment and if you have any hot space in this tips you'd like to share with the community let me know below [Music]
Channel: Zer0's Legion
Views: 120,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: space engineers, engineers, space engineers warfare 2, space engineers tutorial, space engineers guide, space engineers survival, space engineers beginner, space engineers first day, space engineers ep 1, space engineers new player, space engineers tips, space, Space Engineers Tutorials, space engineers warfare, warfare 2, space engineers battle, space engineers update, space engineers update 2022, Space Engineers Most Wanted, Most Wanted, Update, space engineers tricks, tricks
Id: ACsonkgsJ_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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