Top Ten Most Haunted Places in Ohio

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hello everybody and welcome to another episode of creeps creatures and haunts oh hi in today's episode we thought it would be fun to talk about in our opinion what are 10 of the most haunted places in ohio yeah the list we're going to be reading is kind of not in order but there are going to be some places that are more and again our opinion more potentially haunted than others most of the places on this list are places we've been i think pretty much all of them we've been at some point at least one of us has been to at least one of us yeah there's a couple where i haven't been but um kim has now we would like to potentially do more in the future um but those ones would probably be ones we haven't been to yeah yeah so i don't really want to ramble on anymore with the pre stuff i guess we'll just kind of start talking about our list here and i'll let him kind of uh kick it off the first one we're going to start off with is the ridges which is in athens ohio um this is a old insane asylum it's right smack dab in the middle of ohio university which is right there um a big huge campus we actually did an episode of it um and uh supposedly the whole like location is fairly haunted there's quite a few different buildings um the most famous though is actually a art like an art museum and some offices um it's the main building and um what it's most notoriously known for is there is a permanent stain on the floor upstairs where a um a patient i'll try and insert a picture of this she got out of her room and she disappeared they couldn't find her for quite a few days eventually they got to this building and they went to this room and they found her naked curled in a fetal position on the floor her clothes were neatly folded in the corner and she was dead and they you know they got rid of the body and everything and they tried to clean up because you know bodies kind of leave things when they die they can't secrete some stones well it left a stain on the cement or you know on the floor they tried their best to get rid of it with everything they could think of it just kept coming back and it is like it it looks like a person in a fetal position staying so she supposedly haunts the place there's also um numerous other inmates and patients that were there that have been seen roaming the halls um you hear disembodied voices people walking through the cemetery which isn't too far away from the um ridge's main building it's actually really creepy if you watch the episode that we did we did go exploring there that cemetery is yeah it's something yeah it's real creepy and it's kind of a it's not well kept yeah no and there's like a part because at first i thought it was a little bit smaller and again yeah it's in the video but there's kind of like a little bridge you go over that takes you to another section it's kind of in the woods that's by this gross swamp yeah it was kind of something else and it's like all i'm like this kind of steep hill so it's kind of hard to walk around there a little bit i i do wish that we would have got to go inside the ridges like the building yeah because there is an art museum yeah it was disappointing because we had literally gotten there and like a few minutes after they had closed they actually were open right well i had looked it up and google had said it wasn't open i think it was sunday that we went and it was open yeah so so that really sucked someday we'll get back out there yeah moving on to number nine here we have one that i have not personally been to but kim has and she's had an experience here that she's talked about before but we would talk about that again and that is franklin castle yeah so this place has a lot of different rumors circulating about who actually haunts this place i have watched numerous shows i have done numerous research on it and there's so many different stories you never really know which one is real um the latest show that i actually watched if you're familiar with any of the ghost hunting shows was actually a really good one it was the holster files and um dave schrader and his psychic medium cindy and shane their tech guy they actually uncovered the fact that a lot of the rumors and spirits that were said to haunt this place may have been made up in the 70s by the family that lived there just to kind of monopoly you know kind of make money kind of thing because they would have tours and stuff like that and they would be like oh yeah mr tedemann killed his daughter here and hung a servant here and there's baby bones in the wall and all this other ridiculous jesus yeah i don't know much i don't really i know this place is honda but since i've never been yeah well yeah um the only person that actually died in the actual franklin castle building as it stands right now was hans tiedemann's wife she actually did pass away there his daughter who is also rumored to have to be um haunting this place she was actually she actually passed away in the building that used to be on the property okay well i mean if you're a lot of people believe that the land itself yeah well okay so this is weird so the building that used to be on the property um the new house like like here's the new here's the new franklin castle okay the new the old property kind of overlaps it just like a little bit like that so this is like the old building this is the new building and so they think that that's why they kind of see sometimes hear the daughter is because she's kind of like overlapping into this building but she's only in certain spots where the old building used to be interesting yeah and um it just was really really an interesting episode i highly recommend it if you have discovery plus you can go find it on there fortunately we don't have an episode for this place it's kind of hard to actually get in and investigate yeah unfortunately the guy who owns it is trying to restore it and stuff like that and he's making it into apartments and things like that so didn't you have something that happened to you while you were there i don't want to linger on this one much longer but yes um i went there quite a few years ago they used to have a um well they still do a haunted cleveland bus tour and one of the stops was franklin castle and it was our like lunch break kind of thing like in the middle of the tour um while we were heading upstairs to go get our food there was a stairwell and next to the stairwell was some cookies and some other desserts well i grabbed a cookie well apparently somebody didn't like the fact that i took a cookie before i was going to go eat dinner and they threw a picture at me yeah the picture actually quite literally came off the wall it didn't fall off of the nail or and drop like that it came off the wall and dropped face up at my feet and shattered and i thought that was really yeah it's definitely strange yeah but i really hope that eventually they allow ghost hunting again or something because i would love to get in the place so i've never had the opportunity to so number eight this one i think we're going to cheat a little bit on so we do have an episode on this number eight is the infamous held town so this is in boston township and there's kind of a debate for everywhere that hell town specifically is but pretty much everyone agrees that the cemetery in boston township and the road that kind of dead ends and now it dead ends a lot for a lot closer to when it used to you'd be able to drive back there a lot more watch the if you watch the video you'll see quite a bit of different footage when we went there that we did not do a ghost hunt per se at hell town i am thinking about and leave a comment if you're watching the video form if you'd like to see this of actually going to hellhound itself and doing an investigation we did do a small investigation at um what's it called the cemetery mater del rosa because there's a lot of people that consider that part of healthtown it's not boston township that one i don't think technically is it's close to peninsula it's a gretra from the peninsula yeah um so people say that that's not healthtown but other people say that it is and the church that's actually in peninsula is part of the healthtown legend that has all these upside down crosses they're not really upside-down crosses but it's part of the architecture and that cemetery is actually that church's cemetery yeah um the church is called our mother of sorrows yeah and the cemetery mayor del rosa means our mother of sorry mother sorry and so someone's like oh you're just click baiting with the title this video because we called it like the cemetery name then helton ohio but there's so many places in the vicinity of cuyahoga falls now healthtown by the way is basically the legend there is that satanists and what was the legend like that the whole town was of act which that part's true but yeah the whole town was evacuated basically um the government wanted to build more national parks they evacuate they made everybody move out they um claimed eminent domain made everybody move out and then at the last minute after they had gotten all these people out they just kind of were like ah forget it we're not gonna make a park and left all these abandoned buildings everywhere and people were like what happened to all these people all these houses are abandoned what happened i don't even know where the abandoned houses are they've never seen the abandoned houses so i'm not even sure they're park houses now like they've they tore down a lot of them and now like all those yellow houses you see exactly driving through that those are the the abandoned houses yeah they just kind of remodeled them and they made them part of like the parks offices and stuff like that um but yeah and then there's supposedly um mutants oh yeah supposedly mutants there's a giant snake which that has a little bit of truth to the giant snake so we'll watch our healthtown video to find more about that because it's a whole long thing and i don't want to dwell on one category but there's places like everett road covered bridge that are close to you know that is in cuyahoga valley national park which course is where hell town is in boston township because the national park is quite large yeah the next one is moonville tunnel this is very close to athens ohio as well yep this is the reason that we were in athens honestly i it was a bucket list it was a bucket list place of mine yeah so we decided to go because it's about three hours from where we live close to and i don't know man this place was eerie it was definitely one of the most eerie experiences and i think we got kind of lucky um i feel like it was a little bit dangerous what we did so i don't know if i'd recommend people do it because we went there um [Music] you know we went there during the day and yeah the woods and the the road to get there is super sketchy you have to be super careful going there but we do want to return and i'll get to why in a minute which kind of makes me sad but um so we went there in the day we did a little bit of filming there went back to the hotel room and ate or whatever and then we went back at night and it was pouring down rain when we got there and there's a bunch of other people there i think there was actually someone like maybe trying to give a ghost tour i'm not sure because there's like a group like a big there was a large group and it was pouring down and they all left and we just kind of sat in the car for like man 10-15 minutes and the rain mostly stops we're like ah screw we drove all the way we're doing this you know we drove through the woods in the middle of the night in the rain so we go to the place and we have all of this on video by the way and the whole thing was just filled with um fog all night it was so scary like so at one point we couldn't see each other like like i would be at one end of the tunnel a couple feet away he would be just a couple feet away from me and i couldn't see him it wasn't for the flashlight oh yeah it was it was insane i would walk it by myself and just listen and we did we didn't get much that night like not really any vps but we did have some stuff that sounded like footsteps i think and like some things being thrown thrown at us we got that but just the vibe there was just super eerie and yeah if you we used the laser grid there and we had a couple of different lights and fun things we were playing with so if you're interested in that just for the vibe i would watch the video for sure yeah the thing we want to go back for is we tried and we didn't film this but we knew there was a cemetery close by and we vaguely found instructions online so we found this pull-off which is what we thought was right but it was so sketchy and the road got so bad that we ended up turning around and then i did find out later like we were like not even a minute away from yeah we were feeding away from the way turned around yeah um i think that's something i would do in the day and maybe we would park on the road or something because it was kind of a sketchy drive there so we uh we plan on going back and actually going to the cemetery so stay tuned for that as well all right so the next place is prospect place this is in trenway ohio and um it actually was a stop on the underground railroad um so one of the haunt major hauntings there is supposedly runaway slaves um and then um because the person that used to own it uh george adams the original owner he was an abolitionist and he would hide slaves down in his basement and their big um reported haunting is the bounty hunter that came looking for slaves who um the story is that he came knocking on the door and he's like you know i know you have slaves in this house and george is like i don't know what you're talking about and he's like well i'll be watching you well apparently the people that worked for george adams didn't like that very much they hunted down the bounty hunter who was actually hiding in their barn which is weird like why would you hide on the same property or whatever they found him dragged him to the barn rafters and hung him basically just vigilante justice kind of thing so he supposedly haunts the barn and the slaves are in the basement and then george adams and his wife and i believe his daughter haunted like the house the upstairs house um we went there quite a few years ago no video for this one we have been there but yeah we do plan on cause it's reopened now and it's actually not too expensive so and it's not that far from us so we do that's definitely on the list this year of things to get to so keep an eye out for that but many ghost shows have been there so if you are interested in having heard of the place you can definitely go check out i know ghost hunters has been there for sure yes i think ghost adventures cause i believe in those adventures i think it was excellent like you're like a demon in the barn or something like that yeah well no up in the attic oh yeah the attic of that place was creepy oh yeah there was supposed to be satan worshippers up in the attic yeah of course certainly yeah you can't watch an episode of ghost adventures without a demon being mentioned or without someone getting possessed yeah some way silly show but um good for entertainment i suppose hello sorry to interrupt the video here for a minute but just wanted to remind everyone that we do now have a merchandise store we have things like stickers bags mugs and of course t-shirts and hoodies has our skull ball logo on it if you're familiar with your videos that's what's always behind us so please don't forget to check that out we try and keep the prices as reasonable as we can and also of course if you're enjoying this video so far make sure to like subscribe maybe share it with a friend helps us out a lot thank you very much and now back to the video moving on to number five this one i feel is very near and dear to my heart uh is beaver creek state park of course the most famous thing there would be gretchen's lock yes we do have episodes on this they were kind of segmented episodes and i think we're definitely going to go back and kind of just focus on specific points instead of like doing multiple places in one episode i think that would be better but when i was younger this was such a thing i did i went to gretchen's lock in the area of beaver creek state park so many times when i was a teenager and i know kim's been there a bit she's always lived further away from there by i know you'd been there previous to us meeting but what uh so many creepy areas bowman cemetery is one of the creepiest places i've ever been to it changes every single time you go there because people are just so disrespectful and just do awful things to this poor cemetery yeah and it just yeah it's i feel bad for it but it is very eerie there very um just it's just weird because it's just smack dab in the middle of nowhere like you take a regular road to a gravel road to like a dirt road to like no road and then there's a cemetery there it's like ridiculous yeah it's it's it's creepy and then gretchen's locked two that place is super creepy and this is part of a trail um that's there and then there's what's at gaston's mill gaston's mill yeah there's that there's esther hale mr hale's another big one just one of those um jilted bride stories yeah which we're not sure if there's truth to or not yeah cause there's there's so many different things saying about like how she was actually a quaker preacher or she was um you know just it's just so many different stories it's ridiculous yeah um there used to be a um house that was in the middle of beaver creek state park they have like this village oh yeah yeah yeah got about like the house that was uh and there used to be a house in the back that was known as grandma's house and this old lady that were that lived there was known as grandma and like everybody knew her and she lived in the middle of this park and stuff like that well she supposedly lived in this house and when the house was still there after she passed away she supposedly haunted this house as well um i actually had a really cool experience with that where somebody this was back in the day of the flip phones and when they just started taking pictures and stuff like that somebody was taking pictures with their little flip phone and took a picture of their mom and standing behind them in this picture was grandma yeah and it was it was really really cool i wish i could find that person that took that picture and see if they still have it because it was a really cool picture all right so the next place number four is molly stark yes um so this place is actually um it used to be an old tuberculosis hospital and then it was an um insane asylum and a treatment center um and now it's a park yeah now it's literally a park where you're gonna have picnics now originally when they first made it to park molly's the actual building was not fenced off at all yeah you could walk right up now you weren't allowed to go in um but you could walk right up and look at the windows and like right up to the building you could walk on like the stairs and stuff there is a giant fence unfortunately surrounding it now and so many people did break into it like we actually went there one time and one of the doors someone had just broke in the doors it's hanging wide open yeah we ended up i think we actually called the cops or the park rangers or whatever and let them know be like hey this place is because we didn't want somebody to come and think that we did it yeah so we're like hey this is a thing that we just saw so you might want to come and lock this place back up right yeah cause like we we actually saw like papers kind of coming out of the door because yeah whatever room they broke into was like almost like a file room and stuff and like these were like patient papers and stuff it was it was really creepy and really like scary like that these papers were just kind of left in this building like everything it seems everything yeah so we may or may not have peeked inside for a minute um now we don't have any videos of actually being inside the place i will say there are people who have know what is illegal to do so but there are videos you can find online there's a plethora of them of people that have broke into the place and looked around so if you're real curious they're online but we just don't do that kind of stuff because knowing our luck would get caught and i i don't want to give like youtube any reason to take the channel or anything like that away so we we don't do anything like that but the place we actually did a little ghost walk there yeah we actually had a couple experiences if you remember about the cookie no i don't okay so i'll tell the story so there's different buildings that are there there's the main building which was like the main hospital and then there's this little building and the little building there's a lot of speculation of what it used to be some say it's it was a children's hospital some say it was where the nurses lived um there's even rumors of there being tunnels that connected the two buildings we don't know if it's all true or not um there's just a bunch of stuff written all over the place for it and a lot of different people say different things um anyway so we went over to that little building and one of the windows was open so we were like okay well let's just take a recorder and put it in the window and try to do an evp session so we were asking just your normal typical you know can you tell me your name things like that well um one of the people that were with us made little cookies that were ghosts and i asked do you want a cookie and when we listened back to the evp we actually got a response that says yes so we came after we had heard it because we we went back to the tables and we were like oh let's listen to this and we listened to it and sure enough it said yes and we're like well we got it it was really clear yes clear super clear so we took a cookie and we put it on the windowsill so that moves us to number three which is also something that's very near to me and kim is the house of wills so this place now they do still i believe do ghost hunts yes i highly recommend if you get the chance because this place is terrifying um it is a giant funeral home giant but the guy who owned it was also very exuberant and just kind of a party animal but he also believed in good things like equal rights and stuff like that so he had like a whole party room called dreamworld and the whole thought of this was that you know all races and stuff like that could kind of mix together and come party because back you know when this place was in its heyday when it was a funeral home and all of that that wasn't something that something was frowned upon you know because this was actually the first um black owned funeral home that opened in cleveland ohio so it was a big deal so that's why he kind of wanted to make it like a funeral home community center kind of thing so that's why he built all these other build like rooms in there and stuff like that and tried to get people together and stuff like that now we don't actually unfortunately have a ghost onto this place film now we have ghost hunted there before yes but we've also filmed a movie called lingard that is on the channel could have turned out better but it's a little fun movie if you like things that are ultra stylized with cool music i would check it out or it was kind of our take on like a shallow type of film was kind of like what inspired the aesthetics of it yeah so if you're kind of interested in that you can go check that out i would like to go stunt there but there's just a lot of things i don't want to get into but there's a lot of things that kind of happen not necessarily ghost things we could talk about that's because some things did happen at least you and like tina claimed the person that was one of the people they weren't go signing but one of the people that was helping with the film but there's just some like other things that happened there that just were just like it was mainly a lot of it was our fault we put way too much on ourselves for two nights and the thought of that place it's kind of like if you have something to eat and you get sick afterwards thinking about eating that thing again even though you know it wasn't its fault yeah just kind of makes you want to die same thing going back to the house of wills i think would kind of like literally give me a little bit of ptsd because like it was such a rough filming experience for a product that didn't turn out how i wanted it to that i think being in there and the guy who owns it he's actually a pretty cool guy but he is a satanist he does practice satanism and if you don't know what it is know that they don't actually worship the devil you know you can look up what actual satanism is but he does like to do art that can be very polarizing like really grotesque yeah like mutilated religious art which is as most as i really because i don't really want to describe some of this stuff because i don't want to get demonetized but it's intense and sometimes that stuff is there while you go sending in man i'll tell you what you turn around the corner and see some of this crazy stuff and you're like whoa what's that um it definitely has the aesthetic but this place is ultra freaky one of the scariest buildings i've ever been in and i've been in it more than i probably ever should have been uh yeah um so that brings us to our number two which is madison seminary in madison ohio um this place has been on all the shows including us because we have an episode on it it's one of our first episodes of haunted adventures actually yes so actually and we did catch some really cool stuff there so check out the episode um this place is it was um a hospital it was um just a bunch of there's a lot of things through the years a lot of not pleasant things yeah yeah um which we do there's like a whole tour we actually filmed the tour guide she's like yeah it's okay if you film us she wasn't that happy about it but i guess yeah but um so if you really are interested in a lot of the things that happen that's also a lot in the video but um but uh this place is really cool like it's very very active very like um the guy who owns it is like trying to restore it almost to like the way that it used to look like he's doing a really good job he's actually gotten like furniture and decor and all this other stuff something tells me though there wasn't thousands of disgusting creepy dolls oh yeah in the original building yeah he has a lot of these like dogs yeah they're everywhere um some of them may or may not be haunted um most famous look haunted yeah well the most famous one is maddie she's one of those like my size dolls where they're like this tall you know um she supposedly is haunted she they have actually had her move into different rooms and stuff like that when they've propped her up in some place and come back and she's you know over in the next room over or something like that um i've actually never actually seen her move yet hopefully we'll get back there sometime and uh maybe see if she will yeah i would like to definitely go back also because like this is one of those places where it's mainly now owned and operated to be a place for people to go stunt yes so you basically can just go on their facebook and message them and like you there's like a calendar you can look at and then you see a date that's open and like they have their prices and the prices are extremely reasonable because he also owns fairfield county infirmary which we will actually be going to so if you'll be watching this this will be released on friday the something and the following sunday is when we will be going there so expect and that will be our first haunted adventures episode of 2022 and that brings us to our number one on our list which is ohio state reformatory right i feel like if you're familiar with a haunted ohio places this is not surprising yes this place yeah is extremely creepy i mean it's a giant castle looking prison yeah i mean it's just foreboding just walking like just driving up the driveway you're like oh i'm in a castle like yeah it's oh yeah freaky the first time you ever go there like just yeah driving up to it's just like the it's so grand it's such yeah it's i mean that's the reason why they they built it this way because it was one of those intimidating yeah it was supposed to be intimidating to the prisoners or the um reform students as they called them back then that it was supposed to like you know reform them into becoming good citizens and stuff and um of course it like kind of morphed into something different after that because originally it was the quakers and everybody had a single room and they weren't supposed to talk to each other and all this ridiculous stuff but eventually you know things happen and overcrowding happens and you know it gets turned into like a regular old prison where there's like you know you have bunkmates and stuff like that and riots and stabbings and whatnots like people being put like the way they have it it's like this tiered system so like they go up really high and there's even i know someone ended up getting pushed off one of them before they had everything like encaged and basically they were able there wasn't much left room so they were to hose him into the drains yeah people just being burnt how there's so much horrific stuff that happened in this place solitary confinement walking through there is petrifying and again we do have a video of this this was um one of our haunted adventures one of our more pop waffler one of our more popular haunted adventure episodes you can go watch and i really liked that episode i went back and i because you know i don't re-watch the stuff we make but i did go back and watch parts of it and i'm like oh because we try and do that a little more vlog style as well and we try and do without all the drama we just kind of be like oh hey we caught this thing this is what we think it might say what do you think you know we're not really stating for sure things are things and we're trying not to be crazy about it it was a public hunt that we did because private investigations are pretty pricey for this place but you can they do quite a few public investigations so can you keep an eye out on their website in that because you can do that for like 50 a person i think it usually is around there yeah i think it's about that price and like you know they say they take up to like a hundred people for these public investigations but like a lot of times not that many people show up and this building is huge this building is huge and a lot of times these people end up leaving by like oh yeah good night so just like state whatever the time is that they allow you and i mean even if there's going to be noise pollution stuff like that just being in this building just experiencing the ambiance of it if you're into that kind of thing yet something that is not matched by any other place that we've been to yet i mean there's been numerous movies filmed here music videos filmed here oh yeah i mean it is a creepy building it's a great yeah great atmosphere it's really easy to get lost in there's oh my gosh they also have a great haunted house it's usually one of our number one it's usually in the top five each year of haunted houses we go to because if you're new to the channel if you found this video by like googling you know haunted places in ohio we like to review halloween time haunted houses that's one of the more popular things we do so make sure you check out those videos too if you're interested in like how the haunt is it they call it blood prison now make sure to watch those videos as well but you ohio state reformatory probably definitely the one of the most haunted buildings one of my favorite places to go into ghost hunt and pretty much any time i tell someone like kind of like this that i do the podcast and that we do paranormal stuff usually one of their first questions is have you been to ohio state reformatory man's a lot of people just call it mansfield mansfield is the town that it is in i call it mansfield sometimes people know what you mean yeah people know what you mean like when you you can't mention the town of mansfield without people just like when i hear the word mansfield i think of ohio state reformatory yep so yeah if you haven't been there highly recommend checking that out but that does it for our list at least this time did you like this type of content would you like to see us talk about other states we haven't been to too many places in other states but a few not enough to make a countdown of our own but we could kind of compile information do research and kind of like put together lists for other states as well so if you like these kind of countdowns people tend to i know i like countdowns that's why we kind of did this let us know because we're again trying to make content that more people would like to kind of reach out further we didn't mention the beginning of the video but it helps us out a lot we have a patreon if you want to join that there's multiple different tiers and there's like different goodies and stuff you get the other day it's really just there to help support us you can also become a member of the youtube channel it's 4.99 a month and you get like things like stickers and stuff like that with like virtual stickers and emotes and that again is just to help support us really but just little perks here and there but again please make sure you like the video subscribe to the channel and kim's favorite thing make sure you ring the notification bell so you don't miss any future upcoming content and again if you're just listening to the podcast make sure that you subscribe on your podcast listening platform of choice so you don't miss any episodes the same thank you very much for watching our listening and we'll see you guys in the next episode bye [Music] you
Channel: Spirit Light Productions
Views: 6,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: haunted, ohio, top ten, most, scary, Supernatural
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 19sec (1999 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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