Most Haunted Places in Ohio Top 5 (Part 2)

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hello everybody and welcome to another episode of creeps creatures and haunts in today's episode we're going to be talking about five more spooky places in the state of ohio now if you missed the first video we did do a top 10 video but basically every comment on the video was what about this place yeah so we decided to do two top five videos um so there will be so this will be like part two to the first one which was ten and it'll be a part three which is the other five so that way we can just talk about them a little bit more now if you are watching this in video form there will also be a podcast which will have like an extended yeah so it'll be extended things like this for the video form will be cut up a little bit more so if you're interested in the podcast it's on all major podcasting platforms again it's called creeps creatures and hunts oh my you probably don't have to type out the all my part um yeah but all right so this is actually um a still working bed and breakfast it's called boxton inn and um actually they kind of promote the um spookiness of the place because one of the most notorious spirits at this bed and breakfast is a cat's cat yep ghost cat ghost cat and it's actually on their sign if you look at their sign it actually has a little cat on the sign and everything like that which i think that's kind of fun yeah i didn't see that um but uh yeah it's it actually was part of the underground railroad so you got all that fun stuff going on there um and then of course the ghost cat um and uh someday i would like to go there because it's not too far from where i live [Music] it's not it's not it's closest to cleveland this place yeah it's in granville okay which isn't that it's fairly close oh yes it says it's like columbus-ish yeah so one of these days will hopefully get there um the former owner like the person who built it he's supposed to also um haunt the location um but it's mostly the cat and anybody that stayed there during the underground railroad and things like that because people say what like they like feel like the cat like laying down beside them yeah like rubbing you know how you get like the cats rubbing on your legs things like that they hear cat sounds all that fun stuff meows helps me out says one of the ends former owners ethel bonnie houston became known as the lady in blue after apparition was spotted in a light blue dress a few times um venezuela says the ghost is known to evoke the scent of gardenias dead dead people tend to like to make the scent of flowers a lot i feel like flowers and tobacco of some sort yeah i've never stayed at a um like a haunted bed and breakfast and i know there's another place that i think we're gonna talk about that'll be in part two um that's like a haunted um bed and breakfast but which is really close to us i would like to i would like to stay in one sometime i think it'd be fun to like just have like an overnight like because like yes a lot of the places we go you are allowed to stay there overnight but i don't want to sleep on some scary looking mattress like that's scarier than what the ghost might be but if i was staying in a place that's actually like a nice hotel and like your room just might be haunted like that's different yeah like i know a lot of these b and b's are set up so it's like basically like you're in your own bedroom you know like it's supposed to set up like that not really more like a hotel but more like you know welcome home this is your your room you know this is how you how it was made that way or whatever but i imagine also with like all the airbnbs that are out there now like some of these airbnbs are probably haunted probably just like stay in an airbnb and like get haunted probably yeah i mean some of them really nice but some of them are just people it's like old-ass homes yeah that's interesting if there's anybody ever that's listening ever stayed at an airbnb that's been haunted and like you didn't know it you're like i'm just going to go stay at this place creepy things yeah i have never airbnb because it's just the thought of it freaks me out like some of it are just houses that are an apartment that you get to yourself but the ones like where there's like people that own the house and you're just renting out a room of their home i don't think yeah the thought of it's so weird to me i don't even like doing that with family like going to a family member's house and staying in the guest room it's like weird to me i don't like it i like being in my own thing or like my own space so the fact that i know that i'm just i'm just a stranger in someone's home just sleeping one of their rooms is so off-putting to me but i know a lot of people really that's the only thing they do now they don't even do hotels anymore they just do that which i i think is weird i just i've read too many horror stories about people going to airbnbs and they're being like hidden cameras and like the guy like snuck in in the middle of the night movie about things like that like last month it was weird i forget what it was called but yeah thank you yeah it just kind of freaks me out like i don't wanna it's freaky but uh yeah so that that's that uh on to the next spooky place all right number four i don't think we're ranking these in any order are we no we'll save a dark one for last though oh there's a couple there's a couple dark ones let's save a dark one for last like one yeah super spooky yeah the super spooky one is the last one okay um the next one is fairport harbor lighthouse speaking of ghost cats and a ghost cat it's the theme of the episode it's the theme of the episode not really there's well i think that's the only two um no the other one has um dogs no wow either way yeah whatever um yeah so fairport harbor lighthouse uh is supposed to be haunted of course by like you know light keepers that have been there um of course a cat that likes to jump on the bed and run around and you know rub on your legs like i own you now you know whatever um yeah doing cat stuff um they did actually find a mummified remains of a cat there in 2001 so i mean because people have been reporting it before then like yeah said oh you know people have thought they saw like the ghost of a cat and jumping on the bed and all of that and then yeah they found in 2001 when doing uh renovations yeah so i think that's kind of cool like any time that like something is happening and like people think they see something and then there's something that like in a way validates that yeah that's uh that's always a little more convincing to me but yeah let's see what what else um oh yeah the owner of the cat mary babcock felt critically ill shortly after robbie's death so her son bed read in the keeper's quarter she kept cats to help pass the long days sentinel a grey cat her husband found in the lighthouse basement became her constant companion and after baddock died the grey cat disappeared and i think that that's probably the cat that they believe yeah if the cat's in the museum it says the the leathery cat is in the museum ew oh yeah the one they found in the walls so there you go so you can go see the ghost cat and you can also see a little leathery cat found on the walls that is probably the spirit so that's actually kind of interestingly more of it that you can go possibly experience the ghost of something you can actually then see the actual physical body of physical bodies you don't get that much because obviously like in a place that's haunted by a person you don't get to go see their remains and then like see their ghosts so it's kind of actually here to me that like you might experience that while the body is in the place yeah that's weird that's really creepy actually yeah um oh right what do we got for a number three we got lima tuberculosis hospital yeah this place is just um yeah tuberculosis hospitals are notorious for being like super haunted i mean you got like waverly hills you got molly stark you know there's just always something about that because i mean you basically have these people going in there and a lot of them don't come out you know and it's tuberculosis is a really bad illness to get yeah i mean there's still not even a cure for it like like they did obviously with the vaccination and that um but like if you get it you just have it like they do have like things to suppress it now but like there's not a way to like no cure yourself still i don't you just always have it yeah it's just the thing you get down um but yeah this place was from um open from 1911 to 1973 and um of course like most places um you know they see you know shadow figures and you know people walking around and things like that um it is very decrepit and creepy and overgrown uh do not try to get into the place because the person that owns the property will call the cops like instantly if he sees anybody near even near it like if you like slow your car by it he's like got the phone like at the ready you know um so i highly recommend do not try to get into this place yeah and i mean like i feel like the ghost of this i i didn't see anything like specifically and i'm sure there are specific ghosts of course but it's mainly just you know people that have went in i've seen shag shadow figures darting around um just your typical like that just kind of like seeing stuff hearing things um yeah i mean i can't imagine if you if hauntings are real if ghosts are real like and you believe that like tragic events cause hauntings tuberculosis hospitals seem like the number one spot yeah really tuberculosis hospitals and insane asylums i mean are your are your two places that you're always going to find tragedy because i mean it's a tragic way to die yeah it's very painful very drawn out yeah and plus back in the day they were doing experiments on people so not only were you sick like imagine like the sickest you've ever felt and then someone just torturing you as well yeah they're like oh hey we're gonna try to make you breathe better so we're gonna remove some ribs yeah while you're awake yeah is that okay and you're like i guess yeah then it doesn't work and they're like oops it's just sorry it's really insane like early medical stuff like the stuff i mean but that's the kind of shitty thing is like that's how we know a lot of stuff you know it's by just trial and error like well let's just [ __ ] them up a little bit and see if it helps oh but didn't oopsie dipsies like literally that's like yeah like quite literally you're not wrong at all no it's it was all yes the thought of that is way more terrifying than even thinking about a spirit so you know obviously if you do go to places like this i would recommend that you don't provoke more than likely yeah like you probably respect because if there are spirits you know then they are probably already not super the spirits aren't good spirits but yeah super creepy looking place which was something we'd get into but i don't think that's a thing so yeah yeah nope all right so what is our number yeah number two yeah we're on which is licking old licking county jail a place that actually i think does do current investigation they do um they actually have a haunted house as well yeah they stopped it last year but they're bringing it back this year so i would like to try and go to that that's another one yes let's keep signing up man i know that list is just ginormous um so it was built in 1889 um [Music] so it's of course a jail so of course you're gonna have like inmates and things like that the biggest haunting though there is um carl etherington who was a um prohibition officer that was lynched after he killed a saloon order uh a saloon owner in self-defense he went there to bust up the saloon and the saloon owner basically attacked him and he shot him and killed the saloon owner and the townsfolks didn't like that very much because you just took away our person that was given us liquor and they literally went and grabbed him out of the jail because he was at the jail because of it even though they said it was going to be self-defense and he was going to get released the townsfolk went in grabbed him and lynched him and he is supposed to be one of the um major people that haunts the jail there so i mean that's pretty awful that you were just doing your job and yeah people were like and he was 17 and he was only 17 years old yeah he was young he was really young um but like what uh people it says they experience things like door slamming you know your disembodied voices dark figures um it says workmen have reported being disrupted by loud screaming to the point where they had to turn their music up to drown the unnerving sounds out so you're just working in a place you're like man these ghostly screams are so loud i better turn up my music like why do you leave i don't know i would i would probably be like hey could you shush up a little bit like we're trying to work that's crazy me like all the the screams are just so loud we need to turn our music up yeah this is some place that we definitely want to go to number one and like i said we wanted to save like kind of a dark messed up one for last and this place uh fits that yeah criteria so so um it's a kind of a two-part thing because there is malabar farm which is a huge land acres and acres of land and there's a main building which is the um was built by uh lewis bromfeld which is a um famous author uh and he actually haunts that house as well as his um daughter who may or may not have been on the spectrum uh she seemed to have had issues uh and then also um lewis bromfield loved boxer dogs and he had like a million of them and i actually did have an experience with one of the doctors yeah that's right um so i firmly believe that that place is haunted by those dogs um but the big thing and i would love to get into this house unfortunately they don't allow people in there yeah which kind of sucks sometimes it says do they sometimes or is it just never um well they just recently purchased it it was privately owned so they just recently purchased it so it is part of the actual malabar farm park which is what the whole main thing is called um it is the sealy rose house um seeley rose was um a girl that lived there with her family and uh she fell in love with a neighbor boy who uh her parents or their his parents uh didn't approve of her yeah so so what was her reaction her reaction was i'm gonna poison my parents with arsenic with arsenic yeah so she proceeded to take arsenic and mix it into cottage cheese her uh father died the next day he had so much cottage cheese that he croaked the next day her brother hung on for about a week and he died a week later and then the mother actually recovered and she tried to actually cover it up that celie did this and uh celie was still pissed at her and killed her a month later with more arsenic in cottage cheese see i would have been safe because cottage cheese is the devil like wouldn't you learn like oh i better you know the cicadas jesus sauce i better not eat it yeah then you don't eat the cottage cheese that killed the rest of your family i don't know but um yeah i mean it also does say like details very significantly from storage story different buildings but she did go to lima state hospital so it was still lima um but it was for the criminally insane um she died there in 1934 a day after her 61st birthday um she's and she's actually buried in the hospital uh graveyard i wonder where that is if it's accessible i would like to take a trip there yeah that's actually a good idea we'll have to go look for that yeah i want to see where that is maybe have a little like mini episode out of that but yes so there were five more haunted places in ohio and again on the following week um next friday there will be another episode again both the shorter form the quarter video where there'll be like pictures and stuff like that and they'll be the longer form on podcasts where we talk a little bit more about personal experiences because if you're just watching this is the video i'm going to cut out a lot of like the personal experiences and stuff and just kind of keep it down to brass tacks of like this is a list this is what goes on there and here's just a little bit of history so if you want to hear longer form which is probably going to be about a half hour long in total i would go check out the podcast but um yes and again make sure to like subscribe also kim's favorite part make sure you ring the notification bell i think i'm gonna do the cowbell today [Music] so you don't miss any future upcoming videos and thank you very much oh yeah and check out our merch store we have that i've got talk we have a merch store check that out we have a whole bunch of [ __ ] on there but anyways thank you very much for watching and we will see you guys in the next episode [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Spirit Light Productions
Views: 223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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