Top Ten Disasters In Video Games

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you know the sad thing about evo 2020 is that all four of the games that are featured are american-made seems a lot of the netcode problem comes from Japan [Music] [Music] video games have opened up a whole new avenue of storytelling over the years and if you're looking to tell a story it helps to have stakes sometimes it's as simple as your girl getting stolen sometimes your protagonist wants revenge and the bastard who took everything from him and sometimes there's a madman who wants to take over the world and sometimes the stakes are even higher than that disasters are a classic plot point in media we've had enough movies about disasters that they're their own genre at this point and video games are all too fond of threatening their worlds with the same weather our heroes of the day are out to stop set disaster or whether we're dealing with the aftermath such cataclysmic events can really have an impact whether they're natural supernatural or completely man-made just like in real life seriously there are times I wonder how we've managed to survive this long now I could talk about gaming industry disasters but enough people have talked about that already hope you've stocked up plenty of emergency supplies it's game time let's start off by talking about Pokemon yeah that game series all about those cute little critters that you catch and bond with it's a series that earns its e rating yeah II for eerie you think Pokemon is immune from dark moments you must only be paying attention to battles from the various ghost houses to the distortion world yeah there's some definite dark type [ __ ] going on throughout the series we've got stories of a full-scale war only stopped by a doomsday weapon and a rampage of kaiju size Pokemon both events coincidentally taking place around the same time frame but we're stepping into the mystery dungeon series this time specifically the second one in the game's first act a mysterious thief is stealing these time gears which keep the flow of time moving in certain areas that thief turns out to be Grovyle who has been pursued by dusknoir from the future there's just one problem and you see it after you apprehend Grovyle and are taken into the future with him what you see once you escape is a broken world water doesn't flow winds don't blow the Sun never Rises truly a world of pure darkness this planet's paralysis is what Grovyle was trying to prevent as it turns out Grovyle was trying to retrieve the time gears in order to return them to the temporal Tower because the planets paralysis was caused by the towers collapse which caused dialga to go insane and if there's one thing you know will cause a disaster it's a rampaging Time God been on self-preservation so now the fool seeks to return to the past and undo the future that is primal dialga which also means finding the time gears and returning them to the tower by taking off a band-aid in order to perform vital surgery time travel is risky right now apply but when you can see what you need to prevent it gives you reason to try to prevent it as we've been witnessing these past few months as just one example diseases are capable of becoming a disaster all their own in fact it's one of the worst kinds its effects can be slow and painful in all facets of society which brings us to a lesser-known series called seventh dragon the series takes place in an alternate earth which is being invaded by dragons and not just any dragons alien dragons of course we know the stick by now they're huge their scaly and they eat humans but if only that were the only problem turns out the Dragons brought quite a welcoming present with them an insidious flower called dragon's Bane it's toxic to humans mutates animals and officious creatures and by the time of the third game which is the only one that got localized mind you it's the source of a full-on plague dragons sickness is a nasty condition and a sneaky one at that you'd think it was just a cult yeah give it some chicken soup and a good night's sleep just ignore the deadly dragon essence coursing through your veins oh and it's incurable vaccines anybodies yeah forget about it best anyone can do is stop the progression through a medicine made from the specimens of true dragons to wit the biggest baddest bosses dragons of them all the only permanent solution seems to be to take down the six true dragons so that you can develop the means to finish off the final one eventually your group of dragon hunters gains five of the true dragon specimens and it looks like you may have a chance then everything goes to [ __ ] dragons ban has reached its true form and everyone is sick now making matters worse the ones spreading it is one of your advisors who also happens to be one of the very same true dragons you've been hunting and it gets even worse that disease it's actually the ultimate form of Darwinism in the form of one hell of a steroid can't handle the power you die all for the purpose of finding someone who can evolve into the seventh true dragon yes so much for social distancing [Music] you've met with a terrible fate haven't you people have played Zelda Majora's Mask no it is a dark game with a dangerous mischief of one of the most tragic villains that Nintendo has ever written stealing links horse in Ocarina and turning our hero into a scrub and then there's this little weirdo saying that he needs the masked the skull kid stole within three days that's oddly specific why three days oh nothing much just that giant moon with a menacing face that's slowly descending towards the land and threatening to turn termina into a giant parking lot yeah yeah I'm cooking a nice warm pot of anachronism stew here just roll with it okay not to worry links gonna get his music maker back and turn this into a grand hog de loop so they can solve everyone's problems and save the world from Armageddon but what if you don't the final moments of the countdown on the third evening are some of the most somber in any Zelda game with the ticking clock the moon drawing ever closer the music echoing the despair and sorrowful resignation of the people of termina as their fate draws ever closer then the final second ticks away as the moon crashes upon clock town in a fiery blaze you see the helpless town crushed underneath brick by brick as the world rumbles around it the last shred of hope and life burned away ending with link being swept away in the wave of flame that approaches him and the last thing you see in here is the demonic Vistage of majora's mask and then link wakes up back underclock town as the clock resets and then you do everything in your power to make sure you never have to see that scene again because protagonist duty one of the good things about topics like this is that it challenges me to talk about games I haven't played but know enough about certain moments that I can do some research to fill in the blanks and write a paragraph or two once I have an idea what I'm gonna be talking about be honest in what other kind of situation which can get me talking about Call of Duty now this is a series that's no stranger to controversy given its annual release schedule twelve year olds on multiplayer talking [ __ ] about your mom turn towards microtransactions and occasional revisionist history but when it nails a story beat people are gonna be talking about it one particular example really nails home just what kind of dangerous times we live in the game call of duty 4 modern warfare the scenario you and your squad have tracked the enemy leader to his capital and are looking to nab him and end the war one of your choppers gets shot down but you managed to rescue the pilots just when you think you're about to make it out however [Music] well that's a 926 on my EXO meter a new test went off a goddamn nuke just like that the stakes just jumped please see nooks enough than games that it doesn't always register just how dangerous they are but this scene here really hammers at home an entire city and 30,000 troops incinerated in the wake of irradiated and mushroom cloud just like that and do we even play out the final moments of your soldier's life as he staggers through the ruins before succumbing to his wounds and radiation poisoning that's terrifying not to mention the ramifications it had for the rest of the trilogy causing Shepard to go nuts in orchestrating no rushing to start a war giving him the green light to go after grade a douche Makarov who set off the nuke to begin with yeah one moment can change everything I'll say it again were freaking sucks one thing I appreciate used to appreciate about the Mario RPGs is their willingness to create stories that were more serious than any of the main series games case in point made Mario game oh no Bowser took the princess hurry we gotta go save her Super Paper Mario broken nihilistic dandy is trying to erase all of existence by fulfilling a prophecy of destruction rated E for Everyone each world you go through has its own issues to deal with as you try to stab the overarching universe destroying black hole and each one ends with you claiming one of the pure hearts that are supposed to stop the void from consuming everything this eventually leads to the Samer Kingdom where the next pure heart lies in this world the void has gotten so big that it takes up like a third of the background in order to get the MacGuffin however we need to earn it from King Samer which means speeding a hundred-man gauntlet seriously mr. Nobunaga wannabe we're trying to stop the apocalypse don't you think that's a little more important than your outdated traditions but no he expects us to endure this battle even when blex minions are in the way valleys [ __ ] land me well [ __ ] well the door still here maybe we still have a sham Essel gone samer guys gone even the color is gone everything just got tied to [ __ ] the people aren't even dead they're just vanished we didn't make it in time to save this world and now it's dawn but the pages just got torn out of the book and only the scraps are left this is where it hits you just how high the stakes are if you don't stop count blech every world will end up like this just endless colorless nothingness into infinity it's enough to drive a man insane especially when you take into account how long you have to walk down this hallway before anything actually happens those of you who watch my channel regularly might be familiar with a certain smooth-talking Britt who recently shaved his head while in social distancing there's also a chance that you may have heard the same smooth-talking Britt talks smoothly about a game called SpecOps the line that is less than smooth yeah I was spoiled to [ __ ] about this particular moment since I had no intention of playing it to begin with suffice to say once I heard about this moment that pretty much sealed the deal the game starts off like most other shooters of its own having Captain Walker and his crew investigating a Dubai that's been rocked by a sandstorm and shooting their way through enemy soldiers that initially appear like terrorists but not everything is how it seems in this town at first glance as things progress it becomes increasingly clear that protagonist Duty isn't going to result in a good ending but any notion of being in hero is smashed under a ton of bricks when the game gives you the non choice choice of dying repeatedly two waves of defending soldiers or unleashing white phosphorus upon countless innocent soldiers and civilians which in case you don't know would basically equate to raining down fire from the sky hold your own as long as you want but progressing the story means condemning all those people to a fiery death like the Geneva Convention doesn't even exist in video games now the body-count of this disaster may not be as high as some of the other disasters lower on the list but it makes up for it by showing you the aftermath of your but Val must actions in excruciating detail as he walked through the streets you see the mangled and burned corpses of your innocent victims as they were in there agonizing last moments because there may have been a part of you that was somehow convinced that going along with this game may lead to a favorable outcome funny thing about that the game has a way of letting you know that you could just put down the controller at any time and after a player makes the decision the game will spare no effort and letting them know what they've done it's delivered with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer but honestly if you're willing to go through with this you don't exactly deserve a subtle response you monster in many games which feature disasters those disasters are meant for raising the stakes of the plot as such you usually see them no sooner than a midpoint of the story but then there are games where the disaster in question sets up the plot to begin with well since at the gaming series attention is on a bunch of phantom thieves let's talk about a disaster featuring Dante from The Devil May Cry series so one day you've woken up to find that some nihilistic nutjob has decided to kick off the end of the world from the basement of a cursed Hospital so from the rooftop you witnessed Tokyo being turned inside out and transformed into this crazy reverse world so now everyone outside of the hospital is dead having been turned into wandering Souls and sources of energy this new world is crawling with demons and this foreboding lis creepy child has turned you into a demon yourself this my friends is the conception no not inception though I will admit the visuals kinda remind me of that the conception is the means through which a world is destroyed so that it can be reborn this new world is called the vortex world something of an embryonic world of chaos which is waiting to be shaped into a new world so now you're walking on the inside of this new worldly egg alternating between fighting demons and chatting up said demons to recruit them to your team all the while the sentient Dada Moon is waiting for someone to determine the guiding principles of the new world also two of your friends represent said possible guiding principles so yeah you eventually learn that there's a reason this apocalypse happened as it turns out every you has a certain amount of energy meaning it can't simply exist forever the conception is a means for a universe to be reborn in order to replenish said power so that it doesn't end up lost in the Shadow Realm on top of that we basically have a chess match between was essentially God and was essentially the devil hoping to tip the scales in their favor and you're a pawn in that game whether the outcome you want is collective consciousness social Darwinism isolationism putting things back how they were or if you're a real bastard burning it all down and declaring war on the great well not gonna lie that army of demons kind of looked like Megaten fans wanting to storm Atlas HQ for news on SMT v not that I can blame them we've had some examples of manmade disasters on this list so far but those were intentionally caused by someone but a disaster caused by human hands can just as easily be an accident caused by messing with things that really shouldn't be messed with all I'm saying is that one bad day in a lab can cause massive damage and when it involves alien technology well then you should expect unforeseen consequences once one of Valve's most famous franchises half-life revolves around the fallout of what happens when you ignore safety protocols for a while plaque mazes anti-mass spectrometer had been operating safely on alien crystals which were discovered on an equally alien world which was discovered in the development of teleportation technology presumably for bread however one fateful day they decided to bring in a more unstable crystal because it was the most pure sample they had obtained never mind that the crystal exhibited unusual spectral fluctuations furthermore the staff increased the output of the anti-mass spectrometer to 105 percent in spite of the objections of one of the project leaders one Eli Vance never mind that the device's safety buffer zone is under 90% as anyone with common sense can probably guess it isn't long before things go wrong the spectrometer goes critical causing a resonance cascade and tearing holes in space and time bringing the creatures of Zen to earth where they attack the scientists on site it gets so bad that the military has called in and that goes about as bad as you would expect in fact all the military wants is to get rid of the evidence to the point where they decide to nuke the whole place me and wild Gordon Freeman gmod star extraordinaire ultimately makes his way to Xen and confronts the creature holding the portal open and while he does destroy the nihilanth it's only the beginning turns out the resonance cascade caused portal storms to cover the earth connecting the earth to Xen and that gives the interdimensional empire known as the combine cover to invade and overwhelm earth in the seven-hour war only facing resistance in the form of Gordon and his comrades meanwhile the land outside the cities of the wasteland ravaged by interstellar feasts all stemming from that one bad day in the lab and what about the g-man what's his ultimate role in all this but we ever actually find out knowing valves lately I doubt it [Music] remember when there were people who thought the world was gonna end in 1999 there was this Nostradamus guy who adds some prophecy about a great king of terror descending from the skies and talk about the Antichrist rising to end everything ella was even mentioned in the Castlevania series and never shown thanks to Konami abandoning what once made them great but I don't know maybe the old man got King of Tara from the sky confused with giant ocean of death erupting from the ground Chrono Trigger is one of the most timeless RPGs in history and its story is a big part of that it's one of the few that actually does the time-travel thing well from showing how changing the past can affect the present and future to using it to show a future that must be prevented you see this how is this even remotely livable well this devastated future of 2300 ad is where we learn about the day of La Voz when this living spiked mountain burst out of the ground in 1999 and destroyed everything as were thrown between eras we learned that La Voz is actually a gigantic interstellar parasite that feeds on a planet's energy manipulating and recording the evolution and progress of its life-forms over millions of years until it emerges and spreads destruction across the planet launched as it spun across the cosmos so that the process can repeat itself and now we have to journey across time to prevent this apocalypse from happening yeah simple and in the process we see just how far this thing can reach in the 65 million years it's been manipulating the planet from the Earth's core it's been throwing the lives of countless beings into chaos from destroying the pre historically advanced rep tights to shaping the technology of the seal kingdom to turning the lives of its royal children into a living hell spurring mages to become the world's most dangerous edge Lord just to become strong enough to kill the dang thing yeah this is pretty crazy and you know the worst part if you lose against Lavos in the final battle you don't get a standard game over no you see the whole disaster in its entirety you witness for yourself the consequences of your failure to change the future as the world is reduced to a hollow shell of its former self so are you motivated yet now before we move on here are a few honorable mentions death wings arrival from world of warcraft cataclysm the destruction of Earth from Xenoblade Chronicles X the Raccoon City incident from Resident Evil 3 the fall of X our youth from tales of the abyss and the race fear detonation from infamous and with this month's patron pick is platinum patron vector logic okay vector take it away so TL DR a deity absorbs a fragment of itself causing the planet to rip itself apart and destroying civilization and most of the world's population in the process I had to imagine this being an average Tuesday morning [Music] it's the classic setup the heroes learn of a disaster and seek to prevent it sometimes they get a look at what happens should they fail they gain strength and wisdom overcome incredible trials and eventually find the power to save the world but sometimes there's no winning sometimes there's not even anything left worth saving fear it run from it but some fates can't be changed and sometimes it's for the best because before creation comes destruction when Square Enix announced the end of the original Final Fantasy 14 they put up one final quest in which one of the worlds moons began slowly descending towards the earth Majora's Mask style however unlike Majora's Mask you couldn't just song of time the disaster away because this was an MMO instead players gathered together and away to the end with quiet acceptance all the while a haunting nutty drifted on the air this was the end of a world and people wanted to be there to experience it and what an experience it turned out to be it began with a storm of meteors that plummeted toward the city below as the people looked on in despair meanwhile in the outlying wastelands the yours the n Alliance fought desperately against the Garlin Empire but here when villain a like falling left and right as the dirt has sung the mood is further driven by the solemn despondence on everyone's faces and once the music swells armageddon is unleashed as it turns out the moon was a seal that kept the ultimate dragon imprisoned and now that primal Bahamut has escaped it intends to celebrate its newfound freedom by ravaging the world in one of the most spectacular displays of destruction the gaming sphere has ever known in a similar vein to Deathwing in World of Warcraft the Beast goes on a rampage raining down fire and brimstone upon everything in its path accompanied by the a fermented song which fits the mood and action spectacularly all attempts to protect the last band of heroes fail as the Wizards barrier shatters in the face of bahamut's power in a last-ditch effort the mystic order summons the power of prayer in order to seal the Beast again and for a moment it looks like the ultimate super weapon is about to work I mean it takes too much effort and looks too flashy not to write yeah no in one final middle finger to all hope the divine seal is shattered and now with the world's last chance gone all that's left is despair the only choice that remains is to send the remaining heroes into the future not only is this spectacle beautiful to behold but it takes powerful elements from other disasters and works them together into a whole that's basically square enix his way of saying that if this game was gonna go out it was going out with a bang and it's not like Final Fantasy was lacking for events like this either between the void from 5 kefka's destroying the world in 6 sins rampage and 10 in plenty of other moments there were a lot of choices here but what sets this apart from the rest of the series and puts this at number one is that with other disasters you could avoid witnessing them by simply not playing but this moment this moment was inevitable in fact ironically enough it's because so few people were playing the original Final Fantasy 14 that's for Enix decide to do this in the first place of course considering how bad the original game was that guess could be considered as astronauts own rights but then again out of the ashes came a realm reborn which has done a great praise from fans and critics alike I guess sometimes the only path to salvation is through destruction and the quarter game until next time the doomsday bunker is closed [Music] thirty years ago one company sought to make it possible to pour arcade games to home platforms without a noticeable drop in quality part of that was a distinctive red cabinet with two joysticks each with a set of colorful buttons so let's take a look at how it all began with the magician America's classic pastime and a good old helping of war flashbacks next time QG at the arcade to Neo Geo it's game time [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Quarter Guy
Views: 26,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Quarter Guy, Quarter Guy, Quarter, Guy, Video Games, Gaming, Countdown, Top Ten, Top Ten Disasters in Video Games, List, Super Paper Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Shin Megami Tensei, Half-Life, Call of Duty, 7th Dragon
Id: PpEyHVk5ZqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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