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hey guys welcome back to my channel my name is Maddy if you're new here hope your day is going well today I'm gonna piss some of you guys huff alright guys today we are going to do my top 10 at most hated characters seen a few videos along these lines and honestly I feel like they always play it safe they always talk about characters that are like villains and you guys know that that's not my style I'm gonna probably on some of your favorite characters today so let's go ahead and get into it so I went probably through all of my like favorite series and tried to pick out a character that I hated and honestly was kind of difficult to do so for like some of my favorite series but I'm gonna start at number 10 and that is going to be the Harry Potter series and my least favorite character slash most hated character from the series is Rita Skeeter like if I'm trying to stay away from the obvious I'm not going with Dolores Umbridge for this everybody hates her we been knew Legree Skeeter is one of those characters that you love to hate she's so vindictive and she's so sneaky and she's terrible and she gets to come up and so it's kind of nice to to know that I just I really liked the way that her character was written it was well done and I wanted to include her in this list and number 9 is actually a villain and he is from the Outlander series everybody Jonathan Randall I physically hate this character I read the first three books and loved them from the lnder series I read on in the series but I digress it's not really necessary to keep reading thousand-page books but this villain guys I literally can't watch the actor who played him in the show and anything else he freaks me out I don't like him I just no thanks can't do it I will pass on anything with this actor in it I feel bad cuz I can't separate the actor from the role but like is what it is that character is just nasty and disgusting and terrible and well alright number eight I'm gonna start playing hardball so if you're sensitive to having your favorite characters assassinated character assassination so just leaving now so number eight we're going with Co both from the name of the wind series if you've been on the channel long enough you know thangka both is not my favorite character in the world I think he is a Gary Stu if you we'll he's just magically good at everything and he just up without really doing anything he breathes and something just like falls apart and I just think that for the world the Patrick Rothfuss created our character is just not that interesting and half the time I just want anybody else's perspective on the world other than his butt is what it is I do really enjoy those books but could both mmm he's not my favorite that's for sure number seven is from my all-time favorite series never night and my most hated character but in that series is Casius I know a lot of people love this character I just think he's useless he didn't really do anything for the story other than be there and be sexy I guess I don't know I imagined him as like a younger version of Snape originally and then everyone was like Cassie is he's so hot and I was like what are you talking about like Ellen recommends it like great but like what I know that Cassie's this is a fan favorite but I think he's useless and I don't understand the hype just sayin number six is from the Mortal Instruments and honestly I know this is a villain but a lot of you liked him for some reason and that Sebastian burr lack there was an era on book twitter and booktube where sebastian Verloc was like everyone's daddy and I just mm-hmm you guys need Jesus and I could not with that mmm-hmm he is gross nasty I'm no fun and I just cannot with that okay okay go to church all right and number five is actually a twofer and I'm just putting them on this list cuz I hate these characters and that's the whosits and what's this from after the boy and the girl I don't remember their names but I hate them and they suck okay cool number four we've got Game of Thrones and this is gonna piss a lot of people off I'm going with the Hound I don't like the Hound I think he's whiny and creepy and if he was one or the other it would be fine but he's both and I just can't have that mm-hmm no sir all right and coming into the top three and number three is actually Jude from the cruel Prince I can feel those dislikes coming I just think that the world of the prints and the characters are interesting but I feel like Jude is this character that everyone's like oh my god she's so smart and I'm like we're like she does stupid and then something Luck's out and she's so smart like what are you talking about half the time she gets played by the people who tell her they're playing her like right out the gate and she's like oh I'll figure it out and then she doesn't but like I don't know I just I I'm very excited for queen of nothing I love this series because you know Holly black like face stories super good but also I just uh mmm is it mmm is it really that great though mmm no I don't know like Jude she's just not my fav you know like literally I'm the top-10 most hated characters list moving on and number two happens to be from a book that I haven't read for four years and this book got me into booktube and it's the queen of the tearling and the character is Kelsey Kelsey Oh what the is her name I don't know but I read this book like four years ago three years ago I don't know time I still hate this book I still have rage and aggression towards this character in this book series I only read two I heard the third one is terrible but honestly I hate read the first two this character is just like blurb to be and talked really highly about on booktube to be like super feminist and super girl power but she hates women she literally hates other women she fat shames people herself and it just I just don't get it I seriously have so much anger towards this character it's not even funny I just can't stand her like at all and it's been a minute since I read that book if you couldn't you know tell I'm the last one that I'm going to end this whole video on is Sarah from a court of thorns and roses honestly this may have been inspired by a comet that was left on the video that I have about writing strong female characters saying that Farrah and Selena though I haven't read the throne of glass series are like really well written characters and Isabel I will say that I enjoy this series so much I do think that her to mass writes very escapist fiction very fluffy and sexy why a character's but I just feel like Farah was done in a way that I don't root for her I don't think she's a good friend I think she's kind of dumb and I just don't love the fact that the focus of the series was always on her despite the fact that she's probably the least interesting character in the series in the discussion she's just not a good person basically is what I'm saying I don't know you can hate me if you want to but is what it is alright guys so we're either used to unsubscribe or you subscribe because more videos like this may be coming I hope you guys enjoyed this list and I hope I didn't piss off everybody but if you did enjoy this please give this video a thumbs up I'm gonna go now guys like subscribe all the good stuff vite [Music]
Channel: The Book Pusher
Views: 3,842
Rating: 4.8588233 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, booktuber, bookish, book reviewer, bookseller, characters i hate, top ten, rant, review
Id: 2yR0Isn11ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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