Top Sites to See in Florence, Italy ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น - Top Travel Tips to Explore Florence on a Budget

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Florence Italy known for its history its Rich culture and amazing food scene [Music] yeah now we're here for a month we're back to our slow travel ways and we're going to figure out how to do this city on a budget because this is a bucket list for us and for a lot of you [Music] thank you there are plenty of things that you can see and do in Florence and pay a lot of money to do them and there are also a lot of things you can do that don't cost you much of anything and one of those is the Micarta Central this is the main Central Market it has been open now for 149 years 149 years that you did anything you need here you should lunch or dinner you can bicep and take a home to trip a home which is something we prefer doing or you can be upstairs where they have all kinds of different options from local traditional food to Asian Foods anything you might think of yeah you can get it right here yeah it's kind of a great place to go for uh couples or families because each of you can go and get whatever you're craving it's weird and then sit down separate yeah we don't have that same diet that might surprise you but she eats differently than I do I know yeah so this is very a good place uh and also another affordable option where you're not staying down at a restaurant [Applause] okay it's 10 30 in the morning so they're just now getting set up and prepared for the lunch hour rush if we were here yesterday during that lunch hour rush and it was a zoo it's packed so come before lunch or maybe even after lunch before dinner time because it does get really really crowded thank you a really good way to get to know the city right out of the gate is go on one of these free walking tours they're going to explain everything you need to know they're going to take you to each location and really give you a good overview of the city itself after that you can go and you can explore on your own how these tours are free walking tours but there is a tip that is recommended suggested so go ahead take one of these tours and leave them a tail [Music] foreign [Music] one of the places that you for sure want to see while you are here is the Domo which is right in the center of the city center honestly it would be very hard to miss now you can go inside the cathedral and that is actually free to get into I will warn you though the line is always long I don't think it even matters if you get here right at opening but that is free the other option is is there is a paid entrance into the museum the Dome the Tower and the bath history and that is thirty dollars per or 30 Euro per person to do and that ticket is actually good over three days time so it might be worth it for you take note that the one thing that you do have to make reservations for is for the Dome to go up in that will give you a date and time that you do have to be there the others you can see whenever you want I would say the line right now at 11 o'clock in the morning is a good 400 meters long it goes all the way down around the corner and it keeps going so uh yeah get here early for sure [Music] so time of year we are here in August one thing that we did not realize realize about Florence was a lot of shops closed down in August that is the month that they go on their vacation so uh in the area that we are staying which we'll kind of describe to you later we were surprised to see how many like the little shops and restaurants and everything were closed all the bakeries some of the boutique little restaurants that we would like to have eaten at they've been closed there's little signs in the windows our Airbnb host told us yeah they're family owned and operated they want vacation too so they pick this time of year to go as well right so I don't think you get that as much here in the middle of the city but you do get it just on the outskirts well worse yeah now thankfully it is towards the end of August and so we are now just starting to see those places open up so we still have a few weeks here so we'll be able to enjoy them but that's just something to note when you do come apparently the new Swatch watch is opening up they've got a police security a huge line uh Swatch is a big deal apparently usually when we are traveling we do get a SIM card here what we found was is they are pretty expensive they averaged about 40 Euro for one month usage and for us that is pretty high we have found that there's plenty of Wi-Fi around so we just have not needed it [Music] thank you [Music] while in Florence one thing that a lot of people want to go do is go see some of the famous statues that are here you can definitely go do that one that many people want to see is the David if you do go see that I highly recommend you make reservations and buy your tickets online ahead of time or you probably are not going to get in that's very true now if you don't buy your tickets ahead of time you can't get in come to the center here for sketch is all over the place you can look at them for free and they are very very cool yeah and I believe a lot of them are replicas of the other statues that you're going to see in some of the museums correct me if I'm wrong there but for us this is this is pretty cool yes and if you're wondering that is average size thank you now if you are interested in shopping at these little markets they're all over the city there's not one specific location to find them so if you want to get your leather or you want to get your bag or you want to get your jacket you can find them just about anywhere and they're all high quality [Music] foreign [Music] you the side of Florence which is on where the old city center is at you don't want to make the mistake though and not cross over to the other side because there is a lot to see and do on this side and this is actually the side we chose to stay on so this is where we stayed now on this side you do get the boutique restaurants in cafes that are now starting to reopen again we've also got the lookout points that you want to walk up to and that's what we're going to do right now we're going to get a fantastic view of Florence [Music] thank you [Music] like Brian mentioned there are plenty of Lookouts to go to the one that we are at right now is the piazel Michelangelo it has some replica statues up here and it has an absolutely beautiful view Over Florence yeah it's just an amazing view this is where Michelangelo would actually stand and look out over the city to gain inspiration for his next carving that might be true no if you don't want to walk up here that's fine you can take a cab to get up here if you have a car you can drive there's also electric scooters electric bikes we see people coming up on as well so you do not have to walk so don't let that be a deterrent and I did say yes come up here so this so this area a whole lot here it is kind of just like a big parking lot with the great Overlook if you go just up the street a little bit we went the other day to another Lookout with a beautiful church has a little bit different angle of the view Over Florence but yeah I would say a suggestion I would make is walk up to some of these places because that's how you see all the beautiful homes and the Hillside and you kind of get out of the city yeah we accidentally found it the first first time we were up here we just happened to bond it and thought we were in the right spot and then we came here so get out and check it out foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Bridge has been around a long time it was it was destroyed by a flood when it was originally built out of wood and now it is built out of stone yeah they rebuilt it in 1333 out of stone now the bridge right now is mostly jewelry stores and shops if you needed to pick up a Rolex or something like that you could get it here I didn't find it that fascinating no I mean it's a one way to get across to the other side of the river it's usually incredibly busy right we were kind of looking forward to there being some cute little shops on there but honestly it is 100 jewelry so anyways it's worth taking a look at most most often than not you're going to want to take a picture of it when you're not even on it so not a big deal foreign [Music] okay now if you're a foodie obviously Italy is a place to come specifically Florence there's some great options here this is one of them like what's the name of the place again I'm not sure the name of the plane but it's the Focaccia sandwich and this is where they originated right here in Florence now we have one in Milan we're not going to stand in that line that line doesn't get any shorter and it's like that all day long we've come back a few times the way I described that sandwich though is the charcuterie between focaccia bread amazing it's amazing yeah it's really good so if you do want to stand in line I'd recommend it we don't want to and I would imagine that the line moves very quickly the beauty of it is is when we're talking about being able to do Florence on a budget you can eat here for very affordable the sandwiches start at around seven Euro and then they go up to round 11 Euro depending what you want on the sandwich but what's so great about this place is they make them as you wait so they're not sitting forever in a case and that seven dollar sandwich will fill you up oh yeah they're huge all right [Music] like we mentioned we are staying on the other side of the river I would highly recommend this side and I'll tell you why when we are over and we're sightseeing and walking through the main Square it's beautiful and it's fun but it's busy it doesn't matter what time of day that you're there and when we come to this side of the river it's just really nice and quiet but no matter where you decide to stay Florence is incredibly walkable you're going to have no problem getting around so if you're looking to save a little bit of money because there's really honestly not a cheap time to visit here you can stay a little bit outside of the the main city center and save a little money there thank you [Music] okay another great option about staying on this side of the river is the food now you can get food anywhere you want to but if you want to stay on a budget and you want to get food for five or six Euro for a plate this was the area you want to come to you can get your pizza you can get your pasta you can get your sandwiches all for around six Euro now if you do want to spend some money Italy is also very well known for their steak the steak Florentine would be a fantastic option at about 55 Euro a couple [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] there is no lack of plenty of things to see while you just wander through the back streets in Florence yes so you know those things just don't cost any money and we just love just wandering around a lot of little Shops and and cafes and everything like that not only is it free but it's a lot cooler this is the first day that we've been here where it hasn't been 95 degrees but with all these tall buildings and these narrow streets you're in the shade 90 of the time so we've got a huge benefit yeah another thing that we've come across is the little wine doors that are all over Florence now back during the plague they started these wine doors so the shop owners could continue to sell their products and you can do that if you'd like people are doing it you can stay online buy yourself a glass wine for about six Euro stand in the street and drink it or you could go to the grocery store and buy a bottle of wine bottle and sometimes two bottles for that same price same price that's kind of what we enjoy doing but it is kind of a nice thing and it's kind of fun to kind of go and explore on the backside streets and look for these little wine windows so it's just kind of fun [Music] if you are wondering where to stay when you were in Florence we have spent the last week pretty much walking around a lot of the outskirt areas and we have yet to find a place that we wouldn't say is a great place to stay Florence is highly walkable like we mentioned we are staying on the opposite side of the river from the main square and I'll tell you when we have been over and we've spent an afternoon walking around and looking at all the sites and it's beautiful and it's fun but it's busy and when you get over here it's just a level of kind of peace that comes great grocery stores there's other markets everything that you'll need over here [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] okay now it's Florence inexpensive no but can you do it on a budget yes you can we think we've shown you a few ways in this video to accomplish just that so make sure and check in next week because we are heading out to the Tuscan Hillside something that is for sure on a bucket list for us both so we're excited for that all right cheers do you know the name of it Michelangelo's look out no it's okay yeah they rebuilt it in 1933 [Music]
Channel: Brian and Carrie
Views: 18,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: florence on budget, Brian and Carrie, travel tips italy, how to florence budget, florence on a budget, florence italy travel guide, travel guide italy, Florence italy 2023, travel florence cheap, travel tips florence, Florence Italy, florence travel guide, florence italy food, florence italy vlog, florence duomo travel guide, how to travel in florence italy, how to visit florence, italy on a budget, travel italy cheap, how to get around florence, florence cathedral
Id: 6v6WrJkcDdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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