Heading to Rome in 2024? I Share Helpful Travel Advise.& Warnings. Rome Specific Travel Tips.

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You tuned in to this video to get travel tips and  that's what I'm going to deliver, as soon as I   getting scammed so to speak on taxis and I think  most of that comes from people getting into what   they think are taxis but they're actually getting  into another type of ride service, not an official   taxi. How do you tell what is an official taxi  from a unofficial taxi? it's really pretty easy.   The official taxis, for one, they say taxi on the  roof and number two they're white, typically, and   they also have the rates and stuff on the doors.  If you're getting into a sedan that's unmarked,   usually a black sedan or van, those are usually  ride services but they're not the official taxi   and they will charge you 2,3 and 4 times as much  as an official taxi. One time I did take one from   the Termini train station to Piazza Spagna where  I'm at now, and again it's not metered so when we   got there it was about, let's say it's about 2  miles. They charged me €40. I've since taken a   taxi and the taxi was just under 10 so yeah it  was four times the regular official taxi price. To get a taxi in Rome, just have to find a  taxi station. But it just got a lot easier   with a new app called FREENOW. The FREENOW app  you just put in where you want to go and the app   knows where you're at, and a taxi will be to you  within 3 to 4 minutes and you'll be on your way. The trick to getting into the Vatican without  a line is you get here at 8:00 in the morning   when it first opens. At 8:00 in the morning  there's no line whatsoever you can just walk   on into the Vatican and you don't have  to deal with the big [Music] crowds. [Music] You need to make a choice. You want to get up  early and get to the Vatican and avoid the line   or get here in the afternoon and stand in line.  by the looks of this it's at least an hour and a   half wait you don't need to skip the line tickets  to get into the Basilica, you just need to skip   the line advice, and that's what I just gave  you. Hey I'm back! It's 8:00 a.m. Friday and   uh look where's did the line go? You might have  thought I was giving you some bum advice. That line it's just really short. You can get  right in here in the morning and uh yeah   I just saved you 2 hours instead of standing  in line now you can go enjoy the day in Rome!   Why would you want to stand in line while  you visit Rome I don't know but a lot of   people do. They obviously don't subscribe to  my channel because they know better if they did. We're at one of my little favorite finds here  recently it's called pizza M'PO. It's in uh near   the Vatican and if you're on a budget this is a  great place. It's a great stop. The pizzas are   great. You can eat a lot of good food in Rome for  less than $20 a day. What I would say if you're on   a budget avoid restaurants. Restaurants going to  cost you quite a bit more in fact you're you're   going to spend probably more than 20 just on one  meal. But in Rome you can get pizza you can get uh   all kinds of street foods. you can eat at the open  markets, you can eat in the supermarkets and uh   $20 goes a long ways. Still get great food and not  spend too much. I mean that's the way to do it. In Rome there are 2500 "nasone" that's  what these public drinking fountains are   called. They they're like noses coming  out. Water's flowing the water's great   here and it's safe to drink, it's free and  literally they're all over Rome.[Music] Beware of big Pockets! pickpocket in Rome does  happen unfortunately and I have a whole video   about how to avoid being pickpocketed while you're  in Rome but on this video Let's just say when   you're in crowded areas like this, at the Spanish  Steps, or in other areas like Trevi's fountain or   in the Subway or at the Termini train station,  just pay special attention when you tour Rame.   Only carry one credit card and enough cash for the  day so if it does happen you won't be completely,   you know, wiped out or devastated. you can  regroup and it won't be that big of a deal for you. When you get ice cream here's the tip. Always   get the Panna. That's the cream on top.  It's so good and unless you ask for it,   often times they do not give it to you so that's  my tip whenever you get ice cream in Rome,   always ask for the cream. it's called La panna.  Without it it's just ordinary with it it's extraordinary. Another tip is travel with  a carabiner. They come in handy for so many   things. When I when I travel, I have my bag  here. I like to put it on my bag and then I   when I'm eating and I don't want to forget  my bag I just clip this to my belt so that   has clipped to my belt I don't have to think  about it and that way when I leave there's   no way that I'm going to forget my bag.  If you forget your bag you might as well   have had it stall and made a better  story than just forgetting your bag somewhere. Good morning Rome Italia! that's where  we're at Rome Italy that was a tribute to Robin   Williams I guess. Anyway um this tip is going  to save you some stress maybe even some money   if it doesn't happens to you. Which it did happen  to us. My wife's passport was stolen and we ended   up having to go to the US Embassy to get that  replaced. It was 125 euros we were there with   another 40 or so people getting their passports  replaced. People lose them they are stolen so   it's best not to tour the city with your passport.  Leave the passports in your hotel in your Airbnb   put them in your safe if there's one but don't  tour with them. There's no need to you just take   a picture of your passport and in the case of an  emergency you have that and that works just fine   and uh yeah keep that passport safe and save the  headache of having to go to the US Embassy in the   middle of your vacation. Yes! that's a good advice  I would say. Take it for what it's [Music] worth.   The first rule of thumb when riding riding the  Metro is to not take your personal luggage onto   the Metro when you're arriving in Rome from  Termini or from the airport. Take a taxi,   they're not that expensive and it'll save you a  lot of hassle. I see people all the time taking   their bags onto the metro and if you're an Italian  that's one thing. You kind of know you're the lay   of the land you kind of know where you're going  but when you're a tourist you're a little bit   disoriented you're a little bit lost and and uh  pickpockets can sense that then when they see   that you're distracted with luggage you become a  prime target. So you're in Rome and you're ready   to get on public transportation and you need to  get tickets um a ticket is €1.5 and here's how the   tickets work a bus ticket is good for 100 minutes  meaning if you go out and take the bus go shopping   and come back and it's been less than 100 minutes  you only need one ticket if you go into the Metro   once you go into the turn Styles you're good as  long as you stay down there but once you come up   out of the turn styles to the surface again if  you want to go back down on the Metro even it's   been less than an hour or less than 100 minutes  you have to purchase another ticket. There is a   new thing in town called tap and go and with tap  and go you no longer need to have tickets you can   just use your credit card as your ticket and the  way that works is at every Metro station right on   top of the turn Styles there's a little receiver  you just tap it with your credit card and it   charges you and the gate opens. if you're on the  bus you walk to the front of the bus and there's   a screening English it says tap and go on it and  you tap it it turns green acknowledging payment   and you're good to go. Here's the beauty of tap  and go. Every time you get on a bus or Metro you   tap right and no matter how many times you tap  the most is going to charge you in 24 hours is   €7 in 48 hours is 12.5 euros and in 72 hours is  € 18. it's going to automatically give you the   best available rate depending on how many times  you tapped. That's great news you no longer have   to decide do I need to buy the three-day pass?  or do I need the one day pass? am I going to   use the Metro as much as I think? I am now you  just tap every time and it's going to give you   the best available rate the only caveat is you  cannot use the same device or same credit card   with two different people. If you're going to use  the same credit card you can do that but you need   to have it on two separate devices. like you your  wife or whoever could have it on their phone and   you could have their actual credit card or you  could both have it on your separate phones but   you can't you use the same phone or same credit  card to make two separate purchases because it's   tracking you individually and that's just how that  works. There's no reason not to have a ticket,   you've got one in your pocket. Just use it and it  makes getting on the bus or Metro so much easier.   No longer do you have to hunt for a place to buy  the tickets or stand in line when you finally do   find a place. If you do still want to buy tickets  the way you get those is at a Tobacco any place   that sells tobacco products in Rome sells  Metro and bus bus tickets and the way you   know is you're walking down the street you'll  see these T's like on top. Sometimes they're in   bars and sometimes they're just tobacco stores  but if they have a "T" which stands for tobacco   that means they're an authorized distributor for  the uh bus and Metro tickets and that's where You'   get them. if you're at the stations you can go  in there's a ticket office in most of the Metro   stations and then there's also electronic  kiosk where you can put your credit card in   tell how many tickets you want and it'll print  out you know tickets for you to use that way. [Music] Another tip, never get on the bus or Metro without  a ticket they will fine you and the fines are   steep now they don't check every time maybe only  10% of the time but if you get caught without a   ticket the fine is like € 100. I have seen people  try to talk their way out of it I mean they spend   10 minutes, you know arguing hey I didn't know I  don't speak Italian whatever they don't care and   they will fine you. They have very thick skin  they've heard it all if you're on the Metro or   a bus you need to have a valid ticket. so the way  you do that is you have a ticket first of all and   you need to validate it when you enter into the  bus tickets for the bus are good for 100 minutes   so if you validated it on your first bus won't  validate a second time you just need to know let's   say you got on at 3:00 you need to know roughly  100 minutes from now you're going to need another   ticket. If you're on that bus or a different bus,  let's put it that way if you're on the Metro a   little different because you're going to use the  ticket it's going to validate when you go in it's   going to open up the the Turn Style for you but  then you need to take that ticket because where   they check on the Metro is when you're exiting  the metro and again they don't check every time   but if they do check it's going to be at the turn  styles on the way out. And again don't get caught   without a ticket it will cost you and uh it's  best just use Tap & Go. That's a tip on this   video as well um but if you're using paper tickets  just make sure you have one and make sure they're validated! I'm going to show you how to save  time and money this one. Using High-Speed   Rail in Italy. High speed rail is awesome! You  can get to Rome or from Rome to Naples in less   than 1 hour where before high speed rail it was  around 3 hours. You can get from Rome to Florence   in just over an hour and a half. That was like 4  plus hours before. High-Speed Rail is definitely   the way to travel but it is more expensive. But  with the advice I'm about to give you I can save   you at least 50% on your tickets and this is  how you do it. let's look on the app today is   November 1st so let's go here to November 1st  and look at the pricing. If you book the day   of or one or two days out your pricing is going  to be fairly expensive okay going the cheapest   rate I can can find here today from here to  Florence is €49 okay and there's others that are   59 euros depending on the time of day and which  train you take. If I book out a bit in advance,   there are so many tickets they allow for every  train at discounted prices, but they sell out ,so   in in High season they sell out you know even two  three weeks in advance. In low season sometimes 3,   4, or 5 days in advance to get the full savings.  I'll show you here I can book out basically a week   from now which is November 8th and I'll search  the same. This is for the same trains, searching,   okay now look at this if want to take an early  train out like 5:40 in the morning pretty early   you can get there each way this is each way is  $12.90. Under 13! but for a regular ticket I mean   let's let's face it 5:40 is not very appealing  to to get to the train station I have to get   up at 3:00 in the morning to do that so you can  get a ticket for around 26 depending 22 there's   there's quite a few here to choose from and if  I went out a little bit further let's just see   I don't know it's going to change much this  is to the 15th. okay oh yeah there actually   are some pretty good savings you have a 7:25am for  $9.90 going out another week you've got uh 7:40am   for 12.40 euros so you got a 8 55am for $21.90 and  then the rest of them are around 23 or 24 euros.So   booking even in offseason, going out two weeks,  does save you additional .In High season remember   a lot of people travel in High season book those  tickets you know as soon as you can book them 3   weeks in advance four weeks in advance it'll save  you a lot of money. Here's the trade-off though,   if you do not show up to your train or you miss  your train let's say you're getting a taxi and it   shows up late to the station and the the train  parts without you you just lost your ticket.   They will not rebook you for free, they will not  rebook you at all. You're going to have to buy a   new ticket. If you paid full fair you paid the 50  or 60 euros for the ticket and you miss the train   they will rebook you for free, on the next train,  no problem. But um that's kind of the trade-off   you just need to be on time to the train station  so you don't miss your train and it won't be a   problem. But you need to know that, and that is a  good tip! book your tickets early and save money!
Channel: RozierRoama
Views: 24,597
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Keywords: Rome italy travel tips, Travel tips Rome, Rome travel tips, Rome Italy Travel
Id: 5ON5b6bt9z4
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Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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