TOP 10 Budget Destinations to Travel in 2024

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now we have compiled a list of the top 10 budget destinations that we suggest that you travel to now to make this list they had to be affordable accommodations and just really generally overall affordability now these are all places that we have traveled to and they may be just a little bit off the beaten path from places that maybe you've seen to go to it's got to have everything and we're going to start at the very most expensive of our budget travel at number 10 is the algar Portugal now the Algarve we have been to a couple times we absolutely love it if you haven't watched any of our other videos where we talk about our favorite places to travel to that usually tops the list for us yeah that's usually number one for a variety of reasons but it is Affordable it is now the algor there are many towns that you can stay in some cost a little more some cost a little less this was kind of a middle of the line one and so your average accommodation is going to run you about $950 now eating out does get a little bit expensive especially in some of the bigger cities you'll be spending about $9 to $12 per person for a meal out and transportation through the Algarve once again very affordable not the most reliable but it works um but it is you know just in general being able to be there and enjoy your time right it's an affordable place to go no we we rented bikes and went on bike rides you can go down to the beach those things are either free were very inexpensive to do just the sight scene alone is worth going to the kaying isn't very expensive um you can go on boat tours there's a lot to do down there that you can do for an affordable price yeah little day trip over to Spain as well now coming in at number nine is Couture Montenegro now we ended up in Couture Montenegro not necessarily as a first choice at the time because we had spent our time in the shangan and we needed to get out now um we are so glad that that happened though because we may have not made our our way there yet not only do we have to get out of the shangan but we had to go someplace that would allow us to get in because Co was going on at the time and Montenegro checked that box as well Couture the housing in Couture you're paying about $900 a month for your rent and you know Couture is just an absolutely beautiful area some of the best views that we have had uh anywhere that you honestly get your place to stay in that area you're going to probably have a beautiful view as you are walking around uh now to eat in conture eating out was also affordable was about $8 to $10 per person uh Transportation same thing they had taxis that were incredibly affordable and we took a bus as well for a little day trip you also say Couture is a good launch point to get around uh some of the other areas dubnik budva mostar you can stay in Couture and get to all those places relative easy yeah cuz we took a bus from duik to get to Couture uh so yeah there are plenty of places you can go see while you're there okay coming in in our number eight spot is crack out Poland now we did not get enough time in Poland no we've got to get back to Poland because Poland is a really cool country and that is going to be on our list once we go back to Europe but crack out Poland so affordable and you can entertain yourself all day long 's a lot to do there's so much housing is going to cost you about $900 a month mhm yeah and there were plenty of accommodations to choose from that had you just even just a little bit outside of the old town but it's incredibly walkable area there's a lot to go see and do in that area a lot of little day trips that you can do from there as well now eating out was going to run you around $7 to $9 and uh the price was very affordable and there was a lot of uh different kinds of foods that were new to us and really fun to try right it was a great time we love Kow Carrie mentioned something about walkability I would say krackow is the most walkable large city that we've been to in a long time on a scale of 1 to 10 it probably be like a N9 and a half on ease and not only that it was walkable but uh they had the best I think like traffic laws as far as you could walk and you were not people did not if they saw you even approaching AC crosswalk the cars stop for you which is not what we experience in a lot of places I will say though when the Rings its Bell that doesn't mean go cuz I almost got hit by a trolley they're be aware of that they don't stop for you now coming in at number seven is braja Romania now we found our way to Romania kind of once again unexpectedly we needed to get out of shangan and so it forced us into another area which thank goodness for that we fell in love with Romania and not only Romania but baraj of because it really is a summer or winter destination and they also has some great craft beer if I remember correctly Romania in general does yes Romania in general does but I especially like the place we went to in brov now housing and brob is still going to cost you in that $900 range but that was a nice place we got too it was it was well worth the 900 yeah $900 for uh for the average place to stay there and then about $7 to $9 for eating out so when sometimes the pricing comes in and maybe the accommodation is going to run a little bit more we're now seeing those prices sometimes for the food go down further so this is an allover cost of what it's going to cost you to go to these areas so yeah we we would highly recommend the area once again a lot that you can do around there if you're an active person and like to hike or if you want to go in the winter time and there was Ste yes yeah and a lot of different day trips that you can take from there as well uh transportation system a little rough around the edges in Romania but incredibly affordable one of the most affordable Uber rides that we've ever taken uh the train system gets you wherever you need to go may just get you there a little slower we went to pelish Castle from brov and it was an easy day trip yeah yeah so plenty of little day trips you can do from there coming at number six we just left this place so if you've been watching the channel you know where we were just at intellia Turkey it's a beautiful place lot to do loved it yeah absolutely gorgeous got us over to the water if you want to be on the Mediterranean and you want to save yourself some money this is a great place to go uh you can you're getting all of those same beauties that you get in other really expensive places on the Mediterranean at a fraction of the cost fraction of price yeah so in antelia you get a lot for your money you can get a really nice place for around $700 a month um and yeah I mean you we don't with that $700 a month and to eat out you're spending about five bucks now we tend to go to the grocery store and cook meals in but if you can eat out for $5 uh why not eat out you know because they're going to prepare the food um slightly better than Carrie not a whole lot better but slightly better and the beer is going to cost you about 350 yeah we were ordering meals in that's a real popular thing to do there uh we were ordering them in and it was running us about $5 each for a really great meal and it was an absolute ton of food that would last us each two days so actually around $2 $2 50 but the $5 if you want to go eat out you're when I say slightly better in car I mean the authent authentic turkey Turkish food want make sure he gets dinner me tonight the authentic Turkish food yeah I don't cook that that way what I mean now coming in at number five is s Albania now I'd have to say that this is probably an area that doesn't make it onto a lot of people's lists uh part of that reasoning could just be it's Albania and honestly not a whole lot of people travel there yeah the infrastructure is not that that great but you can get a really nice place in Albania our view is fantastic for about $600 a month yeah and you know you can eat out for really affordable once again like the grocery stores there aren't the greatest but when the affordability of eating out runs you around $6 for a meal uh it's you don't worry about that as much you don't worry about it so much and it's also another good launch point to really the rest of Europe uh kfu is across the bay can take a 30 minute fery taxi over there jump on an airplane and go just about wherever you need to go if you have shenen time left make sure and allow some shenen time left so once again you're right there on the Mediterranean you get the beautiful climate without the cost okay we're going to stay in the Balkans for this next one coming in at number four sevo Bosnia heroina this place was really cool it was very cool it had such Rich history it was really interesting to just kind of take that all in um and a lot that you could go and see and do there uh they had the where that's where the Olympics were and so you can take the gondle up and go see the tracks the uh what it's kind of the the bob sled track it's abandoned now but it's still kind of a a a touristy Scenic thing to do um and we're glad we did it the history isn't uh all that pleasant but it's worth taking in um and it's it's really an amazing place now you can get a place there for about 550 a month yeah incredibly affordable and then you can also eat out for around $5.50 and talk about some really interesting and very diverse food you had F food from multiple different cultures and so uh nothing that you were going to get tired of at all it's where East Meets West so it all kind of comes together it comes together and they actually have a line right in the middle of the town where it is where East Meets West and you when you are looking One Direction the town looks absolutely different and then you look the other direction and it looks totally different so it's very cool just a very fun place to be put it on your list it's worth visiting now we are heading on over to Southeast Asia for number three which is kosami Thailand now we had a great time in kosami now when we get to the prices on these accommodations this isn't necessarily what we paid but it's the average price that we found throughout our research on Airbnb and a couple other sites Kos Samui you can get a really cool place COI for about $600 a month but that's not the best part yeah the best part is is that the money you are going to save on your food now you don't cook in pretty much in any of the places that we were in in Southeast Asia you eat out uh it's way more affordable and it's going to run you around $2.50 to be able to eat out uh yeah $250 for a plate of pad tie that's that's a prettyy good deal we loved it so much because there's a lot of really different dishes that you are going to order when you were there and sometimes you question should you get that one what if you don't like it well you're not out 20 bucks on a meal and going that was a bummer you just go and grab a different meal so yeah we really loved our time there um and it really for a place where you get that beach life and just that relaxing for an affordable price K is pretty is a pretty great place and the beers and kosui and in Thailand I prefer Chang over Leo the Changs are going to R run you about $2.50 each so grab a couple Changs and head down to the beach that's right sounds terrific coming in at number two on our list we're going to stay in Thailand we're going to move Inland to changai changai uh has a place in our hearts oh we had a great time yeah and once again if you've watched our videos where we've kind of broken down our favorite places changai comes in really high on that list and sometimes we ask ourselves why uh because it doesn't check certain boxes we always felt would need to be checked as far as being near water it's not but boy it has so much to offer and one of those things is the affordability of your accommodations $425 is going to get you a pretty darn nice place yeah for an entire month that is crazy again we didn't eat out because we didn't need to the price to eat out in changmai was slightly lower than kosui you get a plate of pad tie which I kind of always go with it's my go-to is $2 yeah that's hard to beat uh there was pretty much everything there if you want a massage you can get those for around $12 uh and those are on every corner actually there's there's a few per block so they're not hard to come by I would get I would get if I was there right now uh I would get a $6 haircut because I need one yeah but $6 for a haircut um you just can't beat it the other thing that Chang May has that was so great was just a lot of things to entertain yourself with they have a night market pretty much every night in different areas of the Town it was very walkable and when it wasn't walkable they have the little red trucks that you can drive around in or that you can get a ride in for a really affordable rate a couple dollars per ride uh yeah it was just it it really is way up there our list if you were looking for a place to go really enjoy life and uh come out with a very affordable price changai should be up there coming in in the number one spot we head on over to Vietnam and we are in hyan or dang Vietnam yeah now this is uh this is another place that I could have stayed up for quite a while um $400 for a month in this location we got it with ma service twice a week yeah it really is hard to beat uh you know Vietnam in general were some of the kindest people that we met um we were kind of Blown Away by that that was really wonderful uh the food once again it's going to run you maybe $2 per meal uh sometimes you can come in well below that so it it is just a place that you can really go and enjoy life once again we are now on the water so we were near the ocean and it was just it was great yeah again you can get the the beer on the beach uh for $22.50 you can get a bomi a bomi in Vietnam the same sandwich is going to cost you $10 a Subway I'm just saying and they're better it's like a $150 in Vietnam so yeah incredibly affordable and once again a lot to go see and do in that area there was uh hoyan specifically had it is a very touristy location but soon as the buses leave that day uh you have the whole place to yourself and that's one of the reasons we really like that area you also have the beach nearby get an Airbnb that maybe comes with some free bikes which a lot of them do and uh you all set yeah it's touristy for a reason so so dang hoan Vietnam is the number one location if you're on a budget so we hope that this list just kind of maybe opens your eyes to some places that maybe you hadn't considered yet you just do a little more research on them or or all these places like we said we have been to personally so you can also just check out those videos and go see what what that place has to offer right and we've been to other places that would check the lowbudget box but aren't as cool as these places are these are our top are top cool places on a budget that you should go to yeah all right Cheers [Music] Cheers
Channel: Brian and Carrie
Views: 18,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brian and Carrie
Id: eo54_Sf96Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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