Top of the World! An epic trip to Barrow, AK!

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[Music] lusting [Music] it's dead horse at the airport actually just noticed there's a scientist at hotel across the street so I got a walk out check it out say what last week is a really good week go and get a new jacket just scored this brand new jacket kind of preparation for coming up here just and be really cool the scene around here let's lock the trucks lots of buildings it's really just a town just set up just for people to drill parole some in the Aurora hotel try and talk kind of quiet case there's people sleeping it's basically looks like a big bunkhouse I think it's the only hotel in this area it's my guess kind of reminds me a little bit of a army barracks let me go check out the cafeteria now [Music] thank you also in all of Prudhoe Bay and Deadhorse they have a new alcohol no drug policy that applies to the entire town not just individual companies [Music] walking back to the airport I've got a watch closely around here you can't really tell her any roads are at I think I'm walking down the middle of a road right now such like have an awkward interaction with the people there at the wood sale actually really polite and friendly but I I rolled in there and I was the only one in the cafeteria only person in the area I scared her and walked in she was making food I said hey you know I I'm just shooting a visit here for the day she just looked at me and said why I had to describe her what I'm doing him hey if it isn't and she was real nice but obviously not too many visitors up here [Laughter] [Music] [Music] just landed in Barrow Alaska Barrow we are way way up north north the Arctic Circle in fact [Music] it is windy it is cold I don't love my mustache feels like it's frozen right now is it frozen it is it is barrel here's the these are the whale bones if you if you've ever looked at barrel you've probably seen these whale bones and directly through the center of them that behind you and pardon me in front of you that is the Arctic Ocean I love it takes and it's it's too cold [Music] so take a little walk this evening for a walk pull pull walk software is really nice I just ducked into the subway and got directions of the closest grocery store and start walking they even caught up with me about a block later just make sure I was in the right track and everything couple locals from kind but that's pretty interesting their cars we've got snowmobiles around today treats and yells just like you know car basically as far as the rules of the road [Music] still on my walk the perfect grocery picked up a few things everything is definitely much more expensive here so if you're gonna travel this area I'd recommend you don't forget anything in my case I forgot deodorant and I forgot them to visible so I just went to the Artic grocery and I got some pepto-bismol so I got one candy bar one Gatorade in the total on one do too the total was $26 $26 one two three four items $26 that's a lot of money to report all four items I also want to know to the current time is 10 p.m. it's still pretty late out at 10 p.m. in March so I got back from my walk just in time I don't know if you can see what's going on out there but the wind is blowing pretty good I don't want to take a guess two miles per hour because I'm bad at that kind of things but I was actually just out walking to the grocery store and I was right in the middle of taking video and my phone just died and went from 60% all the way down to zero just like bad it's charging back up just from the cold and the minute I got back inside the wind just started blowing this is really challenging terrain like there are people that that live up here and work in this and get on a snow machine snowmobile and just cruise around and I think it's a pretty impressive so just ate a delicious place called Osaka Osaka it's a sushi place here in Barrow I'm impressed really good rolls really good sashimi vicious good quality so we're in like the downtown area Barrow and noticing something interesting here everybody leaves their cars running if you look on the parking lots people are going side places go shopping or whatever and they just leave their cars running assuming of course is probably because the extreme cold around here but there's obviously not a problem with vehicle theft and it also makes sense that there wouldn't because you can't drive anywhere there's no roads in the roads out the only way is by phone or by plane or by snow machine on the trail I guess but there's no roads so it makes sense you're not gonna steal a car because you got nowhere to take it [Music] myself here in Barrow so we went and stopped to the budget rental car company there at the airport and they sent us out to pick up our rental car here it is right here we just have to be able to bury it out so uh Christina she brought the shovel she's gonna get going on that real soon I'm gonna sit in the warm car though there's even snow in the car look at that [Music] so right over here is KBR W this is the one radio station in town I think I think that you can listen to online there's a couple others but that's the only one actually broadcasts live internets obviously an issue it's really expensive to get internet here it's kind of cool they broadcast online welcome back to the airport now taking one last walk actually really beautiful this morning it's only having a heatwave it's only negative eleven so I don't have to have the hood on this morning just a jacket and my hat in the gloves suffice been a great trip it is way way way up here interesting way people go about living their lives they catch a flight going to Anchorage and then back home to Seattle [Music] about to enter into the Alaska Airlines building checking for my flight interesting here in Barrow every airline has their own separate building the building that includes and of course ticket counter security and there's always a great big cargo bay of course they do a lot of cargo everything comes in the air [Music]
Channel: D.J. Glore
Views: 27,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alaska, Barrow, why, the, northernmost, arctic circle, snow, midnight sun, polar winter, aurora borealis, aviation, airplane, travel, winter, real life, north slope, prudhoe, adventure, action, Inupiat, Utqiagvik, whale, football
Id: np26Tg8RuSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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