Top Nasal Cradle CPAP Masks - What is a Nasal Cradle?

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hey it's glacy Pat my way today I'm here to discuss nasal cradle CPAP masks so this is a type of mask that cradles underneath the nose as you can see on the four options we have in front of us here it's a little bit different than standard nasal because standard nasal goes around the nose kind of like clown nose style and it has some real serious benefits to these options as well as maybe some drawbacks for some people so in this video I'm going to go over what exactly these masks are how they work the difference between them in standard nasals and then we're also going to break down each individual mask the pros and cons and why you might like one over the other or if you're having trouble with one of these one maybe one of the others might work for you as always if you enjoy the info please hit us with the thumbs up we really appreciate that subscribe for more content and comment with any experience of your own or questions that I might can answer I do my best to get back to everybody so let's Jump Right In all right so nasal cradle masks have been around for a while um these four are fairly new but I think it's going to go back in my recollection of maybe like the opti-life from Respironics that's not one we carry anymore I don't think it's made anymore but it was the first to kind of rest underneath the nose that was made by Phillips um then they uh launched this dreamwear which is a really great option as well um that particular mask you know when it first came out I was like there's no way this seals we demoed it and I'm like holy cow it actually works so it kind of opened my eyes to you know the possibilities of these masks but to give you kind of an understanding of what exactly these masks are this is the n30 from ResMed and you'll notice on this mask that it has just like a little cup that rests underneath the nose or a cradle you might call it right um and uh instead of sealing over top of the nose which may cause some abrasion or leaks you know along the side of the bridge of the nose especially if you've got a pointy nose like myself um this mask rests underneath the nose right so there's nothing touching in between the eyes you can wear glasses you can read watch TV much easier than you might could with a traditional nasal style mask it is similar to like a nasal pillow but the benefits between this and a nasal pillow is with a nasal pillow you know you've got the little buds resting on the nostrils which can cause some abrasion all the pressures just on the tip of your nostrils on a nasal pillow and additionally on a nasal pillow you really get like two streams of air going up your nose so if you're on higher pressures sometimes that can be a bit much especially to Exhale against um if you're using a nasal pillar mask this gives you a little bit more versatility because it gives you some of the benefits of a nasal um you know the easier fit the easier exhale but it also gives you the benefit of a very minimal contact to your face kind of like a nasal pillow would so it's a really cool option for people that are on nasals that might be tired of the big clunky nasal standard masks or some people that are maybe having some issues with nasal pillows so for a quick bulk intro here ResMed makes two different cradle masks we've got the n30i which has the top of tube the top of the head tube connection the n30 which stays in the front of the face obviously then Phillips makes the dreamwear that's probably the one that's been around the longest out of these and then Fisher pikele recently released this evora which is a cool mask as well so let's start off with uh the new end of the block that is the evora all right so Fisher and pikele always does a really good job with masks and this is definitely uh no different the avora here is uh very unique in the way the headgear fits for sure and it has a pretty unique shape to the Cradle which is you know a very deep cradle kind of goes up the sides of the nose and helps to seal really really well the headgear is termed as a ball cap style headgear so you can see it's rigid it's kind of uh it's uh it's not floppy at all right so you're supposed to be able to just kind of put it on like a ball cap as long as it's fitted correctly to your head that usually goes pretty well I'll try it on for you in a few minutes here and let you hear it on the machine this particular mask is available in um small medium wide and large you can see the size of the Mask right there on the side just got a big clear M on it as far as the mask goes there's some really cool Pros that make it pretty unique like I said the headgear is really cool you know as it fits on it's it's really that easy super simple to put on and off when you've got it fit correctly to your head it has a really soft silicone so you're going to have very little abrasion issues with it for sure big opening for your nose some of them have like a divided nasal part there that um some people like or dislike and the frame of the Mask is really unique as well right so if you're maintaining your mask you have to take it apart right you literally just grab this piece here and kind of give it a little pull up and it takes the entire frame loose the headgear frame that is from the actual cushion and the tube itself this part obviously has to be washed a little more often than the headgear so it's kind of a unique and very easy way to maintain the mask snaps right back together really easy as well some of the cons I think rests right alongside with some of the pros the headgear does have some hard plastic in it we've had a few people say that you know like sleeping on it sometimes can be a little bit rough it is obviously covered and you can buy some little separate covers for it as well but it is some hard plastic which may or may not interfere with the way you sleep the other thing is the cushion can be a little wonky to remove I mean it does SNAP in and out of there uh like any other wood but you really have to kind of pull up from the bottom of it you know grab the bottom of it and pull it off if you try to pull from the sides or from the top a lot of times it's really difficult to get off so that's one thing about it you have to make sure you pull from the bottom it can be a little bit wonky to remove from time to time and the other thing that people have told us is that this part here it has a little bit of like a thicker piece of silicone right there that kind of makes the rigidity of the bottom seal some people say that it presses on the upper lip a little bit too hard now I think that may just be an adjustment of the headgear issue but it is something to keep in mind that we have had a few people report that it presses on on the upper lip a little bit all right so let's hook this evora up and we'll try it on and give you a little uh understanding of what it sounds like I'm going to hook it up on our air since 11 here I've got this set at 10 centimeters of pressure so that we can kind of give an average view of what it's going to sound like on a you know average pressure so like I said it fits on like the ball cap just gonna slip it over slip it down very very simple fire it up and tighten it up just a little bit all right we're running a tin there hopefully you can see that on the screen do a little closer so you can hear the exhales really well diffused you don't feel you know probably that far away before I feel like any exhalation at all also a very quiet exhalation uh I will say that you feel a little bit of draft up by the eyes and the way it exhales uh but that wouldn't bother me may or may not bother somebody with a little bit more sensitive eyes but very comfortable and very very quiet and then taking it off it's just as easy right just up and over with that baseball cap style but it's a really really nice mask and I think a lot of people would fit really really well with it just that design of the Cradle is really really nice all right so for consistency the next one I wanted to take a look at here is the n30 the n30 may look pretty familiar to you because it is very similar to the P10 which is a a very popular nasal pillow mask from ResMed in fact it's almost identical except for the fact that it has a cradle cushion instead of pillows so if you've always liked the way a P10 fits as far as the headgear and the Simplicity of it this is a really good option to get you away from the pillows if that's something that has bothered you in the past you can see it's got a very unique headgear there's very little to adjust on it you just have this one little strap that if you pull it it tightens it on your head split on the back but it's all elastic headgear so very stretchy very easy to fit and very little headgear on your face all of it is pretty soft as well this particular one is a medium so if you look on the bottom there you can see the M for medium and it has a blue color to it it's available in small medium and small wide this happens to be a medium and I feel like medium fits a vast majority of people in this particular mask it is available in a fit pack all of these masks I'm showing you today are available in a fit pack so you can order with all sizes included that way you'd have to guess which size fits you best some really cool pros of this mask are that it has extremely stretchy headgear which is awesome it's got also a deep cradle similar to that evora we looked at just a few minutes ago the one thing I do want to point out that's different than the avora is this little uh little membrane right there that goes down in between almost like providing two nostril holes that little membrane is supposed to give it some good rigidity so that it doesn't shift as much around on your nose um some people have said that they feel like it occludes their breathing a little bit so just keep that in mind if that's something you struggle with maybe the abor is a better option if the avora was something you felt like shifted too much maybe this one's a better option the other really cool thing about it is has a very quiet diffused exhalation see it's got this little material in there and the exhalation ports that really make it super quiet you really can't feel the exhalation at all I'll show you in a minute when we hook it up the other really nice thing is it is a very simple cushion removal you can't really do it wrong it's all soft and it just slips right into the ridge on the frame here and you can't do it wrong it's got a big notch on the front there so it's very obvious which way is up and which way is down one of the downsides of this is the same downside for the P10 this headgear can be really tricky to get on and off like you have to get the little Loop off of it there slip this little frame thing off and then when you're putting it back on you have to line it up perfectly in that little hole the tricky is I'm showing you now and then slide it all the way down making sure that your little tab is on the inside there get it all the way down and then kind of loop it over that little Edge there and then it's back on so you if you have dexterity issues removing the headgear can be a little tricky from time to time the other thing that we hear a lot is that the headgear actually wears out fairly uh quickly because it is all elastic you know so as you sweat um and as you're stretching it putting it on and off especially if you've got to wear it kind of tight the headgear elasticity can start to wear out a little bit earlier than than you might expect and the other thing is there's no quick connector for the tubing with a mask this simple I think resmed's probably maybe wise on that because it's so easy to take it on and off I'm not sure you do need a quick connector it just may not be necessary but it is not something that's included if you're a person that really enjoys that quick disconnect go to the bathroom come back snap back in and get back to therapy in the middle of the night so let's hook this thing up and try it on like I said it's really simple to put on uh very traditional right just put it under the nose pull the headgear if you grab the bottom strap just pull it to the back of your head there so slip it on pull it over and then this one's so stretchy sometimes you have to take the top strap there and just kind of bring it to the right point so that you have a good um a good up upwards pull as well all right this is a medium again good you'll see we're at a 10 centimeters of pressure there if that screens on there we go 10 centimeters this basket feels a little puffier I don't know how to describe that but it kind of floats on the nose a little bit which is nice it really reduces a lot of the pressure of you know pulled Mass tied up against your face also like I said the exhalation I'm cupping the exhalation area and I can't feel it at all there's no draft up in the eyes at all that it's very very quiet so really really very nice uh I will say the exhalation feels a little bit a little bit more difficult than it did of the evora but I can't tell if that's something I'm just making up in my head or if it really is there certainly not dramatic all right and it's a ticket it off is also super easy just grab that back strap pull it up and over and it's very easy to get off your head so we like this one a lot it's been a great mask it Compares directly to that evora because they both have the front tube connector um and the Cradle style right there's obviously some differences that you can look at with both of them now if you're a side to side sleeper quite a bit the next two cradle masks are going to be ones that you want to look at as well all right the last two nasal cradle masks are distinctly different from the first two and that is because they have the top of the head tube connection points for a lot of people that move side to side it's kind of a cool feature because you're not driving dragging the tubing across your chest As you move around at night um it they are dramatically different because they obviously have the big tubes that run along the side um so the head part is a little more is a little bulkier but you know getting the tubing out of your ways kind of a nice positive so let's start off with the the n30i here all right so the n30i is a really nice mask it's got a super soft and flexible uh cushion seals under it's got that divided Bridge across there as well I'll show you a little closer in a second it comes integrated with these little soft pads that kind of keep the abrasion to a minimum on the side of the face because these silicone straps can some kind some sometimes you know kind of rub the skin a little bit one other thing to keep in mind about these masks is the the silicone can sometimes pull your hair a little bit so if that becomes an issue for you you may want to switch to uh you know in front of the face style cradle mask a really simple head strap on it you know just tightens and loosens uh with the straps similar to the the others the cushion is available in small medium small wide and wide it is available in a fit pack so all sizes can come with it if you're ordering it in the fit pack option the frame which is the uh the part that connects to the cushion and to the head strap is available in standard or small so if you've got a small little head like me the uh the small may be a better option standard fits almost everybody the other thing about the uh the frame itself is it has like a stretch fit to it here right you see how that kind of Wiggles around on the head what that's really designed to do is as you move around the tube obviously has a little bit of tube drag coming from the CPAP and so it's supposed to give up here without pulling side to side on the Cradle because one thing for sure is if you pull to the side and it pulls to the point where it adjusts this cradle under your nose you're going to get a leak up the side of the nose you'll see kind of when I put it on here in a second how that would work um the pros of this particular map are that it is extremely quiet it has that really nice diffuser on the front um which makes it very uh which makes a very little draft you don't feel it and it is really quiet you'll see that in a minute when I put it on that stretchy Fame is a real frame is a real probe you know gives you a little bit more movement without the mask shifting underneath the nose at all a lot of people really like the tube disconnect on this one so you pinch and remove uh really really nice quick attached tube connector on the top and the last really nice thing about this is that it's a super soft silicone on the uh the nose cradle itself it used to be a bit more rigid had some hard plastic in there and people complained that it was pushing but they upgraded that to a completely soft silicone design a couple of the drawbacks would start off with the exhalation we've had a few people tell us that it feels a little difficult to Exhale against and that may be because it's so well diffused um obviously when you diffuse it more and make it quieter so you don't feel the draft it probably makes it a little bit more difficult to Exhale on um not dramatic but it's something that some people have passed along to us the other thing is that while this gives you a lot more freedom of movement on the top the the stretchy tube thing can be a little funky at times you know because it wants to Bow around so because it has a little more flexibility As you move around it may be something you notice a little bit and the last little drawback that I would point out about this is that the strap on the back especially for ladies sometimes wants to slip up the back of the head especially if you have you know silky hair my wife actually usually puts like a ponytail on masks like this so it holds it in place you know what I mean like if you can picture that I obviously won't be able to demo that for you but you put your hair up there A lot of times getting the uh the strap underneath there it won't ride up the head but that is something if you wear your hair down it can slip up the back of the head just a little bit so let's try this thing on so you can hear um how it sounds and what it's like fitting it all right so this is a medium cushion and it is a standard frame which you'll see on the uh the deal there it's also super easy to put on right so you just slip it in the nose and pull the strap to the back of the head just like that this is very very loose on me so to tighten it all you have to do is grab those straps evenly on both sides pull them one thing I'll point out is that I do have a small head you can see how this is kind of almost touching my ears a small frame probably would be best for me but the standard seems to work just fine as well all right we are running at a CPAP attitude again as I exhale I feel absolutely nothing very quiet on exhalation and there is no draft at all a lot of towards my eyes or anything so really really very nice nothing about this feels uncomfortable to me at all so yeah it's not riding up the back of my head at all that's really really nicely there and uh so the side to side would be very very easy with this one for sure and again this was a medium cushion standard frame that seems to be a pretty darn good fit for a vast majority of people but this one is available as fit pack so you can get all the cushion sizes um with either size frame all right the last one I want to look at is the OG of this uh category this is the dreamware nasal cradle um one thing I probably should have pointed out before I moved on from the um from the n30is it also it fits if you take the cushion off of this right you got a little cradle cushion here you actually can get the pillow as well uh the nasal pillow version will snap into this exact same frame they share a frame and headgear so it's um it's kind of cool that you could switch back and forth from nasal pillow to cradle on this particular mask the reason why I went back to that is because that was the first thing I was going to say about the dreamwear here um this is the Cradle version but it also has a really nice silicone pillow that you could attach to this and this even has a full face version that'll fit this as well which um the n30i does as well uh the f30i is the version full face version uh in fact let me I want to throw a link in here for our minimal contact full faces so if you're a full face mask person you may actually want to visit the um the minimal contact UM demo we have for that as well it's kind of the minimal contact's a cradle but also goes over the mouth as well for for mouth breathers but gotten too distracted here the uh dreamwear cradle is a really cool mask as well it also has a a really nice swivel it's a little more free spinning swivel on the top but that's where your tubing attaches right gives you a lot more side to side moving uh movement the Cradle rests underneath the nose just like the others do this one has just a genuine open uh hole there right so that ResMed had that little membrane which some people like so people don't uh this particular sizing is a medium frame and a medium cushion I would say on this one the small cushion actually fits more people than the medium I don't know why but um Smalls is usually a good place to start it is available as a fit packed the DreamWork cradle is available in small medium large and medium wide and as I said earlier the the small seems to fit a vast majority of people that are medium the um headgear the frame I should say I mean is available in small medium or large so if you get a small head get a small almost everybody uses medium if you get a monster head you could use the the orange frame which is nice so as far as pros of this mask the top of the head tube connection is definitely a big Pro super nice to be able to move side to side and it has a really great rotation so there's not a whole lot of drag or pull this one also has a nice uh quick disconnect on the top where your tubing connects onto it it also swivels so the swivel portion of this on the top is really fluid and easy it moves very very well as you move in the bed um one thing about this connector to be sure it's so simple and easy it gets lost I'm not going to call this a con or anything but it's very easy to forget that it's in your tubing you know because it gets so flush in there so if you're having trouble connecting to a different mask you may have left that in there it's also a very soft silicone we don't really get too much negative feedback as far as abrasion or pressure points with the cushion at all the other big benefit of this one that I really like are these headgear arms that comes standard on here now it moves the headgear point to a lower part of the head and really reduces that shift up the back of the head if you have uh you know silkier hair that kind of forces it to ride at the back of your head and it'll affect your fit well this these headgear arms move that connection point a little lower which is really really nice some of the downsides of this one is it's a very pronounced exhalation Port right there it's just like one little hole and so it's pretty projected you'll see that in a minute when I actually put it on so if you've got a bed partner that doesn't like that they may feel the exhalation on this when you turn that way in bed the other thing is that uh this silicone tubing on the side of the face can irritate some people there are uh little tube wraps that come with it that you can put they're like little velor wraps that go along there and velcro in place to make it soft on your face but as it comes sometimes the silicone on the side of the face will irritate some people and the last thing people have told us that's maybe a little bit of a con on this one is they get a little bit of a leak out the front of this mask so a lot of them have a side leak you know all of them have that potential just because it's very easy for the air to escape up the side of the nose but this one has kind of a deeper V on the front there and so we will see people from time to time having a front of the nose link there if that's happening you definitely want to shift the headgear further back on your head and you may even have to go with from what I'm thinking a larger frame size so you can pull it back further and get a little more uh pull on the front there but if you're having to over tighten it it's not going to be something that's going for you anyway all right so let's try this one on and you guys can see what it sounds like and feels like uh on me so really simple same deal just put it on pull it to the back of your head and as you need to tighten your straps this medium frame fits me pretty well in the um medium cushion seems to fit pretty well as as well I do better on a small cushion just uh if you're looking at me and sizing yourself up small is usually best for me tubing connects up top like I told you earlier and we will fire the old 11 up here all right give a road to hit the 10 centimeters the exhalation port I can feel a draft significantly all the way out to you talk about right there get it get it closer it's very pronounced so you can probably hear me sort of a figure across it there I wouldn't say that the exhalation is loud at all still pretty quiet but it is something you will feel uh well maybe not you but if somebody's laying beside you they're probably going to feel that draft as a person who has slept beside somebody with this that sometimes can be a little irritating get if you look at the way it lays in my head it is way back at the bottom here so there's really no chance of it riding up the back of my head at all and the freedom of boo bit of this top little swivel is like super nice you can see I'm moving it all over the place and it's not affecting the fit of the basket I'll leave it at uh setting a tent here if you roll on one side say for the n30i to pitch off this side the air flows through here Justified same pressure I don't see any difference there whatsoever so this is a nice option as well all right so that's the video on the nasal cradle mask hope you found it interesting if so really enjoy those thumbs UPS um comment with any uh experience you've had of your own that's really helpful to other people on the channel to hear from other users um and uh if you want more info subscribe I'll also tell you that we put a link in the description here that's got all of the details about these masks you can even find the detailed videos of these masks I didn't get super detailed on these I know so don't hate me in the comments please just didn't want to cram all that into this one video you can see the real detailed videos either on our Channel or in the link in the description to all of these masks individually if you want to know fitting instructions maintenance and all that good stuff so hope you and hopefully you enjoyed the information and thank you for watching
Channel: CPAPmyway
Views: 54,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nasal, cradle, cpap, mask, resmed, respironics, philips, fisher, paykel, F&P, style, fitting, pros, cons, review, comparison, compare, best
Id: ATtp3UX2znQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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