How to sleep with CPAP successfully

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hi I'm Bryce from CPAP Direct in this video we're going to cover your very first night using CPAP what you can expect and what are the things that you can do to ensure that you have a great start to your CPAP Journey so in order to understand that let's first understand how you got here in the first place how did you get here in the first place if you're anything like me and the thousands of people that we treat it started with snoring now I was in denial right because I always said that I don't snore when I'm alone it's just when my wife is here my girlfriend at the time which is now my wife she wasn't really buying that kind of scenario at all so when I realized I had a problem I didn't want to be that guy right so I did everything I could to try and stop snoring I used chin straps I stuck stuff up my nose I even tried the boil and bite mouth guards from the chemist nothing really worked and I was still tired during the day I was still fatigued and my wife or my girlfriend at the time but my now wife was still frustrated one day she gave me an ultimatum she said if you don't do something about that you're going to be on the spare room for the rest of your life I'm like I even got married right so I went to the GP I got a referral I went and had a sleep study and I was blown away when I saw the results and they told me that I stopped breathing 28 times an hour I'm like how am I even alive if I stop breathing 28 times an hour I soon came to the realization that I needed to start CPAP therapy and my initial reaction was I was afraid I was afraid of what that meant because I was afraid that I was going over to the dark side foreign it's not that bad so let's go through what you can expect when you are starting your CPAP Journey I'm going to cover a few things that you can do to set yourself up for Success when you're starting a CPAP Journey the first thing is to make sure that you have the right mindset now for some people they take to it like a duck to water that happened with me from my very first night using CPAP I was aware of it the first night and but the next day when I woke up I go yeah I feel alright and then after lunch when I would normally have that really deathly tired kind of dip in energy I actually found it really easy to push through and I still felt it right and at 10 o'clock that night I still felt alright so this is I'm like this is great I can do something with my day because I felt productive Murph Hughes who's our brand ambassador he experienced the same thing in fact with his sleep study he stopped breathing 76 times an hour so you can imagine how he felt right getting on CPAP for for both of us was completely life-changing and we were used to it straight away that's not necessarily the norm because everybody's different some people will take three weeks some will take what six weeks some people will take longer than that I think the right mindset is that you need to be prepared that it's going to take a while for you to get used to it so have that long-term thinking don't think it's going to be a quick fix if it is that's great if not then that's fine as well just have that mindset that you're going to take between three to six weeks for your body to get used to wearing this at night once you accept it mentally you'll be excited to go to bed every night and I you know I I can't sleep without it right now so the first step is to have the right mindset the second step is to make sure that you've been set up for Success this means being set up properly with the clinician that knows what they're talking about there are so many settings in a device even an automatic one it's important that the person that set the device up for you either followed the script from the sleep position or if there is no script from the Sleep physician that they analyze you physiologically and that they have got the right settings for your own Comfort levels and that's one of the benefits of having someone that sets you up that has first-hand experience using the device because how can someone help you get through this journey if they haven't experienced it themselves the next thing is to make sure that your machine is set up and ready to go you've got water in the humidifier your device is in the right placement when I say right placement it actually depends on what type of mask you have if you have a mask where the the tube goes right into the front of the mask and it's like a frontal air delivery then I personally like to have the machine on the floor next to my bed instead of on the bedside tables there's a few reasons for this the first one is that if the machine is lower and on the floor it actually makes less noise now they're virtually silent anyway but sometimes you can hear a bit of a breathing noise through it and if it's away from ear level then it's not going to disturb you but more importantly it's not going to disturb your partner either another reason why you'd have it on the floor and not on the bedside table is because you can't roll over and pull it off the bedside table and have it smash everywhere with water going everywhere now that doesn't normally happen anyway because there's 1.8 meters of tube it's just safer on the floor if you can have it there so I normally have my machine on the floor about waist level with the tube coming up into bed and I can basically lie on my side and cuddle the tube if you have a mask that connects at the top of the head like any of the the Eye Series masks from ResMed or the dreamwear mask from Phillips a lot of people prefer to have the machine on the bedside table because then they can tuck the tube around behind the pillow and that means there's nothing obstructing their sleep and they don't get tangled up in any way shape or form the next step is to make sure that you have fresh water in your humidifier the golden rule about humidifiers is to make sure that you put fresh water in at night and then you empty it out the next day I personally use boiled water out of the kettle which is room temperature you can use filtered water distilled water but the important thing is that you have fresh water to start with you don't want to have the device sitting there with water in it all day because things grow in the water and this is an environment where the air passes over the top of the water to pick up humidity as the air goes through the tube into your mask so it's important that you start with a nice clean environment and make sure that your humidifier is nice and clean and has fresh water every night the tube if you have your machine on the floor next to you then it's important to have all of the tube in bed with you but under the covers the reason I say under the covers is because if the tube is on top of the covers there is a tendency for the tube to slide off the the blankets and then pull on your mask which can cause mask leak and an unhappy partner if you have all of the tube under the covers with you you can lie on your side and cuddle the tube everything is in the bed with you underneath the covers and you're not going to have any tension on your mask causing mask leak if you have the machine on the side of the bed because you have a mask that connects at the top of the head make sure there's plenty of tube length there so you can tuck it in behind the pillow you can roll around in bed and you're not going to get yourself tangled up the next step is about lying on your side if you can lie on your side or your side sleeper it's always best to line your side with a pillow in between your knees this is great because it keeps your spine in alignment and it is great for your posture while you're sleeping when you lie on your side also make sure you have a really simple supportive pillow that can be tucked in really nice and tight to your neck so that your head and neck are really really well supported so head and neck supported pillow in between your knees the the tube underneath the covers cuddle the tube lying on your side and breathe in and out as slowly as you can to really get the feel when the device is turned on this will make you super relaxed when you're lying in bed this way and you want to roll on your back or Roll On Your Side you can do that just keep your knees together so you take the pillow with you as you move from side to back to side to back to side to back nice and easy the last thing is to be excited be excited about how you can feel once you finally get your mojo back you stop snoring your partner's happy you're you're not tired and grumpy during the day it's life-changing stuff most people experience these kind of benefits from CPAP don't get me wrong some people are on CPAP they don't feel any different at all however they're in a much lower risk of stroke heart attack and a lot of the other health complications that come with CPAP the benefit is when you can really feel the benefit and that's when you really get excited about going to bed for most people that are already on CPAP that are watching this video they'll I'm sure most of them will agree with me that they can't live without it now and they're totally hooked because it just makes going to bed awesome I hope this video has helped if you have any other questions you want to reach out to the CPAP direct crew hit us up on call our support line or drop into any of our stores we're australia-wide we're family owned and we're here to help [Music]
Channel: CPAP Direct
Views: 405,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cpap, cpap direct, cpap australia, sleeping with sleep apnea, sleeping with cpap machine, better sleep with cpap, sleep health, better sleep quality, sleeping with a mask, sleeping with cpap mask
Id: btijbGOGU0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2022
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