ResMed N30i CPAP Mask Review | Should you get a cradle CPAP mask?

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hi everyone my name is tristan from the cpap store dot ca welcome to our series of mask reviews we're gonna be reviewing every single mask that we sell which is pretty much every mass that's in the cpap market so we have mass from fisker and pical we have max from philips we have all sorts of masks from resmed of course and i have a box over there with 50 something plus masks that we're going to be reviewing over the next couple weeks so stay tuned subscribe if you want basically a database on everything cpap all right so the packaging is pretty standard as you can see it's quiet air and a nasal cradle mask this is the new version of the n30 there was an older version with a different cradle it's a lot harder plastic and it was a different escalation port there there's just like some dots to let the air escape this is a diffuser so it should allow the air to diffuse more evenly and not be so annoying to you or perhaps your sleeping partner so yeah looks pretty standard let's give it an open okay so we have the nasal measuring tool right here we have a quick little very small manual and then we have the mask itself okay this is where your tube connects and this is the front all right and then we have two additional cradles this one here is small wide and this one here is small starting off with the mask just top down here as you can see we have the connection point to the tube okay there's two tabs that just clamp down on the side and it rotates quite smoothly i have a here we have a hose here i'm gonna put that nicely in this tube here is from the climate line air sense 11. okay so as you can see when you're wearing a mask like this the tube on the back of your head or on the top of your head doesn't really get in the way which is nice some users find that they prefer the tube on their front but a lot of people do like this one and one of the upsides or the plus sides to this is if for example you're sleeping on your side right and you're rolling over throughout the night like this it's not really going to interfere if the tube was at the front of your face it might you know contribute to some tube drag as you're kind of rolling over but the nice thing here is as you can see it doesn't really limit your movement when you're rolling around in bed so that is a big plus of the n30i having the tube connection point up top there as you can see very easy removal and we can pull this just out now the downside for that tube placement is of course the air is going to be going down near your ears so some people do hear the air rushing within this tube and it's actually contributes to a little bit more noise so if you're sensitive to noise perhaps you might want to stick with a mask with a front tube on the side here we have some nice fabric here it comes already on the masks there's no way to really take it off easily you would have to like cut it off but that also means that there's no velcro you know adjustment within this pad it's very soft and it doesn't bother me nor do i think it bothers most users at the top here we kind of had this accordion style tube and this is just so you can have multiple head sizes within it i'm not sure if you can see but it does spread quite a bit so having it on both sides definitely does uh add a little bit of flexibility that being said though i this mask comes in a small and a standard if you do have a large head it might be a little uncomfortable because although it is a bit flexible it's not overly flexible it's not like a truly large mask on the side here we have the back adjustments with kind of the classic really smooth resmed velcro it's quite nice i think that this mask is quite easy to take on and off um so i think once you kind of adjust the back straps how you like it you probably won't really need to adjust them very often perhaps after you know washing the mask but for the most part minor adjustments would need to be had if any now because this mannequin head is really hard it doesn't really fit with any mask super well so i put the small wide on his nose here and it fits them okay but i'll put the mask on myself later as you can see we have airfit and 30i branding here this is the diffuser now a lot of the youtube reviews of this mask from a few years ago three years ago are reviewing the older version and you can easily tell the difference by the diffuser they have up front the older mask had just a bunch of little dots uh whereas this one is a diffuser so it just you know diffuses the air more softly into the atmosphere and this allows you to have a little more comfortable sleep and for it to be a little bit quieter as well um the old cradle used to be one solid plastic piece here and it would uh jam into a lot of people's cheekbones as they slapped on their side with this new design it's all like silicone except for the diffuser so as you can see it's quite soft and quite nice on the front of the mask you also see the sw that stands for small wide and you have two arrows this is where you remove the cradle so there's no real anything to like push you just kind of pull it apart and it comes out like that and pull this side part like this and that's how that comes out so i will put on the medium okay and it's quite easy to line up because you're just aligning up the arrows or the non-arrows one side has arrows one side does not there and it's all good to go the cradle has just two little holes here they don't go into the nostril at all so this is would still be considered maybe like a pillow mask if you're setting it on your machine however you know it's known as cradle and it doesn't have quite as good of a seal as a pillow mask that does uh insert into your nose a little bit um that being said for a lot of people this is going to be a lot more comfortable so you're kind of balancing a really good seal with how comfortable it is some people may be able to play that game some people might just have to go with something like a p30 mask which is very similar but it has more of the traditional nasal pillow okay so i have the mask on now as you can see we have the hollow frame with air you know easily able to pass through the side this should be around finger width apart some people have the tendency to kind of take the back of the headgear really crank this down you don't want to do that you want to have the top of the mask and the elbow kind of more on the front of your head versus you know crank down on the back from my personal preference this is a great mask but for me it's not really a mask for me in terms of cradles i feel like they never really fit my nose that well i can't believe i'm showing this on camera but i have very little to no cartilage in my nose so my nose like folds down like flat it's like there's no structure to my nose whatsoever so with cradle masks i never really get a good seal and i need something to go into my nose a little bit to allow a nice seal there however if you have a normal person's nose that does have cartilage that doesn't move like a flab of skin based on the reviews this mask does really really well it has really high stars 4.5 stars from what i see most of the time um the materials and the build quality as with all resment masks are very high quality um this mask is really awesome it's very versatile folds down really small it doesn't have anything at the front of the face to obstruct maybe some reading or tv for before bed and i think having kind of a top mounted rear mounted mask really allows for some comfort if you are one to kind of roll around bed uh check out our store this cpap store dot ca use code youtube10 for 10 off literally anything in the store but sometimes we run even better promos so make sure you check the home page to see if we're writing a better promo but if we're not youtube 10 will always get you 10 off and yeah consider subscribing for more content and thanks for watching you
Channel: The CPAP Store
Views: 46,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YgW0uwtURcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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