Top Five Reasons To Run Arch Linux

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arch linux why is it so popular today we're gonna cover the top five reasons to run arch linux so let's go ahead and get into my top five reasons why I think everyone should run Arch Linux reason number one you build your system yourself now this is the install process basically you choose the components that are installed this means of course the installation isn't as simple as most other Linux distributions install process you guys that have run through things like the Ubuntu installation or mint or elementary or four-door openSUSE you know with arch you do not get a easy graphical environment as far as an installer it's not one of these you click okay three or four times and you're done in ten minutes kind of installs it's all done in the command line you do actually have to read the arch wiki and go through a step-by-step process of you entering things in the command line but at the end of the day all of the components that are installed on your system are exactly what you chose there isn't any extra software that's on your system that you don't need that you don't want it is in a situation like in a lot of Linux distributions or certainly in Windows where there are services running in the background that you don't know anything about if it's running on your system you put it there you built it reason number two four top five reasons to run arch pac-man is awesome that man of course is to package manager' in arch linux in some respects you can think of it as something similar to apt in Debian and Ubuntu or DNF and fedora zipper and Susa whatnot the difference is though and those distros I just named things like a boon to Fodor openSUSE while they have you know their package managers app to DNF zipper they also have very easy-to-use graphical front-end to their package manager you never have to go in the command line and install packages in a bun tube unless you choose to in arch it's a little bit different there's no GUI front-end to pac-man not not by default it's really no easy way provided for you to do that sort of thing in arch basically they expect you to do all your package management stuff in a terminal or at a command line so you're gonna learn all the commands with pac-man but they're easy to learn there's also list typing using Peck man than a lot of other command line package managers for example to update your system an arch based system pac-man space - capital S lowercase Y lowercase u u that syncs the repos and updates your system very short command we're in something like Debian or a bun - it would be apt update and ant apt upgrade a little bit longer commands still nothing crazy but you know the pac-man package manager' a very powerful tool very well you know what it's not really verbose as far as the commands they're very short and to the point as far as that the commands so pac-man is awesome number three arch has unrivaled software availability the arch user repository the aur is amazing there's no need to go out on the Internet to github or get lab or some third party site to download a program source file and then hope you can compile it hope you can find all the dependencies to make this thing build on your system know if it's not in the arch repos 99% of the time it's probably in the a you are the arch user repository and although the arch user repository is building stuff from source is actually compiling on your system with the help of the a you are helpers programs like our and a pack a you are and and a dozen others installing packages from the a you are is a breeze now reason number four you should run Arch Linux the arch wiki is an resource you have a problem running arch the solution is probably in the wiki 95% of the time if you have a problem the solution is somewhere in the arch wiki so be sure to read the manual now there's a running joke people go to the support forms for the the arch support forms and people are mean to them and tell them to RTFM read the effing manual now in their defense the arch wiki is so good I understand why they tell people to go read the effing effing manual because again your problem the solution for it is probably somewhere in the wiki so do your research first if you're running arch before you ask questions and a support Channel again search out the problem in the wiki even if you don't find it at least let everybody know hey I have this problem here's what I did to try to solve it I read this such I tried this it didn't work at least you made some effort you if you post a support kind of question in the arch forums and it's obvious that you really didn't put much effort to solve your own problems you're probably just going to get RTFM and the arch wiki is such a good wiki no matter the distro you run even if you choose not to run arch or nartz based system it is a very good idea to have the arch wiki bookmarked I always have the arch wiki and the Gentoo wiki bookmarked on my systems regardless of whether I happen to be running or charge into those two wiki's are so good you should have them bookmarked and my fifth and final reason why I choose to run arch linux rolling release means no upgrade from from version to version there are no system upgrades meaning there's no need to upgrade from one version of arch to the next for example recently you know a boom to 1804 came out you guys that were running a boon to 1710 had to go through a upgrade process to upgrade to the next version of a boon to 1804 we don't have any of that in or there is no point releases there's no arch version one and then six months down the road you have arch version to come out and you need to do a complete system-wide upgrade no there are no versions of arch links if your machine is updated you are always on the latest version of arch you always have access to the very latest software with arch because it again it is a rolling release model of course rolling release this can be considered as a negative for some depending on their use case rolling releases are less stable than static releases that's just a fact it's just the nature of it the more packages that are being updated on your system the better the chance for something to break on you but again the fact that you don't have to upgrade from one version to the next you know you know you don't have to wipe out your hard drive every six months or nine months or a year to upgrade to the next version big big plus for why I run Arch Linux and why you might consider running Arch Linux too so that is my top 5 reasons so just a quick recap my top 5 reasons you build your system yourself heck man is awesome unrivaled software availability the arch wiki is an incredible resource rolling release model now some of you are not going to want to just jump into mainline Arch especially if you're a newer user to Linux you're probably not ready to make that kind of commitment as far as living in something like arch but there are ways easier ways to get into Arch than just reading the arch wiki and installing mainline Arch there are several really good arch based distros that are rather easy to install and easy to use by far the number one on the list in my opinion Manjaro love Manjaro the Installer is fantastic very quick very easy to use doesn't break on me like other arch based installers out I might mention in a second the Manjaro Linux distribution is fantastic Arco Linux really love Arco Linux and our goal Enix is really interesting because our code Linux has a very easy to use installer as well everything is pre-configured for you if you want to go that route but for those as you get more advanced you can build your own system in Arco much like you would build your own system and mainline arch so you can step step it up in our code you can start with just taking everything the way it is and this easy graphical installer to you move on to arco linux be where you still have an easy graphical installer but you kind of build it to yourself then you have arco linux d we're really command-line install you're pulling things down from github shell scripts you have to edit the shell scripts and then of course the final stage is forget about arco linux all together and go install mainline Arch so it's really about education with our code love that distribution though Android goes very easy way to get into arch 2 but I mentioned man Jaros installer is fantastic I have never liked the inter gose install I have tried to install Android goes several times where it did not install properly for me no and it's not just me it's a lot of people complain about the inter ghost installer sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't but if it works for you great it's a very quick install if it works for you and a an easy way to get into Arch swag Arch love that distribution when I reviewed it on the channel the downside of that one is it's xfce if you like the xfce desktop environment 10 to 15 minute install and you have arch running with xfce a really really nice customized beautiful xfce desktop the last one I'll mention is arch labs I mentioned it last because it uses the open box window manager you may or may not like open box as far as a window manager if you are a new to Linux user Arch Labs is a little more advanced and some of the other things I mentioned especially things like Manjaro and enter coasts you want to practice installing mainline Arch though without the risk of you know damaging your machine you don't want to read for drive and and try to install arch and then maybe you fill and it's just wasted effort you know what practice installing arch and a vm to gain comfort there's nothing wrong with going through you know several Arch Linux installations in VirtualBox you know do it a dozen times and after a while it becomes easy you know exactly what you're doing you may not even have to read the arch wiki you do it enough times and you gain comfort and you know it doesn't seem as scary once you've done it a few times a lot of people make the arch install out to be harder than it really is the arch install is not difficult the arch install is a little tedious because you do have to pull up the arch wiki installation page but it's not a very long page you just go through it step by step enter a few things in a terminal and at the end you have a large Arch Linux installed it's not for a brand new user though at all I would recommend that you have run Linux I don't know least six months maybe a year before you attempt to install mainline Arch but again there are easier ways to get into arch up if you're really really new and you're interested in Arch though Manjaro on this list is probably your best bet that's the one I would recommend before I go I do want to give a special thanks to my patrons all my patreon supporters and some David Carlos Chuck Daniel Bryan Lior aka Ryan mr. Neely pops bark Robert Marcus Dan mr. smartypants Swami bin humaid Keith nan mr. t FY Michael Tony Brno David Silvio Omar John Carl Greg Christian Rob met mark teaming first even second Steven third Steven and wardro Alex Jake Benjamin Marcus interceptor force Paul second Paul Allen Katrina John and - Bella you guys Rock you guys you guys helped make this show possible these guys [Music]
Channel: DistroTube
Views: 504,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top five, reasons, Arch Linux, Arch, Linux, pacman, aur, rolling release, rtfm, best linux distro, arch user repository, arch linux (operating system), arch linux vs ubuntu, arch linux customization, arch linux installation, btw i use arch, why arch linux, arch wiki, reasons arch linux
Id: 8RqFL92IEYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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