Beginners guide to Ricing! (Linux Customization)

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yo what's up guys welcome back to another video today I want to give you guys a general overview of how to get into Archer icing because I know a lot of my viewers you guys are new into Linux and you're probably looking for some kind of way to get into writing you see maybe my setup or other people set up so you're like whoa that looks all so cool but like you don't even know where to begin maybe you haven't even heard of the term rising and I think it comes from just like car customization I think they also say rising like to make like a car look cool or whatever but yeah it's all to do with customization just customizing your setup and for me customizability was one of the reasons why I wanted to get into Linux because I was always more of a power user on Windows I just you know I wanted to do the most I can with my system use it as efficiently and just make it look cool you know I want to have a set of cooler than other people and uh Linux if you're one of those kind of people or were one of those kind of people on Windows or Mac Linux is for you because you're going to be like wow like you can truly make your setup unique because I love myself my setup I guarantee no one no it's just no one has this setup it's just mine and I just love it it's just it's very clean and um yeah so Rising is this like see how like my setup is like it includes like even the wallpaper like what kind of wallpaper you have and uh what kind of bars you have like if I want to open up an application like Brave then okay you know I type in that menu and it brings up this where I could just like type in whatever command let's say like you know webcam or like OBS or like whatever um all of this is including in rice um even like the terminal like how your terminal looks uh neo-fetch classic just a classic staple for any kind of rice so it's all to do with visuals there's no real practicality when it comes to it some people are very like prag pragma pragmatic they don't care they don't care about their rice they just have Linux and they just have the default settings they don't care they just want to use it and that's fine but here you know we like to have like you know we'd like to be pragmatic but it's like a pretty face you know and um that's exactly what Rising is so maybe you've heard of the subreddit called Unix porn r slash Unix porn and this is where basically all the the Unix Rises get posted and um you can see like you just scroll and you'll see like people with their cool setups like this person's got like Spotify and you know they're showing off like the cool bars they have and you know all this like fancy stuff the notifications that's this is all to do with racing and it might seem a little intimidating you don't know where to begin so with this video I want to show you how to get into it so first of all choose your desktop environment or Window Manager like if we go here you know I'll just open up a couple yeah these seem good so this guy this guy's using I don't know I3 when okay he's using I3 which is a window manager kind of similar to my dwm and essentially it's the same thing where you open up something it'll kind of like manage the windows as efficiently as possible so you can see like here like if I open up a couple Windows it'll kind of sort it where it's like using the screen as efficiently as possible and I can like change how it's like divided and all this so that's kind of a window manager whereas a a floating like a desktop environment would be more like um yeah no so Norm here even though it seems like I believe like this is not exactly like a like even though it looks like it it's like Windows and Mac here like you open up a window and it's like this like you open up a window and it's like floating and you can like you have to drag it around and maybe you'll like full screen it uh which like kind of looks like this you know your full screen that uh window and then you can like close it and whatever that's basically um how or what should I say is um that's basically what a just a regular desktop environment is and that's gnome so gnome you open up a window and it works exactly how you'd expect to and what you have to understand is depending on what desktop manager or what um like whatever you choose to download like if you choose so if you choose gonna it's gonna look like a different like layout it's going to have a different kind of feel and look to it and obviously you can customize it there's actually a lot of customizability that can be had with like gnome or with KDE or whatever desktop environment you choose but it's always going to be different some programs will or so like certain environments will let you customize different things compared to other ones and overall they'll give you a different kind of look and feel so for example I'm using dwm dwm is kind of notorious as like very hard because if we take a look at the source code it's like a dwm its source code is very like like this like wall because it's it's just seat like it's just a raw C it's not a config file in the like standard like it is you can change it and all that but it's not what you might expect and because of that it leads it being to be like very hard but there is so much like freedom on what you're choose you can customize every single thing because you're literally acts like you're given ax access to the bare bones of the like the program so because of that it makes it very customizable you can see like even me like I have a very I guess a unique dwm setup compared to a lot of other dwm setups and um that gives you a lot of freedom but also gives you it's more difficult like dwm is probably more of an advanced level like you kind of need to know your stuff so that's one thing to consider compared to [Music] um other setups let's say I3 I3 is a lot more like I guess kind it's a lot more easy I guess to use but it also leads you like again like it's each to their own it's like whatever you prefer either a little bit easier to kind of customize and all that but then you kind of get a more samey look so it's up to you but if overall if you're unsure of what desktop environment or Window Manager to use then just look up just look this up just check it out and just see what's recommended look at some videos and see what like I think we'll fancy the most let's say it's like oh KD plasma look into it install it and then go from there start customizing and even then like there's so much you can do with KDE let's say because I I used to be on kdu that was the first like desktop environment I used the first like window manager and all that and there's a lot you can do so don't feel like you choose something you can't change it like you can always go back or change it again so that's the beauty of Linux like it's all it's all it's all open it's all free now after you've got a desktop environment or a window manager you want to start getting more into it then you'd want to probably start customizing the themes and the themes are basically like the cost games like you can see how I've got this color scheme for this um for nvim right here or you know my color scheme is like I don't even know how to explain it's like very neutral colors like you can see like the like these aren't the colors that my terminal uses you want to start like finding a costume that you really like mess with for me I really love this color scheme for me because it's like whatever I I changed my wallpaper often I might change it from this beach to more of a let's say like this cozy window and it kind of matches any like color scheme like this like kind of yellowish text with this blue I just like it I like being able to change the wallpaper and then getting a different feel from the wallpaper but not necessarily like the color scheme because especially on dwm it can be a pain to change it like it takes a while so that's why I personally don't have like you know I can change it and it always suits it whereas if you have a setup that is more if I look up dwm like I saw one before it was like let's say you have it like okay like here like it's all red it looks really good for this one wallpaper but then it kind of won't look as good like it won't have the same feel for other wallpapers and stuff so you have to like figure out like if you want to have one set up and just keep the wallpaper in all the time then maybe you want to have like one set color scheme that's kind of how I used to have it if you check my old videos it was like all that kind of like purplish color but um yeah it's something to decide and alongside that you can also change like the icons so again this I can't like show you because I don't even have icons on my computer but if you start using something like this you can see like I don't know if this is the default but maybe this is something like custom icon icons that are used and um it's just more like customizability you can do and for whatever you're using just look up how do I customize icons on KDE or whatever and there should be pretty good tutorials telling you how to do that now next would be like what terminal are you using now for me I use St or simple terminal because this is literally just made by the same people that make suckless and it's just clean I just like it there's no Borders or anything it's just a terminal I don't need a button to close it or a button to like minimize I can just close it myself and open it myself and yeah I just like it it's just very simple um there's nothing really more to say for at least St although it's not as it's a bit more like a hassle to use it sometimes so um if you don't know what terminal to use just literally look up like best Linux terminals look up what terminal you really like like for example like here it's got St it's very lightweight but it's a bit like it's a bit of pain to use um and again like let's check it out can't before this I use like I forgot Katie Katie's terminal whatever it's called Uh K term console console that one's all right as well but again it's up to you and then furthermore from there you can also customize how the color scheme of the terminal looks like for example if we look at my terminal my terminal matches like the color scheme of my setup so it's like all like homogeneous the next is what kind of text editor you have because if you're on Linux you're going to be editing a lot of files and a lot of people also take a lot of pride in their text editor so for example I use Vim recently I've been trying out nvim but um you can see like it has like a look to it you can customize it quite a lot and I don't know I like it if I open up um I give open up some random code um yeah like this is like how it would look when I'm like actually editing like some code and yeah I like the look of it you can also use something like let's say envym which is a lot more like customizable so if we do if you want to go through like recent files and just go through the same thing like you can see like this is kind of how it looks again it's like what do you like like this is more like an IDE where you can like really like see everything and like you know it's like it's a lot like um vs code it's like vs code so if you like that look again up to you you can then also customize the theme of that you can have a kind of homogeneous or you could have it like here like I don't really have it I don't have it like matching my uh setup really so again it's up to you and then finally like once you're going off into the deep end you can be customizing the applications like such as like let's say you have Brave you know Brave I kind of left it pretty default but I kind of have it where I don't know this is just how I like it kind of this car scheme and stuff but some people will go like insane with their like customizability for example if you want to really customize your browser I know that a lot of people will be more using like Firefox because Firefox I believe has extreme like amounts of customizability as well like but I think you can see this person's on YouTube but they're like the YouTube looks crazy like so there's like even like ways you can do this however this is kind of going off Depend and to be honest I kind of for me I don't really care about this but if you do then go for it but again there's so many ways these are called like style sheets so if you want to get into that then just look up like style sheets on uh Firefox or whatever and then you can really like go explore that same with like Spotify I've seen a lot of people like customize their Spotify to be like matching with their color scheme um again never really got into it the most I got into it is um I'll use NCS spot which is a terminal Spotify and you can see I've also got like a kind of like purplish color scheme and yeah it's just cool like I prefer it in this I kind of like terminal layout compared to the more bloated um electron look but yeah that's about it I you know I know that it's been like kind of like a very rough General like out like overview and it hasn't been very specific but honestly like I think you kind of have to do your own research a lot like it's it's very like there's so many different paths you can go under that this I can't you know cover everything obviously but honestly like if you want a nice looking rice in my opinion have a nice wallpaper have a nice wallpaper like this um have some opacity like opacity where you can like see through the terminal and also maybe some blue effect and then it looks pretty pretty cool pretty cool maybe even some Shadow you can see there's like a bit of a shadow at the like edge here and yeah like already like you kind of start getting like a nice look and then from there just find a color scheme you like and then maybe customize some of the things that you use like let's say if you use Vim then customize your Vim to also look similar to your desktop like color scheme and then once you once you're there you're basically at the same level as me like I haven't really gone that much deeper and yeah but it it makes when you have like a nice setup it makes it more enjoyable to use I think and um yeah what there's nothing wrong in having like a nice looking setup so anyways I hope you found this video informational and helpful if you have please like subscribe it helps me out a lot check out my other videos about racing or how to get a setup like mine and I'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: Mashed
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Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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