Top 10 Cheapest Fighting Game Bosses [Part 2] (Collab w/ WiiDude83)

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geese Howard is widely recognized as pretty much D premiere villain and SNK fighting lore and a lot of that infamy can be traced back to his original appearance as the final boss in SN K's first ever fighting game fatal fury what ticks game resolve about this fight is that DS has an extremely high priority of all of his boots meaning he can counter basically every finger able to throw at him also these moves well it's a fighting game boss so yeah they're gonna do a lot of damage not only that but he abuses the two fighting planes murrini which you couldn't even use a wheel on til fatal theory - more than a year later he can jump between the bedroom and foreground whenever he wants while you can't giving him a big mobility advantage on Taba that is reported or let's say his read broken if you want to call it that can do as much as a third of your health bar if you're not blocking and even if you're blocking it still does not crap ton of damage in other words this move is pretty much a lure for you to jump over and which by the way is a big mistake why but it's simply his counter crap holy freakin crap his counter rat he can grab you out of almost anything and smile you into the ground for massive damage basically he'll be tossing grab broken tab use that you'll jump over them only to reunite your face with a canvas did we mention that Jesus also the only opponent in the game of the special continue screen believe us when we say that you'll be seeing your character get knocked out up when the more times and that one guy in the boardroom that keeps giving a good idea this my friends what's the beginning of what we call SN Cake Boss syndrome a disease that would have been many many bosses to come even though fighting game bosses are cheap you expect them to operate by the games rules night Tara on the other hand says screw two rules with all of Namco's money turns them to shreds and throws them clear out the Ring now I know I put up this high on my 80 characters list but that was only because you bought him more night terror is easily - harder boss why's that you asked well for one thing he's faster more powerful and has greater range than any other character in all of Soul Calibur three lasers also he can fly it to the air taking an out of range of most attacks and allowing him to use special moves from the air that you an insane amount of damage on blockable lasers on top of that his dart impact is always a just impact he made you stunts long enough to punish you even more Brickton laser get it we dude he fires friggin lasers from the sky but the worst part is that you can't bring him out he can ring you out sure but when you try to knock him out of the ring oh no he just flies back into the ring like nothing's wrong night terror this is not Smash Brothers know your place and that's not even counting how hard it is to fight him like I mentioned before in tales of souls you have to go on a certain path of out losing once which is easier said than done when you consider how hard this mode is sure you can unlock the fight with him and so loreen up but you have to do it the hard way first when it comes down to it it's not worth fighting this Resident Evil throwaway especially since as we dude said before after all that effort you just get the exact same damn ending night terror why don't you join up this and blow up please thank you hey we dude what Shao Kahn why did I not see that coming yeah considering that words both fans of MORTAL KOMBAT you expected this guy to be on here at some point ever since this guy's first appearance and Mortal Kombat 2 he has been overpowered in every single game where he's been a boss the number of course that this guy is sucked out of gamers worldwide could probably fill Fortin freaking not fer starters he's got moves that come out faster than yours hit Carter and have higher priority if he hits you at this rising shoulder tackle he can juggle you easily also his moves can leave you feeling especially it's hammered seriously if he hits you once with the thing it causes so much hit son that he can just go in throw another one again and you can just chain his hammer over and over with no time for you to respond until your dad not only can you throw that massive hammer like it's a twig you can also impale you with energy Spears and even Cheryl you with energy balls in combat 3 and those things frigging hurt and good luck trying to get a combo I'm sure you can suffer from hit stun but because of how sturdy is he can take hit like it's nothing also an MK 9 his x-ray is so overpowered it's capable of taking 2/3 of your help far away the only thing that saves him from being in the top 2 is that whole taught in the fight Shao Kahn it's official you Sasha if you were to ask me which series as a whole I thought had the cheapest bosses it would definitely be the King of Fighters I'm dead serious I can make a list of the top 10 cheapest KOF bosses every single boss in this series is a token magnet why you might ask let's serve rudl aside from being one the most years bosses in the series his reject tales come out so freakin fast the genocide cutter can knock you right out of the air and his grabs leave you on the mat in second there's a good reason why quarter guy hates his boss so much then there's gay nerds from KOF 96 who can summon tornadoes anywhere and his tornado grab does a huge amount of damage kof 97 brought Orochi who has a screen filling super that could easily [ __ ] you if not tail you in one shot the net saga was incognito but Crillon said in 99 bringing his tanner grab fast the jack tails and a super move that will leave you crying inglis were two of us and two also has these traits but you can also cancel his moves and infinite you like it's it's breakin job then there was Mukai and KOF 2003 who has a millisecond petrify you dark ash and gos 13 who chase together projectiles like it's nobody's business and don't get me started on a gawky from KOF 11 this guy is pretty much bullet hell on legs so yeah we're not putting one bus on here we're putting every single one on here okay how many jokes have you stolen from me now um well anyway now you can make the argument that it's meant to be this hard because you know in three against one but even with three characters I can almost guarantee you you'll be making using that continued service at least once but even though these buses are unbearably cheap number one takes cheap 200 near level before we get to that let's recap number 10 Yani number nine jinpachi number eight Marine number seven unlimited Hazama number six Gil number five he's our number four night terror number three now con and number two every boss in the King of Fighters series I can't do this I just can't what do you mean you can't I'm sorry we dude it's too painful I'm already having flashbacks come on we've made it this far we can't stop now all right even before we made this a collab number one wasn't even a question in my mind it's a blast that condenses everything we hate about bosses and fighting games overpowered moves insane AI and relentless attacks and increases these traits to levels beyond human comprehension and you know what the really sad thing is very few people know this boss even exists prepare yourselves for the terror that is about to unfold before you oh my god carousel SIA from Martina heart 3 is nothing short of a nightmare given digital form and unleashed upon gamers everywhere I could simply tell from just watching people fight her that this lady was overpowered beyond belief Oh Marisol SIA is not balanced she's not even unbalanced geez anti Bellas she is so goddamn cheap you'll enjoy your controller again the wall faster than you can say bad service her first offense is there any human ability to string combos together those crystals that float around her can be used as projectiles that she changed them together like it's her natural talent and even when you're being humbled by her in one combo she's already preparing a hole not a wall above them for the next one but wait it gets worse she also abuses her teleporting singing her heart to reach and therefore hard to attack not only that but her AI is borderline supernatural a lot of the previous bosses react almost being instant that you put in the command but Paris can pretty much predict your inputs and absolutely ravage your health part with one of her many many combos and it gets worse not only does he spammer teleport but he also sponsored super moon these moves do an inhuman amount of damage and she uses these moves constantly in her combo and that's not even talking about the moves that can poison you blow you down or even rubber short freakin controls also if that wasn't enough she regenerates or out the entire fight and then there's her critical heart normally each character has one critical heart which is basically a level 3 teres has two of them one of these loops is ridiculously hard to avoid perhaps you in a force field then caused it to explode taking nearly half of your health bar with it the other creates a shield that needs to be broken because it fosters regenerate our health even faster and if you want even more prove that jeez okay listen to this the game actually has to help you beat her you see in most other art published fighting games like BlazBlue you can't just continue in score attack mode this game is the exception every time you do continue and yes do not if she will start the fight with less help than before what does this mean it means that you'll only be able to beat her when the game besides you've had enough pain you know how many times I had lost to this leaning in more I'd beat her 22:22 I'm sorry but when a boss is so cheap that the game itself helps you beat her then that is the absolute pinnacle of keep this in a fighting game at least Ragnarok in story mode was creative parasail sia is nothing but a monster decide to tear your pride to shreds and that is why she's number one at least I have this to show for it time the quarter guy and I'm Rita day three and fighting game bosses are still two chafer eight damage Tara me run Oh Tara me run on Tara me run time to die you degenerate son of a [ __ ]
Channel: The Quarter Guy
Views: 239,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fighting Games, joshscorcher, SO FREAKING CHEAP, animalguy001, Video Games, MaverickHunterZero75, The Chaos Theatre, VGCUtterSpartan, shohmyooh127, The Quarter Guy, yt:stretch=16:9, Top Ten, itionobo2, Bosses, WiiDude83, Countdown, rabbidluigi, peanut3423, Cheapest, YouTube, virtualboyness
Id: RE4h_pKFo_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2013
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