Top 9 D&D 5e Potions | Nerd Immersion

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it's tuesday so it's time for another top 10 video this time is actually gonna be a top nine video and i'm gonna give you my top nine potions in dungeons and dragons fifth edition there's not too many potions but a lot of them i just didn't feel enough of a draw to to even make 10 of them on this list there's a bunch they're easily searchable on dnd beyond and if you want to see what my top 10 potions are stay tuned let's be real this is my number one potion coffee what's going on folks ted from nerd immersion here and the ground rules are pretty much that it has to be a potion normally when i do magic item based videos i exclude legendary items there's not that many potions and there's really only like three legendary potions anyway so i just included all of them so that's pretty much it on to the number nine number nine this is actually one i didn't know about at all called the potion of watchful rest this was contained in uh or is contained in water deep dungeon of the mad mage which might be why i didn't realize it was there and it's common so when you drink this potion you gain the following benefits for the next eight hours magic can't put you to sleep and you can remain awake during a long rest and still gain its benefits the sweet amber color brew has no effect on creatures that don't require sleep such as elves so this is a really cool potion it's common so in theory you should be able to craft it relatively easily and you can drink it can't be put to sleep magically which could maybe have benefits for you but more importantly you can get access to your entire eight hour long rest to do other things uh and i'm sure and i actually want to hear in the comments what would you do what are your thoughts for if your character could ignore having to sleep through the long rest and stay awake those eight hours what would they do with that extra time number eight next is potion of the of aqueous form this is one that was recently introduced in mythic odysseys of theros this is a rare potion when you drink it you transform into a pool of water you turn to your true form after 10 minutes as i like to call it this is the alex mac potion uh while in this form you have a swim speed of 30. you can move through other liquids you can enter an occupy space of another creature you can rise up to your normal height so however tall you are that could be a benefit to you you can pass through even tiny openings extinguish non-magical flames in any space you enter you have resistance to non-magical damage and advantage on strength decks and con saving throws but you also can't talk a cat attack or cast spells or activate magic items because you are literally a pool of water any objects you are carrying or wearing milled into your new form and are inaccessible though you continue to be affected by anything you are wearing such as armor so in theory it's funny that you could be a pool of water with like a 20 plus ac if you're like a you know a heavy armor or something i think the limits i think this is a really good one because this is one of those that'll stretch your imagination as a player like what can i do as a pool of water and like i said alex mack number seven originally this was going to be a top 8 video and then i actually reread the potion of flying which is a very rare potion found in the basic rules of the dmg and then i realized that is non-concentration flight so when you drink this potion you gain a fly speed equal to your walking speed for one hour and can hover the downside being that if you're in the air when it wears off you fall immediately there's no feather fall effect you just drop um it's very useful for classes like say a monk or something that hasn't anybody that has an improved movement speed will get more benefit out of this if your standard 25 30 foot move speed not gonna be as useful for you but either way unlimited flight without having to worry about wings being damaged for an hour non-concentration is pretty huge number six well if we're gonna talk about useful potions that replicate abilities that don't require concentration then the potion of speed is one of the kings and that is while you drink it you are under the effects of the haste spell for the entire duration of a minute no concentration required haste is one of the absolute best buffs in the game and the fact that you can do it without having to worry about concentration one of the biggest downsides to haste is huge because when haste ends you automatically lose a turn due to your body having to catch up with this lethargy from being super fast and then slowing down so that's why losing concentration on haste is bad but it's gonna give you a plus two to ac advantage on deck saves double your movement speed uh and an additional action each turn that can be used for a variety of different things so that is pretty awesome and the fact that it's not concentration is pretty cool because in theory you could imbibe this potion go to zero hit points and then come back up if someone heals you and you're still technically under the effects of this because it's on for a minute non-concentration so it doesn't matter that you're unconscious on the ground for two rounds when you come back up as long as that minute hasn't passed the potion is still going at least that's how i'm interpreting it right like if you go unconscious your spiritual weapon doesn't go away because it's non-concentration so i would imagine the benefits of this spell would continue uh obviously it doesn't affect you while you're unconscious but even still again excellent the only downside is it is very rare so it's not going to be something you're going to come across a ton realist crafting scrolls of haste may be more common but a potion of speed is i think more useful number five the potion of possibility introduced an explorer's guide to wild mount do you ever wish you had lucky on a character that doesn't have it do you ever wish you were a character with lucky and you could have even more lucky well this is the potion for you you gain two fragments of possibility if you're familiar with critical role i'm sure you know what that is but it's basically like a single use luck point um and tiny grayish bead of energy follows you around staying within one foot it lasts for eight hours or until you use it when you make an attack rollability checker saving throw you can expend a fragment to roll an additional d20 alternatively when attack roll is made against you you can expend your fragment to roll d20 and choose which of the d20s to use the one you roll or the one the attacker rolled and then again if the original roll has advantage or disadvantage this d20 is added in after the fact uh you roll your d20 after advantage or disadvantage has been applied well you have one or more fragment of possibility from this potion you can't get another one from any other source so yeah in theory you could be a character with lucky which gives you three of these and then drink this potion and have two more and have a total of five uses of the lucky spell for eight hours they're the lucky feat more or less for eight hours which is crazy um again another reason why it's a very rare potion number four potion of heroism is actually one of my favorite potions out there for one hour after drinking it you get 10 temporary hit points that last for that hour for that same duration you are under the effect of the blessed spell once again a wonderful spell without concentration uh and normally bless lasts for a minute and it's only it's on three targets and someone has to concentrate on it so for those who don't know bless is an extra d4 to your attack rolls and a d4 to your saving throws so to have that extra 1d4 added all the time for an hour plus having the 10 temporary hit points that's pretty great again no concentration required um i really like this it's rare and it's found in the basic rules so it's it's more accessible i'd say than the other ones we talked about but i just really like it i feel like uh bless for an hour is huge especially if you're in like a dungeon or you anticipate multiple combats in the situation you're in having that is pretty useful i was pretty excited actually i remember the same the instance where i read it i was pretty pumped about it so i like the potion of heroism a lot also i think it's way better than the spell heroism number three i mean how can you not have the potion of invulnerability on this list it's in the dungeon masters guide uh which i think the first time we've seen something in a while that's dungeon masters guide only not also basic rules it is also a rare potion and while you have it for one minute you have resistance to all damage sources i mean again you know you're gonna get into a final fight with the big bad boss at the end of the game this is when you pop your potion of invulnerability and enjoy that resistance to all damage also really useful especially like i mean certain classes may have resistance to certain things from abilities from racial uh different things from spells they cast but this is just gonna give you flat out resistance to all damage and on certain classes i mean on any class and any character this is going to be a huge boon but certain ones that don't necessarily have access to means to grant in vulnerability or i'm sorry vulnerability resistance other ways this would be huge like imagine first thing that comes to my mind is like a wizard right you don't typically have access to a lot of things that give you resistance unless you have a racial ability but resistance to all damage makes you that much less squishy and staying in a fight for a lot longer number two once again we head to wild mount for the potion of maximum power again a rare potion found on explorer's guide to wild mount and i like the thematics of this because it reminds me sort of of like mana potions but the first time you cast a damage dealing spell of fourth level or lower within one minute after drinking the potion instead of rolling dice to determine the damage dealt you can instead use the highest number possible of each die again so say you're going to cast a spell that does 3d 8 damage and you have drink this potion beforehand the spell does not do 3d8 damage it just does 24 points of damage i would also like to see a similar version of this that does the same thing but for healing obviously that's easy enough to homebrew but i also wouldn't have minded if the potion of maximum power did both right uh if the first time you cast a damage dealing spell or spell that heals hit points it uses the maximum number on the die we've seen certain abilities give you maximum healing whether it be a warlock invocation or a life cleric but again that seems like a potion that i would add this reminds me of a mana potion in like in my brain uh so it'd be your blue potion bottle i guess we could make a red potion bottle that would be our health potion that would let you do maximum healing again seems like a not like an oversight but a simple thing to homebrew number one and if you know anything about the potions that are out there i'm sure this one doesn't surprise you this is the potion of giant size first introduced in storm king's thunder this thing is legendary for a reason and as someone who's actually received one in an ongoing campaign just recently i could talk about how it is absolutely amazing so what does this potion do you drink it you become huge size for 24 hours if you're a medium or smaller your strength immediately becomes 25 uh your hit point maximum is doubled and your current hit points are also doubled when you drink it your melee attacks now also all have five foot reach everything you're carrying increases in size one rolling damage for uh weapons while you're enlarged in this manner we're all three times the number of dice the example they give is an enlarged long sword rolls 3d8 slashing diameter instead of 1d8 or 3d10 slashing damage if used uh wheeling versatility with two hands when the effect ends any hit points you have above your hit point maximum become temporary hit points um so that is ridiculous because it just does so much cool stuff like it's only it's 25 i'm sorry it's 24 hours you get these benefits so even if you lose the temporary hit points in that time you still have triple damage dice you still have i mean i mean the fact that you're going to be rolling 66 on a great sword is crazy right that's a ton of damage and let's be said like what if your greatsword was a flametongue greatsword then all of the damage dice are increased right rolling damage for weapons and a large vanderbilt three times the number normal normal number of dice in my mind i think that that would improve the flame tugs damage as well um plus you now have reach your strength is 25 so even if you're a dex character this could make you want to use strength for 24 hours um and yeah the temporary hit points is actually why it's one of my favorite things because my character who got it in the game that i'm playing drank it to help escape a scenario and then we didn't end up fighting anything i essentially just got doubled my hit points as a wizard having access to this potion i think i had 55 regular hit points and then i had 55 regular hit points plus 55 temporary hit points that's a nice buffer to have when you're the squishy person but also the tank at the same time so that is it for my top 10 potions uh like i said there's not a lot i didn't want to include oils in this list though i could have um there's not too many oils either so there's not even enough to do a list but maybe if i had done that i would have put the you know it would have been a top it would have been a top 10 i probably would have put oil of sharpness would have been my go-to it just makes things a plus three for an hour plus three to attack and damage rolls because the benefit of the oil slippery or oil sharpness is it doesn't it stacks in theory with any magic item you have it doesn't say like you can only put this on a non-magical item it just takes a minute and then anything uh is that it wasn't magical is magical and has a plus three attack and damage so you could do crazy combos with that um yeah that's it for my top 10 potions let me know what your thoughts are what is your number one potion whether it be your number one most powerful or your top and or favorite potion was it on my top nine list or was it something different and something that you think i i didn't see or maybe i missed something or just give me the fun anecdote as to why you love whatever that potion is thank you again to my patrons on patreon for continuing to support the channel and voting for these top 10 videos although i took this one into my own hands because i'm on vacation uh and then again thank you all so much for watching if you haven't subscribed to the channel i would appreciate it if you did so and i will see you all next time [Music] you
Channel: Nerd Immersion
Views: 18,349
Rating: 4.9747791 out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Immersion, nerd immersion D&D, top 10, top 10 D&D, top 10 D&D 5e, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons & Dragons top 10, Dungeons & Dragons, Dungeons and Dragon top 10, nerd immersion top 10, top 10 list, D&D 5e top 10 list, d&d 5e, D&D potions, D&D 5e potions, Top 10 D&D potions, Top 10 D&D 5e potions, 5e Top 10 potions, D&D 5e Top 10 Potions, Top 9 D&D 5e potions, best D&D 5e potions, best D&D potions, best potions in D&D, best potions in D&D 5e
Id: gKFmvPpRyiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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