Top 8 Homebrew Classes | Nerd Immersion

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what's going on folks ted from nerd immersion here and it's time for a top 10 or rather a top eight tuesday but this time on friday so my patrons voted and we're talking about top 10 homebrew classes so these are brand new non-core levels 1 to 20 classes that folks have home brewed all of these are going to be coming to you from the dms guild so i'll have links to the dm's guild pages if you'd like to go pick them up they're also dms guild affiliate links so if you buy them uh it helps me out a little bit but yeah it took so long to make this because homebrew classes are a lot harder to do than sub classes because you have to understand all of the mechanics of the class as well as all the mechanics of the subclass all at the same time and that is sometimes in these instances a lot because i feel like people really want to pack their classes with a lot of stuff so people will want to play with them and i don't necessarily think that that's the best thing but we'll get into that in just a bit here but before we dive in and talk all about my top eight homebrew classes let's talk about the sponsor for today's video describe you're familiar with describe i've talked about them here before on the channel but this is an online tool to develop immersive and useful box text for you to use in your games currently more geared towards dms though player related stuff is coming and you can see they currently cover all of the different options you see here characters were a recent addition and again that you have virtual tabletop integration you can even see like the cartographer this is a map if you click on the different aspects of it you'll get different box text regarding and items are coming soon so if you'd like to have magic items descriptions and there's over 2700 different scenes and they're updated about once a week with new information and new stuff added and i thought appropriately to read one would be for sociopath because the murder hobo i guess spoiler alert the murder hobo class is on this list and since i'm on tick tock i've heard good for you by olivia rodrigo countless times more than i'd like to admit and sociopath just triggers that song in my brain so anyway though you yourself are well aware of the villainy and evil this person has perpetrated you find yourself almost believing their lies as they speak with a casual conviction that is impossible to understand it is almost as if the clear this clear-eyed charismatic individual was born without a conscience and does not even know enough to question or regret it this is a person who will do anything when allowed and there is little that a stranger will not allow them to do in their airy manner never suspecting the danger until it is far too late i also figured i'd show you the quick the pricing model there's a free membership so there's a bunch of stuff you can access for free and then there's a hero membership that's the most bang for your buck that's access to everything for 80 annually or you can go to monthly down to 8.79 and then you can choose to pick and choose if you want just monsters or what have you uh and if you use the coupon code nerd immersion click the link in the description it'll get you 10 off your first purchase so thank you describe for sponsoring this video let's go number eight the ghost class now the reason this is top of the list is as far as i can tell this class doesn't really operate a hundred percent on its own it is a best silver seller on the dms guild that has 12 perfect ratings uh and it is only 295 to pick it up so it was also updated as recently as may 26th so you know that even though it was uploaded in october of last year the creator is keeping things up to date so basically what this is is you are playing a ghost but the problem with that is most of your abilities are tied to you possessing and controlling a creature and well it's not necessarily possessing and controlling in some ins it's most of the time it's willingful uh possession and you do provide benefits to them but in my mind i'd want to be my own character although i guess this is a good alternative for someone whose character has possibly died in the course of the campaign you could bring them back as a ghost as you can see here this ghost uh kind of talking to whatever this character is fighter paladin and here you can see the different options you have different supernatural powers and different manifestations those are kind of similar i guess too i would say like warlock invocations but it is a very low hp it's the lowest hp class we've seen it's got a d4 hit dice which is the lowest hit die possible and we don't even have anything like that in standard 5e and you can see that basically you have a bunch of different immunities and things like that as you are a spirit uh but basically yeah it all kind of starts here with your possession ability which is possessing a willing creature and becoming your host and you could do a variety of different things to help augment that creature's abilities granting them temporary hit points advantage on attack roles uh jumping out to possess a new target um and when i was reading through nothing it didn't come super clearly uh you can't be targeted while you're possessing someone but um you're providing benefits to your host so i'm not 100 sure if you're possessing someone if you get your own turn uh and you can see you get a variety of different things as you level up change the manifestations you can kind of cast augury um ways for you to kind of be restored and you know protecting your body and doing sort of mental telepathy things moving incorporeally and then i actually really like the 20th level ability journeys end which you decide basically what you're gonna do are you gonna move on with your life and you know go to the afterlife or are you gonna stay a ghost and then your variety of different kind of unfinished businesses as they're called your subclasses and there's a bunch of different ones there's basically a duty not done as kind of like a guardian angel malice unsaid it is more of like an evil kind of possession a puppeteer if you will mischief manage is more of a poltergeisty type restless blade is more of like a revenant type so they're out like it covers a lot of the different kinds of undead and you can see your different manifestations here again are kind of similar in a lot of ways to warlock invocations i think it's really interesting i don't know if it's something that i particularly would want to play but the fact that it has so many positive reviews that's the best silver seller it's only 2.95 to pick it up in the first place and it's been constantly updated as soon as less than a month ago seems like the creator is behind it and there is a variant as well at the end the occultist variant here at the end and they also put bookmarks in the pdf so bonus points for that number seven the pugilist everybody just gushes over this class it's a best adamantine seller it has four and a half review four and a half stars out of five on 245 reviews it's been out since 2016 updated in 2019 people love this class it's basically a fisticuffs class it's been out for over three years actually coming up on five years at this point yeah i got mine as part of the sterling vermin adventuring company anthology which is a best mithril seller uh and this is you know 10 bucks but you get a whole bunch of stuff that's how i got mine but you can get it individually if you like so let's go over here and take a look at it so basically yeah it's a pugilist it's in the name it is essentially you are a guy or a gal or someone who just punches people right that's your whole thing now you can and use different weapons uh but it's basically a class that focuses on unarmed combat or or brawling in some way and doesn't have to be a monk uh again possibly some of this has been lessened with tasha's cauldron adding the fighting style that it has but as you can see here in this table um you have basically a fisticuff die essentially which levels up similar to a martial arts die it however does go up to a d12 and then you have moxie points which are essentially key points um you are able to use a light armor my biggest thing that kind of turns me off on this is i think this has too much stuff look at this okay it has you have no basic dead levels you are getting something new at every level and it just feels like a lot to me and in the several instances you're getting multiple things at the same level so it just feels like a lot to me um you get a little bit of kind of they got iron chin here which is uh if you're wearing light armor or it says wearing light or no armor your ac equals 12 plus your constitution modifier i don't know why you'd want to have that if you're wearing armor but whatever again moxie is like key points similar things that you'll see you can get some temporary hit points uh do some extra unarmed attacks and then either shove or dash and then you can see there's a just like this is all base class features that just feels like a lot you're getting something at almost every level at least they kept ability scores the same and you do get extra attack which makes sense uh you get your subclass at level three you have the option to get um you know let's see what is this more temporary hit points see this one says once you've corroused in a settlement for eight hours or more carousing rules have kind of changed as per xanathar's guide so it's not as good in my opinion um get some resistances i like the haymaker one quite a bit though you get uh you make all attack rolls with disadvantage but in turn your mac your weapon your damage does maximum damage die so if you're doing a d8 instead of doing a d8 it just does eight damage but the trade-off is you're swinging wildly haymakers dealing uh but you're taking all your attacks at advantage in the trade off of four more damage uh you know getting breaking past um resistances and stuff and then as we kind of scroll down you can see we have the variety of different subclasses arena royale is pretty much like a luchador bloodhound bruisers are sort of like a detective type i like dog and hound a lot which i didn't even remember originally seeing which is basically a brawler with a pet which i thought was interesting it says you know basically statistics of a wolf and you're kind of stuck in the street being a brawler and you got a pup that's your friend uh some of these rules could probably be updated with the kind of new way pets are handled but they do they take one of the more recent uh stances so it's pretty good i think some of the the terminology could be shifted a little bit you've got the hand of dread which is sort of like um a spooky uh i don't know i don't know how i would describe it like uh i don't want to say undead but basically you're charging things with kind of like magical energy necrotic energy um and then piss in vinegar is did i miss the one that was there's a drinking one is this it um there's one i thought that was uh someone who drinks a bunch um maybe it was that one i just skipped past it um and then we have the squared circle so you're more of a of a wrestler type yeah so there's a variety of different types of pugilists here um and i again i i think a lot of folks seem to love this class it never really wowed me the way it wowed so many others but let me know i'm sure some i'm sure a bunch of you have played this class let me know your thoughts on it in the comments down below number six the spellbinder now this is one that i reviewed in full here on the channel in way back in the day uh this one again came out in 2016 updated in 2018 it's the best mithril seller and four and a half stars for 31 ratings so does pretty well overall and essentially i really like this initially because it was an intelligence half caster and i still kind of stand by the fact that we could use one but the closest thing we kind of have now i guess is the artificer but uh we have paladins which are charisma half half-casters we have rangers which are wisdom half-casters and i said we always needed an intelligence half-caster to sort of round out having that um and then we have our spellbinder here which my biggest complaint about this um aside from the lack of bookmarks is the font i don't know if you guys can see it but the font like it just doesn't sit right with me it just looks off and it kind of makes things hard to read but as you can see it's a spells known caster it is a d10 hit tie standard stuff you kind of expect for it and we have light armor medium armor and shields um again a lot of these things that are outdated right we have fighting styles we know we got advanced or extra fighting styles with tasha's cauldron so there's the potential to apply more fighting styles here uh and basically you are um i don't know i'd say this it has a document at the end that says what kind of inspired it but like a little castlevania a little vampire hunter d a little constantine a little buffy the vampire slayer sort of uh like an occultist type um but i like the way it was handled i like the spell casting abilities um you know it's a martial character primarily um and you have different abilities to help you kind of overcome dungeons and different kinds of spells and then you have your different paths right so the path of the magis or magus is kind of the anti-spellcaster type they can even kind of steal spells path of the seeker is someone who's out there kind of seeking out knowledge things like that and you have different spells associated with it and then your path of the slayer which is your over-the-top one that's gonna be dealing the damage we have our variety of different spells and then here you can see the notes right uh van helsing hellboy uh even sailor moon bleach and so on um so yeah i there's definitely passion in this one i have actually i just recently got a comment which is funny uh about the review i did years ago and someone said they have a spellbinder at their table they're level six and they're very much enjoying it but they said it was a little in their opinion a little weaker than some of the other classes so you might need to do a little homebrew tweaking to make it be up to speed especially if people are playing with the newer subclasses which are significantly stronger number five the laser class from incarnate the last of the lasers this was originally released in 2016 and was updated as recently as 2020 and if you love avatar the last airbender this is the source book which is because that's really what it is for you and the laser is essentially a bender right when you take this class at the beginning you choose a style of lacing whether that be earth fire water or air and you get a variety of different things this has 103 ratings of four and a half stars it's the best missile seller i did an entire in-depth review of this years ago but it has been since revamped so i haven't had a chance to go back in and look at it again but here it is it is basically based i'd say around a monk mixed with a warlock you can see you have elemental strike and key points uh elemental strike is similar to unarmed strike but it's just a basic use of an element rather than a punch and then the forms are similar to invocations you can see based on the different types of elements you choose right so fire gets weapon proficiencies for scimitar and sword earth gets maul and warhammer water rapier and lip and so on and they're kind of things that are themed after the types of attacks and damage that uh you know big heavy swings with the maul versus you know flowing with you know swoopy attacks like the rapier or whip for water um and then you can see here's your basic elemental strike which again like i said functions very similarly to a monks unarmed strike it does elemental damage it has a range of 2060 it can use dexterity or strength and then you could choose to knock people out rather than kill them and you could do a bonus action attack take the attack action you have your key points whereas fire and earth lasers are using charisma air and water using wisdom which i like the differentiation there um then you have these things deflection power blow and surprising angle are similar to the abilities we get like with flurry of blows we get a fighting style uh and then we have here our lacing which is there's these different forms and if you were to go to the lacing chapter you could see all of them and figure out which ones you could take and what form access you'll have access to uh and then elemental arts is essentially your subclasses there are five options there is 10 animal style which is available to anyone uh but then there are ones specific to the different groups right so eastern shaolin is for fire eight palms for air moon for water and western mantis for earth uh and then you know we scroll down we see as we're leveling up and getting different abilities depending on what we chose as our style we can get different abilities fire water air and earth as you scroll down and then here are the elemental arts i'm going to go through the western mantis style because i like earth bending and earth lacing so uh neutral jing is is your level three ability here which is whenever you take the ready action you're also under the effects of the dodge action until you use your reaction or until your next turn starts sure footed at level six basically you can spend a key point as a reaction to prevent yourself from being shoved or not prone earth's embrace gives you tremor sense out to 20 feet which kind of makes sense if you've seen the show badger glide for one key point gives you a burrow speed equal to your movement speed and allows you to go through rock and it lasts for a minute and then precise step at 18 you are immune to critical hits and when you score a critical hit it does additional damage dying uh and then if we were to jump over to the lacing chapter you can see that there are different forms and they kind of talk to you about who can get access to them how the key point spendings work uh and then right you can see these are just the fire forms right all of this list that you see here um and then a basic fire lacing is here but you'll see things like you could do things like fire like different bolts and different attacks and they some of them are very similar to spells uh that you'd see i i like i think counter lace is essentially the effect the counter spell but for lacing abilities um and i think one of these is very similar again i think fireball is fireball um and i forget if you're able to get access to lightning with this i know some different you know as you scroll through you can get different access to different abilities um it might be a form that gives you access to lightning bending but if we were to jump ahead see here's the air forms right all these different air forms as well and then if we were to jump to oh we're still in the forms yeah so a variety of different options here's earth lacing you can see all these different ones as well so i really really like this i played around with a little bit i even think there's some feats that are out there in this book they're like intro lacing so like if you wanted to introduce it but didn't want to introduce the full-blown classes into your game uh you could do that but again there are a bunch of subclasses in this book as a whole that can introduce lacing but i think for the the homebrew class that i like is the laser itself i think it's pretty sweet and i would love to get an opportunity to play one sometime and if you have played one let me know what you think about it in the comments number four the murder hobo class now who hasn't i'm sure everybody here has played a game with a murder combo at one point this is a best platinum seller it has four and a half stars for 78 ratings it is uh came out in october of 2018 and i wanted to review it right when it came out but i never got around to it and yeah it is basically that jerk rough and tumble kind of character and you can see all the subclasses sort of match that right we have dipsomaniac which is the drunks or kleptomaniac which is the thief we have the nymphomaniac about charming and stuff like that the psycho maniac about murder and the pyromaniac the one who wants to set everything on fire so if we were to go ahead and take a look at the murder hobo class we can see it is a d10 class it is much a uh it has bullying strike which is not an unarmed strike it's just a thing you could do to deal extra damage to someone um if they are smaller than you or the challenge or their challenge rating is less than yours um because you are a bully because you're a murder hobo um we get some fighting styles here and we get our uncouth behavior with which one we were just talking about which chooses your subclass um the only thing i'll say is once again i feel like some of these are very heavy on features not that they not that you know they they can't be some of them you know some other classes do get stuff pretty much almost every level um but i just it always comes off that these give you too much stuff in my opinion but i think it would be a lot of fun i mean you know as long as your party and your dm is on board with you playing in class this literally named the murder hobo and they know what you're about i think it would be okay i also like that they have pocket sand as an ability which i think is pretty funny um but yeah i i think the variety between the different uncouth behaviors is pretty nice as well um whether you know i mean whether you're being stealthy or again uh being a drunk um you can jump down to the the murderer type here you got bloodlust pyromaniac has spell casting because they're setting stuff on fire some pretty cool stuff uh like i said i was really keen on it when it first came out i really wanted to get a chance to play it um my biggest complaint with a lot of these and it's it's a small complaint and you know i it's a it is what it is but i primarily use dnd beyond for my character sheets because it's easy it syncs up with twitch when i do streaming and part of the problem is you can't put homebrew classes in d d beyond and that kind of bugs me because if i could build this out in d and d beyond then one it would help me manage it better without having to flip like have this printed out at the table so i could flip and read through all my abilities i'd have it kind of displayed there for me and it would also allow my dm to see whatever i have and then if i built it out then i could share it and then anybody could use it but that also might be part of the reason because i technically i mean this one was pay what you want so releasing it on dnd beyond essentially for free for people to use not an issue but i i think some of the other ones where you have to actually pay for them uh people might be upset if you're putting it out there for free number three the blood hunter i don't think i really need to go into this too much right it's a best adamantine seller i'm talking here about the 2020 uh this one came out right before the world fell apart last year in uh in january of 2020 and it was actually in support of the wildfire relief fund for australia uh it's got four and a half stars for 347 ratings i don't think i really need to go over it a lot of people know what it is i did a full review of it back when it originally came out and like the 2016 version and i did an updated review for the 2020 version you know it has a variety of different options right you get this new one you get all the subclasses um let's see do we get we don't have bookmarks though shame on you matt mercer how do you not have bookmarks in your pdf um but yeah it's like a witcher right that's how it all started was for um the d and diesel thing uh with vin diesel and it's basically you're it it's not a hundred percent a witcher but it's very close right you can cut you know add your your uh hemo craft die and add extra damage and you have the different blood curses that you can use um i've played one i played the original version i haven't played the updated version uh i played the the original profane soul many many years ago back in like 2016 2017 when it first came out and uh in our ongoing evil campaign my my younger sister is playing one order of the lycan and with exception of basically one combat she seems to be enjoying it quite a bit uh so you know i think this version is definitely a lot better i know a lot of people have issues with it possibly saying that it's overpowered or something like that and i haven't seen it in the instances where we've been playing i haven't again played the updated version to get an idea of how much i could really break it but she's playing the um the order of the lichen and in a party with a barta warlock and a barbarian i feel like she's right there i don't feel like she's outshining anybody uh or out damaging anybody or we're just like so much better than her i feel like it's a pretty good balance maybe that's just the party composition and the stats we have i don't know let me know your thoughts i know it's very polarizing but uh you know hey it's number three i've got two more that i like better than it number two the merchant class now this one was a surprise for me i didn't think i was going to enjoy this one as much as i did and i really really do it is the best silver seller it came out in 2018 it was updated only two months ago in april uh and it is currently 5 star ratings so a lot of support for this one and i went ahead and took a look at it and i really like it a lot probably more than i should i don't know but basically it is a it is a spellcaster spellcasting similar to an artificer uh but basically yeah you're a merchant and one of the one of my favorite things about this above and beyond just the class like is you could use this to build out merchants in your game if you wanted to populate a shop with a merchant with different specific special abilities you could use this to do that and then it would very much tell you what your person could and could not like enchant or something like that so let's go ahead and take a little look at it one of my favorite things here is you start with a little bit more money because you are a merchant and you have your portable storefront which is kind of uh how you conduct business right you have a supply list and how to use it and restock it and what you can do but i love this currency conversion piece right here which says don't limit your portable store front supply to just items in the official books get weird with it if you can think of a mundane item you'd like to include in your portable storage front such as a box of nails toothbrushes or pillows you can follow the currency conversion table below and use it to estimate the cost of items with their real-world prices the converted values are representative of one unit of the currency listed in the dnc current d d currency column so they're saying a copper piece is equivalency of 10 cents in u.s dollars an electrum piece is five dollars a gold piece is the equivalency of ten dollars and a platinum piece would be the equivalency of a hundred dollars which you know i feel like i've i've wanted to know that like have a conversion rate at some point i can't pick you know a reason why but i remember definitely having this conversation at one point so uh to you know you have your spell casting but it's got gold required here which i thought was interesting um whenever you have that golden hand whenever you cast a spell and you can exchange your spell casting stuff because you're you know you're a dealer which i thought was kind of interesting or you can give your spell slots to somebody else that you touch uh and it says you know the spell slot becomes a spell slot of the respective creatures class and maintains its level you cannot give uh a spell saw to a creature that would have more than four spell slots of that spell slot level so you couldn't if they have four first level spells you can't give them another first to bring it up to five but i also like that you can split up your spells so for example if you have a third level slot you can exchange it for three first level slots or a first in a second you may not have any more than four merchant spell slots of any level so you can then that you have that exchangeable casting and then i also like just the nomenclature of this component subsidizing when a creature uh willing creature uses the cast of spell action and declares the spell they intend to cast you can use your reaction expending merchant spells a lot of a level equal to that spell or lower to remove any material components required for that spell if the cost of the material components being removed is higher than the value of your portable storefront the spell fails and then you have your spell list here and there are some new spells in this as well so we can see you're good at appraising which again there's not great appraising rules of any kind in 5v i would add that to my list of mechanics is like how do i tell what something's worth um and then yeah you have the ability to eventually as you go level up stock higher level and higher quality magic items and things as you gain levels here um i like that you have an ability called insider trading and business tycoon at level 20. uh and you have your various guilds provide the different stuff you can do right so apothecary here uh for doing potions and things uh and again this looks like a lot but it has to list out all the different kinds of potions which again if you wanted to allow someone to craft potions in your game and you weren't sure you wanted to let them use you could use these potion effects as an example um and then they have blacksmiths right so blacksmith i think is one everyone can get behind because how many times have you gone to a blacksmith or something in your game and said hey i would like this do you sell magic items can you enchant magic items well if you were to make an npc with class levels in the merchant class blacksmith you could probably answer your own question so you can see they can do different things like enhancing they can break down enchantments which i like retool them and to reuse them so for example if you disenchant a plus one short sword that deals d4 fire damage you can choose to learn either the plus one bonus to attack and damage rolls or the additional 1d4 fire damage on a hit then you can use that enchantment elsewhere um and then it says you get two attacks uh and then there's forge master right any armor or weapon you craft or stock in your portable storefront has one of the following properties of your choice without increasing the cost to craft it plus one to attacking damage plus one ac extra damage or redu where can reduce the damage um and then you have kind of the esotericism which is sort of weird magic and curses and occult stuff a gambler uh and then a mariner we have a pet dealer how many games have you gone where people want to sell pets in the game and you don't know how to do it you can have a pet dealer who does that and then we have a swindler here and then a traveler and then a couple of new spells that they have here at the end and then a feet which is a mugger where you could basically steal stuff from people when you attack them i think it's really cool i'm definitely going to be using it probably for me i feel like this would be a perfect class that would fit in a penny arcade game especially one with omendron in it um but i think i'll definitely be using this to populate my npcs when i want to have different kinds of enchanters in my game number one and lastly is i think it's pronounced the turoki i've reviewed this one in the past as well i found this one on tumblr of all places years ago back in 2016 and i fell in love with this class almost immediately uh it was updated back in july of last year so even though it's four years old it's a best electrum seller with five four and a half forty uh four and a half uh stars with for 40 ratings and yeah basically if you've ever wanted to play gambit this is basically the class to do it but they have a very interesting and unique mechanic that i really really like and let's check they do have bookmarks so kudos to them as well so it all revolves around a deck of cards so you have to be willing to deal with the randomness of card draws now i think that this could be a very fun way to challenge a player who's a veteran myself included and i was going to potentially play one at some point but i never got around to it so you can see you have your hand size here right you can hold how many cards in your hand you can't drift your spell snow and your spell level your d8 caster you can see it right here this is kind of the crux of the class as you have your card suits and your card types so it basically this determines how you cast your spells so it says uh you could draw up to your maximum hand size there's a bonus action on your turn your hand persists until you finish a long rest to cast a taroki spell you must play a card of the appropriate spell level from your hand any card in the deck can be used to cast a cantrip to play a card as anything other than a cantrip you must be of an appropriate level meaning you can't cast a fifth level spell at level two um let's see must be an appropriate level as shown on the card slots table once you cast a spell the card is discarded until you finish a long rest your hand size increases as you gain levels you can discard cards from your hand at any time without an action once the card is discarded it is lost until you finish a long rest at which point it returns to your deck this includes cards which may have been left in other areas or even destroyed to cast a spell at higher level you must play a card of a higher rank when you cast the spell when you do so the spell is cast the level of the higher card to a maximum of the highest spell level you can cast for example if you are a first level taroki and you know the first level spell cure wounds you and your hand includes a 10 let's see right here we see a 10 a jack queen king and ace you can play the 10 card which as you can see here is for a first level spell uh you to cast it as a first level spell your higher cards the jack queen king and ace can only be cast as cantrips until you reach the appropriate levels of the card slot table so this was if you were a first level character they could only be used to cast cantrips but if you were a fifth level character you could use your queen card to cast cure wounds at third level you kind of i don't think i need to explain it too much but as you get into higher levels some of them break down by suits right so an ace of diamonds is six level hearts is seventh clubs is eight and spades is ninth uh you're obviously using charisma here but they give you says they said you could be more of like a card counter and switch it to intelligence if you want it doesn't really change much um and then there are uh different stuff here about what you can do so you can force cards like that's a magician's kind of a trick where you put a card you force a card to where you want it to be so you can draw the card you want uh so that first level you can take an action to search your deck for a single card and add it to your hand so long as you're not already at your hand limit after you take this action you shuffle your deck and you can use this feature one plus charisma modifier time so if you really need to cast a spell you can find that card in your deck and there's a couple of other things you can do like stacking the deck and your your game of choice is your sub class which determines you can see the different spells and things lets you what determines what you can do so we have a and it basically is down two types of card games right so you have blackjack you have euchre and i think you have mao which and poker right so you have oh and spades spades is a newer one they didn't have spades uh so i'll use poker as an example because that's something that everybody can get behind it changes up the way you play with the cards so it says at third level you can play any of the poker hands which it has this winning hands as in poker two pair full house three of a kind um when you play a winning hand you must play an entire poker hand of five cards even if the winning hand you play does not require five cards you can cast a single spell uh you must cast a single spell when you play the hand which can be from any of the spells from any of the cards in the hand when you play a winning hand you put a number of the cards used to play the hand into a separate discard pile called the poker pile when you finish a shorter long rest take all cards in the poker pile and shove them back into your deck so you can see some different things so let's look at a full house this hand contains three cards of one rank and two cards of another when you play this hand to cast a spell which requires concentration you do not need to make concentration uh constitution saving throws to maintain your concentration when you take damage and that's the benefit of you basically playing out five cards so let's see what four of a kind would be when you play this hand to cast a spell that targets only one creature that doesn't have a range of self you can target three other creatures with uh in range of the spell discard all four of the cards and put the last one in the poker pile um and like you said for full house it says discard the three same rent cards and keep the two off ranked cards in your hand so there's different ways to go about it and you know four of a kind right that's very rare for you to pull that in any game so that's the concept of it and that's what always has caught me was the poker one but then we have hold'em uh at at six level so you can take a bonus action to place basically playing texas hold'em place three cards in front of you as hold'em cards these cards remain in front of you for a minute during which time you can draw up to your normal hand limit while they don't count against your hand limit they can be used in conjunction to make winning hands similar to texas hold'em but instead of only having two cards for hold'em you have your whole hand which definitely increases that you've got three cards out there in front of you uh and i don't think you get a turn or a river card either um they're considered played whenever you make a winning hand and discard it normally if the hold them cards aren't used within a minute they're discarded so you've got three cards out in front and you're full hand of whatever however many cards you can't have and you can use them to play together i also really like cozy table at 10th level you can cast leo min's tiny hut but only as a ritual and when you do so you cast tensor's floating disc in it to have a poker table inside the hut so you can make yourself a safe dome to play cards in and i always thought that that was really good um and then i'll just go through all in here because we're at the end of the video so targeted creature within 60 feet of you as a bonus action you and that creature each roll a d20 the higher role is the victor the victor of the role has advantage on attack roles against the loser the loser has disadvantage on all saving throws from effects initiated by the victor this effect lasts for a minute and once the effect ends it's immune for the next 24 hours and essentially being a gambler and going all in you're putting it all down to a d20 roll to see what's gonna happen so there you go folks that is my top eight homebrew classes i'm sure there's a ton of other classes that you guys love that i missed but i was just going through the list of ones that i said i've seen that i remember and that i thought looked pretty cool uh again i still would love to play these i'd love if i was able to easily transition these into a virtual tabletop especially something like dnd beyond it would make it a lot easier uh but yeah let me know i'm very curious uh i tend to stray away from homebrew classes because i don't know i always find it's hard to keep them balanced and i either find you know probably unsurprisingly that it kind of goes either way right it's either really really op or really really underpowered and i when i homebrew stuff i usually try to design things more on the lesser power scale so that i feel like that gives people who want to play it the potential to work out with your dm that if they want to upgrade it and make it more powerful to fit in they can but rather i feel like it's easier to add power than it is to take it away um at some point i do promise that i'm going to release the necromancer full level 1 to 20 class that i've been working on for a while uh it's pretty much done at this point i just need to get into a headspace and figure out how to release it on dnd beyond so that you guys can all go check it out so thank you describe for sponsoring this video thank you to my patrons over on patreon for voting for this as the topic for this week by the way if you don't know i do have a patreon there's a link in the description and one of the things that they get to do is vote on what the topics are for the top 10 videos so while some of you may throw out topics for top tens to me consistently or throughout there i compile them all into a list and i usually grab like six to eight of them throw them in a poll and let the patrons vote whatever comes up as the number one is the video for that week and the runner-up for that is the video for the following week and then we run a poll after that and we just keep going from there so thank you all so much for [Music]
Channel: Nerd Immersion
Views: 77,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Immersion, top 10, top 10 D&D, top 10 D&D 5e, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons & Dragons top 10, Dungeons & Dragons, Dungeons and Dragon top 10, nerd immersion top 10, D&D 5e top 10 list, nerd immersion D&D, D&D 5e top 10 magic items, top 10 D&D 5e subclasses, top 10 D&D homebrew, Top 10 D&D subclasses, top 10 D&D classes, D&D 5e homebrew classes, top 10 D&D 5e homebrew classes, D&D homebrew classes, top 10 homebrew classes, D&D 5e pugilist, D&D 5e murder hobo
Id: 3OjBjRxN2aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 22sec (2542 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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