Top 7 Tips for Returning Players in Dragonflight | ft. Taliesin & Evitel

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Hello internet, Taliesin here and today we are talking World of Warcraft Dragonflight and we are talking YOU returning to WoW to PLAY Dragonflight and everything you need to know to make that happen because look I don't want to make a big deal out of it or anything ok but we all noticed you haven't logged in for a while and that's fair enough you know life happens (apparently for other people I hear that's definitely a thing) but I KNOW you internet, I know you've seen those glorious Dragon Isles zones and Tuskarr and shiny new UI and talent trees and Tuskarr with little hats and majestic dragon filled skies and proper old school fantasy vibes and Tusakrr with glasses on and in-depth new professions and crafting systems and tuskarr making a tasty soup and I know that little WoW tingle has been flaring up again. And Internet, I understand because there is a tonne of exciting new features in Dragonflight, both long awaited and unexpected and we are going to tell you all about them today so that when you take your first steps (or, um flaps I guess) into the new game you can pretend that you knew about them all along and that's ok we will keep your secrets no one need ever know so JOIN US for our 7 top tips for returning players in World of Warcraft DRAGONFLIGHT ok, gogogogogogo Ok first thing first, let's get you character sorted and ready to go by looking at some of the core new features of Dragonflight and of course the return of an old friend, TALENT TREES! Allowing you to customise your abilities and talents more than ever before, for every situation imaginable, ANY TIME YOU WANT. And that's all well and good, I don't think I need to sell you on how fun talent trees are, but the thing I REALLY like is how easy they are to use. Individual builds can be saved, named, and IMPORTED or EXPORTED meaning that you can drop that DPS Holy priest build, or pure auto-attack Fury Warrior build or - and I kid you not – the no Moonkin form Balance Druid build in your guild discord and they can see that you were right all along, it CAN be done, and I DID IT, who's laughing now Eh? (also, um, does anyone know of any guild currently recruiting because I'm suddenly available). There has also been a massive UI customisation overhaul, giving you complete control over how your WoW gaming experience LOOKS with nearly every element of the shiny new interface adjustable to your tastes, no matter how bad your taste is. And if you think that’s a bit hard to navigate well… don't forget the search function, which seriously like YES THANK YOU also save-able and shareable as individual character profiles or across your entire account. I'm also a big fan of some of new accessibility options, like the new INTERACT key, which when enabled allows you to automatically interact with object and NPCs just by facing them and using a keypress instead of mouse buttons, ACTION TARGETING, which automatically selects enemies as you approaching them, and PRESS AND HOLD CASTING so that you can spam said enemy with all the smites you've got without even having to take your finger off the smite button, all things considered you might find that WoW is just a whole lot easier to play than you remember it. And so now you've created your evoker and got it all set up, let's play some WOW – oh wait, you did create your new Dracthyr Evoker didn't you? Ok fine off you go there's only llike 15 scintillion customisation options you get on with it and in the meantime we'll talk about... Yeah, let's play some WoW, and we're at the good stuff – launch day! Dragonflight brings us a whole new continent to explore – the Dragon Isles – make sure you click on the CROW'S NEST option that appears on the boat ride over for a proper eyeful as you arrive – and in my opinion, it's an absolute banger. After a couple of years hopping around different plains of existence in Shadowlands, the Dragon Isles feels like a return not just to Azeroth, but to the kind of classical fantasy aesthetic and feels that will envelope many returning players like a big warm snuggly blanket, but, you know, a spikey blanket with MASSIVE SHOULDERPADS because it is still WoW after all. And my top tip here is don't forget to EXPLORE because it's easy to look at the huge zones, which you can zoom about via the new DRAGONRIDING feature, more on that later, and assume that you won't NEED to go searching in every little nook and cranny of the isles like you might in past expansions where you had to spend the first patch or two on foot. But that's not the case at all – Blizz tries to make that obvious to the player I think in the whole VIBE of the expansion which is like, yeah this is an expedition of DISCOVERY, your main buddies are the explorers league and the relinquery, and the world is so beautifully realised and detailed and ALIVE feeling that what I found on the beta is that far from making me skip stuff, the ease and entertainment that dragonriding brings to travel in Dragonflight actually really ENCOURAGED me to look around and explore much more than I have done in previous expansions. I think many of you will understand what I'm trying to say if I tell you that the vibes and PHILOSOPHY of these zones reminds me a lot of Grizzly Hills – a sense of a place where people live and exist and go about their business that you can be witness to, with some brilliant sound design and skyboxes and just SPACES to EXIST in. I don't want to be a dweeb here but it is bringing the WORLD back in to World of Warcraft. So my advice is that whatever you are doing in the isles, be open to changing course. If you an interesting looking cave, check it out, if you see a couple of NPCs chatting, go and listen in, if you are doing an outrageously enjoyable DRAGON RACE or time trial and the course takes you through an area you're not familiar with, go back and check it out after you've completely mercilessly destroyed your fellow racers with your chad dragonriding skills and left them eating your dust... or your, air I guess I suppose they're eating your air, because in my experience on beta Dragonflight really seems to reward players who take a moment to look around and take it in, from the little hidden quests and character moments and environmental storytelling dotted around, it’s felt like coming home for me, and I haven't even been anywhere! There are EIGHT new dungeons going live with the launch of Dragonflight, as we've come to expect, which thematically tend to tie up storylines which we start and play through in the levelling campaign. From a game structure point of view these are a really good way of getting your characters geared up to a certain level and of course the REAL fun comes when they open up as Mythic+ dungeons in Season 1 but I wanted to take this section just to highlight a couple of my favourite little moments, like the magical academy Algethar, where players get to take part in a giant game of Lish Laroth, or Talon Toss. Oooh, a ball throwing game in a magical academy? That is an incredible idea. Guys, I think that’s got some real potential. Or my personal favourite, the Nokhud Offensive, which is an instanced version of the ENTIRE Ohn'ahran Plains zone and where you and your dungeon team get from boss to boss via your dragonriding drakes. This dungeon is CONSIDERABLY easier to traverse with a fully levelled up drake (which you can do on day 1, more on that later) and if you REALLY don't fancy it even then, you can use the new RIDE-ALONG feature to turn into a little whelp and auto follow a party member who IS comfortable taking the reins and you can just focus on the boss killing good stuff. But I love this dungeon, it feels great to be swooping around freely with your homies and I HOPE they take this further and have full on dragonriding BOSS fights in future dungeons and raids. In many ways Dragonflight feels like a return to the core principles of WoW, and that could also be said for the endgame, which feels like a wiping of the slate after what we are going to call the AP era of WoW, so a lot of things that we've started to consider progression staples in recent times are gone – like mission tables? What Mission tables? An infinite currency grind connected to your core player that you have to make sure to keep up with week to week throughout the expansion forever? Nope, completely gone. And that's a big deal, because when there is no AP grind, and your characters power basically just comes from the gear that they collect from dungeons and raids (and don't forget fully functional TIER SETS are back from the very first RAID in Dragonflight!) and crafting and PVP and the world, that means there's room at endgame for a much more OPTIONAL journey, and Dragonflight fills that gap with the RENOWN paths of the four main factions of the isles, and a couple of smaller scale reps on the side for good measure. Renown is basically a remodelling of faction reputation but with LOTS more rewards at MUCH more frequent intervals and because there's no AP equivalent, ALL those rewards are COSMETIC or just unconnected to player power. So in the Waking Shores you unlock exploring transmogs and ROCK CLIMBING minigames and Drake customisations and new questlines and portals around the Isles and toys and pets and titles and stuff like that, The Tuskarr have BACKPACK transmogs to unlock, and new fishing holes and mini games to access across the continent, as well as their own extra quests and recipes and pets you get the idea, cool stuff to have and fun to colllect but nothing any player NEEDS to stay up to date with raiding or whatever, and the fact that you're CONSTANTLY pooping new ranks and rewards from the four factions is actually a surprisingly good motivator and makes world and side quests feel really worthwhile. There's also the Black Dragon reputation where you choose who to back as new leader of the flight between twink Wrathion and daddy Sabellian for even more cool cosmetics including the BLACK DRAGONSCALE customisation for your drakes which actually that kind of is mandatory really now I think about it, like who doesn't want the Black Dragonscale unlock and ANOTHER major form of progression is of course in the new PROFESSIONS system, which I'm not going to get into tons of detail about now but with so many different areas to specialise in, and the new WORK ORDER system where you basically pick up commissions to fill to improve your skills, it's another optional but incredibly rewarding (and potentially very lucrative) way to spend your end-game days. There's even a unique transmog set available for open world PVP kills in Warmode if you like, Dragonflight is very much “optional grind” expansion this first patch, and that's a big philosophy change that might take a while for some players to get used to but I think it's a GOOD one, done really well and a LOT of people are going to have a lot of fun with it. If you haven't played WoW for a moment there are some BIG quality of life improvements that might be new to you, like, you know you can group with players on the opposing faction now right? Horde and Alliance running dungeons and raids together (if the group leader has enabled it) mass hysteria! There's also the INSPIRATION Catalyst, which allows players to turn standard NON tier items of raid gear, dungeon gear, PVP Gear AND certain open world gear into TIER set pieces, meaning that players can work towards unlocking their tier set and bonuses no matter what content they prefer (and which I can't lie, works as quite nice bad luck protection for raiders like me too), but the BIG feature which will be new to EVERYONE and which is we've touched on already today is DRAGON RIDING, the new momentum based flying mechanic which will be your main way of traversing the Dragon Isles. Dragon Riding takes a minute to master and has a talent tree that needs to be unlocked by collecting Dragon Riding GLYPHS from around the map to reach its true potential, but all glyphs are THERE waiting to be picked up at the start of the expansion meaning that you can collect them ALL the moment you pick up your first drake a few minutes into the questing. It's almost 3 times faster than normal WoW flying, is a lot more fun in my opinion, and enhances every other aspect of the game with its presence. Drakes are customisable to an absurd degree with some COMPLETE transformations that drop from certain bosses and achievements and which will undoubtably continue throughout the expansion, and the best thing of all? ALL your Dragonriding progress, from you drakes to their customisation unlocks to the glyphs you've collected to upgrade them – are completely ACCOUNT WIDE because Dragonflight is also OBJECTIVELY the most alt friendly expansion in World of Warcraft HISTORY! Those RENOWN REWARDS we saw in the last section? All of them apart from like, supply crates, are account wide unlocks. All that transmog but also mini-game unlocks and fishing hole unlocks, it's all account wide and I've got to tell you, it feels pretty good to step off the boat on an alt and before you've even picked up a quest, mounting up onto a fully levelled up Dragon Riding Drake and zooming all over the map doing World Quests and picking up treasures that you've unlocked on your main, top stuff. And you know, at last. A couple of weeks into the expansion, as usual, comes season 1, with the opening of the Vault of Incarnates raid but a new structure to a lot else, like the 8-dungeon Mythic Plus pool featuring FOUR Dragonflight dungeons and 4 Dungeons from returning expansions, meaning that season 2 will have a compete 100% different dungeon (and loot table) lineup to it's predecessor, a really good change that I'm looking forward to see play out. Different dungeons every Mythic+ season is awesome. For PVPers there's new Solo-que arena, including RANKED mode which look you asked for it fam don't blame me ok this is something YOU SAID YOU ALL WANTED and even the raid is the first in modern WOW to release all difficulty modes at the same time, something that will definitely have an interesting impact on the the RACE TO WORLD FIRST but much more importantly, the race to world first for guilds a bit like Immortalis, the TRUE race that all the cool kids, started by my guild called (and this might not be a massive surprise to you) IMMORTALIS to create a competition that we might actually win but which we, uh, don't often win (CURSE YOU OTHER IMMORTALIS'S and especially you A BIT LIKE IMMORTALIS you guys suck). Oh yeah one last thing, if you ARE returning to the game for Dragonflight then that's great and I think you're going to really enjoy it but don't forget the RETURN TAX. A new rule that I-I mean Blizzard invented very recently where NO LOOT will drop for you if you don't send 10,000 gold weekly to Myffanwy on Argent Dawn EU, that's M, Y, F, F - - Ok that's enough Tali, there's no return tax don't worry. Thanks for joining us for the video today and if you ARE returning to the game for Dragonflight then I hope it was useful and that we see you soon! I'll be in the Azure span, hanging out with the tuskarr. I already did all the Tuskarr jokes From me, Evitel, and Taliesin, until next time, cheerio!
Channel: World of Warcraft
Views: 683,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World of Warcraft, WoW, Warcraft, Blizzard, Blizzard Entertainment
Id: MUopfYYvb-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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