World of Warcraft: Complete Movie - All Cinematics in ORDER [Warcraft 3 - Dragonflight Catchup]

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is [Music] we never paid any heed to the ancient prophecies like fools we clung to the old hatreds and fought as we had for generations [Music] yes until the day the sky rained fire and the new enemy came among us [Music] we stand now upon the brink of destruction for the reign of chaos has come at last [Applause] [Music] [Music] we've received reports that the orcs are regrouping certainly the recent attacks against the internment camps are evidence enough agreed the horde is on the move this is absurd my nation will not stand by and watch as the forward masses on our very doorstep the orcs are not our primary concern here how many times must i repeat myself king terence you must heed my warning this plague that has gripped the northlands could have dire ramifications let's keep all this in perspective even if this plague does pose a threat to us what are you proposing that we do it is simple as i have said the kirin tor are already prepared to place the villagers under strict quarantine i will not institute quarantine without proof of your claims ambassador the people of lordaeron have suffered enough without becoming prisoners in their old lands [Music] [Music] yet prisoners they are a good king what is the meaning of this who are you humanity is in peril the tides of darkness have come again and the whole world is poised upon the brink of war enough of this guards remove this plan hear me the only hope for your people is to travel west i don't know who you are or what you believe but this is not the time for rambling prophets our lands are beset by conflict but it shall be we who decide how best to protect our people not you now be gone i failed humanity once before and i will not do so again if you cannot take up this cup then i shall find another who will [Music] the warning has been given their fate is now their own welcome prince arthas the men and i are honored by your presence came to formalities uther i'm not king yet it's good to see you you too lad i'm pleased that king terenas sent you to help me father still hopes your patience and experience might rub off on me it is a father's right to dream isn't it look here's where we stand our scouts have confirmed that there is an orc encampment hidden somewhere over the next bridge as i suspected it gets worse they're preparing to attack the nearby village of strongbrad as far as we know the village is completely defenseless [Music] i need to move against the orcs base immediately can you handle strong brad's defense on your own of course don't worry about me good meet me at the orc camp once you've saved the village be careful arthas [Music] bless you prince arthas but what about the others who were taken away don't worry son we'll find them and bring them home safe prince office lord uther needs you at the orc encampment immediately never a dull moment let's get moving ah good timing lad i sent two of my best knights into parley with the orc leader they should be returning shortly damn these works will never surrender then let's get in there and destroy the beasts remember arthas we are paladins vengeance cannot be a part of what we must do if we allow our passions to turn to bloodlust and we will become as vile as the orcs yes uther now if you're feeling up to it i want you to lead the attack me well of course i'll remain here and ensure that none of the loathsome beasts threaten the camp i won't fail you i know you won't lie [Music] you must be wiser than the king the end is near i told you before i'm not interested in this nonsense then i've wasted my time here you can show yourself now jaina he's gone i'm sorry for eavesdropping master but it's your inquisitive nature that i've come to rely on child that crazed fool's convinced that the world is about to end i've heard the rumors of the plague spreading throughout the northlands do you truly believe that the plague is magical in nature it's a strong possibility that's why i need you to travel there and investigate the matter i've arranged for a special envoy to assist you yes master i'll do my best [Music] i know you will child farewell prince office we've been waiting here for hours are you sure this friend of yours is coming i'm sure jaina usually runs a little late we must help her stay your blade captain she can take care of herself [Music] gentlemen meet miss jaina proudmoore special agent to the kirin tor and one of the most talented sorceresses in the land looks like you haven't lost your touch it's good to see you again jaina you too marthas it's been a while since a prince escorted me anywhere yes it has well i guess we should get underway our sources believe the plague originated in the region north of here we should check out the villages along the king's road it's as if the land around that granary is dying could the grain itself be plagued let's hope not those crates bear the regional seal of anderholm the distribution center for the northern boroughs if this grain can spread the plague there's no telling how many villages might be affected [Music] we've been discovered my brothers flee and continue with the operation i'm sorry i can't stand you duty calls then creature looks like it was sewn together from different corpses let's study it after we kill it okay [Music] hello again children i am kel'thuzad and i've come to deliver a warning leave well enough alone your curiosity will be the death of you are you responsible for this plague necromancer is this cult you're doing yes i ordered the cult of the dam to distribute the plagued grain but the soul credit is not mine what do you mean i serve the dreadlord malganus he commands the scourge that will cleanse this land and establish a paradise of eternal darkness and what exactly is this scourge meant to cleanse why the living of course his plan is already in motion seek him out at stratholme if you need further proof naive fool my death will make little difference in the long run for now the scourging of this land begins [Music] wait what did those crates contain just a grain shipment from anderhall there's no need to worry my lord it's already been distributed amongst the villagers oh no the plague was never meant to simply kill my people it was meant to turn them into the undead defend yourselves i'm surprised that you kept things together as long as you did lad if i hadn't arrived just there look i did the best i could uther if i'd had a legion of knights riding in my back i would have now is not the time to be choking on pride what we faced here was only the beginning the undead ranks are bolstered every time one of our warriors falls in battle then we should strike at their leader i'll go to stratholme and kill malganus myself if i have to easy lad brave as you are you can't hope to defeat a man who commands the dead all by yourself then feel free to tag along luther i'm going with or without you greetings young prince we must talk i have no time for this listen to me boy this land is lost the shadow has already fallen and nothing you do will deter it if you truly wish to save your people lead them across the sea to the west [Music] flee my place is here and my only course is to defend my people then your choice is already made just remember the harder you strive to slay your enemies the faster you'll deliver your people right into their hands [Music] i'm sorry for concealing myself arthas i just wanted to don't say it i sensed tremendous power about him arthas maybe he's right maybe he does know what will happen nothing he can say will make me abandon my homeland jaina i don't care if that madman has seen the future let's go [Music] oh no we're too late these people have all been infected they may look fine now but it's just a matter of time before they turn into the undead this entire city must be purged what how can you even consider that there's got to be some other way damn it luther as your future king i order you to purge this city you are not my king yet boy nor would i obey that command even if you were then i must consider this an act of treason treason have you lost your mind arthas have i lord uther by my right of succession and the sovereignty of my crown i hereby relieve you of your command and suspend your paladins from service arthas you can't just it's done those of you who have the will to save this land follow me the rest of you get out of my sight you've just crossed a terrible threshold arthas gina i'm sorry arthas i can't watch you do this [Music] i've been waiting for you one young priest i am mountainous [Music] as you can see your people are now mine i will now turn this city household by household until the flame of life has been snuffed out forever i won't allow it mal'ganis better that these people die by my hand than service your slaves in death [Music] we're going to finish this right now malganas just you and me brave words unfortunately for you it won't end here your journey has just begun young prince gather your forces and meet me in the arctic land of northrend it is there that we shall settle the score between us it is there that your true destiny will unfold [Music] i'll hunt you to the ends of the earth if i have to do you hear me to the ends of the earth [Music] so much death i can't believe arthas could have done this jaina jaina proudmoore lord uther ah jaina i thought i might find you here where has he gone girl where has arthas taken the fleet he came to me before he left i pleaded with him not to go i told him it sounded like a trap where [Music] northrend he's gone to northrend to hunt morganis damn that boy i've got to inform king terenas [Music] don't be too hard on yourself girl you had nothing to do with this slaughter [Music] the dead in this land might lie still for the time being but don't be fooled your young prince will find only death in the cold north this is a light forsaken land isn't it you can barely even see the sun this howling wind cuts to the bone and you're not even shaking my lord are you all right you lied to your men and betrayed the mercenaries who fought for you what's happening to you arthas his vengeance all that's important to you oh spare me muradin you weren't there to see what malganas did to my homeland behold meriden our salvation frostbourne hold that there's an inscription on the dares it's a warning it says whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal just as the blade runs flesh so must power scar the spirit oh i should have known the blade is cursed let's get the hell out of here i would gladly bear any curse to save my homeland leave it be arthas forget this business and lead your men home damn the men nothing shall prevent me from having my revenge old friend not even you now i call out to the spirits of this place i will give anything or pay any price if only you will help me save my people ah [Music] prince arthas where is murad we can't hold out for much longer muradin is dead but take heart captain the enemy will not stand long against the might of frostmourne so you've taken up frostmourne at the expense of your comrades lives just as the dark lord said you would you're stronger than i thought you waste your breath malganus i heed only the voice of frostmourne now you hear the voice of the dark lord he whispers to you through the blade you wield what does he say young human what does the dark lord of the dead tell you now he tells me that the time for my vengeance has come what he can possibly mean it is finished [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] you no longer need to bear the weight of your crown i've taken care of everything [Music] what is this what are you doing my son succeeding you father this kingdom shall fall and from the ashes shall arise a new order that will shake the very foundations of the world i don't know how you survived but i will calm yourself prince arthas i am ticondrious like malgamus i am a dreadlord but i am not your enemy in truth i've come to congratulate you congratulate me by killing your own father and delivering this land to the scourge you have passed your first test the lich king is pleased with your enthusiasm yes i've damned everyone and everything i've ever loved in his name and i still feel no remorse no shame no pity the room blade that you carry was forged by the lich king and empowered to steal souls yours was the first one it claimed then i'll make do without one what is the lich king's will the cult of the damned must be rallied once again many of the acolytes have been in hiding amongst the populace once you've rallied them i will give you further instructions [Music] this crude contraption will allow you to transport the remains of our master can you not simply raise the remains when we find them pardon lord but a being of kel'thuzad's power can only be reanimated at a nexus of powerful lay energies and there are no such places in this land very well then let's move out come along now necromancer the powers that you once served have need of you again told you my death would mean little what the am i hearing ghosts now it is i killed thousand i was right about you prince arthas it took you long enough these remains are badly decomposed they will never survive the trip to 12 fellas quite the last yes only the energies of the high elves sunwell can bring kel'thuzad back to life then what must be done [Music] you must steal a very special urn from the paladin's keeping place the necromancer's remains within it and he will be well protected for the journey as you wish your father ruled this land for 70 years and you've grounded the dust in a matter of days very dramatic uther give me the urn and i'll make sure you die quickly the urn holds your father's ashes arthas what were you hoping to piss on them one last time before you left his kingdom to rot i didn't know what it held nor does it matter i'll take what i came for one way or another i dearly hope there's a special place in hell waiting for you arthas we may never know uther i intend to live forever i dearly hope that there's a special place in hell waiting for you arthas we may never know uther i intend to live forever uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] light save my soul [Applause] excellent work now your journey to quel'thalas can begin [Music] tell him nothing only you can hear me the dreadlords cannot be trusted they are the lich king's jailers i will tell you all when i walk this world again [Music] is everything proceeding as planned ticondreas lord archimonde demands a report on the scourge the lich king's young death knight has been performing well almost too well i begin to wonder if ner'zhul has ulterior motives for his new champion the human means nothing in the long run nelson wouldn't dare undermine our efforts now our only concern is that this scourge accomplishes what it was created to do our command will have all our heads if we do not keep control of this situation relieve me brother neither the lich king nor his undead lackeys will jeopardize the legion's return see that they do not lord archimonde has little patience for failure sylvanas windrunner was our kingdom's protector had she and her rangers not met arthas with such fierce resistance our people might no longer exist she paid the ultimate price so that enough of us might escape to rebuild our fallen kingdom when arthurs raised her as a banshee and turned her against quel'thalas it broke all our hearts i've had my share of disagreements with solanus but i will never forget her sacrifice she was the ranger general of silver moon nothing will ever change that ah the wondrous eternal quel'thalas i haven't been here since i was a boy be wary the elves likely wait in ambush the frail elves do not concern me necromancer our forces are strengthened with every foe we slay don't be too over confident death knight the elves must not be taken lightly you are not welcome here i am sylvanas windrunner ranger general of silver moon i advise you to turn back now it is you who should turn back sylvanas death itself has come to your land do your worst the elf gate to the inner kingdom is protected by our most powerful enchantments you shall not pass [Music] fall back to the second gate fall back the elf gate has fallen onward my warriors onward to victory [Music] fall back to the trees [Music] you've won through this gate butcher but you won't get through the second the inner gate to silver moon can only be opened with a special key and it shall never be yours you waste your time woman you cannot outrun the inevitable you think that i'm running from you apparently you've never fought elves before [Music] damn that woman we must find a way to cross the river finally [Music] the gates have been opened once we've dealt with sylvanas the inner kingdom shall be ours [Music] damn you monsters what will it take to drive you back the ranger woman is starting to vex me greatly you've done well so far but the true test still lies before you i was wondering when you'd show up i am here to ensure that you do your job little human not to do it for you i will reach the sun well on my own dreadlord be warned it is a pool of mystical energy from which the elves draw their immortal powers they will not give it up easily do you think he suspects that you've been aiding me necromancer i'm sure he suspects quite a bit it is his nature to assume the worst now steal yourself the hour of my rebirth draws near finish it i deserve a clean death after all you've put me through a woman the last thing i'll give you is the peace of death no you wouldn't dare take up run [Music] wow [Music] you will burn for your actions that is far enough prince arthas your march ends here you may have been formidable once but i sense your soul fading your life force flickering weakly a flame i will gladly extinguish at least i have a soul you despicable monster not for long death itself has come to claim the high home of the elves citizens of silver moon i have given you ample opportunities to surrender but you have stubbornly refused know that today your entire race and your ancient heritage will end death itself has come to claim the high home of the elves now arise kel'thuzad and serve the lich king once again as promised the lich king has granted me eternal life i've upheld my end of the bargain lich are you ready to tell me about the dreadlords now certainly but not here they have eyes and ears everywhere we'll talk where it's safe so you're not upset about me killing you that one time don't be foolish the lich king told me how our encounter would end the lich king knew that i would kill you of course he chose you to be his champion long before the scourge even began if he's so all-knowing then how can the dreadlords control him like they do they are agents of the ones who created our master the fiery lords of the burning legion what is this legion it is a vast demonic army that has consumed countless worlds beyond our own now it comes to set this world to the flame master was created to pave the way for its arrival the dreadlords were sent to make sure that he succeeded so the plague and lordaeron the citadels in northrend the slaughtering of the elves it was all just to prepare for some huge demonic invasion yes in time you will find that our entire history has been shaped by the coming conflict now come we have much work to do [Music] isn't it time you told me about the second phase of the plan litch certainly the first phase of the lich king's plan was to engineer the scourge which would eradicate any group that might resist the legion's arrival like the forces of lordaeron and the high elves exactly the second phase is to actually summon the demon lord who will spark the invasion so where are we going now there is a nearby encampment of blackrock orcs who maintain a functional demon gate i must use the gate to commune with the demon lord and receive his instructions i call it on the archimonde your humble servant seeks an audience you called my name and i have come you are killed thousand are you not yes great one i am the summoner very well then there is a special tome you must find the only remaining spellbook of medivh the last guardian only his lost incantations are powerful enough to bring me into your world where should we search for it great one seek out the mortal city of dalaran it is there that the tome is kept at twilight three days from now [Music] wizards of the kirin tor i am arthas first of the lich king's death knights i demand that you open your gates and surrender to the might of the scourge greetings prince arthurs how fair is your noble father lord antonidis there's no need to be snide we've prepared for your coming office my brethren and i have erected horrors that will destroy any undead that pass through them your petty magics will not stop me and tinnitus pull your troops back or we will be forced to unleash our full powers against you make your choice death night it pains me to even look at you arthas i'll be happy to end your torment old man i told you that your magics could not stop me let's take it and leave before the wizards amass for their final attack indeed i will begin summoning lord archimonde at sunset the circle of power has been prepared for your instructions lich are you ready to begin the summoning nearly i've been reading through medivh's spell book his knowledge of demons alone is staggering i suspect that he was far more powerful than anyone ever realized not powerful enough to escape death that is for certain suffice to say the work he began we will finish today let the summoning commence [Music] [Music] tremble mortals and despair doom has come to this world you have done well little lich my plan worked perfectly lord archimonde all the preparations have been made very well ticondreas since the lich king is of no further use to me you dreadlords will now command the scourge as you wish thought soon i will order the invasion to begin but first i will make an example of these poultry wizards by crushing their city into the ashes of history [Music] this has got to be a joke what happens to us now be patient young death knight the lich king foresaw this as well you may yet have a part to play in his grand design new taros my [Music] you love wow oh for thousands of years the sunwell meant everything to our people arthas dealt us a grievous wound when he defiled it my faith was shattered when silver moon fell i lost sight of who i was but by the grace of the light i found redemption before it was too late let this monument serve as a reminder of what it means to be sindora that our every deed may honor the sacrifices of those who came before us no matter how much pain we endure we will not lose hope in the face of darkness look always to the eternal sun [Music] the sands of time have run out son of durotan [Music] the cries of war echo upon the winds the remnants of the past scar the land which is besieged once again by conflict [Music] heroes arise to challenge fate and lead their brethren to battle [Applause] as mortal armies rush blindly towards their doom the burning shadow comes to consume us all you must rally the horde and lead your people to their destiny seek me out [Music] what kind of nightmare was that it was not a nightmare young warchief but a vision follow me and i will reveal what your future holds [Music] i don't know what this is all about but i'll play along greeting son of durotan i knew you'd find your way it was you i saw in the vision who are you how do you know me i know many things young warchief about you and your people my identity at this time is unimportant what is important is that you rally your people and leave these shores immediately leave what's this all about human human i left my humanity behind long ago i am something different now know that i have seen the future and beheld the great burning shadow that is coming to consume this world you sense it as well don't you the demons are returning yes and only by leading your people across the sea to the distant lands of calendar will you have a chance to stand against them but how can we i will answer all of your questions in time young warchief for now rally your warriors and prepare to leave this land we will speak again [Music] none of this makes sense but the spirits tell me that i should trust him it's been three days and this prophet has yet to show himself i hope i'm not making a huge mistake by trusting him warrior has there been any word from hellscream he and the warsong clan were supposed to have been here by now no warchief we haven't heard from hellscream in some time damn it it'll scream where the hell are you [Music] hellscream are you all right i'm fine little brother luckily they only injured my pride great because we're getting out of here now we're leaving the human lands for good finally follow me i have an idea [Music] we can set sail on the human's own ships perfect but we'll need to wait for the rest of the horde the horde is assembled warchief we await only your command now go young thrall sail west to the lands of kalimdor it is there that you will find your destiny it is there that your people salvation will be assured [Music] it was lucky we happened under this cove i don't think our ships would have held out much longer in that storm warchief half of the ships are missing and the rest are badly damaged we'd better get settled then we may be on this island for a while someone is watching us it is you i saw your arrival in a vision especially you to see her or is it just my old mind playing tricks on me looks like this troll's been on the island a little too long we're real enough old one my name is thrall i be senjin leader of the trolls this island used to be ours alone but no more you and your friends must be careful the humans established an outpost on this island some time ago humans well i'd rather find them first we can't risk their patrols alerting the outpost about us my brothers we're moving out good luck my friend i got important matters to tend to but i'll be seeing you soon the vision told me you would lead my people off this island you don't have much time young one go but you and your people are coming with us it'd be too late i'm already gone those of you who wish to follow me will face many dangers it will not be easy but if you wish to join us you are welcome yeah man pretty soon there'll be nothing left here anyway we come with you make peace with your god's land dwellers you cannot escape the currents of death so easily [Music] where is that voice coming from i don't know but we have no time to waste this cave is about to collapse [Music] sail on land dwellers flee the dark tide is coming to swallow you all and once it begins there will be nowhere to hide i don't know exactly what the witch was talking about but i do know that our destiny lies elsewhere for now we set sail for kalimdor that is where our future will unfold [Music] warchief our ship sustained heavy damage when we pass through the raging maelstrom it's unsalvageable i knew it can we confirm our location is this kalimdor we travel due west as you instructed this should be it very well has there been any sign of hellscream or the other ships no warchief not since we got separated prepare to move out if our comrades did make it here we should be able to find them along the coast i am chief of the bloodhoof tauren you greenskins fight with both savagery and valor i am intrigued i am thrall and these are my brethren the orcs we've come seeking the destiny promised to us for seeking destiny it will find you in time young one however there is an oracle far to the north which might be able to north but there's an army of the horsemen marching north what no my village is in danger your tribe is safe old one thanks to you young warchief but the centaur drove off all the game in this region and i cannot allow my people to starve soon we must head north to the verdant grasslands of mulgore and you fear the marauders will overtake you yes the devil's speed cannot be matched upon the planes well if you tell us how to reach the oracle you spoke of then my brethren and i will escort you on your march i am intrigued by you and your people young troll you are more than welcome to join us this land is rugged and beautiful much like the place from which my people originally come yes we tauren have always held a great respect for the works of the earth mother there are far worse fates than living freely upon the open plains young warchief hmm perhaps but my people deserve a land to call their own can [Music] war chief we've spotted a herd of marauders bearing down on us cairn the kodos are overburdened and must rest why don't you remain here and protect the caravan while we search for a suitable oasis there's no need to coddle me boy i may be old but i'm not helpless [Music] can the caravan will never make it in time let the fury of the earth mother deal with these wretches as they deserve they will trouble us no more and you young warchief afraid to continue your quest to the oracle what is it legends say that it saw the strands of fate as they were woven by the earth mother it alone can show you your destiny where will i find it far to the north near the shadowy base of mount hyjal lies stone talon peak you will find the oracle within the peaks hollow i will send my finest kodos to aid you in your journey thank you ken i will not forget you oh with honor young warchief may the earth mother smile upon you let me tell you of their leader a warlord whose defiance in the face of death became legend grommash had begun leading raids deeper and deeper into ogre lands he and his clan the war song were insatiable and relentless it was only a matter of time until the ogres retaliated once again grommash struck deep into ogre lag this time however the ogre warlord and his armies were waiting your warriors they begged for death your body is broken you have nothing left say the word and i will end your suffering [Music] say it say the word and it's over this wolf still has teeth hail mighty monoroth how goes the invasion these frayer humans offer no real resistance then the scourge did its job well unlike some others i could name do not mock me dreadlord i am aware of the orcs failure when i find them i will discipline them myself yes actually that's why i've come i thought you might like to know that the orcs are no longer here what are you certain certain as ever manorath my agents at least are always dependable they tell me that the orcs have landed on kalimdor kalimdor but what could they be the orcs are mine by right and i will claim them wherever they choose to run and you are mine mannoroth you do well to remember that fact we will watch the wayward orcs and wait despite their failure they may still prove useful to us [Music] morning [Music] after 10 000 years i still recognize this cursed place this is the veil of our ancient enemy the night elves demigod cenarius yes lord archimonde demands that cenarius be destroyed before we launch the invasion of kalimdor hmm i would relish the chance to face him again in combat but he is crafty and rarely appears in the open fateful as it sounds your pet orcs have recently despoiled these forest lands and incurred his wrath lord archimonde and i believe that the orcs are capable of killing cenarius for us [Music] they would have little chance against cenarius if memory serves his powers were quite formidable yes but so are yours the blood pact that you made with the orcs long ago still binds them to you you need only recharge their energies just what are you suggesting dreadlord spill your burning blood into this pool its corruption will lure the orcs to it and once they've tasted your blood again they will be unstoppable [Music] hmm the pool emanates great power but i smell this stench of a demon curse about it i am cursed already if i must drink from these waters to defeat cenarius then i will no that goes against everything the warchief teaches us we can't let rage overcome us again no warrior we must embrace it as never before we must become the vessels of destruction that we were meant to be [Music] yes i feel the power once again come my warriors drink from the dark waters and you will be reborn [Music] [Music] it can't be i've come to bring you and your brethren back into the fold though you orcs failed the burning legion before you will now serve us once again no we are free stupid beautiful creature i am the rage in your heart i am the fury of your thoughts i alone empowered you to bring chaos to this world and by the endless voyage you shall orcs i knew that we were being followed defend yourselves [Music] stop there will be no violence in this place that voice you're no oracle you're the prophet very perceptive son of durotan i am the prophet and now that i have lured you all here i will tell you what destiny holds what the hell is going on here thrall this is jaina proudmoore leader of the survivors of lordaeron survivors what are you talking about the invasion of the burning legion has begun lordaeron has already fallen and now the demons come to invade kalimdor only together united against the shadow will you be able to save this world from the flame unite with them are you mad have you heard nothing that i've said the legion comes to undo history and end all life thrall your friend hellscream has already fallen under the demon's influence soon he and your whole race will be lost forever no i'll die before i let that happen [Music] then you must rescue him immediately he is the key to the destiny i promised you however you will need help wait this is insane you can't possibly expect me to destiny is at hand young sorceress the time to choose has come for the fate of all who live humanity must join forces with the horde if the prophet was correct then the warsong encampment lies just over the ridge we should ready ourselves for battle i know can it's just that i never thought i'd live to see the day when i had to fight my own people just remember thrall this soul gem you can capture your friend's spirit without hurting him but you need to bring it back to my base immediately so we can freak hellscream from the demon's control i appreciate your help miss proudmoore yet another day i thought i'd never live to see that makes two of us i'll return to my base and aid you as best i can good luck uh gentlemen [Music] spirits rage around you young warchief i sense your anguish your grief he'll scream is like a brother to me cairn but he and his clan have fallen under the demon's influence if i can't save him then my people might be damned for all time [Music] hillstream you've got to come with me and where would you lead me boy destiny is at hand lord manoroth is our master now who you're not talking sense ah thrall you always believed that the demons corrupted our race but that's only half true we gave ourselves up willingly on draenor the other chieftains and i we drank manorath's blood thrall we brought this curse upon ourselves claim your destiny you will all be conquerors and what could must we give in return everything [Music] [Music] hellscream thrall i see clearly now i'm sorry i am so sorry to hell with your apologies right now i need you to help me save our people manorath we must face manorath in the canyon then let's go i don't want to keep the bastard waiting so predictable i knew you would come and i see you brought the mighty hairscreen his blood is mild as is oh but futile um boy believed you could be saved but he didn't know what burns within your soul when in your heart you know we are the same hmm thrall the blood haze has lifted the demon's fire has burnt out in my veins i have freed myself [Music] no old friend you've freed us all [Music] illidan your anger is misplaced i have not insulted you you have cast me out cenarius no you may remain here but i will no longer be your teacher if you wish to continue studying the wilds you may do so with your brother so so i must learn from a novice instead of a master you must learn respect malfurion will become the first druid because he is a dedicated student you are not to walk this path requires sacrifice illidan something you have yet to understand brother what have you done you've killed them all illidan what would you have me do cartalose simpler not to our new legion overlords as they turn our world to ash there is always a choice we could have you are blind raven christ you are all blind this was one invasion they nearly killed everyone here and took suramar the best any of you can do is criticize my methods my mages died saving our world what have you given what have you sacrificed you're a damned fool ravencrest no matter i've learned all i can from you we will never defeat the legion so long as cowards hold the reigns farewell and good luck perhaps you may feel better begging them for your lives next time [Music] pardon priestess but you've been staring out across ashenvale for hours i sense something dark stirring within the forest chandras it feels as if it's heading this way the green skins who killed cenarius perhaps perhaps something more so these orcs and humans presume to run rampant through our lands they will regret ever stepping foot into ashenvale we will establish a base and deal with these outlanders as they deserve the undead are tireless there's no way to outrun them you see lord archimonde we do not fear the night elves the scourge can archimonde after 10 000 years how is it possible legion has returned to consume this world woman and this time your troublesome race will not stop us [Music] fools you will let her slip away find her damn you find her and kill her [Music] the day we have long feared has finally come the burning legion has returned i must cross the river and warn the rest of my sisters before all is lost tyrande praise elune you've made it the undead appeared out of nowhere and attacked our village without warning we have a greater problem the undead was sent here by the burning legion our ancient enemies of old against such might we have only one option we must awaken the druids at last the horn of cenarius [Music] the horn has sounded and i have come as promised i smell the stench of decay and corruption in our land that angers me greatly [Music] come forth you defenders of old crush these invaders as you did in ages past [Music] it has been a thousand years since i last looked upon you tyrande i thought of you every moment i roamed through the emerald dream my heart rejoices to see you again my love but i would not have awakened you unless the need was urgent in the dream i felt our land being corrupted just as if it were my own body you were right to awaken me the burning legion has returned cenarius is dead and outlanders roam freely through our most sacred veils as was foretold no doubt archimonde will make his way to hijab summit and attack the world tree if he succeeds in draining the tree's energies this world will be doomed my only thought was to awaken you and the rest of the druids the druids of the talon reside within the barrow dens at the end of this valley if we can reach them we may have a chance to stop archimonde and his demons so the outlanders battle against the undead as well they could prove to be powerful allies against archimonde and his ilk they are mongrels and nothing more they are responsible for cenarius's death i will be damned before i stand with them perhaps you are right my love we will establish our new settlement here keep your centuries alert i doubt that we have seen the last of the outlanders or the undead these barrow deeps have remained untouched for nearly three thousand years still there's no telling what creatures may have taken up residence after we sealed these tunnels shut there is nothing to fear in this place the only enemy that has ever given me pause is now corrupting the lands above us let us be done with this business and get back to the surface [Music] no matter how hard this world fights it will fall [Music] our eyes deceive us the army that marches on azeroth is but a whisper of the legion's true strength beyond this army is another and another and another even if we defeat them here it will mean nothing we are doomed unless we find another way to fight them [Applause] and i will find that way oh no how could i have forgotten what is behind this door that worries you my love this door leads to illidan's prison terranda we should go now illidan it's been 10 000 years could he still be alive we should free him he would be the perfect ally against the undead and their demon masters no tyrande that beast must never be set free but he is your brother be that as it may is far too dangerous i forbid it [Music] only the goddess may forbid me anything i will free illidan whether you like it or [Music] not illidan is that you tyrande it is your voice after all these ages spent in darkness your voice is like the pure light of the moon upon my mind the legion has returned illidan your people have need of you once more [Music] because i once cared for you tyrande i will hunt down the demons but i will never owe our people anything then let us hurry back to the surface the demon's corruption spreads with every second we waste it has been an eternity brother an eternity spent in darkness illidan you were sentenced to pay for your sins nothing more and who were you to judge me we fought the demons side by side if you recall enough of this both of you what is done is done my love with illidan's help we will drive the demons back once again and save what is left of our beloved land have you even considered the course tyrande this betrayer's aid may doom us all before the end i will have nothing to do with this i am free after 10 000 years yet still my own brother thinks i am a villain i'll show him my true power i'll show him that the demons have no hold over me are you certain of that demon hunter are you certain your will is your own you reek of death human you'll regret approaching me come then you'll find that we're evenly matched [Music] we could go on fighting like this forever what is it you truly want the dreadlord who commands this undead army is called tichondrius he controls a powerful warlock artifact called the skull of gul'dan it is responsible for corrupting these forests and you wish for me to steal it why let's just say that i have no love for tichondrius and the lord i serve would benefit from the legion's downfall why should i believe anything you say little human my master sees all demon hunter he knows that you've sought power your whole life now it lies within your grasp seize it and your enemies will be undone [Music] now at least the demons will no longer corrupt the forests but if i destroy the skull and claim its powers as my own i will become stronger than any of our command's lieutenants yes the power should be mine now i am complete foul demon what have you done with my brother it is i this is what i've become no illidan how could you the leader of the undead has been destroyed and the forests will heal in time at the cost of your soul you are no brother of mine be gone from this place and never set foot in our lands again so be it brother we have no time for this what are we doing out here last night in a dream a great raven spoke to me and summoned me to this place we were summoned here as well who are you outlanders i am thrall son of durotan warchief of the horde and i am jaina proudmoore leader of the human survivors of lordaeron you are not welcome here [Music] peace priestess they've come to aid you against the legion it was you in my dream but who are you to make such an offer to us i am the reason for the legion's return [Music] years ago i brought the orcs into this world and by doing so i opened a path for the demons as well for my sins i was murdered by those who i cared for most despite my death war raged across the lands of the east for many long years leaving entire kingdoms devastating now at long last i have returned to set things right i am medivh the last guardian i tell you now the only chance for this world is for you to unite in arms against the enemies of all who live [Music] i'm sorry i'm late it it's just as we feared archimonde and his doomguard are making their way towards the summit he'll be here any moment ten thousand years ago we night elves defeated the burning legion though the rest of the world was shattered we were left free to live out our immortal lives in peace bound to the world tree we are its protectors and through it we were granted immortality and power over nature now at last it is time we gave that power back you realize that we will age as these mortals do our powers over nature will wane in time if pride gives us pause my love then perhaps we have lived long enough already i will proceed to the summit and prepare our defenses there whatever comes my love remember our bond is eternal [Music] hear me night elves the time for reckoning has come if you can provide our bases with support and keep us from being overwhelmed thrall and i will delay archimonde's ascent your plan is a bold one girl perhaps i have misjudged you outlanders may a loon shine upon you you are very brave to stand against me little human if only your countrymen had been as bold i would have had more fun scouring your wretched nations from the world is talking all you demons do storage show yourself or do you intend to have mortal girls do all your fighting for you archimonde's victory here has made him overconfident he will not see the trap that i laid for him until it is too [Music] is late witness the end you mortals the final hour has come [Music] the outlanders held him back as long as they could were you successful in planning the summit's defense yes now our victory is assured [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] the roots will heal in time as will the entire world the sacrifices have been made just as the orcs humans and night elves discarded their old hatreds and stood united against a common foe so did nature herself rise up to banish the shadow forever as for me i came back to ensure that there would be a future to teach the world that it no longer needed guardians the hope for future generations has always resided in mortal hands and now that my task is done i will take my place amongst the legends of the past betrayer in truth it was i who was betrayed [Music] still i am haunted still i am hated now my blind eye see what others cannot that sometimes the hand of fate must be forced [Music] [Music] [Music] so foreign [Music] now go forth unleash the tides of doom upon all those who would oppose us these tracks are fresh but they split off in opposite directions and they did must be getting help from someone your orders mistress you watchers split up into two parties scour the woods find what you can we'll meet you further up the coast remember sisters if you find illidan do not attempt to take him without the rest of us he is far too dangerous to tackle alone yes mistress the rest of you follow me [Music] [Applause] quickly you fools the ships must be burned the master doesn't wish to be followed i cannot allow illidan to escape again we must slay those naga before they burn the ships you are too late little warning the master has already set sail for distant shores however he wished to thank you for the hospitality you provided during his imprisonment he asked us to repay you in kind you're certainly welcome to try monster mistress do you believe we can defeat illidan even if we find him illidan has grown powerful of that there is no doubt he consumed the energies of the skull of gudan now he is neither night elf nor demon but something more mistress why would the naga harbor so much hatred for us we must trust time to reveal all things now hurry illidan has a considerable lead on us we must capture him before he causes any more harm mistress we followed illidan's course due east as you asked but these strange islands do not appear on any of our maps i suspect it as much these islands must have been formed only recently what makes you say that the ruins all around us nysha i recognize them this was once the great city of suramar built before our civilization was blasted beneath the sea ten thousand years ago but how could are you suggesting that these islands were somehow raised from the sea floor perhaps though there are few powers left in the world capable of raising islands from the deeps regardless it's a mystery we'll have to solve later we'd best head inland and set up a base camp once we're situated we'll pick up illidan's trail at last the tomb of sargeras is found you my trusted servants must remain here and guard the entrance if that wretched warden managed to reach this island she'll certainly try to follow us illidan i knew we'd find him we'll have to fight our way through the naga's defenses in order to follow him we locked illidan beneath the earth long ago i intend to do so again now quickly my sisters illidan must be stopped at all costs [Music] i have a bad feeling about this mistress it's too quiet it feels as if we're walking into a trap still we must press on nysha if illidan finds whatever it is he's seeking he could wait look there [Music] strange these are orcish runes they were written by gul'dan when he first opened this tomb 20 years ago what did they say apparently he logged his journey through the tombs depths these runes seem to depict that history quickly you fools fan out in search for the primary passageway we must reach the chamber of the eye before the tombs guardians awaken spineless cowards i said move now sargeras i will claim whatever's left of your power and bring this wretched world to its knees there's no telling what gul'dan and his lackeys awoke in this foul place we must be cautious there more of gul'dan's glyphs interesting they continue the warlock's tale blasted feeble-minded weaklings they're all likely dead by now still i must press on my power alone should be enough to that laughter is that you sargeras you seek to mock me we'll see who laughs last demon when i clean your burning eye for my own again he referenced this mysterious eye what could it be an artifact no doubt it must have contained tremendous demonic power to lure gul'dan as it did what would you know of us or our justice naga witch why my dear we naga were once night elves we were azshara's chosen the highborn banished beneath the cruel seas when the well of eternity imploded around us [Music] impossible cursed transformed we have waited 10 000 years to retake our rightful place in the world and now with lord illidan's help we shall [Music] not while i draw breath your courage is commendable but it shall avail you nothing [Laughter] so warden shadow song you've made it at last i knew you would you have much to pay for illidan i'm taking you back to your cell now naivete does not suit you when i consumed the power of gul'dan's skull i inherited his memories especially those of this place and the dark prize he coveted yes the power of sargeras you would claim it as your own that power is beyond my reach little warden but this the eye of sargeras contains all the power i'll need to rid this wretched world of my enemies once and for all ironic that you should be its first victim you're insane isolation can do that to the mind now after all the long centuries you kept me chained in darkness it is only fitting that i bury treachery my power will allow me to escape but i feel there is no way out for the rest of you go mistress the goddess will night our path to the hereafter i will not forget you my sisters you will be avenged i swear it now i've got to find a way out before this cursed tomb is drowned by the seas [Music] what happened mistress where are naisha and the others they are lost illidan clinged the eye of sargeras and used its power to bury our sisters alive now he intends to finish the rest of us off we have no choice but to sail back to kalimdor and warn shondo stormrage of what his brother intends it's too late mistress illidan's forces have arrived we cannot escape but perhaps we can send for reinforcements summon the runner she must reach the shoreline and sail back to kalimdor with any luck shondo stormrage will reach us before we're overrun be swift sister illume grant that she reaches shondo stormrage in time if not illidan may never be stopped mudrassel's roots seem to be healing well i wish i could say the same for felwood i fear the legion's corruption will scar the glade permanently your druids will think of something perhaps sarah or alexstrasza could lend there your pardon chandor stormredge priestess tyrande but she insisted that she be allowed to see you who are you girl what is so urgent i am a servant of the warden maya of shadowsong she who pledged to hunt down the betrayer illidan illidan explain yourself your pardon shondo but your brother has raised a dark army from the sea and stolen a powerful demonic artifact even now my mistress battles him on the broken isles she requires immediate reinforcements i will go i will lead the sentinels there myself no milo the druids and i can handle i am the one who set him free the responsibility is mine then we shall both go if this girl's tale is true mayab will need all the help she can get hold your ground my warriors goddess swimming shondo stormrage will come we've landed safely but a few of our ships may have run aground on the outlying islands i hate to leave any of our forces behind but we simply have no time to wait my owls have already scouted ahead of us and found maiev's location she and her forces are under attack but we'll need to pass through the jungle to reach her perhaps force of nature will speed our way we best make haste i doubt maya's forces can hold out much longer elune be praised i knew you would come shondo stormrage i'm glad we reached you in time maiev priest estaronda i'm surprised you came in person are you here to absolve your guilty conscience i did what i had to do maya you are in no position to judge me what you did was murder my watchers and set the betrayer free it is you who should be locked in a cage stop this both of you we're not out of danger yet maiev what's the situation here there are no resources left in this area shondo we need to find a gold mine if we're to marshall more troops for an assault on illidan's compound very well let's get moving then show yourself illidan it's over not yet my little priestess a pity you couldn't see things my way now you and the whole world will understand just what i'm capable of brother what are you doing here i've come to stop you illidan instead of banishing you i should have returned you to your cage when i had the chance i was weak then but no longer i have sworn allegiance to a new master brother i have a great task to perform in his service i'm sorry but i cannot allow you to stand in my way don't worry my love we'll find illidan wherever he runs we'll find him our forces will be ready to move out soon although we still know next to nothing about this strange land illidan has run to this land is called lordaeron it is the homeland of the alliance that aided us at the battle of mount heijon i was told that its kingdoms both human and elven were consumed by the undead scourge these forests have suffered grievously i must leave you both for a time i will enter the woods and attempt to commune with the land itself [Music] while you're gone we'll set out and try to pick up illidan's trail i expect you both to stay focused on your task you can settle your personal dispute after we found my brother of course shondo we'd best get moving this was an alliance encampment the attack must have come recently strangers my lord they don't appear to be undead but ish night elves i am prince kael'thas i must admit i'm surprised to see your kind here but whatever your business i fear you will find only death and shadow in this cursed land i am shadow song and this is tyrande whisperwind we are hunting a powerful demon that arrived here recently curious i don't know about any demon but something's riled the undead based at dalaran they've been hounding us day and night we were about to abandon this post and seek refuge on the other side of the river out of us then we shall lend you our aid young kale wait we have no time for this perhaps once your people are safe you will help us hunt the demon we seek it would be an honor milady ah firewood village the river aravas lies just beyond something doesn't feel right yes perhaps we should keep the caravan moving we've driven them back but the second wave is advancing we've run out of time the caravan will not survive another assault hail get your caravan moving across the river i will stay behind and hold the bridge that's very noble of you priestess but you're no match for a force that vast the goddess is my shield warden elune will grant me the strength [Music] it's working she's holding them back we must hurry to save her that current will take her straight into the heart of the undead lands no kale tyrande is a soldier she knew the risks she took we have a greater mission to accomplish now and our time grows short your people are now safe you will uphold your end of the bargain and help me hunt the demon i seek [Music] this forest has suffered as much as ashenvale the vile blight of the scourge has deadened countless acres of trees if only the druids could ah the earth is being torn apart the pain is excruciating ancient spirits of the forest i implore you show me what is hidden from my sight show me what troubles this earth i see the frozen land of northrend the very roof of the world the land itself is being split asunder how can this be what could cause such devastation it's working nothing can withstand the power of the eye soon now my master's enemies will be undone and i will claim my just reward thank you great spirits i know what must be done i promise you this treachery will not go unpunished [Applause] [Music] we've got to move quickly illidan is weaving a spell that is splitting apart the roof of the world we must wait where is tyrande i'm sorry shondo but the priestess has fallen we aided a band of alliance warriors against the undead the priestess fought valiantly but i saw her torn apart with my own eyes torn to apart my heart i should have been there you can still avenge her shondo let us attack illidan together he is the reason we even came to this forsaken place he is the reason for your loss shondo this is prince kael'thas the ally i spoke of greetings great druid my scouts have confirmed that this illidan and his vile snakes are based at the ruined city of dalaran they are using a gem-like artifact to perform some strange ritual they must be using the eye of sargeras but why would they strike at the roof of the world it doesn't matter they won't live long enough to finish their spell illidan must be stopped once and for all no the spell is not done it is not done [Music] it is over brother your vile schemes end here illidan stormrage for recklessly endangering countless lives and threatening the very balance of the world i hereby sentence you to death too much blood has been spilled on your account illidan even now i can feel the lands of northrend reeling from the spell you cast imprisonment will not be enough this time i will execute him myself force can you not see the spell we channeled was meant to strike at the undead our common enemy my mission was to destroy the lich king's stronghold of ice crown and no he to the cost because of you tyrande is dead what [Music] your pardon lord stormrage but the priestess may still be alive she was swept down river but it's premature to simply assume silence kale you told me she was torn apart you lied to me the betrayer's capture was our primary concern shondo i needed your help i knew you would go to her and we would lose our chance i just who is the betrayer now woman i must go to her immediately believe me brother despite all our differences you know that i would never lead tyrande to harm let me help you my naga can scour the river for us let me do this at least very well what after all he's done you would trust this traitor to silence i will deal with you later let's go brother prince kael'thas said he last saw tyrande being swept down this river if she is alive my naga will find her they had best return with good news brother the very sight of them makes my stomach turn where did you ever find such loathsome creatures believe me brother you do not want to [Music] we know found your missing priestess she and our warriors fight on against the undead but i doubt they can hold out much longer come forth you mindless wretches and taste the wrath of the sentinels elune's light shall never falter [Music] an undead strike force but they're completely ignoring us what could charongra they their flying horrors fill the sky it would be folly to send your flyers against them we cannot depend on them now illidan you must hold the undead here and prevent them from assaulting tyrande's encampment i will journey down river and no brother the naga and i can reach her faster i will go what you say is true but i risk much by trusting you illidan i swear on my life that i will bring her back my brother i believe you under thoracic brother illidan what trickery is this have you come to finish me off personally no turanda you must believe me i've come to save you save me where could they be he should have brought her back by now hurry this is our last chance [Music] you risked your life for me i don't understand whatever i may be whatever i may become in this world know that i will always look out for you tyrande tyrande i knew you would not forsake me i thought i'd lost you forever my love if not for illidan's aid i may well have we have had much strife between us my brother i have known only ages of hate for you but for my part i wish it to end from this day forward let there be peace between us you have brought much suffering to the world illidan for that you can never be forgiven however you saved the life of my love for that i will let you go but should you ever threaten my people again i understand brother lordship over this world was never my aim only power only the magic have lingered here too long i must go by aiding you i've betrayed my new master if i am not careful his wrath will be my end farewell brother i doubt [Music] fools have you no sense of justice illidan has atoned for his crimes he is no longer a threat to it's no use tyrande she has become vengeance itself bound forever to the hunt i only pray that in her zeal she doesn't cause even more havoc than again now let's go home beloved we've earned our rest you are late prince kael'thas i thought you elves prided yourselves on punctuality it could not be helped lord garethos we ran into a group of night elves from across the sea and i am not interested in your fanciful excuses you elves are here to serve the alliance thus you will obey my commands to the letter is that clear yes gerethos [Music] now the undead have begun a new offensive to retake dalaran their primary strike force marched south through silver pine but we managed to halt its advance at the base of the mountains my men are ready to fight my lord when shall we leave for the front we will be leaving immediately but your people will be staying here our scouts report that a second strike force may be heading this way from the east i need you to repair the outlying observatory so that we can monitor that region but the lord we are warriors you have your orders prince chao thus i trust your elven ears heard them clearly enough move out insolent son of a let's get this over with damn we'll have to find a way across the lake to reach the outlying gold mine naga you fought for the demon illidan we are on our own now good prince i am called lady vash my brethren and i come in peace to offer you our aid you have nothing i need which is that so i thought you might require boats to reach the observatories you seek and you would give these freely why should i trust you milady our two races share a common ancestry kale now against the undead we share a common peril these boats are merely a gesture of good will then i accept your offer thank you hey lord garethos the observatories have been repaired as you requested we were just about to i received ill news from the front line is it true that you've consorted with the vile naga well yes they helped us cross the lake i assure you they pose no threat to us or do they are inhuman and must be crushed like any other enemy be careful where you place your loyalty's blood elf i will not tolerate treason in my ranks now i must return to the front you will remain here and wait for further orders [Music] [Music] greetings prince gail i bring word from grand marshal gareth os what news from the front apparently the observatories you repaired detected a large undead force massing nearby lord garethos has commanded that you crush the undead before they can march on dalaran that doesn't sound too difficult unfortunately your forces may be a little thin you see lord garethos has also ordered that all foot soldiers cavalry and support teams report to the front lines immediately you men move out [Music] this is preposterous am i to assault the undead with nothing but sticks and harsh language the grand marshal has great confidence in your abilities be creative garethos i'm starting to hate that man [Music] you have my thanks lady this victory would not have been possible without your aide though i fear i may have doomed myself by accepting it the human you served trusts no race but his own his sense of honor runs no deeper than his tolerance it is loyalty and duty that bind me to him and to this failing alliance but now those tenets seem as distant as our ruined homeland all i know is that my brethren and i hunger for something more then perhaps young kale it is time to find a new path to power and glory i can't explain it exactly but ever since our homeland was destroyed my brethren and i have felt empty almost drained of our spirit there is a hunger now that has hardened our hearts i know this hunger chao like us your people are addicted to magic it flowed through your veins for over ten thousand years and now with the corruption of your land and the sunwell that empowered you we have been cut off from our power from our birthright without a new source of magic my people will surely die there are other founts of power in this world kale demons for instance you speak of madness my lady we will never be that desperate your aversion is understandable but still prince kale grand marshal gareth has arrived he has brought a full battalion with him damn bosh you'd best leave i cannot guarantee your people's [Applause] safety naga warriors forget about them so kale you've shown your true colors at last i knew you were in league with those serpents now i have all the proof i need to execute every traitorous one of you please my lord spare my men it was my decision to save your breath i never trusted you vain glorious elves it was a mistake to accept you into the alliance in the first place now at long last you'll be dealt with appropriately take them away [Music] how could i have let this happen to my brethren locked in these cells our thirst for magic will devour us it'll all be over soon traitor lord gareth those plans to execute the lot of you at dawn sunrise can't get here fast enough these elves give me the creeps don't worry this prison was built by the kirin tor to keep their pets from getting loose the elves magic is useless inside those enchanted cells greetings i assume we're not too late on the contrary bash your timing is impeccable once again i am in your debt but even if we free my brethren there is nowhere to run gareth's forces outnumber us ten to one you stand at a dangerous crossroads you can either stay here and be slaughtered by human hands or choose a darker path to freedom what is this darker path in the city above us stands a portal a gateway that leads to other worlds my master illidan awaits us on the other side of that portal lead your people to him and he will force you a new destiny he will save your people's burning hunger side with a rogue demon or lead my people to their certain deaths there is no choice here vash [Music] we'll have to free my lieutenants first they'll be able to rally the others while we assault the exit as you will you've gone as far as you're going to go prince caleb make it easy on yourself you serve the kirin tor well kassad but the old order has passed away my people and i are leaving this damn prison one way or another it's a shame to see a good wizard gone bad do what you have to do lad all right men pull back back to the portal now young prince we take one final step towards destiny what is this desolate place bosh this shattered world is called outland young prince it is all that remains of draenor the former homeland of the orcish horde amazing i remember when khadgar led the alliance expedition here years ago he almost succeeded in wiping the orcs out for good in an attempt to escape ner'zhul opened a number of massive dimensional gateways but all they succeeded in doing was tearing the planet apart yes and now amongst the ruins of this dead world we have come to find the master illidan why here what could possibly interest him in this barren wasteland that i do not know regardless we should seek him out quickly agreed actually i'm anxious to meet him again if he can cure my people of their hunger for magic i will gladly pledge myself to his service [Music] this place is unnerving we've marched for three days and seen no signs of life still i can't shake the feeling that we're not alone out here we aren't i caught the scent just as the wind shifted [Music] night elves what could they be doing here the warden maiev swore to capture illidan at any cost she must have brought her warriors here to hunt him there illidan lies chained in that cage the night elves must be taking him to their stronghold then we must rescue him before they reach safety your rescue was most timely the thought of spending another ten thousand years in mayab's prison was not a pleasant one we could not forsake you lord illidan but you owe your freedom to them who are they vash the young elf looks familiar but they call themselves the blood elves my lord they are the last mortal descendants of the highborn who served you long ago this is prince kael'thas he and his brethren have come to bask in your wisdom and pledge themselves to your will you were right to come to me kale i share the pain of your addiction your hunger for magic can you help us lord illidan can you cure us there is no cure young one but there are ways to feed the hunger follow me and i will grant your people more magic than they can imagine so be it lord illidan my fellow blood elves and i humbly pledge ourselves to your service then arise young kale you shall be my right hand and the harbinger of my wrath what of your plans master hmm many months after the legion's defeat at the battle of mount hyjal i was visited by one of the last great demon lords kill tayden illidan in the past you have been both friend and foe to the burning legion but by consuming the skull of gul'dan you sealed our defeat in this world i come to offer you a second chance to serve us what would you have me do great one my creation the lich king has betrayed me he dared to break the path that binds him to my will but his spirit still lies trapped inside the frozen throne of icecrown destroy it for me and i will grant you your heart's desire it shall be done great one it shall be done at dalaran i attempted to use the eye of sargeras to melt away the polar ice caps surrounding the ice crown glacier if the spell it succeeded a lich king would have been vanquished forever but the cursed night elves intervened and the spell went awry given my failure i fled to this desolate place to evade kil'jaeden's wrath now if i am to remain here in exile we will need to ensure that kil'jaeden's agents have been cleansed from the land [Music] long ago after draenor's explosion a brutal pit lord named mag therodin rallied the surviving orcs and took control of outland since then his forces have grown strong how master if most of the orcs were killed when this world exploded how has he bolstered his ranks by using the very portals that tore the planet apart many of ner'zhul's dimensional gates still stand young prince magtheridon lures scores of hapless demons through them daily then we must seal them permanently yes we will seek out each of the gates and i will close them myself once they have been sealed we will move against mag theradin's black citadel and claim outland as our own i am a comma elder sage of the draenei lord illidan promised to rid us of our ancient enemies in exchange for our loyalty these cursed orcs of magtheridon a terrible lord whose black citadel lies to the west under his command the orcs hunted us to the brink of extinction but now with lord illidan behind us we will fight back and retake our ancestral lands we've done it master the dimensional gates are all sealed there's no way for magtheridin to call reinforcements now true but his standing forces are still considerable assaulting his black citadel will not be easy kale i wouldn't have it any other way [Music] our enemies draw near lord magtheridon these upstarts are tiresome gnats nothing more the might of magtheridon cannot be denied i am the lord of outland those who dispute my rule will soon regret their lollies mctherodon has grown strong over the years but he has had few real foes to contend with he has become decadent and complacent the boisterous cur cannot match our cunning or our will this will be a glorious battle master though magperidan's forces vastly outnumber ours your warriors are prepared to fight to the end i am pleased by your peoples zeal young cave their spirits and powers have been honed in this harsh wilderness their courage alone may be enough to lord illidan new arrivals come to greet you we draenei have the orcs and their demon masters for generations now at last we will end their curse forever we are yours to command lord illidan [Music] as i promised your people shall have their vengeance a comma by night's end we will all be drunk with it give the final order to strike the hour of wrath has come [Music] do not know you stranger but your power is vast are you an agent of the legion have you been sent to test me [Laughter] i have come to replace you you're a relic magtheridon a ghost of a past age the future is mine from this moment on outland and all of its denizens will bow to me hear me now you trembling mortals i am your lord and master illidan reigns supreme [Music] what is this bosh where did this storm come from keep your head down fool something terrible is drawing to near the frozen throne as i commanded and still you thought to hide from me in this forsaken backwater i thought you to be more coming illidan i was merely set back i was attempting to bolster my forces the lich king will be destroyed i promise you indeed still these servitors you've gathered show some promise i will give you one last chat silicon destroy the frozen throne or face my eternal wrath [Music] perhaps hiding here was not the most prudent decision still the quest lies before us will you follow me into the cold heart of death itself the naga are yours to command lord illidan where you go we follow the blood elves are yours as well master we will drive the scourge before us and shatter the frozen throne as you command [Music] it's been months since we last heard from lord archimonde i grow tired of watching over these rotting undead what are we still doing here we were charged with overseeing this land deathrock it is our duty to remain here and ensure that the scourge is ready for action true though we should have received some kind of orders by now the legion was defeated months ago how could they not know impossible to say but the longer they remain in command the more they run the scourge into the ground greetings dreadlords i should thank you for looking after my kingdom during my absence however i won't be requiring your services any longer prince arthas this land is ours the scourge belongs to the legion not anymore demon your masters have been defeated the legion is undone your deaths will complete the circle never this isn't over human we knew you would return to us prince arthas i have returned lich but you will now address me as king this is after all my land [Music] now we must secure the kingdom by scouring the last remnants of humanity from it but my king the humans have begun to abandon their villages they are fleeing to the canyon passes if they escape into the mountains it will be impossible to hunt them all down then we must slaughter them before they escape their deaths will be a fitting tribute to ner'zhul the pain is unbearable what is happening to is me now king arthas do you need assistance no the pain is passed but my powers are diminished something is terribly wrong here at last the alliance is finished once we round up the last stragglers we should be not again [Music] my king you are not well take me back to the capitol i have a long journey ahead of me [Music] lady sylvanas we are pleased that you came how could i not for some reason i no longer hear the lich kings voicing my head [Music] so too does his ability to command undead such as you and what of king arthas what about his powers though his rune-blade frostborn carries powerful enchantments but we are the nathrezim we'll not let some upstart human get the best of us arthas must fall the lich kel'thuzad is far too loyal to portray his master but you on the other hand hate him i have my own reasons for seeking vengeance arthas murdered my people and turned me into this monstrosity i may take part in your bloody coup but i will do so in my own way [Music] i for one do not trust her her heart is still elvin she will never side with us [Music] don't be too hasty she has great spirit but her hatred for office will ultimately serve our cause agreed well if that's settled let the festivities commence so the seizures have been getting worse yes with my powers drained i can barely command my own warriors the lich king warned me that if i didn't reach northrend soon all could be lost fear not my king everything is being prepared for your departure the ships are waiting at the coast and there's been a change of plans killing arthas you're not going anywhere assassins it's a trap you should never have returned human weakened as you are we have assumed control over the majority of your warriors it seems your reign was short-lived there are too many of them my king flee escape from the city i'll find my own way out and meet you in the wilderness all right lich good luck [Music] we have no time for this we must find our way out quickly [Music] you have my thanks ladies but where is your mistress where is sylvanas she sent us to find you a great king we've come to escort you across the river once we cross it we'll take refuge in the wilderness this is the place sisters we'll rest here great king why here we've got to find kel'thuzad at before what is happening here sylvanas when we walked right into this one either it's time to even the scales traitor what have you done to me it's a special poisoned arrow i made just for you the paralysis you're experiencing now is but a fraction of the agony you've caused me [Music] finish me then a quick death like the one you gave me no you're going to suffer as i did thanks to my arrow you can't even run give my regards to hell you silent [Music] back you mindlessly [Music] [Applause] [Music] the effect of her error will wear off in time all the preparations for your journey to northrend have been made you have been a loyal friend kalpazon i don't know what the future holds or if i'll even return but i want you to watch over this land see to it that my legacy endures i shall king arthas i shall you've seen troubled mistress aren't you sister only days ago we were the lich king's slaves we existed only the slaughter in his name and now we are free i don't understand mistress i thought you'd be what overjoyed is there in this curse we are still undead sister still monstrosities what are we if not slaves to this torment greetings ladies havana's my brothers and i appreciate the role you played in overthrowing office i've come to offer you a formal invitation to join our new order my only interest was in seeing arthas dead i have no time for your petty politics or power mongering careful lady it would be unwise to incur our wrath we are the future of these plaguelands you can either join us and rule or be cast aside i lived as a slave long enough dreadlord i won't relinquish my freedom by shackling myself to you fools so be it our reply will come soon [Music] any final words demon sylvanas spare my life i beg you i can be of service i swear i know what my brother's plans are i know where their forces are based just let me serve you and i'll help you defeat them all right i'll let you prove your loyalty to me but be warned i'm keeping you on a short leash northrend it feels like a lifetime since i was last here something out there is threatening the lich king we must reach icecrown quickly my king we'll need to establish a base here first but this island is nearly devoid of resources what the they look like high elves what are they doing here [Music] prince arthas we are the blood elves we have sworn to avenge the ghosts of quel'thalas this dead land will be cleansed northrend belongs to the scourge elf you made a terrible mistake by coming here slay them onward [Applause] thanks for the assistance mighty one the lich king sent me to aid you death knight i am a nubarak ancient king of ashore i welcome your aid anubarak but we have little time for pleasantries we must reach icecrown immediately you've done well very mothras you've led us stronghold but tell me who are those humans death iraq used his telepathy to enslave a top-ranking human warlord i believe his name was garebon or gillathos or something human names all sound the same to me instead of stamping it out death rock has taken control of the last pocket of human resistance they maintain their own army within the key your brother is more clever than i thought his defenses are considerable yes and with this paltry force you've mustered a direct assault on his walls would be suicide i have no intention of assaulting the you realize we'll have only a short amount of time before he discovers what we're up to of course if we strike quickly enough netherrack will never know what hit him who do you serve human the dark lady i am hers to command the patrol has returned open the gates [Music] ready yourselves the moment is upon us now my warriors strike the spell has been lifted is the nightmare finally over [Music] stand down humans i have no quarrel with you what is it you want elf witch we have a common enemy the last dreadlord balm lord balanazar currently controls the capital city of your kingdom if you help me kill him i'll see to it that you get your lands back why should we trust you you're part of the scourge that drove us out in the first place not anymore my only interest here is vengeance very well i'll rally what's left of my forces and meet you outside the gates come now you have no intention of giving them their lands back of course not the humans are simply a means to an end you sound more like one of us with every passing day my lady watch it lord [Music] the capital city is heavily defended balnazar is no fool my lady this battle can be won only through attrition what's the matter demon are you afraid watch your tongue human dog your hollow bravado does not impress stand down gentlemen save your anger for valmizar garithus i'll lead my forces in a frontal assault while you attack the city from the rear an aggressive ploy milady so long as we get our capital back i'll stick to whatever strategy you wish give the order let the attack commence it's yes my lady kill him but i it one of the is to kill another my defection was one thing but this i require one last test of your loyalty dreadlord do it you wouldn't dare [Music] there your business is done now i want you wretched animals out of my city before i kill him too gladly the capital city is ours but we are no longer part of the scourge from here on out we shall be known as the forsaken we will find our own path in this world dreadlord and slaughter anyone who stands in our way these elves are pathetic it's no wonder we destroyed their homeland so easily pity i wasn't there to stop you it's been a long time arthas prince kael'thas i haven't seen you since you lead these elves this group at least what you faced here was merely a scouting force defeating lord illidan's army will be far more difficult illidan he's behind this invasion he is our forces are vast arthas even now they march upon the icecrown glacier you'll never make it in time to save your precious lich king consider this payment for quel'thalas and other insults [Music] are you well this knight my powers are weakening but i'll be all right he's right we'll never reach the glacier in time there is another route we might take death knight the ancient shattered kingdom of lies deep below us though it has fallen on dark times it could provide us a direct shortcut to the glacier we have little choice lead on anub'arak yeah you're certain we can reach the glacier through these tunnels nothing is certain death knight the ruins will be perilous but it's worth the risk all right let's go we've been walking for hours we've got to quicken our pace the lich king is defenseless without us i left many of my warriors and icecrown before i came to find you death knight they will hold the line for as long as they are able tell me where are all of your people shouldn't there be nerubians around here undead or otherwise i've been wondering about that myself something must have driven them all off we did your rotten bastards we've been watching y'all along muradin's dwarves impossible doesn't anyone stay dead anymore we've been wandering this forsaken land ever since you killed marathon and left us to rat atlas our leader belgium led us into the ruined city to survive but there's no way we're letting you in [Music] we have no time for these games sapphiron attack [Music] i remember you evil prince you're the one that killed poor muradin get over it already i won't let you through this door traitor the recent quakes have awakened dark things under the ice ancient horrid things we vow to keep them locked where they are we'll take our chances dwarf we're going through that door one way or another [Music] the air smells awful in here something doesn't feel right if the dwarf story was true there's no telling what awaits us in the darkness this stairwell leads into the heart of the old nerubian empire we must be cautious by all means you first you will die it cannot be a forgotten one look to your defenses if nights fight as you've never fought before we cannot take them all hurry that night up the stairwell hurry you are weak we're running out of time in uberack how far are we from the exit not far we have entered the upper kingdom the exit should lead us to the base of the glacier itself however there are still hidden traps and pitfalls to account for take cover office the entire passage collapsed there's no time to dig through this i'll have to move quickly and find my own way out hopefully anub'arak and the others survived you made it i see now why the lich king chose you as his champion death knight few men could have survived this labyrinth alone now quickly head through that door the exit to the surface lies just beyond it'll be good to see the sun again remember illidan and the true battle still await us in the world above hopefully our trek through the dark earth bought us the precious time we needed we've made it an uber rack our forces are already assembled and waiting greetings king arthurs you've arrived just in time illidan's naga and blood elf forces have taken up positions at the base of the glacier and you have come at last master there is a fracture in my prison the frozen throne and my energies are seeping from it that is why your powers have diminished but how was once locked inside the throne as our salvation frostborn i dearly hope that there's a special place in hell waiting for you arthas we may never know uther i intend to live forever and i still feel no remorse no shame no you wouldn't dare it pains me to even look at you arthas [Music] he whispers to you through the blade you will sorry arthas what is vengeance all as important to you [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] i saw another vision of the lich king he has restored my powers i know now what i must do it's time to end the game once and for all [Music] time's running out anub'arak we've got to get inside the throne chamber before illidan does the throne chamber lies within the frozen peak at the center of the valley it can only be opened by activating the four enchanted obelisks that surround it elegans forces have already entrenched themselves near two of them we'll need to drive them back and reactivate the obelisks ourselves [Music] once the chamber is opened we will destroy the frozen throne as promised then the hour has come at last after today the scourge will meet its end can you hear me out there arthas it's end illidan has mocked the scourge long enough it's time we put the fear of death back in him [Music] we've done it in barack the throne chamber is open this is the hour of the scourge the frozen throne is mine demon step aside leave this world and never return if you do i'll be waiting i've sworn to destroy it arthas it must be done never [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh oh ah [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] what's happening to you after some prince you'll find death from this [Music] now we are one oh [Music] [Music] know [Music] [Music] i did everything wrong you have always been naive my daughter dalen i won't let you do it father you don't understand i understand more than you suspect my dear i wasn't strong enough perhaps in time you will too seize them all father no i have wandered alone for many years little misha yet sometimes even i grow weary of this endless solitude i have watched the other races i've seen their squabbling their ruthlessness their wars do nothing but scar the land and drive the wild things to extinction [Music] no they cannot be trusted only beasts are above deceit a battle cameo mongrels taste the steel of morgan jacks hold fast stranger you shall not stand alone damned cowards your stomach's been split open i can do little to ease your pain i know this should be a good death if not for my failure failure i wish to deliver a crucial report to my chieftain in the lands below but now i have failed him and i have lost my honor i will deliver your message old one for the sake of honor i will uphold your charge thank you seek out the city of orgrimmar find warchief thrall tell him may the winds bear you swiftly to your ancestors warrior well misha it seems we'll be seeing civilization after all let's get moving a warrior city i have not seen its like in many years stay close to me misha shore up those supports when the razor winds kick up again they'll tear those rooves right off yes warchief a moment warchief i come to deliver a message how did you come by this report where is mogren he fell in the wilds his last wish was that you receive this message who are you warrior i am rexxar last son of the mock nathal macnathal i've heard tales of your people they had both orc and ogre blood in their veins it is an honor we've built this kingdom duratar for all of our kind durotar is as much your home as it is mine rexxar stay awhile accept what hospitality we can offer it is the least we can do perhaps i have spent too long in the wilds your offer is kind thrall but i must carry my own weight just show me what needs doing and i'll earn my keep i understand founding a nation is tiresome work and there are many around here that could use your help simply talk to them and they will point you in the right direction this is rokhan of the darkspear tribe he is one of my best scouts how you doing man ah you're one of the mock nethall i am director i fought alongside your elders on draenor many years ago still if you've come to help i do have a simple task for you i've been concocting a special potion that will aid our warriors in battle however i'm missing a key ingredient i require shimmer weed but the rare herb can only be found in the valley known as thunder ridge normally i would gather the herbs myself but the thunder lizards for whom the valley is named have become increasingly hostile of late if you retrieve six bushels for me i will reward you handsomely greetings warrior i am nasgril captain of the war chief security force we've been having problems with the indigenous creatures attacking our borders perhaps you can help the harpies of the northern foothills have been ransacking our supply caravans for weeks if you can find their lair and put an end to their rampage i'll see to it that you're rewarded [Music] ah new guy huh i'm gazlowe chief engineer around these parts but enough about me we got work to do buddy you see me and my boys have been dredging out tunnels beneath the city looking for underground wells problem is we dug straight into a den of cobalts now those rat freaks are running willy-nilly all over our tunnels i need you to hook up with my boys and seal those cobalts back in their hole yeah just find the tunnel entrance outside of town and my boys will set you straight the ghosts of my brethren now lie silent thank you warrior you have read the worlds of a terrible evil i feel my death approaching take the artifact and the rest of our items use them to bring glory to the horde i will rest easier knowing that they lie in honorable hands [Music] ah greetings my friend i am chen stormstout humble brew master of pandaria i have traveled the wide world searching for rare exotic ingredients to use in my special brews after all good ale can solve all the problems of this world don't you agree say if you're free i could use your help in locating some special ingredients for my latest brew if you find the items on this list and bring them back to me i'll let you sample my masterpiece perfect perfect these are just what i needed here try a sample of my latest creation what the hell is that stuff are you trying to kill me ah perhaps it needs some refinement after all we must learn to crawl before we can run don't you agree well now that my brew is complete i can experience more of this strange rugged land would you mind if i tagged along with you warrior not at all chen but my path is a perilous one ah my friend i found that no path is too perilous when doused with strong drink off we go [Music] from rexxar the others tell me you've been a great help to them i appreciate all you've done for us thromkar xr i spoke to thrall about the humans encroaching on our lands i for one don't trust them at all i'd like you to report to our outlying watch post and meet with my lieutenant garthak i need to know if they've spotted any suspicious activity along the border now i can activate the telescope and survey the surrounding lands blast it looks like the beginnings of an invasion there's far too many of them for me to handle alone are you certain of what you saw rexxar i can't imagine that jaina would send troops so close to our border this does not bode well at all packed on no pack i won't allow anything to jeopardize the security of our nation i heard about the human ships warchief what are your orders i want you both to head back to that watch post and keep an eye on the humans we can't let this situation escalate out of control what if they're hostile warchief i'd prefer that the humans remain unharmed but if they prove hostile in any way you have my permission to slaughter them no we're too late the camps already been raised there are human tracks everywhere they lead back towards the coast the human scum will pay dearly for this blood for blood life for life roctaro god this anchor emblem on the shields have you ever seen it before orcs we've been followed to arms men to arms come human dogs taste the wrath of the horde [Applause] [Music] you did all you could my warriors above all else you kept duratar safe yet this anchor sigil you described does seem oddly familiar i just can't place it pardon bossman but if the humans be coming from the sea my tribe on the echo isles could be deep in the danger too don't worry rokhan you have my word that i won't let anything happen to your people i have an urgent mission for you rexar that human fleet poses a serious threat to the trolls that live on the echo isles i need you to take a zeppelin to the isles and warn the trolls about what's happening if you can try to convince them to join us on the mainland [Music] there's no telling what dangers lurk on these isles i'll have to move quickly and find the trolls village i be volgin leader of the dark spear tribe it'd be good that the warchief sent you when he did man our villagers already be under attack by the human fleet we got no time to waste even now the humans battleships be blasting away at our coast of villages you have little chance of defeating such a force on your own vulgin you should evacuate your tribe to the mainland and unite with the warchief's forces though i hate to be abandoned in our homes your plan be a wise one however we got to destroy those battleships before the evacuation can begin oh these wily ones will serve you well man their talent for destruction be mighty we have no flying mounts bulging we'll be useless on land oh won't be a problem man now this be feeling a bit strange whenever you want to get your legs back just land in the ritual circle remember you must destroy at least five of the human ships before we can commence with the evacuation well done man you saved my tribesmen the outer villages be ready for the evacuation they wait only the signal to begin in order to signal the evacuation you gotta light the five signal braziers scattered across the islands when you're done the rest of me tribe will set sail for the mainland but be careful man there be more dangerous force than humans sprawling the jungle i'm glad you returned safely rexar you've done well my scouts have informed me that the dark spear trolls have landed further down the coast they'll be much safer under the horde's protection still the situation with the humans has intensified i've received word that they're sending an emissary to parlay with me we're to meet at razor hill around midnight i don't know thrall it sounds like a trap to me let me go in your place i can't imagine that jaina proudmoore would ever set me up rexar even so i'm not one to run from a fight just trust me if you're right we'll have lost nothing this is it the meeting place lies just beyond [Music] greetings humans it's about time you showed up what is the meaning of this this ogre cannot be the orc war chief and you are not gina proudmoore jaina why would you think she would be uh enough of this dribble we'd hope to corner your wretched war chief but you will have to suffice strike assassins i knew this was a trap tell me who sent you human was it jaina foolish beast you have no idea what's coming for you it is only just beginning you were right rexar i should have trusted your instincts still i can't believe jaina would try something like this perhaps it's time we took a more direct approach rexxar i've written the letter to jaina proudmoore asking her to account for all this madness i want you to infiltrate her base on theramore isle and deliver it to her personally you can count on me thrall but i may need help bypassing the humans defenses i've chartered this zeppelin to take you to the darkspear tribe's new village once you get there vol'jin will see that you get all the help you'll need good luck rexxar the future of durotar is in your hands [Music] greetings man my tribe be honored by your visit though i know you got big matters to be attending to sneaking onto theramore i'll be no easy task luckily there'll be one who can help you he waits for you by the shipyard to reach him followed the road out of town we heard reports that the human fleet patrols the channel between the mainland and theramore isle beware man they could stand between you and the sorceress you seek from car brother i am my humble skills are yours bulging entrusted me with a batch of explosive wards filled with an unstable concoction if i can place them on some critical structures i could create enough of a distraction to allow you to sneak across the channel in this boat [Music] jaina proudmoore i am rexar i bear a message from warchief's thrall the same warchief you tried to kill he is curious as to why your warriors encroach on our lands and threaten us with war what are you talking about i do not seek thrall's death nor do i have any intention of betraying the pact we made perhaps but the fact remains that your ships and your warriors have been raiding our encampments on the mainland i had to bypass a large encampment just to reach you i assure you i ordered no such attacks lead me to these troops rexxar i want to see them for myself [Music] rexxar those don't look like humans to me those snake creatures they must have destroyed the camp and slaughtered your brethren we're too late the serpents already killed them all wait this one's still alive mistress gina we found you at last the admiral will be overjoyed is it even possible we've got to get back to theramore immediately but what just trust me rexxar i'll explain when we get there [Music] [Music] as he said because beneath the [Music] [Music] tides hopefully we've made it in time you've got to get word back to thrall that i don't understand what's this all about those marines i know who they are xr they're it's too late he's here [Music] jaina bless the stars i found you at last when i heard that lord iran fell i despaired but i knew you'd find a way to escape what is this an ogre father wait father the horde is no longer our enemy the orcs have their own kingdom now we you have always been naive my daughter you aren't old enough to remember what these monsters did to our homeland the orcs and their kin cannot be trusted they must be exterminated like the mongrels they are i won't let you do it father you don't understand i understand more than you suspect my dear perhaps in time you will too seize them all this should do nicely now all i have to worry about are the harbor gates proudmoore's marines have closed the harbor gates i'll need to bust them open before i can escape if i can make it to the open seas i should have no problem reaching the mainland i'm glad you escaped rexxar and don't worry we'll send word to thrall about the admiral's fleet if that humans planning on attacking durotar you'll find the warriors of the horde ready to greet him it be taken to warchief sometime to a master horde's warriors you gotta gather what allies you can find before the admiral makes his move against durotar take this zeppelin and travel to mulgore the mighty tauren who be living there will lend what help they can seek out the chieftain care and a bloodhoof he will honor his oath to the warchief who are you traveller why have you come here i come in the name of thrall warchief of the horde his lands are in danger and he calls upon his old allies to aid him i seek the one known as cairn do you know him i am cairne [Music] but i can be of help to no one return to your warchief and tell him that i am dead just as my heart is dead the barbarous centaur attacked our village recently our chieftain's only son bane was taken captive the centaur are cannibals and do not keep prisoners for long we searched everywhere for a sign that bain was still alive but we found no trace of him poor can has been lethargic for some time without his wisdom and leadership i fear that the centaur will decimate our tribe perhaps if you could find some clue as to his son's fate it might rouse the chieftain from his stupor find move and win totem out on the plains he and his brethren will aid you on your search that's the centaur encampment they could be keeping bane in one of those cages but we'll have to fight our way to them don't worry bane we'll have you back to your father in no time bane my son i thought i'd lost you forever i was an old fool to despair rexa by returning my son to me you have given me new life for that i will ever be grateful now you said that your warchief was in trouble that the horde needed the tauren once again well thrall did much for us in his time and we will not fail him my warriors will rendezvous with the warchief upon the battlefield but i will be returning with you ah you return just in time rexxar our scouts found this wounded organ near the borderlands despite his wounds he came all the way here seeking help must help new warlord conquer clan kill many warriors lead clan to ruin brothers not survive me seek help new warlord huh don't worry friend i think i can help you have your witch doctors tend to his wounds vol'jin i'm going to pay a little visit to his clan and meet this new warlord for myself that must be the ogre's village i should fit right in you know welcome half breed you know stone mall warrior look i don't want any trouble i just want to talk with your warlord you want chocolate you get past us you fight good half breed you mock nathal halfway or blood and veins still you strong why you come here i've uh come to join your clan i want to be a stone ball too you got some blood you got right to join but do you got the strength we see half breed we see so you won't join the stone mall clan first you take trial of strength need find the gauntlet hearts valley full of big fools slave foes run the garland that proves strength to us go now half breed we see if you return you got strength after all half breed you worthy to be stonewall now you win what you want from clan i want you and your warriors to help the horde battle the humans the stonewall clan would be a great asset to the orc warchief stupid half breed we oversplit from horde long ago they weak soft we now owe them nothing long as i rule stonewalls no health no orcs then perhaps you've ruled long enough korgol as a member of the stonewall clan i claim the right to challenge you for leadership we had no real challenge in long time half breed breaking uv fun we both take trial of blood me and you no tricks no magic toys just muscle and skills you think we dumb you think we slow now you see why korgol rules clan i underestimated korgal skills i'll need to call upon my beasts to defeat him i have defeated korgol in single combat i have passed the trial of blood i rule stonewall clan now and i command you all to war you ogres arm yourselves and meet the orc warchief upon the plains blood and glory to the stonemore clan you be tougher than i imagined rexxar the ogres be a great help when the battle begins we just get word that the warchief and his forces set up the command post in the central basin the tauren and ogres who gathered going to be joining them soon checking withdrawal at his base the battle against admiral proudmoore's forces could start up at any time once again you have done the horde a great service rexxar i am in your debt if you're willing there's one last thing i need before the hammer falls we've crafted a new standard for durotar a mighty banner bearing the symbol of the horde i want to place a shamanistic blessing on it but i require a few items to complete my spell would you gather them for me of course thrall i'd be proud to there the blessing is complete one last thing rexxar i want you to carry our standard into battle i hereby name you champion of the horde it is an honor warchief i will carry your standard with pride lochtar ogar [Music] your efforts may have saved us all rexxar the yoga and tauren conscripts you've rallied could turn the tide in our favor proudmoore's forces have established a stronghold due north of our position our scouts report that he's mobilized all of his standing forces for an attack on durotar warchief admiral proud most forces have begun their advance they'll be here any moment let them come they'll find the horde to be more than they bargained for rexar you've earned the honor of drawing first blood i'll hold the defenses here but i want you to lead the attack against proudmoore's base gladly all right you warriors the hour of victory has arrived come you tauren rise up you ogres today you stand united with the horde loktarogar [Music] [Music] we've routed the human forces on the mainland but it appears that admiral proudmoore and his marines have pulled back to the safety of theramore isle i wish this was the end of it rexar but so long as admiral proudmoore lives he'll never stop hounding us we must press our attack and lay siege to theramore itself i only pray that jaina is safe she had nothing to do with her father's agenda but unfortunately invading her citadel is the only option we have left [Music] warchief our troops are ready but the admirals assembled a blockade of battleships around theramore there's no way we can match their firepower damn it i should have thought of this sooner we've got to find some way to thrall rexxar i come in peace you must believe me i had no part in my father's plans i wish none of this had ever happened i i don't know what to do we've bled together on many battlefields jaina we've faced untold perils as allies but your father threatens the security of our nation and the very future of my people you know how this has to end i know thrall do what you must there is a goblin shipyard on a nearby island that could provide you with warships of your own with those you could scatter the blockade surrounding theramore but please spare my men if you can my father will try to use them against you but they're the only real family i'll have left when this is over please do this for me we'll do all we can jaina you have my word now you'd better make yourself scarce the battle is about to begin [Music] our forces already thrown it's now or never see it done rexar i'll meet you with theramore [Music] the blockade is broken board the transports quickly we must land on theramore and crush the admiral's defenses [Music] you've done well rexar you're a natural leader you remind me of hellscream in a way thank you warchief now only one task remains we must storm the citadel and deal with admiral proudmoore once and for all now warriors we must storm the citadel we must find admiral proudmoore and put an end to him only then will our nation be we are with you rexxar lead on this is not the horde you remember old man we have no interest in conquest or murder we have paid for the sins of our forebears in blood can your blood atone for genocide orc your horde killed countless innocents with its rampage across stormwind and lordaeron do you really think you could just sweep all that away and cast aside your guilt so easily no your kind will never change and i will never stop fighting you father why wouldn't you listen [Music] it's over stand down humans father why wouldn't you listen above all else gina he was a proud warrior remember him as such durotar is now safe we have no further quarrel with these humans we will leave your isle in peace jaina i pray we never have to come here again farewell sources you saved our nation rexar for that i can never repay you will you return to durotar with us and make a new home for yourself i appreciate your offer thrall but i am mock nathal a wanderer i belong in the wilds amidst the beasts and elements of the land but know this brother i will always be a part of the horde i will always be there when you need me farewell [Applause] [Music] four years have passed since the mortal races banded together and stood united against the might of the burning legion though azeroth was saved the tenuous pact between the horde and the alliance has all but evaporated the drums of war thunder once again oh oh [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] um [Music] [Music] imprisoned for 10 000 years banished from my own homeland [Music] and now you dare enter my realm you are not prepared [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you are not prepared [Music] i remember the temple as it used to be a place of worship i prayed within his chambers and meditated among its gardens i was happy then at peace i remember two the daily orcs came when terrified women and children huddled in darkened corners i led many to safety but many more paid the ultimate price that day my beloved sanctuary became the black temple there the orc warlocks practiced a twisting magic that corrupted the land and nearly destroyed us sorcery tore the planet apart my people were unable to find a lasting sanctuary [Music] i remember the armies of demons that swept down on us like a plague during these the dark called magtheridon made the temple his home then came illidan [Music] the one they called the betrayer the enemy of my enemy [Music] magtheridon roars spores and hapless demons through them daily then we must seal them permanently we helped him seal the portals of outland and cut off the legion's reinforcements we fought with renewed strength and together we reclaimed our sacred ground i think part of me knew even then that the black temple had only traded one evil master for another i prefer to remember the temple as it used to be not the abomination it has become my soul bears the burden of my misjudgment i have been patient i have been waiting and when the time is right the betrayer will become the betrayed [Music] illidari with countless worlds burning in the legion's wake you answered the call yet these mortals in their ignorance have come to destroy their own salvation our time is short i will deal with these intruders you must venture to my doom and retrieve the sarkirite keystone now go but remember should you fail all worlds will burn akana your duplicity is surprising i should have slaughtered you and your mouth formed brethren long ago we've come to end my people and all of outland shall be free boldly said but i remain unconvinced who shall be next to taste my blades is this it mortals is this all the fury you can muster their fury palestine we have some unsettled business between us [Music] how is it even possible ah my long hunt is finally over today justice will be done [Applause] [Music] [Music] yet to understand [Music] [Music] it was called the sun a sacred fount of untold power it saturated every fiber of our being in the warmth of its glow we thrived until the shadow of death fell upon us citizens of silvermoon your entire race and your ancient heritage will end death itself has come to claim the high home of the elves now arise kel'thuzad and serve the lich king once again the lich king has granted me eternal life after the sunwell's destruction did we realize how dependent we'd become upon its magic [Music] how much we needed to feed in the wake of our devastation i named our people cinderella blood elves my people turned to me for answers i promised them a cure strangely we found deliverance in the demon illidan [Music] illidan offered new sources of arcane power and so i joined him in outland [Music] but illidan's agenda was short-sighted i grew impatient in secret i began harvesting what energies i could energy power my people are addicted to it the dependence made manifest after the sunwell was destroyed welcome to the future a pity you're too late to stop it no one can stop me now [Music] i had a brief taste of true power i have not come this far to be stopped the future i have planned will not be jeopardized now you will face true power [Music] before it was taken from me but all is not lost the sunwell's essence endured kept hidden by those who sought to protect it i have forged a new alliance soon the blessed rays of the sunwell will shine once again and usher into this world the one who will deliver us all now i shall succeed where sargeras could not i will bleed this wretched world and secure my place as the true master of the burning legion the end has come let the unraveling of this world commence anvina i love you focus on my voice come back for me now only you can cleanse the sun well caleb caleb yes anvina let fate embrace you now the nightmare is over the spell is broken goodbye kalec my love the powers of the sunwell turn against me what have you done what have you done my demise accomplishes nothing the master will have you you will drown in your own blood the world shall burn goodbye my love few will remember your name yet this day you changed the course of destiny what was once corrupt is now pure heroes do not let her sacrifice be in vain mortal heroes your victory here today was foretold long ago my brothers anguished cry of defeat will echo across the universe bringing renewed hope to all those who still stand against the burning crusade as the legion's final defeat draws ever nearer stand proud in the knowledge that you have saved worlds without number from the flame just as this day marks an ending so too does it herald a new beginning the creature in tropius whom you were forced to destroy was once the noble naru muru in life channeled vast energies of light and hope for a time a misguided few sought to steal those energies our arrogance was unpardonable we damned one of the most noble beings of all we may never atone for the sin then fortunate it is that i have reclaimed the noble naru's spark from where it fell where faith dwells hope is never lost young blood elf can it be gaze now mortals upon the heart of muru unblemished bathed by the light of creation just as it was at the dawn in time the light and hope held within will rebirth more than this mere fount of power mayhap they will rebirth the soul of a nation blessed ancestors i feel it [Music] so much love so much grace there are no words impossible to describe salvation young one it waits for us all farewell come then you heroes come in all your power and glory in the final hour all must serve the one true [Music] foreign [Music] my child i watched with pride as you grew into a weapon [Music] of righteousness [Music] remember our line has always ruled with wisdom and strength and i know you will show restraint when exercising your great power [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but the truest victory my son is stirring the hearts of your people [Music] i tell you this for when my days have come to an end you shall be king [Music] a hero that's what you once were you stood boldly against the shadow and purchased another dawn for the world with your life but the evil you fought is not so easily banished the victory you claimed not so easily held for now the specter of death looms above the world yet again and it has found new champions to bring about its final reign gaze now upon the lands below us the scarlet crusade scurries to undo my work while lights hope stands defiantly against us a blemish upon these plague lands they must all be shown the price of their defiance you will become my force of retribution where you tread doom will follow go now and claim your destiny death knight have you learned nothing boy you have become all that your father fought against like that coward arthas you allowed yourself to be consumed by the darkness the hate feeding upon the misery of those you tortured and killed your master knows what lies beneath the chapel that is why he dares not show his face he sent you and your death knights to meet their doom darion what you are feeling right now is the anguish of a thousand lost souls souls that you and your master brought here the light will tear you apart darion save your breath old man it might be the last you ever draw [Music] my son father my dear beautiful boy what father you have returned you've been gone a long time father i thought nothing could have kept me away from here darian not from my home and family father i wish to join you in the war against the undead i want to fight i can sit idle no longer you are barely of age to hold a sword let alone battle the undead hordes of lordaeron i could not bear losing you even the thought if i die father i would rather it be on my feet standing in defiance against the undead legions if i die let me die with you my son there will come a day when you will command the ashbringer and with it meet out justice across this land i have no doubt that when that day finally comes you will bring pride to our people and that lordaeron will be a better place because of you but my son that day is not today do not forget touching is mine now you betrayed me you're a damned monster arthas you were right fordring i did send them in to die their lives are meaningless but yours how simple it was to draw the great tyrion ford ring out of hiding you've left yourself exposed paladin nothing that day is not today [Music] what is this your end impossible [Music] this is not over when next we meet it won't be on holy ground paladin rise darion and listen we have all been witness to a terrible tragedy the blood of good men has been shed upon this soil honorable knights slain defending their lives our lives and while such things can never be forgotten we must remain vigilant in our cause the lich king must answer for what he has done and must not be allowed to cause further destruction in our world i make a promise to you now brothers and sisters the lich king will be defeated on this day i call for a union the argent dawn and the order of the silver hand will come together as one we will succeed where so many before us have failed we will take the fight to arthurs and we will tear down the walls of icecrown so too do the knights of the evangel glade although our kind has no place in your world we will fight to bring an end to the lich king this i bow the argent crusade comes for you arthas [Music] [Applause] yes back to mindless rise up sons of the horde blood and glory await us [Applause] [Music] i was wondering if you'd show up i couldn't let the alliance have all the fun today arthas the blood of your father of your people demands justice come for coward and answer for your crimes you speak of justice of cowardice i will show you the justice of the grave and the true meaning of fear enough talk let it be finished [Music] you will pay for all the lives you've stolen traitor boldly stated but there is nothing you can what did you think we had forgotten did you think we had forgiven behold now the terrible vengeance of the forsaken death to the scourge and death to the living okay this isn't now all can see this is the hour of the forsaken [Music] we're finished no escape for any of us [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and [Music] how how could we have missed this until now ah king varian thank you for coming on such short notice what's this all about ronan i've i've called you here to ask for your help while our efforts against the lich king press on bran here has brought us frightening news of the horrors beneath ulduar and of its dark prisoner ha with its binding shattered its influence unchecked it's gonna come after us and we're gonna be the prisoners you can see now what we're up against if this evil is not stopped then the armies of the dead god will march on our doorstep you'll have to excuse me well what do you propose we do [Music] roll what are you doing here so soon the summons sounded dire jaina what's happened ran bronzebeard's forces assaulted the gates of ulduar they battled the iron lords and their cursed minions he he won't stop talking about this presence he felt permeating the great halls stirring in their minds chilling their blood he said the horror that the titans imprisoned so long ago yogg saron has awakened i want to see this dwarf garage to see the fear in his eyes then we'll know if he's telling the truth no no wait we are going to need all the help we can get if we are all what what are they doing here let me explain i thought i smelled the stench of alliance pigs control yourself you want my blood come there dog he's mine a great deal in this conflict but we stand to lose everything if we do not stop fighting and work together a true war chief would never partner with cowards at the wrathgate the horde partnership killed more of our men than the scourge i'm done with your horde may this death god take you you disappoint me the old god is laughing toying with us who will be our hope who will stand and face [Music] i do not want a repeat of the violet citadel ah that was a show of strength worthy of a leader i only regret i did not kill that human before the mage interfered we are guests here garrosh and you will conduct yourself honorably [Music] what honor is there in thrashing about with blunted sticks this is a waste of time welcome war chief thrall overlord hellscream thank you for the invitation lord fordring we look forward to observing these games speak for yourself thrall i hope you'll see the merit of these events in time garage we cannot win against the scourge if we continue to war against one another wise words words of a fool you mean the horde will destroy the undead without your aid human or that of the pompous king girl enough under my roof gentlemen i trust you will behave of course tyrion i apologize for his outburst it will not be repeated oh if you will follow me then [Music] tyrion [Music] king varian lady jaina welcome to the tournament your place in the coliseum is waiting thank you it's the least i can do to support this we need to stand together you ask much of me tyrion to sit and watch trusting the savages to keep themselves in check my people are here to ensure that they honor the rules of engagement it will do your subjects well to see you in the stands i'm sure thrall will have his people under control perhaps i doubt the effectiveness of this gambit we'd be better served preparing our armies for the final assault but if my presence is required in these games to gain your support in the battle then i will remain for now [Music] i i don't believe it frostmourne stands before us unguarded just as the gnome claimed come heroes standing this close to the blade that ended my life and the pain it is renewed i dare not touch it stand back stand back as i attempt to commune with the blade perhaps our salvation lies within uther dear uther i i'm so sorry jaina you haven't much time the lich king sees what the sword sees he will be here this is here maybe i arthur's is not here arthas is merely a presence within the lich king's mind a dwindling presence but uther if there's any hope of reaching arthas i i must try the lich king is here then my destiny shall be fulfilled on this day you cannot defeat the lich king not here you would be a fool to try he will kill those that follow you and raise them as powerful soldiers of a scourge but for you sylvanas his reward for you would be worse than the last there must be a way tell me how uther how do i destroy my prince my snap out of it girl you must destroy the lich king at the place where he merged with near zul atop the spire at the frozen throne it is the only way alas the only way to defeat the lich king is to destroy him at the place where he was created the frozen throne you're right uther forgive me i i don't know what got a hold of me we will deliver this information to the king and the knights that battle the scourge within icecrown citadel there is something else that you should know about the lich king control over the scourge must never be lost even if you were to strike down the lich king another would have to take his place for without the control of its master the scourge would run rampant across the world destroying all living things a grand sacrifice by a noble soul who could bear such a burden i do not know jaina i suspect that the piece of arthas that might be left inside the lich king is all that holds the scourge from annihilating azeroth then maybe there is still hope [Music] no jaina [Music] he is coming you is paladin so you wish to commune with the dead you shall have your wish you will not escape me that easily office i will have my vengeance you won't deny me this arthas i must know i must find out i will not make the same mistake again sylvanas this time there will be no escape you will all serve me in the dead he's too powerful heroes quickly come to me we must leave this place immediately blasted dead end so this is how it ends prepare yourselves heroes for today we make our final stand nowhere to run his strength has increased tenfold since our last battle it will take a mighty army to destroy the lich king an army greater than even the horde can rouse jaina just as you promised [Music] forgive me heroes i should have listened to uther i i had to see for myself to look into his eyes one last time i am sorry we now know what must be done i will deliver this news to king varian and high lord fordring [Music] this business you lied to your man and betrayed the mercenary what happened to you after some princess rise up argent crusaders the hour of justice has come [Music] can you feel it my son closing in all around you the last justice has been awakened the sins of the past have finally got a deal you will be called to account though my soul was one of the first to be devoured by your evil there are thousands more bound within this blade and they cry out for release look now to your defenses my son for the champions of justice gather at your gates [Applause] [Applause] [Music] let them come remember heroes fear is your greatest enemy in these be fouled halls steal your heart and your soul will shine brighter than a thousand suns the enemy will falter at the sight of you they will fall as the light of righteousness envelops them our march upon icecrown citadel begins now you will now stand upon the hollow ground of the scourge the light won't protect you here paladin nothing will protect you arthas i swore that i would see you dead in the scourge dismantled i'm going to finish what i started at lights hope you could have been my greatest champion a force of darkness that would wash over this world and deliver it into a new age of strife but that honor is no longer yours soon i will have a new champion [Music] the breaking of this one has been taxing the atrocities i have committed upon his soul he has resisted for so long but he will bow down before his king soon [Music] never i will never serve you in the end you will all serve me could it be lord fordham if bolvar lives may have there is hope for peace between the alliance and the horde we must reach the top of this cursed place and free the paladin [Music] by the light it must be so [Music] prepare the skybreaker for an aerial assault on the citadel heroes you must fight your way to a clear extraction point within icecrown we'll try and rendezvous on the run parts let's get a move on then move out horde soldier that you killed for every alliance dog that fell the lich king's armies grew even now the valkyr worked to raise your fallen as scourge things are about to get much worse come taste the power that the lich king has bestowed upon me alone orc against the might of the alliance church that was saurfang's boy the horde commander at the wrathgate such a tragic end one there in the distance don't force me hand orc we can't let you pass behind you lies the body of my only son nothing will keep me from him i i can't do it get back on your ship and we'll spare your life stand down muradin let a grieving father pass [Music] i will not forget this kindness i thank you highness i i was not at the wrathgate but the soldiers who survived told me much of what happened [Music] your son fought with honor he died a hero's death he deserves a hero's barrier honor young heroes no matter how dire the battle never forsake it jaina why are you crying it was nothing your majesty just i'm proud of my king [Music] muradin secure the deck and prepare our soldiers for an assault on the upper citadel i'll send out another regiment from stormwind right away your majesty [Music] this [Music] so now we are one so the lights wanted justice has finally arrived shall i lay down frostmourne and throw myself at your mercy ford ring we'll grant you a swift death arthas more than can be said for the thousands you've tortured and slain [Music] you'll learn of that firsthand when my work is complete you will beg for mercy and i will deny you your anguished cries will be testament to my unbridled power so be it champions attack i'll keep you alive to witness the end ring i would not want the light's greatest champion to miss seeing this wretched world remade in my image no questions remain unanswered no doubts linger you are azeroth's greatest champions you overcame every challenge i laid before you my mightiest servants have fallen before your relentless onslaught your unbridled fury is it truly righteousness that drives you i wonder you train them well for drink you delivered the greatest fighting force this world has ever known right into my hands exactly as i intended you shall be rewarded for your unwitting sacrifice watch now as i raise them from the dead to become masters of a scourge they will throw this world in chaos and destruction as a roth's ball will come at their hands and you will be the first to die i delight in the irony light grant me one final blessing give me the strength to shatter these bonds [Music] no more lives will be consumed by your hatred free at last it is over my son this is the moment of reckoning rise up champions of the white [Music] and they do not fear cannot fear [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] father is it over at long last no king rules forever my son i see only darkness before me [Music] without its master's command the restless scourge will become an even greater threat to this world control must be maintained there must always be [Music] [Music] the weight of such a burden it must be mine for there is no other you hold the grip destiny in your hands brother but it is not your own all thou [Music] by all that is holy the dragon's flame [Music] the world of the living can no longer comfort me [Music] place the crown upon my [Music] [Music] you and these brave heroes have your own destinies to fulfill this last act of service is mine [Applause] you will not be forgotten i must be forgotten tyrion if the world is to live free from the tyranny of fear they must never know what was done here today [Music] tell them only that the lich king is dead and then bolvard and never return oh lad [Music] how i miss those endless days in lordaeron sharpening your skill with this dull blade forging you into a weapon meant to withstand the demands of a great destiny [Music] you sure put them skills to use didn't you lad if only i'd been able to stop you that day how different things might have been if only i'd never discovered that a cursed blade [Music] farewell arthas my brother so it is done [Music] i had not dared to trust my senses too many times as a lich king made me to be a fool [Music] finally he has been made to pay for the atrocities he imposed upon my people may azeroth never fail to remember the horrible price we paid for our weakness for our pride but what now hero what of those freed from his grasp but still shackled to their mortal coils [Music] leave me i have much to ponder he kept it all this time he kept it [Music] i knew [Music] i sensed a part of him still alive trapped struggling oh arthas perhaps perhaps he might someday remember what he once was by the light may he at last find rest free from the icy grip of that terrible blade arthas [Music] alas hero of azeroth you give me a greater gift than you know long have i struggled to forgive the prince for his terrible transgressions my soul has been wrapped with unbearable anxiety dark thoughts distancing me from the light i recall clearly the gleam of pride in his eye as he stood before me eager to defeat the enemies of the light [Music] welcome prince arthas the men and i are honored by your presence can the formalities uther i'm not king yet it's good to see you you too lad i'm pleased that king terenas sent you to help me father still hopes your patience and experience might rub off on me well it is a father's right to dream isn't it eager to defend his people no matter the cost it is this memory of arthas that i choose to keep in my heart i shall always be in your debt friends [Music] what [Music] what do you want why do you keep touching me [Music] why do you keep touching me [Music] in the age of chaos in the age of chaos in the age of chaos two factions with dominance in the age of chaos in the age of chaos in the age of for chaos [Music] welcome to the world of warcraft [Music] you can have anything you desire [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Athelarius
Views: 996,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hxdX2d0vZDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 288min 49sec (17329 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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