Top 7 Best Extensions In VSCode For Python Programming That I Use For Data Science Projects

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hello all my name is krishnak and welcome to my youtube channel so guys today in this particular video i'm going to show you some of the best extensions that i usually use in vs code for doing my data science project development now remember guys vs code is an amazing ide you can also use it for other programming languages like java php c javascript and many more right so all you have to do is that try to install that specific kind of extension related to that specific programming language and you will be able to implement it in this particular video i'll just be focusing on python i'll be naming somewhere around six to seven extension the last one is pretty much amazing so please make sure that you watch this video till the end and don't forget to subscribe the channel uh because trust me guys it will actually help me to motivate more and more videos like this so first of all let's begin with the first extension the first extension that i'm actually going to discuss about as soon as you install vs code is the python extension if you really want to run any python programming language this is the first extension that you have to run and remember guys this extension is basically from microsoft it has a lot of functionalities even it it can actually help you to do debugging it can actually help you to even run jupyter notebook files very much easily i'll just tell you what our list of functionalities it has given um it will actually help you to suggest so as soon as you install this vs code it will also suggest you to install this specific library is specific extension for python programming language over here you can also implement some of the unit test pi tests and some of the notes test frameworks different different test frameworks are there which you can definitely use so this is the first extension that you should definitely use and here you can see that i have already installed this extension so i can definitely run any kind of code over here by writing a is equal to 5 suppose i'm just writing like this b is equal to 6 and print a plus b this is just a simple code guys and if i want to execute it just go and click write python uh run python in terminal and here you will be able to get your output right so everything is basically possible because of this particular extension now the second extension that i'm actually going to discuss about is uh you can go and basically search for kite so kite auto complete extension this is also an amazing extension and this can actually work in multiple programming languages like python python java go php c c sharp and c plus plus remember guys uh why kite is basically used for auto completion you know right now i know everybody when i talk about auto completion you will be knowing different different kind of extension kite is one of them definitely you can use it i myself have personally tried kite in spider id along with that in visual studio code also it it works pretty much amazing very well you know it will actually help you to write the code very much quickly because of the autocomplete feature that it actually has okay so this is probably the second one that is kite autocomplete ai code uh over here in the link also in the description of this particular video also i've given you the kite link you can go again just click on that particular link or install it or you can just go and search in this particular extension and install this particular id now coming to the third one which is pretty much interesting and this is called as python preview right so python preview is also very very much good uh if you want to know about python preview this extension is used to preview the python code in vs edit vs code editor it is very simple and it is actually it actually helps your debugging process very much easy let me just show you one of the use of this suppose uh let me create some list over here so suppose i'm defining list as 12 4 5 6 some some values okay and probably i'll just say i'll also define a function okay sum of a comma b and i'm just going to return a plus b okay so these are some of the code that i have actually written now if i go and right click on this first of all what you have to do with respect to this particular extension that is python preview you have to install it uh it actually provides a lot of debugging facilities without running the code that is the best thing about it now if i go and write right click on the stretch dot py and open the preview to the side so here you will be able to see everything you'll be able to track uh without executing the code you'll be able to track how the execution may be going on right see if i go on first so this is the first thing if i go to the next step right so suppose if i go forward suppose this code is executed then what will happen it will basically create the global frame with some amazing diagrams you'll be able to see everything all the values like 12 4 5 6 because this is a list right and it is a global variable so it is basically showing as a global variable now suppose if i update the code and probably write print right print print sum 10 comma 12. now you can see that without executing the code i can see the output also what it is actually coming you know after this particular line of code this is getting executed if i probably define a main function if i probably go with respect to object oriented features if i try to clear create classes uh you know all those particular objects how it is getting created you can definitely see in an amazing way with the help of some kind of diagram so definitely use this python preview again why i'm talking about this guys because it will give you an amazing experience and that is how you will actually get motivated with respect to different kind of programming language so definitely try it out and with respect to this you can go forward and backward based on the execution you can also go forward you can also go to the last so you can do different different things so definitely try out python preview which is again an amazing extension for you all coming to the next one which is called as uh ripple so i hope i'm pronouncing it right so this is the other one that is apple it actually evaluates python code in real time as you type now this is a very amazing thing see over here you are just writing the code even though without executing with respect to the real time you will be able to see the output over here you will be able to see different different things now let me just try it out okay so suppose i say i i'm just going to do some kind of operation five plus five suppose and probably i'll just say print uh hello world okay let me just remove right now right now i don't require it now if i want to execute it just go and right click over here uh you will be seeing eval python in real time okay um fine now you can see over here see i'll just write print uh hello see i have not executed but i can definitely see on the right hand side probably if i create some values like this one two three four five six so here you can see all the list has been getting created suppose if i write print or i'll just say a is equal to 10 okay the value the let's let's do some kind of concatenation operation see this will be very much amazing okay suppose i wrote concatenation of a now here automatically it is giving us an error this is the error that you may be getting you know you have not executed the code so in order to fix this if i click on this and if i go and see over here you will also be able to get the kind of error you can go ahead and solve this particular error itself so it will automatically redirect you with the link with the help of solutions and all right so that also you can actually do suppose if i want to fix this i can also write str of a so now in the real time it is fixed and you can see the output now right so everything is basically given so this arrival is also very much good guys it provides you code evaluation in the real time as you type you can definitely see how your code is actually behaving so repel is my next amazing extension that you should definitely use for this particular purpose and again it is up to you see it is basically increasing your productivity why not use it and all these extensions are completely for free nothing nothing is coming for you i also want to talk about this python extension pack now in this particular extension pack um i would suggest try to install this also because it includes everything there is also a python indentation uh for python comment there is also one amazing extension that is called as python docstring now this python docs string is they it actually automatically generates detailed document for python function now suppose if i write something like this definition sum of a comma b right and here suppose i say return a plus b okay so a simple function a plus b right now here if i really want to generate a doc stringer uh i mean for this specific thing python docs string generator it's just like providing the detailed information regarding this particular function i'll just use triple quotes and generate the docs string that's it see this now i've got all the values over here i can just specify over here type in this summary what i can do is that i can just write a function that so i can write that this is a function to add two numbers right so done your work is done and probably you will be able to now see this entire uh you have just created the python docs string with respect to the type of functions that you are developing so pretty much amazing pretty much easy definitely have a look on to this also that is python doc string generator which is pretty much amazing now you know we always say that father of all the extensions definitely you should have this particular extension also that is your amazing github co-pilot right and again guys for github you have a different extension for here cli you may have a different extension like that you can have multiple extension with respect to different different types of tools that you're working in but these are all some general extensions that can actually help you out obviously the last one is getup co-pilot you should definitely have if you have not got the access please make sure that you get the access of this just go and apply it and definitely use this particular extension right so here uh github copilot i think everybody knows this you just need to write the comment uh create a create a function to perform more sort that's it then you write definition merge sort merge sort let's see whether we'll get the extension or not here you go right so the entire code you have got it now definitely use this merge short now for your other purpose i hope i didn't i'm not verifying whether the code will work fine or not but just understand uh it is actually helping you to generate the entire code okay so you can definitely have a look on to this and definitely have a check on to this and probably let me see whether it will work or find or not so this is my array let me just write it at four comma five comma two comma six comma one okay and i'll try to execute it run python file in terminal yes it is getting executed so obviously it is working fine right create a function to perform much so github copilot is the father of all extensions because it will actually help you to do all the things even write an indented codes all give all these things there's also something called as python indentation you can also use this uh again it's up to you for doing for writing the correct python indentation you can definitely use this so this is the last extension that i also want to talk about so i hope you like this particular video so i have discussed about so many extensions please make sure that you use them again why it is basically getting used to improve your productivity so this is it from my side i hope you like this particular video please do make sure that subscribe the channel press the bell notification icon i'll see you all in the next video have a great day thank you bye
Channel: Krish Naik
Views: 12,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, krish naik machine leearning, best django extension for visual studio code best vs code python, best python autocomplete vscode, python extension for visual studio code download offline, best python extension for vscode reddit, python snippets vscode, how to run python in visual studio code, best vscode extensions
Id: zUiTu8HJ3Tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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