The 5 Best Thai Salad Recipes Worth Knowing About | Marion's Kitchen

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[Music] Thailand has so many iconic spicy salads this is not one of the most famous but once you've tried it it's Unforgettable we're going to make La W okay guys I love this dish so much because lb is one of my favorite Thai salads one because it's super spicy has a loads of fresh herbs and it's so Tangy and full of flavor uh and the other reason I love it so much is because there are noodles so it's like my two favorite things noodles and loveb spicy salad what could be better all right let's start with the noodles first so we're going to use a glass noodle which in Thailand we call Wen uh so this is what it looks like it's also called cellophane noodles Bean Thread noodles uh mung bean verelli Bean Thread ver oh my God there's so many different names for this noodle but that's what you looking for and the best way to deal with these guys is some hot water if you cook them in boiling water like pasta they turn to Mush so just hot water and pour that on just sort of spread them out a little and you want to let them soak for about 10 minutes until they're just tender so in the meantime let's talk about rice and we need rice for this dish because the secret ingredient to any good tilab salad is roasted glutenous rice so you're looking for sticky rice or glutenous rice looks just like this and we're going to pop it into our frying pan I want you to toast these guys keep them moving so they get an even color and you'll be able to smell when they're ready I'm starting to get that Aroma now what it is is like a a Nutty popcorn Smokey kind of Aroma and when we grind this up and add this to our salad that's the beautiful flavor that it adds now look at that color that's just perfect I want to get that into my mortar and then just grind that to a fine powder so you can do this with regular Jasmine or long grain rice as well I do find it can be a little bit firmer and a bit more bitey uh than the sticky rice so try and find that one first now let's have a look at our noodles and the only way to test is to pick one up and try it beautifully tender and not sticky or gluggy that's exactly what we want Shake most of that water off and into a bowl so the next thing we want to do is the spicy salad dressing now we're going to start off with some fish sauce and some palm sugar so this is what palm sugar will usually look like it comes in these very firm cakes and then what you need to do is use use your knife to shave the sugar and that will allow it to disintegrate and dissolve more easily into that dressing next up is the chili powder so this is a tie chili powder it's sort of like a little flaky and it has seeds in there as well as the powder what I would suggest is that if you can't get a Thai brand of chili powder just look for a chili powder that has quite a bit of heat um but also has a little bit of those seeds and a bit of a flaky texture this salad is traditionally really hot I the cafe that serves it down the road from my studio here in Bangkok makes it so hot but it's so good obviously you could tone the chilies down a little if you prefer and to that I'm going to add our roasted rice powder and then the other thing I want is some lime juice it's tasting so good salty Tangy spicy M love it so this will get us started with the salad dressing I always f with this kind of Ty salad you do need to taste it and adjust the seasoning at the end but this is a solid start now the other thing I want to do is slice up some shalots and these are some little red small Asian shalots you could use French a shalots as well they're a bit bigger so use less of those actually even some red onion would be fine too okay so now we can get started on our pork and I'm just going to get this straight into a dry frying pan traditionally the meat for this type of salad in Thailand is often boiled in a little bit of water but I find with pork mints it's got enough kind of juiciness that it can handle just going into a pan on its own and it will cook in its own Little Porky juices so I can see we've got the juice coming out now the pork looks cooked you don't want to Brown the meat for this you're really after it to just kind of poach now that's looking good I'm going to put this straight into our noodles now I try and leave behind most of that liquid cuz I don't want to SOG out my salad now while that pork is still warm I want to add in my shots and this is just a thing that I like to do with my La salads I add a little bit of the dressing first and I mix the warm pork and the warm shalots and that little bit of dressing together so that the shalots kind of lose that harsh onion Flavor now one of the most important things for any TI salad is the herbs and I'm going to use a very traditional herb for this type of salad it's called Sawtooth coriander and it looks like this very different to regular coriander uh you can see the leaves have that saw tooth Edge hence the name Sawtooth coriander uh this will give you the most authentic flavor I guess it has a coriander flavor but it's kind of stronger a bit more medicinal if you can't get a hold of this and I know a lot of you won't be able to you can use regular coriander and for those of you who don't like coriander you can just leave it out and now I want some spring onion as well and then the most important herb which is the reason why I said if you're not a coriander lover you can leave it out the most important herb is mint so you want lots of mint now pour over your dressing a this is my favorite part where the noodles get stained a beautiful chili red and I can smell all those fresh herbs okay now I want to test for my final seasoning here honestly Thai salads they're so magical there is so much flavor there it's just a huge burst of spicy and tangy and fresh and M all the good things I am going to add a little bit more chili though because I'm me and then I want a little bit more lime juice as well okay now just pile this up onto a plate and then to serve here in Thailand we always have some cooling ingredients nearby to nibble on in between mouthfuls of spicy salad so I've got some raw cabbage here and then a few stems of spring onion and then these are snake beans which we often serve raw for that cooling effect so there you go guys if you love spicy things if you love noodles if you love Thai salads any of those things then you are going to want to make this and I am going to want to eat it so good I always get so excited about noodles today we making egg salad this one special Regal Thai fried egg salad you don't find this in the restaurant mama know I going to show you have first of all we need to fire the egg you must fry like the Asian style crispy and crunch right after the oil we want a lot of oil for this this o you not be scared with the oil wa the oil nice and hot how you know how to find the oil hot you just use the Chop Stick wood stick use the the big end not the small end so you put on the pan you make sure the bubble if the bubble that mean the oil ready this one not quiet no bubbling oil should be ready now you can see that the oil is bubbling that mean it ready okay now the egg I like to crack my egg in a bowl first you never know what going to happen now put the egg in be careful for the oil be splatting F the oil around the egg they going to make crunchy all over that's how you cook the Asian fry egg now you look the crunchy you see the color that's ready put in a tray with the pepper towel one egg for person need to cook all the way to crispy and Well Done how the Asian people like that egg is done now going to do the vegetable we want some onion cut half cut to the wedes but not too big because going to eat him too just like this good salads good chopping I put in a bowl tomato using egg they call Egg tomato I need two got half and you take this one off because you can't eat this one cut same with places with same onion now put into the bowl this are great salad or need the simple ingredient you can make any N Out the Weg egg in some vegetable simple you want red chili this one nice not too spicy you can eat them if you want you can use the capsicum too this one not very spicy salad I want to cut this way take the SE out this one special ingredient in time we call D King chai and in English is Chinese celery you can find this Chinese supermarket I have M celery flavor you can't get this one you can use Cy Lea just normal Cy this one we can use the whole thing this one now I want a corander and spring onion West more is done now we're going to cut the egg the egg don't need to be hot it's warm I'm going to cut a nice chunk half first you can hear this crispy I don't have to cut too big you know by side now we're going to add all resting ingredient fish sauce white sugar you need sweet and salty and sour now I need some lime juice you just rough the lme make it juicy and you cut it half then cut to the white juice and the lme squeeze the lme now we mix look at the color that's beautiful I want to taste this going to add some more flavor M don't need any more flavor beautiful the egg is nice and crispy this one so good now I can serve it up this one you can serve with steam rice or eat together with another th disches look at the color a lot of resting in the bottle just pour it on the top just look at that you never find this in logo Tha restaurant you will love it home cooking with Momo I hope to see you next episode if you're a fan of Spicy Thai salads then you cannot afford to miss out on this one guys this is the classic Spicy Thai beef salad n okay so there are a couple of little tips and tricks and some ingredients here to get the flavors totally on point in like a traditional kind of way so first up we're going to do a very simple marinade for our beef I'm going to start off with some palm sugar and you guys uh buying palm sugar outside of Thailand usually find it in this kind of form it's very hard um little cakes and just use a sharp knife to shave the sugar now the reason you want to get a really nice fine shave here is because you want the sugar to be out to dissolve in your salad dressing and the marinade and if you sort of take it hack it off in clumps that won't happen now I want about 3 teaspoons or so okay now I just want a little bit of this for my marinade and the rest goes into another bowl for my dressing for later okay the rest of the marinade is just a little bit of fish sauce and a good dash of finely ground black pepper and then just mix it all together okay let's talk about the steak and I'm using strip loin today sirloin Porter housee rump steak these are all good things that you could be using the only thing I will say though is that you don't want it too thick so these guys are pretty thick large pieces of steak so what I'm going to do is just grab some baking paper and if you have a meat mallet at home you can totally use that I always find the less sort of utensils I have in my kitchen the better so I'm just going to use the bottom of a sauce bin just give that a good whack hey okay so that's probably about 2 cm/ an inch thick that's perfect now just get your pieces of steak into that marinade and give them a good mix so this marinade does not need long guys I just need to leave it aside for a few minutes while I get some other ingredients done so one of the very key ingredients for a traditional version of this salad is roasted rice powder now to make that you're going to need to start off with some raw sticky rice and you might see it labeled as glutenous rice in the Asian grer that is what you're looking for you can try it with Jasmine rice but I do find the particles are a bit firmer they don't sort of grind down um as fine so anyway here's my sticky rice I'm going to get that into a hot pan now just keep this moving just like if you were toasting pine nuts or peanuts want a really nice golden color okay now just pop that into my mortar and just grind this to a fine powder okay so this is the sort of situation that you're looking for okay now now we're ready to do our steaks and I'm just going to add a little bit of oil to a hot [Music] pan now what I do here when I'm cooking steaks at home is I wait for a really nice beautiful dark color on the first side so I just let it sit there for a little while once I get that color then I'm going to turn it over turn the heat down a little bit and keep flipping the steak until it's evenly cooked all the way through ooh that color is really nice now whenever I'm doing strip line or Surline and there's that layer of fat on the outside of the steak I always like to make sure I upend the steak and really get some color and render away some of that fat as well okay so I can tell by just poking that steak with my finger that that is a nice medium rare okay steaks definitely need to rest so let those guys just settle down and rest a little while while we make our salad dressing so that palm sugar that we shaved off a little earlier I've got that in a bowl I'm going to add some fish sauce and some chili powder now I like to go hard on the chili powder for this one it should be a really spicy dish but tone it down if you like and then we want some lime juice as well just like to push down on these limes first break up the insides a little makes them a little juicier and then we've got that toasted rice powder that we made all right give that a mix okay now we're really getting down to the salad salad part I'm going to grab a few of these red Asian shalots just some fine slices of those okay now one of my little secret tips for this salad is that I like to mix the warm beef and those shalots or the Red Onion first with the salad dressing it sort of cuts through some of that harsh onion flavor um from the finished dish so let me slice up this steak and the idea here is you want really fine thin slices so as with almost any tie dish this is meant to be eaten with rice and with a fork in a spoon so it should be so fine and tender that you can eat it with rice and without a knife now pile that beef in on top of those shots and I want a good few spoonfuls of that dressing these resting juices they're like liquid gold guys they go in as well okay give everything a really good mix okay so now we're at the herb stage and the herbs for the salad should be super prominent so don't be shy with the herbs first of all the mint that's the most important and you want to pick off I'm going to use almost like a whole bunch in here and then this one is optional because it's going to be a little hard for you guys to find but I thought I would show you the very traditional uh herb that we would use in the salad in Thailand and this is called um saw tooth coriander and you can see the edges of this Leaf has that sort of Saw shape or pattern and you can find this perhaps from like a Thai grosser or an Asian grosser if not you could use normal coriander or just leave it out all together and then I want some spring onion as well and now some more of that dressing I just like to add a little bit of the dressing give it a mix okay let's see that's good I think it can take a little bit more dressing and just because you know I'm me I'm going to add a little bit more chili powder ah this is smelling so beautiful I wish you guys could smell this with me right here okay we're ready to go I'm going to put this out onto a [Music] plate and then here in Thailand we serve this with a few other little things we take some cabbage and because this is typically quite fiery what you do is you eat some of the salad and then you pick off some of these cabbage leaves and that kind of cools down your palette a little bit as you're eating it and then the other thing that cools down your palette while you're eating the very spicy salad are snake beans so you can see these are quite a lot longer than regular green beans' got sort of like a rough texture okay now if you're in the northeast of Thailand where this dish comes from you'd be eating this with some sticky rice when I'm eating at home I usually just serve it with some steamed rice or just on its own if you can handle the spicy today we making the spicy tuna salad in Thai we call yum chuna yum in Thai we mean salad this one I used to make when I live in Australia and you move to another country you make what ingredient you have sometime don't have original you still can make Thai food good everywhere no excuse this one great L time one let let me show you the way first I got have some tuna I just can tuna I got some Asian chalot The Red Onion is good too just chop chop I got a big knife today don't mess with noise now we're going to add some th flavors and the fish sauce a little bit sugar you need some spicy here that's red chili powder you listen to noise maybe a little bit more now we need some lme juice too I get the knife squeeze a little bit because make a juice juicy and I squeze with by hand now we need the herb fresh herb here make a salot more amazing just like no a spring onion I cut the root up and the Min just handful like this B and a corander western tuna salers had too much Mayon going to mix it just look at that is so fresh try first check for the flavor M the all very good and tasty so simple so good I think a little bit more chili NE noise and mix it up you'll be so surprised how tasty it is you serve with a lot of fresh vegetable you people don't eat enough vegetable nice nice and some cucumber I got a crispy chot here too I like to spring it just before you eat here the spicy tuna just add the W slim there you go bye spicy tuna salad yum tuna another winner from no did you forget something oh put that what the oh what I had to say now let's [Music] cooking the dressing for our salad is that magic IC mix of lime juice fish sauce and sugar which is classically Thai so we'll start off with our fish sauce and a little bit of palm sugar now if you don't have that at home you can use brown sugar and now you want a good kick of chili spice for this one some lime juice you've got that sweet sour and salty so this is the base of all the flavor for our salad you always need to taste the salad at the end though and adjust a little bit but at least we're starting off with a very good base and now for what I think is one of the most important ingredients if you've ever had tyab salad in a restaurant and then tried to make it at home and it didn't quite work out you need to make some toasted ground rice so I'm going to put some sticky rice or glutenous rice into a hot pan you can also use normal long green rice or jzon rice so keep the pan moving so you get an even golden color on all your rice grains Okay so once your rice grains are a lovely golden color you should be able to smell almost like a popcorn flavor and that lovely Aroma and flavor is going to go into our salad okay so we pop that into a mortar and just use a pestel to ground that to a fine powder so the toasted rice powder is going to do two things it's going to give us that lovely nutty flavor but it's also going to thicken up all the juices and the dressing and the salad which makes sure that everything has this lovely sort of thick coating on it next so we just want some shalots for our salad now for the meaty part of our salad we're going to just cook off some pork mins so the idea here is to heat this just until the porks cook through not after any kind of color on the meat at [Music] all okay looking good time to mix the salad so pop your warm pork and all the juices into a bowl and my biggest tip is to mix through the shots right when that pork is really hot straight out of the pan and that kind of softens the shalots and takes away that harsh onion flavor okay so now we add the dressing can smell that lime juice doing its work already now that magic ingredient we made earlier The Toasted ground rice as you mix that through you'll see the juices from all that pork and the salad dressing things start to thicken up and really give us a nice coating now it's this point that we add all our fresh herbs just before we serve so I'm going to add in some coriander and some mint leaves and it's at this point that we can smell all those fresh herbs that lovely lime juice okay one last little taste M that's good my mom would add more chili but that's perfect for [Music] me
Channel: Marion's Kitchen
Views: 213,848
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Keywords: thai salad, thai street food bangkok, street food at, street food at home, travel thailand, thailand 2024, marions kitchen, marion salad, marion salad recipe, marion papaya salad, authentic thai, authentic thai food, thai food recipes, spicy thai food recipes, larb recipe, fried egg salad, fried egg salad recipe, crying tiger beef, easy thai food recipes, easy thai food recipes at home
Id: z-Fy3e3Bv0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 41sec (1481 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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