Top 50 Scariest TikTok Video Compilation 2020

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top 50 scariest tip-top videos Shadow Man a woman named ELISA uploaded the following three videos to tick-tock she had just taken her dog into the woods for some exercise however once in the car she noticed something strange and out of place in the distance the following video was recorded from inside her car after being somewhat frightened by this black shadow ELISA decided to take the dog back out to the same spot she saw this thing to see if she could spot it again however she ends up finding something else instead visibly shaken from scene boned in the ground she starts to head back towards the car but on the way back she happens to see the black shadow once again if you look closely you can make out part of the original black shadow as you can tell the dog isn't too happy about this and tries to run after it but Lisa keeps it a check and instead last video right there also these are the only three videos Lisa I've uploaded to tick-tock and she hasn't been heard from since basement rocks this creepy video was uploaded by tic-tock user RV got away after hearing some sounds down in his basement the man who recorded this video decided to go downstairs and check it out upon getting downstairs he enters the basement room has a look around and doesn't notice anything out of the blue that is until he turned off the lights shuts the basement door in leaves as you can see once he goes back and turns on the light he notices that the small child was a rocking horse type of chair has started to rock back and forward scared he runs out of there and the video cuts off my question to you is could this video be a hoax tell me what your opinion is on this video in the comments renovation this video was uploaded by a man named - logan Donald or no one on tik-tok as a whip dog Sparky an electrical apprentice from Illinois the short video shows him walking upstairs explaining to the camera that he has been working in the basement of this really old house saying that he thought that he could hear little footsteps or walking about from above he decides to explore but as he does this happens so I'm working in the basement of this really old house that was hearing footsteps like a little child running around and I'm the only one here that's creepy so I thought I'd come up here and check it out real quick nope nope nope nope nope after he witnessed this he claims in the comments of the original video that he will never be going back to this house in my opinion this is one of the more genuine paranormal tik-tok videos i've come across so far Twilight Zone the snakes tick tock video is from a woman named melody Zaragoza this quick video shows her experience on a flight she was on earlier in the year the creepy thing about this video is that it almost seems as if the plane is going through some sort of twilight zone as every TV screen starts glitching out and flickering what makes this even scarier is that it appears to be in the middle of the night and it's not even like a one-off glitch that lasts for a couple of seconds the flickering goes on for some time melody obviously thought that this was a way an end managed to get a video in hopes of getting other people's opinions on it so what do you guys think would this freak you out if this happened on a flight you on let me know in the comments down below Spanish doll this next set of videos comes to us by two different uses the first of which being a woman named Kirsty with the username Kirsty X 91 Kirsty has many videos on her Tech Talk however the ones that we are interested in the ones that include a supposed home to doll that she owns the first video of hers I've chosen as one of her explaining to tick-tock that she has had enough of the doll and has decided to list it on eBay sorry it's so dark guys we've had a power cut I've relisted the doll on eBay and it's Spanish doll of tick-tock with each new video of hers explaining to the camera that she plans on getting rid of the doll or more strange things seem to happen around her house as she lays in bed one night her ensuite bathroom starts making noises and orbs can be seen flying into frame while she's recording the following video is another reason why she plans on giving the goal away as soon as possible late one night she has the sounds of children playing in the downstairs living room as you can see once she enters the living room nothing before giving the doll away she then goes on to say how her and her family came to own the doll that she claims is haunted so in just over 24 hours time somebody else is gonna be the new owner of this doll I just wanted to tell you guys a bit about how we got her we were on a holiday in Spain and it was this really small village that we were staying that there wasn't a lot going on but there was this market on the one day so we went for a walk and shortly before leaving we were approached by this guy and he kind of came out of nowhere and he was holding this doll saying five euros 5 euros we just carried on walking and this guy was so persistent he followed us down the street 5 euros 5 euros in the end my dad turn around and just handed over 5 euros what was really strange about it was when he handed him over the money the guy actually got down on his knees and kissed my mum's feet at the time we just thought maybe it's just their way you know thank you the next day the doll is then given to the new owner hi guys so the doll has gone off to a new owner and the new owners received her today and I'm really really pleased she has left the house everything has been fine here we all slept through the night last night it was really peaceful no other words to describe it it just feels they calm in the house yeah I feel pretty confident that she's gone to the right place and that Cindy knows what she's doing I spoke to her very briefly and she is on tick tock and I have added her so you can go and follow her if you just go on to the people that I follow I only follow two people so she was really easy to find and yeah I'm just really really glad that she's not here anymore and I hope Cindy can find out a bit more about her and hopefully post it on kik top for people that curious to find out videos I show you from here onwards are from the new owner Cindy username Cindy Lou Who 29 Cindy doesn't seem to waste any time and makes her first video on the doll and she is unpacking her I'm a collector of polynomial pairs on Facebook both have a normal and countless okay I'm gonna go and get that alive guys two videos in and we start to see something however at the time Cindy recorded this video she didn't seem to notice anything let me know if you spot it investigation tomorrow so this I'm a little rest and I if anything goes up and tonight I'm gonna keep upstairs if you look really closely you can see the dough's lift arm and hand move ever so slightly Cindy starts a couple of days later investigating the doll I believe the following video is of her asking the doll questions while she is set next were Rimbaud a ghost-hunting tall again doing a spanish ball after doing some research she finds that the doll is one of four ever made and his sister to one of the other four who was named Africa the one word that came from her spirit box could this be a coincidence the last two videos are of Cindy and her partner sleeping in their bedroom the camera recording appears to be motion activated this is what it captures on two different occasions after all of these strange things happening Cindy and her partner seem at ease or at least not bothered by the doll I think if this door was in my position I would probably move it on to the next person like the first owner Kirsty did interesting to watch but I think having it in my own house would be way too much what do you guys think about this series of events shapeshifter this quick video is from tick-tock user Koda Kovu Kovu a Californian man was visiting a graveyard one really foggy day as he was leaving in his car he saw something moving in the distance he whipped out his phone and this is what he captured I don't know want to think about this particular video it seems as if some sort of magical being or even shapeshifter is moving mysteriously in the distance there's not much to go off however I think it's important to note that this was the only ever paranormal type of video ever uploaded by Kovu I would like to hear your thoughts in the comments down below a roadblock uploaded by Jordan Dreier this video shows him and a friend driving back from exploring an old abandoned house late one night everything is going Wow until they come across something rather terrifying what appears to be a woman wearing a wedding dress or something similar stands in the middle of the road almost blocking the guy's path creeped out by this they decide not to stop and they continue driving back home the zombie looking woman looks to be lost and some commenters in the original video think that she could even have followed them from the abandoned house they have just left that's once again what do you guys think watching you this short and spooky video was uploaded to tick tock by user Tia Shardas 62 the quick video shows a baby doll set on some sort of concrete platform however what Tia Sharda and the uploader states is how the doll's eyes appear to follow the camera and regardless of where she moves what do you think do the eyes look as if they were following the camera let me know in the comments down below hot sauce this next video was uploaded by the user the Rodriguez twins the short video shows a young man entering a young woman's bedroom insane out loud bottle of hot sauce or say something embarrassing as he finishes saying this and beer on her ban appears to move all right follow hot sauce or say something embarrassing both bridges movie now a lot of people may think that this is fake or that the goal moving on the beard explains the toy bears movement however the guy that comes bowling into the room appears to only be interested in the challenge that he's proposing to the girl the movement of the bear seems genuinely surprising to them shadow person in September of 2019 a young girl by the name of teen uploaded this video to both tik-tok and Twitter the video has gained popularity for two reasons one she is obviously a good dancer but the second and more interesting part for most is what happens in the background you see TN thought that she was home alone having fun dancing to this popular song that I've had to remove for copyright reasons when the following happened did you see it what looks to be a smaller type of shadow person calmly walks from left to right from above the walkway over 8 million people have now viewed this video and the general consensus is then it could well possibly be a spirit coexisting with them in their own home picture this this next set of three short tick tock videos comes to us via squatchy a tick-tock page with only four videos all of which a paranormal related the man who recorded this it claims that his house is haunted and by the text on the screen suggests that he is planning to move at the time these videos were recorded he comments that these videos are actually old and they're only on Tech Talk now because his little sister suggested that he upload them here is another video showing things moving by themselves this time instead of a picture frame it's a closet door and some other miscellaneous things falling over could this man's house really be haunted or is it just another video planned out by some genius minds woods creature this short video was uploaded to tick-tock by user Roku da de ZD it shows one of his friends out the back of a house late at night Rocco who I'm going to assume is filming this video appears to be upstairs looking down on his friend Jack as Jack walks down the set of steps something odd comes out from the darkness with Jack ting wait what is that what appears to be some sort of creature starts advancing towards Jack at the point that the video ends as the tech taka must have stopped recording this video is at least a little bit suspicious to me it almost seems as if it was planned or rehearsed but what do you guys think could this video be a hoax crimper ghost I thought this video was one of the more creepier tic toc videos I have come across so far it was uploaded by user Gil egg is from Jersey it simply shows a man and woman watching the nanny cam positioned in a way in which they can keep an eye out on their sleeping baby who appears to be having a nap and its own crib in the next room over however confused with what they both see on camera they without their phone and more specifically the tick-tock app then capture this on camera you see the baby right here sleeping look at this [ __ ] what the is that though after becoming confused for a minute too long the father decides to get up quickly and storm into the child's room to find out just to what appears to be sleeping with their kid well I'll kill you some of them unfortunately the video cuts off of there so we will never know what he found in the room haunted house this next lot of videos comes from a tick-tock user named Nick sameen on 68 the series of videos start with him finding a secret wall door in his house that no one knew about what he discovers in the wall is a big bunch of psychiatric hospital wristbands from many many years ago a lot of the medications these people were taking were for schizophrenia and other like disorders like that some were for bipolar and somewhere from anxiety or like psychotic episodes and this is mind-blowing these obviously are the easy ones to see after finding all of the stuff from the hospital he and his family start to experience very strange things around the house okay guys the lights just started flickering again this creaked open and I've been trying to see what the heck is going on it's literally insane and I keep hearing things all the time like why this sink is on I literally hear this thing what is going what is this hello stuff was literally flying downstairs oh my god spirit enough it like stuff is just being thrown I know the TV's off but wait it gets even creepier NYX is whatever is making its prison snowing at home has now started following him to work creating even more drama for him after he finishes work watch this okay I'm literally at work right now I'm alone that's my car there is not one of the car in the parking lot look the freaking lights flickering from the reflection in the window I don't know what's going on I'm here alone and this is what I deal with that I usually don't catch on camera this is the light switch ready this I'm oh I think I stopped it did I stop it nope I didn't I didn't stop it I don't know what's going on and this makes absolutely no sense and now it stopped good and ready there we go cuz that makes sense right this is what I deal with and no one understands and of course I'm here alone and this is like a freakin murder house this is my security cameras there's no one here so I don't understand Jesus Christ hello so some pretty unbelievable stuff here I mean if this is real the neck has captured some amazing paranormal activity on camera I can't imagine in having or even seen this much weird activity at my own house or even workplace what do you guys think of these particular videos do you think Nick's videos are the real deal I mean if they aren't then he's definitely put a lot of work and to orchestrating these videos the way he has let me know your opinion in the comments down below Alexa this interesting but creepy video was created and uploaded to tick-tock by user Jackie is not thick the video simply shows what looks to be a teenage girl talking to an electronic device with Alexa software installed on it she attempts to do a simple Simon Says command - Alexa obviously trying to get it to reply with the exact same words as herself however what she receives as a response is well a little odd Alexa Simon Says I heard it almost sounds like the microphone of the device was taken over midway through by another person very creepy indeed I don't personally own one of these and I'm not too sure if I want one after this hammer man this very creepy video was uploaded to tick-tock by user do not go in there it shows a guy going downstairs into the basement to grab some food to help out what I can only assume is an older female family member as he searches for the food that he's been asked to grab and bring up to the kitchen he looks in multiple rooms and even steps in a puddle of water right after this happens he locates the jarred food that he's been looking for and turns around and sees this is it the room with all like the plastic boxes okay okay I found him unfortunately the video cuts off there so we don't get to see what happens next in the description of this tik tok video the original Apple Otis states he didn't see the mysterious and creepy man holding the hammer until he looked at the footage again mystery window this video was uploaded to tik tok by user Casper's birth it shows a young girl recording what she claims as a window controlled by some sort of ghost in many other tic toc videos she films a particular window in her house opening and closing by itself all throughout the day and nights really want the window to open mister ghosty can you keep opening that for me a little bit more please please thank however she doesn't seem to be too scared or frightened by this but more amused than anything actually as goes to my [Music] but when the lights not to flicker she starts to wonder just to what could be in the room with her could this series of videos be faked easily let me know what you think in the comments down below unknowing visitor this short video was recorded by the original uploaders exterior security camera tik-tok user erica underscore nineteen seventy one thinks it just might be her father as she wrote in the description of the original upload that her father passed away just days before this was taken the camera appears to be motion activated and is situated in an area where you would think not too many people would walk about Erica the uploader seems to think it could be a ghost as its transparency doesn't compare to any real-life human but what do you think could this just be another hoax snapchat filter this series of tik-tok videos were uploaded by users Sidney kept on ta the videos Sidney minks are very much the ones we are interested and now the ones that she claims are spirits showing themselves through snapchat filters you see Sidney and her family for some time now have busted out the old dog snapchat filter and knows that strange and invisible faces show up on their phone screens the following videos show Sidney talking to what she thinks are possibly spirits trapped in her own house can you guys come back please I know both of you are here I just saw both of you whereas the other one okay perfect perfect can you see me can you guys see me can you see me are there three of you um they're like three spirits like right there yes okay is there more than three of you yes there's more than three um is there is there four of you is there five of you are you a boy are you a girl okay are you a kid are you are you an adult are you a kid a kid she's one's a kid um did you live here yes okay can you come back please yes okay perfect okay do you want to talk to us well me right now yes okay can you answer some questions for me No do you like the fact that we're noticing you and like giving you attention oh they like it they like it all right perfect um are you are you like happy about it like excited yes okay are you good like a good spirit as you can see the faces always tend to show up in the same place in the house and often more than one face of pears at a time whether or not shares on to something paranormal I'm not quite sure but many people believe that she has people who have possibly passed away still living in her house unexpected visitor this video was uploaded by tic-tock user v r3 r5 w a 6 6 in 3a owl the video shows a woman late at night explaining to the camera that the dogs are ready to go to bed and she pounds her phone from one side of the living room to another she shows each of the three dogs once she shows all three dogs she just finishes saying how she herself is just about ready for bed when she catches something on camera standing in the doorframe just a few feet away I'll be ready for bed it's just a peaceful night here here I go to bed my set what the [ __ ] is that well did you see it in the doorframe at the beginning of the hallway stands what looks to be some sort of shadow person he or so whatever it seems surprise that's it's been noticed and slides quickly into the darkness definitely creepy I would have real trouble falling asleep after seeing something like this would you guys be the same 3:00 a.m. this next tick tock video was uploaded by Alex Hough a few months back basically this video consists of Alex herself creating a tick tock video talking about certain makeup products that she uses when all of a sudden she realized she has an unwanted visitor in some way or another in her own bedroom as you can see she does actually look genuinely surprised and scared when the closet doors open and close by themselves even though this could easily be faked with simply another friend in the room her reaction suggests that it may be real what do you think backyard intruder this next video was uploaded by tic-tock user blissfully ironic the tic-tock video shows a small group of people were late at night listening to music one of which explains to the others that they've heard something in the backyard and asks someone to turn down the music he goes outside with his phone recording and a flashlight scans the backyard from a lift of whites and then sees this these are being too loud once again the video cuts off right here probably because the person recording the video got a fright not expecting to see this person or even shadow person just lurking behind their garden shed let me know what you think of this one cemetary security this next video was uploaded by tic-tock users security one two seven five and shows The Adventures of a nighttime security guard it starts off with him exploring the graveyard as he works his shift explaining to the camera that he has been hearing sounds of people when the area however he happens to miss something that most of you is caught almost immediately let me know if you spot it so I'm actually hearing something banging on the door I'm hoping I'm gonna catch you soon bear with me guys did you see it a young boy can be seen standing with his back towards the camera as the security guard walks around the corner according to him the little boy wasn't there at the time of the recording and just wasn't visible but there's more he continues to record live streams and other tik-tok videos while working future shifts one of which is even during the day and he can still hear mysterious voice seen coming from almost two different places at once hello yeah but listen you got to get out of here you're gonna have to come talk to me okay were you add I can't see you you're correct so you need to come out okay you guys hear this this is broad daylight I don't know where this kid is where are you but the scariest videos he has recorded has been inside a small chapel like building late at night check this out hello Hey look if you decide here 1 million fixing ended up in jail you understand so where are you I'm done with the [ __ ] man nope nope nope nope nope no no no no no no sometimes I hear [ __ ] with me are this scary and [ __ ] I ain't doing this garbage no more judging by his reaction to this experience I wouldn't be surprised if he quit his job soon after this video dancing fan this quick little dance video was uploaded by tic-tock user a hacker Aiden it shows a girl presumably Aiden doing a short dance in front of the camera and what looks to be her bedroom having fun minding her own business when something or should I say someone seems to want in on a dancing as you can see the door is completely closed but yet somehow it manages to pop open all by itself Aidan is clearly confused by this closes the door and continues to dance hey it's not the scariest tick-tock video on this list but I wanted to include it just to see what other people thought open grave this short and sweet or should I say spooky video is only 13 seconds long and was uploaded to YouTube and tick tock by user para birds in February of 2020 it shows two brothers exploring a graveyard and just before sunset when they discover an old crutch that has cracked over time however it's not until they go up to it do they see something look at this place hey man oh yeah almost as soon as the white colored hand comes out from within the video end so it is a little suspicious could this be real just a cleverly planned prank on the Internet Shadow Man this particular tick-tock of video has already made the rounds and many times before and accumulated around 25 million views it was originally uploaded by tic-tock user Billy Gulf the video shows a young girl dancing to Mariah Carey's song obsessed which I have to remove for copyright reasons the short video shows the girl putting the recording phone on to the kitchen floor and then jumps up onto the kitchen counter and starts dancing a few seconds in the camera captures this thinking that she was home alone at the time she was very surprised to see what looks to be a shadow person storming down the hallway of their house behind stage nicole martin uploaded this series of videos to tic toc only one of which we are actually interested in she states that she has been working at Warner Brothers Studios and that there is a particular area called soundstage 4 that is notoriously haunted I did a little research behind this and it's true to some degree because at one point a real-life Exorcist had been hired to bliss the set of director James winds movie the conjuring - and Wow the tic-tock videos made by Nicole may show evidence of that so this is the stage where they filmed the conjuring and here's the whole message that we made but they also had one in the conjuring and a paranormal investigator actually went down here and investigated and heard her name being called it's really creepy if you pause the video at a certain point so you can see what most people think is a small set of glowing eyes in a small mouth lurking in the dark underneath the soundstage whether you see it or not this isn't the first time people have seen or heard something in this area of Warner Brothers well let me know what you think about this particular video are people just clutching at straws suggesting they can see a little face in the dark or as it actually their house intruder this upcoming series of videos were uploaded to tick-tock by a user named face the lights a young girl who has only made a bunch of videos her videos mainly consist of her explaining to her mother how things are going in her new house everything seems fine until well she starts experiencing odd bangs and the flickering of light throughout her new place I know your service any more videos so here I am I'm in Sea Bright Eyes I miss California but Ohio's Vegas kind of boring UI is working really late tonight so I'm here by myself for a while I wanted to show you the new puzzle I'm working on maybe when I'm done with it I can say about that last video I had no idea what that was I think I just wanted to show you my room this is the bedding I thought this is from mom as you probably saw in the last video some really good stuff has been happening around here like I keep hearing the random noises I don't want to figure out I mean I'm not that worried about it I mean it's kind of icky but anyway on the lighter note I wanted to show you the kitchen there's the oven it's kind of wack but I put the nice towel that you sent me thank you up until now things aren't looking so good for this poor young girl in a new house but it gets worse as she continues to make tick tock videos for her mum she continues to capture more and more strange things inside her house this becomes obvious when things take a turn for the worse when some sort of shadow man or entity appears of right in front of her [Music] nothing has been uploaded since these lost videos and I can't help but think that a lot of people are probably wondering what ended up happening to this bill one of the creepiest series of tik-tok videos I have come across but are they real or are they just well planned out skit videos made with another friend Jesus Christ uploaded by Joe say underscore hce over on tik-tok and this video shows what these people might think is Jesus Christ hovering in mid air above surrounding neighborhood houses the man recording this video seems to have caught something rather unusual on camera in the near distance as he records the man-like entity flying across the sky surrounding people can also be heard questioning the strange event is that Jesus Christ please please Muhammad soon opening and tsunami yes mom don't a well-blended and went behind the tree then I can't see anyone oh no it's a 10 I'm gonna come home right away Vanessa do you mind moving apart so you don't think this balloons looks like it's coming despite what these people were saying I don't think it is actually Jesus Christ what do you think it could be a balloon an odd-shaped drone or even some sort of supernatural being coming down from the heavens you be the judge UFO this next video isn't necessarily scary but it is creepy in a way you see the following tik tok was recorded by a pilot and was uploaded to tik tok by a UFO enthusiast the video shows what looks to be a pilot of a commercial airline filming some sort of UFO flying rapidly towards them as you can see the plane looks quite high up in the sky in my opinion it doesn't exactly look like the usual 30,000 feet there most bigger planes cruise at bats high on the list the object appears to look as if it's made out of some sort of metal material and the object also appears to be in the shape of a ball square box or type of polyhedron it looks to be flying towards them in a straight line with no regard to the plane or safety whatsoever so what do you guys think this could be could this be a genuine UFO sighting caught on camera look in the mirror a young woman by the name of Katie lund uploaded the following video Katie uploads a lot of funny tic TOCs however this one in particular is not like any others she has made the video in question has been uploaded multiple times by Katie and shows what she and many other people seem to think maybe a ghost shadow person or spirit of sorts she starts by simply starting the video by saying out loud paranormal activity house chick and Wow I will just play the video and let you see for yourself paranormal activity house check did you spot it on the left-hand side of the screen and she pans across a shed all of sorts can be seen running at some speed in the background the scary part is is that no one else was in the room with Katie at the time she hasn't made a ghost related video before or since this one so it makes you wonder and just what it could have been what do you think red door a young woman named Connor uploaded this series of videos of her and her roommates exploring their own house in an attempt to find out why strange sounds were coming from their basement okay guys we've been hearing really weird noises coming from our basement and our landlord told us to not go down here it's been locked do you hear that that's coming from the basement this door has been locked we have never gone down there after being told by their landlord not to go down there of course then they had to after mustering up the courage to go down into the basement a small group of them decide that once and for all they're going to find out what is making all the noise oh there's no door out there there is not a that means there's a demon locked in there I'm not kidding that's so creepy it like screws I after discovering a creepy red door with some sort of devil war demonic stencil wanted they take a closer look and realize that the door has been screw closed for some time after the group of housemates acknowledged that they can't into the room they decide to write a little note to whoever wore what Hitler is lurking behind the creepy red door diamond war part 7 okay someone mention writing a note to the demon so we're gonna write it down on the paper we're gonna say does a demon live here and I'm gonna have boxes doesn't know we don't know what saying if attacked my string and sliding them to the door and import on this lot we're gonna use some floss let's go okay we're gonna run down there really quickly I mean it's gonna slide this under the door and go run back up cuz we're so sure I have stop cursing no you just have to run down there we have to run down just keep thinking we're ignoring it we keep on hearing these noises like that's Ryan okay go for it you got the note tonight on oh my god I finally starts down here oh my god I heard something okay let's do what we came here to do spy became what we spot the no under there and then just leave I'm back up and then check on the note later let me work with more people from home okay okay okay like what if we can't fly too much it's there's nothing on well could be just the spirit remember oh yeah you think it listens to making the knowledge I think have to go I think have to go I need to go running over grab the godless string I think it's gonna run back but now I'm gonna go right in and I was so hot [Music] [Music] after everything is all said and done the group of housemates don't hear any more noises coming from the basement and Connor's video since have had nothing to do with the odd occurrences their group were experiencing in the house perhaps whatever was making the strange sounds has moved on who knows Matrix is broken uploaded by tic-tock user Victor Cruz - wait zero and then soon after deleted this video shows what many people call something going wrong in the matrix it has thought that a glitch in the fabric of space and time or operations system that is our universe from time to time has glitches these rare occurrences are referred to as a glitch in the matrix in this particular real-life glitch in video Victor manages to record a man driving his car waiting for the lights to turn green the freaky part is the man's actions don't match what the wing mirror is showing take a look I'm watching this dude through the mirror right and his face is moving but the look at that his face just moved but the guy in the mirror is seen the same yo the matrix is broken since being uploaded the video has been viewed millions of times and no one can quite make out just to what is happening here most people who have seen this video claim it's just another glitch in the matrix Newhouse a young man named tres uploaded these next two videos showing off his new house his momma had just moved into upon moving into their new house Trey stood some research on the property and discovered it was built halfway underground as a century for schizophrenic children in the early 1900s Trey's only started to explore the underground parts of the house because his dog wouldn't stop barking once he started exploring with his dog he came across a door that was nailed closed and barricaded with planks of wood to keeping the most people out but not trace after molding a key and coming back the next day tres and his brother opened and the mysterious door to find this if we slow the video down and repeat it a couple of times we can see something - lurking in the darkness but so there's more after tres and his brother had ran out of the room and off their property something appeared to have followed them because they soon saw this the boy's mother told them not to post anything about this online but obviously they did this is probably one house I would not want to move in - tell me what you think about these two videos in the comments down below paranormal activity this interesting series of videos was uploaded to Tech Talk by Dixon a three the account belongs to a couple who make videos on the golden retriever over on another tik-tok account I couldn't find any information on these videos so I'm just going to assume that they had been hearing noises of some sort or perhaps the owners just wanted to keep an eye out on their beloved pets regardless of why they bought security cameras since purchasing them the couple have managed to capture some pretty spooky stuff [Music] [Music] along with orbs and kitchen cupboard doors flying open and scaring their poor cats and they have also captured objects moving all by themselves but scariest of all of this has to be a supposed to shadow person at the end of the hallway the couple definitely had something spooky going on in their house while either that or they're putting on a good series of videos for their followers you be the judge told you a man with the deepest voice in history uploaded these next three videos to tick-tock the man has the username thumb Bellis and the majority of the time he makes tick-tock videos on his work as a landscape gardener he has 20 or so videos to date however we are only interested in three of them the first one of which is of him explaining to the camera that some crazy stuff has been happening he states that one of the houses he is working on is vacant but the AC appears to be turning on and off he gets a sense that someone is watching him there from one of the windows above alright so the word just happened right now though it's been happening I should take so I'm working in these backyards it's all new construction here good landscaping in right back to back to back yards but for whatever reason at this particular house right here behind me it's vacant I went inside I got the code from the realtor company I shut off the AC from inside the house this thing has been going off and on every time I racked I felt like somebody's looking at me over my shoulder like the real like freaky look like I'm not even lying like this place is they can't like nobody lives in there these are empty completely I turned it off this thing keeps going on and off I don't know what it is but I keep getting this eerie feeling what yeah he then grabs a key for the empty house so that he can take a closer look you're dead silence next house we'll look now shut up my god for any - I guess for reals outside downstairs I'm still kind of tripping off the blowing down there after seeing some of the blinds move and the ceiling fan pull chain move by itself he decides to get out of there however many of his followers didn't believe that there was something or someone in that house so he decided to go back once again in an attempt to catch something on camera all right so I'm back and the Sun is setting our first things first off you were with this last time come on out do this do do last time so I've been here mess with the tunnel and I keep hearing know that I heard somebody you know once the Bellas captures one of the upstairs bedroom doors closing on its own he legs it out of there never to return he even told the real estate company that he wouldn't go back so what do you think did this man come across something paranormal you decided 1908 this next set of videos was uploaded by Josh ballast over on tick-tock the first of two videos showed Josh explaining to the camera that he and some roommates just moved into an old house that was built in 1908 he continues by showing what himself and the others had already found in the house Josh's sitting up his room when he discovers part of his room has been blocked off by a piece of wood that covers up an empty part of the wall Sameer my roommates just moved into this house and it was built in 1908 and I'm getting my room set up and stuff and look what I just found okay what the [ __ ] is this all right check back in to see what's behind this thing armed with an electric drill him and another friend unscrew the piece of board and discover what is hidden behind what are you guys sure you wanna do this yeah I'm sure I mean send it right now and try and find out thank you boy it's like a kind of old sort of in pictures what is all this hey here after taking the piece of wood down and Josh and his friend crawl into the space to discover what appears to be some sort of satanic sitter with creepy looking photographs that have been partially burnt obviously this freaks the young man out and I'm going to assume that they boarded it back up and never hinted their crawlspace again girl on the tree this interesting little video was uploaded by Ashley Murrayfield over on tick-tock the simple video shows Ashley recording her young son who was sitting in a car seat in the back of her car her son starts to freak Ashley out by saying that he can see something hanging from a tree in the near distance confused by all of this Ashley continues to ask her son questions and this is what he had to say honey there's nobody in the tree you can see somebody yeah I don't are you sure I don't see anybody honey you see a girl yeah Oh is she is she okay what's she doing honey how did I don't think there's a dead girl in the tree baby there's nothing in the tree [Music] honey there's nobody in the tree you can see her what does she look like whether or not her young son can really see a dead woman hanging from a tree I think it would be scary regardless to hear your young child say something so out of the blue like that no doubt gave Ashley more than a little fright that day she also states that at the end he says it's not a lady but she's still dead he also told her after she stopped a recording that she was tied to the tree very creepy indeed dance fan this next set of tick-tock videos comes to us by a girl named Gabby dear she usually uploads dance videos like many other people do however this first one is a little different from that Gabby gets dropped off from school by a friend who locks all the doors and makes a tick-tock a video however it wasn't until later when she saw something or someone lurking in the background of her video Debbie thought she was the only one home but as you can see near the end of the dance video someone appears to be walking around in the background in the next of video she explains what happened that day in the events that transpired soon after she acknowledged the unknown person in the house story time today I got a home school my friend shot me off because both my parents were at work and my brothers at college but I come home I lock all the doors I went on tick-tock and I mean that tick-tock then after I was like looking at it and then I saw like the thing in the background but my dog like went over there but didn't bark and I turned around and like nothing was there so I obviously got freaked out so I ran into the bathroom I locked the door and that's when my dogs are like barking and I called my mom she didn't answer because she was in a meeting I called my dad he didn't answer and I didn't want to call the cops right away because I didn't know what it was so I just called my neighbor and they weren't home and they said just stay in the bathroom like I'll try and get there as soon as possible locked in the bathroom my dog was still barking and then I heard they can noise and I was saying oh my god what is this so after that I didn't hear another noise and my dog stopped barking so I was probably in the bathroom for like five minutes at this time but I'm out of time so like the car too now most people want to know whether or not this was a setup or the friend or another family member or if this was indeed real when there was a possible creep in the house could this one be real or is it just another tick-tock skit sinister a woman by the name of Sharon Oh Vera uploaded this short tick-tock video of her watching a supposedly cursed a movie called sinister circle a film about a skeptical psychologist and a mute son face evil went the site of a terrible tragedy involving a secret society in an ancestral Ouija board as she's watching the movie strange things start to happen within her house okay so I'm watching this movie cost another circle on Netflix supposedly the movie is cursed and so halfway through the movie I started hearing crazy noises around the house oh my god yeah I know y'all see that oh whoa oh my god whoa oh yo brother Michael we just turned on Oh nah nah like I still want to watch the movie okay I know about you but I'm grouchy I'm gonna keep watching his movie cuz I love it Oh Rob my momma's little elephant frickin fell bro I'm I'm I'm at like a playground for this virus I can't go out to think this movie's not even that good no offense but I can't always that was Oh sherrod seems okay with things happening in her house and that is until some of her mother's ornaments start flying around the room once this happened she was out of there she has since made one more tick tocking video regarding the Paranormal Activity in this video she is recording a dance video when something in the background appears to move by itself nightclub ghosts this next creepy video was uploaded to tick-tock by Katherine Goodwin the quick video shows her and some friends out and what appears to be a nightclub having fun drinking and getting a simple video for some memories everything is going normal until one of them becomes aware that some unexpected visitor is in on the video now I've had to remove the audio clip because it contains a copyrighted song however the girl on the far right says out loud did you see a ghost another interesting thing to look at is the way it did did looking arm that hangs over the girl's shoulder who was sitting on the far left it's a very creepy video it appears to be genuine but who really knows what do you think strange neighbors a German woman by the name of Clara Elizabeth uploaded this next video clara records a video from her upstairs of her house and drawing the day she zooms in on her neighbor's house presumably a bedroom in their house she's looking in because she has become aware of a strange face looking back at her just after getting his face on camera she pants down and notices that there is another man standing down on a small concrete wall looking back up at her frightened by this Clara Innes the tech dog video in there so we will never know just what was happening at her house that day not necessarily the scariest tick-tock ever but creepy to say the least unexpected visitor this video is a short one and shows a Zack or the amazing a Zack playing around with a toy know when is a wonder worm at where you can learn tricks or magic with when all of a sudden her bedroom door starts to creak open all by itself the creepy thing here is that the door doesn't seem to be pushed open abruptly but more open slowly and controlled take another look obviously not as scary as some of the other videos but I wanted to include it because I wanted to know what you guys thought of it could this easily be faint let me know in the comments down below so stirred the following video was uploaded by a spanish-speaking woman named Alexia Estrada the quick tick-tock video shows Alexia walking slowly down a set upstairs singing a song that involved clapping when out of nowhere this happens as you can tell by her reaction she appears to be genuinely frightened whether or not the man crawling along the ground as a friend or not I don't know I'm guessing it's not but hey even if it is he managed to not only scare her but a lot of people who have watched this video charged up uploaded by tic-tock arena rain but originally recorded by Andrade trucken Ovitz of YouTube this very unusual video shows what appears to be some sort of electricity charged or the walking or even float chain across a set of train tracks as you can see from the video Ray was also confused by this and overlaid some text on it asking what it could be as Ray said it does look as if the charged up ball of energy has legs on it at one point Paranormal Activity electrical phenomenon ball lightning whatever it was we may never know garage visitor this last video was uploaded to tick-tock by user Harvey got away the short video shows a guy recording himself walking into his garage at night he states that he has heard a weird noise inthere and goes in to find out what it was everything seems normal until he walks around the ringer of an old car and sees an old lamp move on its own now of course this could just have been done with someone else in the room but what do you think let me know what your opinion is on this particular video in the comments down below spirit sounds this next set of videos is brought to us by a young woman named Kimberly Rhodes the next three videos of her show what she thinks is some sort of spirit occupying the house she lives in the first video shows Kimberly up late one night claiming to the camera that there is someone or something downstairs and her dog Daisy seems to think the same thing check this out guys it's happening again it Daisy is also down there right now and there's no way she could make that knocking sound oh my gosh okay okay Daisy honey what's down there I don't see it Oh oh my god I'm in living right now I'm not alone right now yes Daisy stop it's okay it's okay it's okay okay okay whatever you are you need to leave now now days later Kimberly and her roommate has some noises coming from the basement and weirdly they decide to go down and check it out oh my god that did not just happen so what you guys saw in my last video what was the hallway leading to my roommates Department and she is home now whenever I feel in that video she wasn't home but she is home now and we have decided that we are going to go in the basement so okay all right so we're gonna just go check out what's over here I a few days after all of this happening as she decides to ask questions from what I'm only going to assume is some sort of spirit box app on our iPhone the following video shows that whoever is in her house knows exactly who everyone is including the dog okay okay what's my dog's name can you tell me my dog's name [Applause] I'm gonna puke it just went Daisy like super karana okay after having watched these videos I was surprised to find that she had no more paranormal type videos on her page perhaps anis was legit you be the judge the mountain house this video was uploaded to tick tock by Trina Award as the stories go back in the 1900s when the Martin family occupied this residence they employed servants that would come to work on a daily basis that is until Martin found out that his beautiful wife was becoming a bit too close with one of the male servants it said by some that one day in a fit of rage Martin hung the young servant from a big oak tree on the property near the water it's also said that Martin also later killed his entire family there this is the Martin house haunted Panama City Florida my first book and I'm just driving by randomly looking in the window please somebody tell me you see a child supposedly maybe stories have changed over the years man went crazy and killed his entire family after finding out his wife was cheating with the servant hung the servant on a tree that used to be in the front yard that the hurricane took out but the stories are that the children can be seen I see a kid so what do you think in this could this possibly be the spirit of one of the young daughters sitting there at the window I'll let you decide on that Trina in Ward published a book on this place and I suggest you check it out if you found this clip of hers even remotely interesting ghost girl this creepy tick-tock video was uploaded by Carlos Kimmel that the video simply shows a view on top of a building he originally uploaded this video to Instagram and his followers suggested that he take another look at it watch the video and see if you can see what Carlos missed the first time around so did you see it if you look closely your girl with long black hair can be seen hiding behind one of the concrete structures that sits on the roof it's somewhat unusual because Carlos doesn't seem to have any other creepy or even strange videos on his tick-tock page theater shadow this next video was uploaded to tick-tock by a young man named Travis the video simply shows Travis walking down the steps within a movie theater explaining what his job entails slightly after checking the emergency exit doors locked and seeing that no one is still working behind the curtains he turns around and sees something rather unexpected so I work in a movie theater and we have to check the theatres at night you know once you're done closing is not sure just flash the camera check the door and then you have to check behind these curtains just to make sure no hobos are back here you know no one's back here and then you just go what the now something important to note is that he was the only one there or at least he'd thought so he goes back up and attempts to find who he saw just a moment earlier I just saw somebody up here and it's a scary I've ever seen dude like I'm like I was just down here and I was back down there in that corner right there they literally just like camp what the fwhat of knowing himself that this was not another human being but something else he insisted that he would quit his job after this and never return but what do you guys think could this be real maybe it could also be just a well-executed prank you be the judge man's best friend these next home videos have been uploaded to tick-tock via user pongo Peggy at the GSP the videos are recorded by Pongo the dog's owner Kimmy the tick-tock page revolves mostly around Pongo a German Shorthaired Pointer although they have many videos they'd all these two are the ones we're interested in the most you see their form a dog or older dog that passed away as kept in a cremation box that sits up on the shelf and what looks to be their living room apparently Pongo never knew that previous dog but as you can see he seems to be aware of the dogs ashes and is acting as if he wants to play with it over there there's literally no one there let's go look are you kidding confused to the owners take Pongo upstairs only for him to start sniffing around in the exact area their former dogs ashes are it's almost as if their former dog is still around waiting wanting to play with the new one come here this very short video was uploaded to tick-tock by a NGO named Chantal Taylor the video shows her dancing in miming to a song when out of the blue someone or should I say something appears to grab her here take a look I'm not sure how you would fake something like this many people believe it to be real but what do you guys think haunted house this next set or series of tic toc videos is brought to us via a young man named Nick his tick-tock page Nick Cimino 68 has garnered a lot of attention as of light for his rather creepy videos he Swit was view is that his house has become haunted after he discovered a hidden box full of psychiatric patient wristbands from many years ago since finding and reading through some of them on camera his family's house has become Wow quite haunted it has been many weeks now since he found the wristbands hidden away in a wall and lately the paranormal activity calmed a bit Wow until lately when it appeared to start up again this time even stronger okay guys my lights have been flicking for like two minutes we heard a baby crying and now they won't stop two of the lights blew out it's what we're yeah I think I just literally seen the remote fall oh my god I don't know what to do I don't want to even move from over here this is insane did you catch it on camera is anyone there the TV's on the blue lights on for the okay this is great what is happening hello hello the other lamp just went off down there hello okay yes I just caught the video because something literally rolled out of the dark in front of me and my mom and I still haven't gone down there so we're just staying in the flickering kitchen spirit if you're here right now oh my God Jesus Christ spirit okay what is okay my light sir what is going on spirit is there a reason you're breaking glass are you upset with me that I'm recording right now spirit oh my god literally this is for you no way this is insane even if these are fake and then nick has done a great job at coordinating a series of videos on tick tock however most people that have seen these videos think that they in the real deal my question to you is would you stay in a house that is haunted with this much paranormal activity I personally struggle to get to sleep at night knowing that all of this was going on what do you think you
Channel: Shadow Man
Views: 810,266
Rating: 4.8153667 out of 5
Keywords: top 50, top50, top10, top 10, scary, tiktok, tik tok, tiktok videos, scary tiktok videos, scary tik tok videos, tiktok vids, scary tiktok vids, creepy, spooky, creepiest, ghost, tiktok ghost videos, paranormal, paranormal tiktok videos, compilation, montage, best, top, 2020, first half
Id: ItNKXAbkGos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 51sec (5631 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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