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threat comes to our Shores and I must call you home restore what has been broken unite old enemies Forge New bonds you are a hero but you can be more you can be a leader you are Wonder Woman [Music] best to start at the beginning perhaps midgar the city of moo ruled by the Shinra Electric Power Company who drained the planet of its very essence the Liv stream and processed it for industry as Maco our the world was dying and so few could hear her cries for Mercy those who could rose up in her defense the anti- Shinra Rebels Avalanche among them Cloud Strife an ex Soldier hired by the resistance to destroy reactor 1 in Sector 8 amidst the aftermath of the attack Cloud met a flower seller named aith she offered him a yellow blossom oh oh awesome I don't think I think Gomez will miss this hey oh hello I didn't hear you coming I'm looking for well clues about last night's disaster I see well I have to settle this soon Gomez has little p Oma Fly Away Michael Anderson follow protocol [ __ ] [ __ ] what the hell is going on can anyone hear me over can anyone answer damn it [Applause] no [Music] 8 5 4 3 2 1 [Music] [Applause] [Music] Zer Neo Berlin 2087 there all fighting to take control over the city inside the new berin wall the corporations control everything the elites live in luxury Rebels try to destroy it all and the rest just fights to survive the nightmares keep getting worse terrifying dreams become reality the police chief has been murdered I'm special investigator Nolan I have to track down his daughter Natalie she saw what happened whatever she knows must be big a journey to save her I hope I'm not too late whoever is responsible doesn't want this to be solved I'm being followed targeted the truth is always a threat when corruption is in control maybe I can stop this city from falling into [Music] chaos [Music] how do you save Humanity if no one's fully human a crime something like this should never have happened I was right their Glory tell of War like [Applause] Sparta Faith destined them for Godlike greatness but the gods had other plans [Music] their ambition angered the goddess and Wing the retribution show them no mercy lots of people lost things in the blackout I was lucky I just lost the [Music] job but now they want me [Music] back picking through the pieces being someone else in places that no longer exist that's where you find me search me in the Land of the Dead [Music] [Music] [Music] as rules it decides where you [Applause] belong and what you're worth but you come on keep moving you can chart a new [Music] course even when death seems a certainty do not give up on the shores of a new world you awaken more determined than ever to carve a life of your choice fighting will be hurt I predict fireworks you think Kate's feelings getting her way watch her reaction when you ask for the musket then tell me I'm wrong don't you have business elsewhere go save us all from the Beast go do my sister's Chow work I need a musket B skin S I should have yours you'll rot in hell first you and your sister don't much like each other do you no we love each other and everyone here owes her their lives but thick skin measures worth by metal the strong will live and the weak will die she chose you to hunt the Beast with my musket she doesn't have to say a word about what she thinks of me the more I know thick skin the more I like her some would call her ruthless is she WR wrong I she's wrong we survive when we care for each other there's honor in that if this keeps up there won't be a wolf my dad tells stories of a terrible war that happened across the sky Heroes fought and died to give us a chance to start [Applause] over all that I know from their Earth are the creatures they sent along with us and here on a Roth every day is a fight to survive but if anyone can tame this new world we can we will embrace our suffering soothe our scars of grief and break their Siege of our minds you may see them as Gods but we will show you what lies behind their eyes wait listen it's coming he's here my name he can smell your fear it knows our name how does it know our name to risk your own life for what you believe is your sacrifice to make to lead others to death brings a different kind of Burden one that senoa would have to learn to play show [Music] to all Daredevils who don't shy away from a challenge a tournament is being held to win the favor of the queen of last year's M's parade the winner will have the honor of entertaining the beautiful Liliana during the M's parade which will begin tomorrow after the vesus Service as is customary anyone can try their luck the entry fee is but one silver angel reach into your purses the collected funds will go toward building a new monument to Christ triumphant one Majestic enough to Eclipse that piece of trumpery from shus well well The Inquisitor himself graes us with his presence I'm happy to see you master I am Guido Von Herson the town's mayor it is nice to meet you [Music] [Music] mayor [Music] could she really be here waiting for [Music] me Mary died of that damn disease 3 years ago [Music] in my Restless dreams I see that town Silent [Music] Hill [Music] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] you must [Music] [Music] be a [Music] [Music] [Applause] on [Music] [Music] [Music] the monsters of Dragon's Dogma 2 behave organically in the world around them and will even react to players by using their wits against [Music] you next I would like to show you the Mage in action Mages excel at long range magical attacks as well as healing and support spells that Boer your party with various enchantments to give allies an advantage in battle the more advanced and Powerful the magic is the longer the incantation will take in addition to the pawns You Adventure with you will occasionally act with other inhabitants of the world what's this we're [Music] trapped lastly let's take a look at the thief as a thief you use daggers to strike at your enemies relying on agility and quick attacks use Swift step to quickly move away from enemies after an attack the key strategy for the thief against away [Music] [Music] it won't make any difference at the end of the day you know better than anyone else that no one could Escape everyone wears a mask you too this is a real face he'll let you live what secret did you sell him stay with you by your side close your tired I and I'll wait and soon I'll see your smile in a dream baby don't worry it's okay I'll always be with [Music] you and still he your heart [Music] see we need to secure a route to advance to the large building on the hill watch out for enemy Ambush you have extraordinary potion you must have been The Descendant the ancestors dreamed of when they stared into the future I'm loading done sacrifice for [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] fear is the mind killer fear is the Little Death that brings total obliteration I will face my fear I will permit it to pass over and through me and when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its [Music] path [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I fore speech of those who breathe hear my clamor give us thine blessing give us thine righteousness give us thine peace at the end of our journey only thine word is true only thine church is the path Thou Art the end and in being the end Thou Art the beginning oh lady I beg of thee give us thine protection today that we might make thee an offer of a thousand infidels cut down by our swords postpone today our inevitable end so that our life becomes an instrument of death by the breath by the war by the peace that get down go down by 2035 we have formed a new breed of elite special forces who are better prepared to manage these latest threats to our Global societies no fear no [Music] retreat pull those P Recon Arrow out stay with it using spoke scen powering up let's do this told you you're depleting their numbers try to finish them off hold the line here comes their last for shot for you for m [Music] [Music] [Music] m a preacher so another preacher huh how do you outside do not understand that AR didn't build that 300 M wall out there for fun we have to find your a way [Music] out I wish I could tell you what I saw I wish I could put it into words but most of all I wish I could forget could be the remnant it can't be there hasn't been one in decades when we're all dead and gone and Lim technology but a footnote in the history books the anomalies will remain they're the legacy of our work here and the Olympic Peninsula belongs to them now look around we're stuck here for good you were heartless brutal a [Music] monster and I'm proud of you for changing all that but I'm here to ask you to be those things once more for them for me can I count on you Big B can I count on you always I see you've already stolen traversal equipment you'll need needed to stay off the streets setting a new Recon Point go D like to boast but how great was [Music] I [Music] [Music] let ouch it was B in Money Talk creeps walk you know I hear that good day Pango remember me no ain't this a right Rogue Gallery who's the big bleeder think his cousin used to work for me o which one uh busted him out of a surface we're getting the hell out of the city before Argus finds us you win but we are working for Argus you bloody what real slick shark good talk nice k up give my regards to the locals hey man watch the a [ __ ] glass I'm okay what the hell you got there thought this baby was a [Music] myth [Music] [Applause] C [Music] [Music] w acted while on a job I got hit in the head and when I woke up I was in almost nothing but my birthday [Music] s [Music] oh [ __ ] here's your Vault where the hell would I need a bolt take a look around a [Music] crap door open the door I face tyrants and would be Gods seen friends lose life and limb but there's always someone bent on Breaking the world it's time for a new hero no magic has and no ancient prophecy the kind of person they'll never see coming we've got your back I've got your back demons dragons dark spawn [Music] even [Music] [Music] after three centuries of the tokugawa's repressive rule the Black Ships appeared without warning and our nation began to tear itself apart those who cleave to the Past those who embrace the new and the Ronin a Warrior free of all Masters and [Music] [Music] bonds people don't like you very much do they sent here to the living lands by an emperor who couldn't bother to come himself to investigate some plague that seems to be corrupting our very [Music] Souls you want us to trust you but the truth is you scare us the way you fight the power you wield the secet FRS you keep you're either here to save us or destroy [Music] us [Music] Bo [Music] the world is filled with stories of Legendary Heroes and treacherous [Music] villains of Fantastical creatures and wondrous places when nature and magic live in Perfect Harmony not all stories have Happy Endings but yours has yet to be written [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you sureee [Music] that's a [Music] thing hey Andy you're late k d is waiting what are you worried no okay no try what be careful dona's a broker not a friend she can't be trusted who can out here see you back at the ship round two and I still like my odds kave I want what do you want no vanic to be free of them to take revenge for what was done to me to [Music] us is [Music] the he [Music] shots fired shots fired [Music] [Music] k for for speech [Music] a
Channel: WildGamerSK
Views: 705,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WildGamerSK, PC, Gameplay, HD, 4K, Gameplay 4K, 4K Ultra HD, Walkthrough, 4K Walkthrough, New, top 50 upcoming games, top 50 upcoming games 2024, top upcoming games 2024, top 50 games coming in 2024, top games coming in 2024, best games 2024, best pc games 2024, best ps5 games 2024, best xbox games 2024, upcoming video games 2024, new upcoming games in 2024
Id: YS8MW_Hb1wI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 25sec (3505 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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