Top 5 Tips for Pathfinder 2E

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what's up everybody it is i rob from sage tower games and this video is going to talk a bit about pathfinder second edition i have been reading a bit online hearing people talk about how pathfinder condition is too brutal compared to first edition compared to dnd 5e some people have even left a path final second condition they've gone to a different game because they've been turned off by the brutality of pathfinder 2e now this video is going to talk about five ways that you can make 2e less intense and less brutal number five and this is for the dms out there play your enemies smart or correct also i say play your enemies to the intelligence level if they are an animal if they are obese and they don't have that like smart intelligence they have more of the instinct based mentality they're not going to know who to focus fire they're not going to know that that spot cast in the back might be a bigger threat than the fighter up front you may know you may know that person has less health less ac but they don't know that if some creature hits if some player hits them with a really big attack that's going to be considered their biggest threat now not the guy next to them who hasn't hit them yet in three rounds so make sure your your creatures play how they should be now if they're an intelligent creature fine that makes sense but if they are an if they are a creature that doesn't have that super intelligence don't have them have the suit the best tactics have them make mistakes in combat you know they may want to rush to go over to the enemy it may provoke a reaction from the fighter it may provoke something you know you don't they don't know that so keep that in mind when you're kind of planning out when you're running your battles number four hero points now hero points in one e was kind of an optional variant thing but in tui it's actually part of the rules i modify mine a bit and where i don't give them out as frequently but i allow them to take the better role hero points is a good system to implement especially if you have newer people to 2e the damage can be very spiky and you can be suddenly caught off guard and mixing you know you're dead hero points you can use them for two main things one to re-roll any dice that you may have rolled so that will save that reflex save even the attack rule and more importantly you can use all your hero points to bring yourself back up from dying these are two ways one to help them in general in the game and two to help them actually survive i would highly recommend hero points for anybody playing second edition number three group initiative or should i say don't do group initiative this is for again for the dms out there it is very common place to in pathfinder especially if you have a lot of enemies to roll one initiative for all the enemies and in one ear that kind of works it makes combat go faster everything's smoother but in 2e that can be bad for instance take four skeletons if you give them all the same initiative when it's their turn to go you're looking at a chance for your party to get 7-8 attacks with un unbroken up a few bad rolls here and there that could down a front line no problem so don't do that instead if you want to do a group initiative to make combat not as sloggy split it up maybe have two groups of skeletons two and two that way you can still have a little bit of a group initiative but there's a chance for them to be broken up in the initiative tracker so that players can actually react to it you don't want your players to sit there take seven eight attacks before they even get a chance to do anything and next thing you know that person's down so don't do group initiative if it has the potential to just completely wreck your party [Music] number two medicine specifically non-magical medicine if they have made medicine or healing very important in this game it's a lot better it's a lot easier to heal with not using magic in money everybody's used to potions and spamming your wand with cure light wounds and all that good stuff no here wands aren't spammable and you have to focus on other ways to heal having someone in your party that is good at medicine but they don't have to go full on battle medic archetype but as long as they can do some healing to help you guys in between fights i suggest there's at least one person in your party who has medicine to help with the healing to that way you guys don't have as much stress going from battle to battle to battle and number one the most important thing that you can do in path find the second edition to not feel as brutal is tactics i know it sounds stupid it sounds simple but many people don't realize this with the new system in second edition combat is a lot more fluid in money it was you move in and you attack and you guys just keep attacking until someone dies because you you didn't want to move because if you moved out of range you got hit by an attack of opportunity everyone dies so but in 2e it's different not everything has a reaction to do an attack of opportunity you can move in you can get out you can you can move you know be more fluid you shouldn't put yourself in a position where the enemy creature on their turn can fully attack you if they can spend all three of their actions attacking that's bad especially as you get creatures that have more and more attacks for instance taking point a dragon or some sort of dragon creature they have draconic frenzy gives them three attacks for two actions so that means if they don't have to move they can attack you four times in one action in one turn if you end up right next to them if you move away then they have to move and they get you that that cuts off one act that cuts off one attack for them so you see that kind of like ways simple things like simple things like that works you need to think about how to properly fight it is not a simple traditional way of fighting there are comment maneuvers you can do there are spells spells you get less spells but they hit more with a punch conditions status effects those kind of things matter now don't forget ac is considered a dc so anything that affects a dexterity based dc or all dc's will affect the creatures ac as well don't forget that that's a way to get free debuffs on their armor class so even dazzled it's a flat dc-5 check for them to even hit you i mean yeah they'll probably pass it but 25 chance that they might miss it's still a 25 chance that they might miss so don't let don't let it get away you know this is probably the biggest thing i can tell people when they're playing second edition don't forget about tactics conditions positioning all that it's really important in this one more than it was in first edition so with that being said these are five things that i think players can do ngms that can make the game less brutal or seem less brutal to you guys what are your guys's thoughts on how to make 2e look less brutal post your your ideas your thoughts in the comments down below and make sure to also like comment and definitely subscribe to the channel for more pathfinder 2e videos as well as two pathfinder campaigns we have age of ashes every sunday night at 8 00 pm eastern and we have agents of edgewatch on thursday nights at 7 00 pm eastern so be sure to check those out right here on this channel thank you guys for watching and i hope to see you guys for some more pathfinder 2e content
Channel: Sage Tower Games
Views: 1,145
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Pathfinder, 2nd, Edition, Tips, Top, Five, Hero, Points, Group, Initiative, Tactics, TTRPG, D&D, Dungeons, and, Dragons, Roleplay, Tabletop, Roleplaying, Game, 1e, First, Second
Id: I7sxvojvFtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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