Diving into the NEW Ancestry Guide (Part 1)

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what's up everybody rob here from sage tower games and i'm bringing you guys videos on the brand new pathfinder 2nd edition book the lost omens the ancestry guide now this is the second time i'm going through this book and the ancestry guide review i did some on my live stream which you can catch on youtube and twitch and unfortunately there was some audio issues so the quality of the video wasn't up to par to make it onto an actual youtube video so here we are again jumping back into the ancestries and we have a lot of them 14 brand new ancestries coming at us so let's dive right in without further ado now the first heritage that we're going to be checking is the android heritage and this one is an interesting one because obviously we have androids from pathfinder first edition plus we also now have star finder which gives us another new way to look at androids and we can check out the art for the androids and it's pretty cool like this could almost pass as a starfinder character with the robotic lines the second one not so much just because he's trying to like use a swiss army knife or something here so but the first one definitely looks cool so with that let's scroll down i'm gonna skip over the physical description we kind of know what androids look like we are curious because obviously in second edition compared to like star finder star finally had a different way to build characters so how they actually build them in this edition so eight hit points medium 25 feet you get a dexterity boost an intelligence boost and a charisma floor makes sense androids usually are penalized in charisma due to the fact that they can't read emotions that well they can speak common they can speak and drop in and they have a bunch of additional languages they have low light vision same as a star finder constructed plus one bonuses to disease poison and radiation and they are emotionally unaware minus one penalty to diplomacy performance and perception checks to sense motive again like we said they have struggling to connect with people so let's look into the android heritages we have artisan android so this is if you want to be trained in crafting and you also get a specialty crafting of your choice all right pretty cool crafting specialized heritage the impersonator android this is if you want to deceive and pretend to be a human that's kind of but you really on android you get bonuses to impersonate a human you're trained in deception and you don't have to you need a desire a disguise kit pretty cool one labor or android that's when you train in athletics and you gain the hefty hauler skill so very very physically based kind of android the polyglot android as i like to call it d3po um you are very a translator you can speak a lot of languages you learn two new languages and if you get the multilingual feed you get three languages instead of two so it'll be a lot easier for you to understand all different languages out there and then the war of your android you're naturally a gifted warrior you're training all simple and martial weapons in my opinion this one is probably the weakest because depending on what class you are you're probably already trained in the weapons that would fit for your class so unless you're trying to play as someone who doesn't have access to martial weapons from their class but you still want to use a martial weapon that's really only purpose for this kind of android in my opinion i definitely think um impersonator is pretty fun i think that that's a pretty fun one outside of that polyglot or laborer is pretty good the android feats so android lore obviously gives you gives you android lore cleansing subroutine each time you succeed at a save against a poison it reduces the stage by two instead of one see him against like a critical success it's by three versus two emotionless you gain a plus one circumstance bonus against emotion and fears and if you roll a success it's a critical success instead that's a really good fee at level 1 being able to essentially create success against emotion or fear-based effects and a lot of like the auras for creatures are either emotional or fear-based so that's definitely in my opinion a solid feat to pick up at level one internal compartment and pretty self-explanatory you have a spot where you can actually store some item inside you i think androids have that as well in star finder as well so that knife surge you stimulate your nanites in a plus two bonus to a skill check in addition you glow a little bit letting a 10 foot emanation with dimmer light around you for one round this leads to a few things consistent surge you can use it once per 10 minutes as opposed to where it usually is once per hour offensive subroutine that lets you do it for attack rolls giving you a plus one to an attack rule and protective gives you a plus two for saving throws so essentially it's kind of ways to use your nanites to give you a bonus when you need it all pretty cool the combat one's a little bit weak in my opinion a plus one at level nine may not be as big of a deal so the other ones are pretty good night vision adaptation you guessed it gives you dark vision pretty straightforward always always good to have have dark vision as an option proximity alert you gain a plus two bonus to perception which is probably your standard role for initiative so they're just a flat plus two to initiative also a solid feed the androids have a lot of really good level one ancestry feats radiant circuitry you just light up like a torch 20 foot radius and it shuts off when you want to or when you're knocked down so if you ever need light no need to cast light on an object you are the light advanced targeting system you can catch two-strike once per day as a first level arcane spell that's pretty useful um once per day kind of makes a little bit less blah but the fact that you can essentially if you have that one spell that one ability that one hit that you really need to try and get having that ability to like try and get that desperate hidden through striking it always good i'm gonna skip fake influence because going through this guide i feel like it's on everyone's list and it doesn't really make sense so i don't think it's not supposed to be there inoculation subroutine so similar to the cleansing one this one is against the diseases where it reduces the stage by two versus one or three versus two on a critical success nanite shroud two action ability your nanites fly out of your body you become concealed for a number of rounds equal to half your level so two maybe three you can't use this concealment to hide a snake as normal but you're all technically concealed so if you need a little concealment like field on you we already saw what those did internal respirator you can hold your breath a lot longer again highly highly situational there's not many times that holding your breath matters really i feel like repair module you gain fast healing equal to your level for one minute and while it's active you can't use other nanite abilities some once per day fast healing at level 9 looking at like 40 hit points and you move it up all the way you're looking at probably close to like 100 hit points at level 20. it's decent it's not i mean it's not a lot but like it can be the difference between life or death in some cases let's be honest consistent starts we've seen and verification protocol once per day you automatically come back to life if you are dying you can result in one hit point you lose the dying and you can act normally on this turn so it's just action you can do to bring yourself back up automatically and that is really cool definitely a solid beat so again if i had to make a character i would probably go probably either night vision adaptation or proximity alert for the dark vision of plus two and then advanced targeting system for the true strike repair module for the healing and then verification protocol to bring myself back up so overall androids are pretty solid looking class they are rare keep that in mind they may not show up everywhere in golarian so other than that really sorry ancestry moving on to one of my favorite ones the afrolight now this is a versatile heritage so it's not a full heritage but this one or creatures that kind of formed by action mites from the plane of the city of access and they have this like metallic shine to [Music] their to what they are so for instance this picture is like an almost like a metallic kobold where it's like though it's very pale scales and this human you can kind of see how they look very like almost metal like uh skin really cool so they are you're born with access you gain the afferent trait you gain low light or you gain dark vision if your initial face already has low light defeats axiomatic lore simple enough you can access law internal cohesion your allies can treat your wounds without healer's wounds once per day if someone fails you can increase the degree of failure it sounds good but in my opinion it's really more of a trap in most cases whoever's your healer will probably buy sort of fearless tools eventually so this feat kind of dies out really quickly in my opinion intuitive crafting we've seen this kind of with the android you gain access and crafting and you gain specialty crafting as a as a feat the lemma of vision i use game dark vision simple that that's kind of like the night one from the android you can see very similar ideas with defeats crystalline dust um you become concealed so you can't use this um same thing very similar to the nanite shroud from the androids because you consume it but you can't use it to hide leads to ancillary modes you can use it one more time per day so as before turning once per day that would be two times per day and then crystalline cloud actually makes it instead of being centered on just you it goes up to a 10 foot radius so everybody is concealed within this cloud if you want to kind of spread it out to your party and conceal everybody intercorporate you can choose one if you have persistent damage it makes a dc 10 to recover from it on your turn so before it actually ticks on you or there is a poison makes a saving throw against the affliction so i'll give you not another chance to deal with any of those stats that might be impacting you offensive analysis cast true strike as a divine spell once per day seems very familiar to advanced targeting system analyze information you can cast third level hypercognition once per day as a divine spell so this one sounds a cool idea but i don't see the practicality in the spell being able to cast six recall being able to use it and get six recalled knowledge actions in combat um i don't see the purpose for why you would ever need such a thing ever i don't it sounds cool but it sounds so unnecessary those we've seen already preemptive reconfiguration so if you take bludgeoning piercing or slashing diamonds you gain resistance equal to your level of that type which applies against whatever triggered it and if you have the crystalline dust you can use that usage for this one as well so just a little more defensive of a feat impose order this one's really good you shift the underlying fabric of reality if it was a skill check you instead receive a plus you receive a 10 plus your proficiency bonus so instead of critically failing on a row you can use this reaction to automatically make it so that you rolled a 10 which depending on what the situation is may either be a pass or a fail but either way it's better than it could fail and it also obviously it negates the misfortune effect as well if it's something else like that that's a solid solid feed and then channel the godmine so for two actions once per day you can get from one minute precise motion sense out to 60 feet you can see invisible creatures and objects and you gain ninth level true seeing so you are biped you can just see everything in the world so you can see a lot of similar feats kind of like what the androids have also and also some other new ones so i would say um if you don't have dark vision level of vision or internal cohesion for the ability not an occasion i would probably say a level of vision for the dark vision i would say inter-corporate to deal with the persistent damage that happens more than you think well at my level nine preemptive reconfiguration then impose order and then channel the god mine so overall a solid ancestry has some really cool feat and i think some really cool looking characters i mean i'm that sorry me is a really cool character in my opinion next up is the b skin which is a rare creature and this is also a versatile heritage so this one is where creatures like werewolves and you can see some of the pictures this is like a bug like a wasp type humanoid this is like a bird humanoid this one looks really cool i'm not gonna lie i look like it could be a really cool like character could be almost like a zelda character too really um here's my issue and i'll go through this um first the fact that they say i think they say here you go be biscuit choose a type of animal such as a bat an eagle a shark a spider a tyrannosaurus a wasp or a wolf that's the type of animal that you think is tied to your heritage you could be a half human half t-rex good god that's scary it sounds cool to change the humanoid shape obviously you can change when you have the hybrid form to gain whatever attack matches whatever animal you pick so you have a 1v4 piercing damage jaws attack my issue with this heritage and we'll go when we go into the feats you'll see why animal senses you gain one of the following senses so either scent low light or dark light dark vision but it's based on what your actual animal has so if your animal doesn't have dark vision you can't pick dark vision you can now uh end the past form so you can be a little more of like a bug quick shape so a quick shape is if you need when you wrote initiative let's say maybe you're in your humanoid form you can quickly turn into your hybrid form right away animalistic resistance a flat plus two bonus to saves against diseases and poisons always a good choice greater animal senses same thing like the first one except this one has echolocation tr or tremocens again highly specific because not all animals might have that that you pick so but still it gives you more senses animal magic cast animal messenger called emotions only on animals and speak with animals pack tactics if the enemies within each of you and at least two of your allies that enemy is flat footed against you my problem with this feat is that means there's three of you kind of within reach of the enemy there's a good chance that you guys are probably flanking them without needing this feat for it sorry dire form when you're in your hybrid shape you have the enlarged effect you become massive gift of the moon the gift of the moon you cast a paper-level moon frenzy now part of the beast king thing kind of like the werewolf is because you are a beast kid and you kind of you don't have the same weakness that like proper werewolves do that are subject to the moon so you don't have to change based on the moon but the spell itself does force people to so you gain you know hit points bonus speeds weakness to silver you are normal attacks and it just kind of makes people go into a frenzy it's a cool idea you could turn your whole party into like a werewolves animal shape you can choose either aerial form animal form or dinosaur form and you become the fifth level version of whatever that spell is and you gain the same traits and stuff like him animal swiftness level again this is a level 17 ancestry feat your speed goes up by five and you gain either climb fly or swim which is based on whatever is inherent to your animal if your animal doesn't have any of those your speed just goes up by ten that's all for a level 17 ancestry feed that's not like we just saw a channel the god mine from the aferites who could see everything around them from one minute compared to a plus 10 speed which yes could be useful a lot more useful but doesn't seem as major for level 17 feet so you can see right now what my issue is with the b skin they don't really have anything super fancy there's no cool there's a lot of thing that's based on whatever your animal is to gain additional senses but outside of that there really isn't much there the magic attacks kind of crap the pack tactics is kind of crap the diaphragm is pretty cool i'll probably go dire form and animal shape and then maybe animalistic resistance and like quick shape but like it's not that much it's a pretty weak in my opinion one of the weakest heritages that we've seen in this book so far let's bring us over to the fetchlings the good old bachelings are kyles in starfinder a classic race i've had some of them in my groups in the past so let's check out the art for the fetchlings maybe dapper looking fetching i kind of like all the bling and little feathered hat this guy has a little like shadow staff and like shadowy hand pretty cool so obviously for those that aren't are unaware bachelings or humanoids that have connections to the shadow plane they usually are very gray and pale in their in their complexion usually have really like white or gray or black hair very devoid of color primarily so scrolling down to the bottom eight hit points size medium 25 speed ability dexterity so no penalties on them and they have comet and shadow tongue and of course you automatically gain dark vision now heritages the bright bacheling your body proves that shadow can't exist without light you emit dim light within five feet of you and you can accumulate or suppress this ability as an action or you can also cast dancing lights and light as can trips so you can just kind of you're a shadow creature that can also produce light deep fetchling is if you want to play electron maybe like the old-school pathfinder one e fetchlings where you gain either cold or negative resistance equal to half your level in pathfinder 1e bachelings had i believe it was code resistance and i want to set electric resistance 5 possibly i know it's i know it may have just been cold i can't remember if it was cold and electric or not but that was a very broken thing 11 1 to have resistances already basically liminal fetchling so these are ones where as opposed to being shallow plain and more stereoplane you're shadow plane and ethereal plane so you can kind of have a bit more bonus to locating undetected creatures and your flat checks against concealment and total concealment is a three and a nine respectively so a little bit easier for you to hit people that are concealed resolute bacheling you when you have all success on a saving throw you can either get to the motion effect you get a critical success instead pretty solid we saw that in the android and the after white ones similar vibe that's really good this is against an emotion effect um so any sort of like beer based effect can target this wisp batchling so a waist perfectly means you're a little bit more you're a small sort of medium you have acrobatics quick squeeze and you can have a bonus for your tumble through so because you're a little bit more smaller a little bit more nimble a little more glowy it's easier for you to kind of move in and out and slide around i think deep fetchlings probably in my opinion and resolute fetchling i probably topped here let me know right and wisp kind of underneath those two in my opinion bacheling feeds you guessed it bacheling law so that gives you the uh probably shadow plane law yeah far to fool uh plus one bonus against illusions as well as will save to illusion and shadow effects can be fooled by those tricks shadow blending whenever you are in concealment or hidden due to dim light or darkness ups the dc so it's 7 and the 12 to kind of hit you when you're in cover so that's a pretty good that's a very useful way especially if you're going to be playing into that kind of nature shroud of magic get a free capture from the occult spell list swadhamyan you become trained in deception and you gain the lengthy diversion skill feed all right a little bit if you want to be one of those sneaky types and then slink you can move five feet farther when you take a sneak action and as long as you continue to sneak and if you end in dim light or darkness you don't become observed essentially so it makes it easier for you to kind of sneak in the shadows definitely good if you're gonna be playing like a fetchling road type clever shadow the clever shadow is an interesting one your shadow can perform simple interact actions now what's important is it cannot do anything that requires significant manual dexterity so anything that would require a skill check nor can it hold items so when i when i read this the first time i thought to myself well does it mean it can feed me a potion it can't because it can't hold a potion it can open the door but it can't hold anything but it does lead to hefting shadow which hefting shadow allows you to store two bulk of objects inside your shadow and they kind of remain solid but they're still there and you can fetch it in and out it's pretty useful one distinguished light that's the one i really like two actions you can wrap your wrap shadows around a single unattended light source that's oh that's no larger than a torch i did not read that the first time i read this that's important because i was thinking if there's like a massive bonfire you could like snuff out bonfires but no no larger than a torch so you can take out like a torch a sconce something of that kind of light source automatically extinguished or if it's a magical light source you can do a counteract check to blop it out now remember because if you're playing into the shadows you may want to take out a certain light to get you more of that dim light shadowy effect a lightness lightless liftness your body is almost as flexible as your shadow when you critically fail at squeezing you get a failure instead and when you roll to succeed and escape you automatically quit and if you roll a critical success you can step so a full move as opposed to just a stride action so it makes you a little bit more mobile shadowy the skies you can cast illusory disguise as a first level occult spell make yourself pretend to be someone else i believe bachelings may have had something similar in first edition scope shadows so here you can actually use your shadows to make a level zero common item or consumable non-consumable weapon or adventuring gear so something that you can kind of use if you need a specific item but maybe you didn't have it readily available you can essentially make it [Music] so okay it's pretty cool but i think at some point you may have other you know other ways to get those tools to you shadow sight you gain greater dark vision from one minute pretty solid shadows assault you can catch shadow blast as a fifth level occult spell and at 17 level it goes up to item to sixth level shadow blast i like it i've been used i've had it on a few enemies in my sunday night pathfinder game and it's a pretty cool it's a very versatile spell because of the different shapes you can do with it pretty good spell if you need an aoe spell damage to have it at your disposal shadow blast skirt the light you can catch shadow walk once per day that's i remember that was something that they had in one e shadow walk and that means p of the light you can cast plane shift twice per week but only to the shadow plane and back so that gives that gives option to plane shift now and if i had to pick my feats for my character hmm i would probably say shadow blending extinguish light shadow sight sket the light and then pierce the light and play it right into the shadows and that in my opinion i think is really cool i felt like in the first edition pathfinder fetchlings one didn't have as much play with the shadows they had some but it did like this one feels like they've gone more into the shadows more into the concept of kind of manipulating with the shadows buffing your concealment chances buffing your you know ways for you to kind of manipulate the shadows as well all really good in my opinion so with that it's gonna be if our part one of our ancestry guide series be sure to follow the channel and subscribe to see our other videos for part two and part three of the lost omens answer to guide so thank you guys for watching and be sure to check out our future videos
Channel: Sage Tower Games
Views: 209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pathfinder, 2e, 2nd, Edition, Lost, Omens, Ancestry, Guide, Ancestries, Races, Heritages, Android, Aphorite, Beastkin, Fetchling, Versatile, Character, Creation, New, Book, Content, D&D, TTRPG, Tabletop, Roleplaying, Game, 5e, 5th, Kayal, Robots, Gaming, Board Games
Id: it5iHGyxXI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 30sec (2310 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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