Top 5 Taste Tests | MasterChef Australia | MasterChef World

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so in front of you is a delicious dish that dish is the same for every single one of you it's come out of this pot here we're going to give you three minutes to taste and identify as many ingredients possible then we're going to give you two minutes to write down all of those ingredients that you remember [Music] it'll be at least half a dozen you'll be able to see straight off the bat regardless of what it is there are 23 ingredients in this classic dish that we've set before you if you identify all 23 correctly you'll be safe probably get a reputation being some sort of tasting freak but that's going to be a um particularly difficult task today because this is a blind tasteless it suddenly becomes a lot harder I've suddenly realized that this is going to be quite the challenge you have three minutes to taste and feel and identify as many ingredients as you can and then two minutes to write them down we're going to lift those clashes now off you go I'm nervous um I just get my hands right into it I need to start tasting things I need to get things into my mouth as quickly as possible feeling it deciding what it is and then putting in a mountain and I shall find the herbs that way which is great I don't like hot chilies because I can't handle the heat that's the first thing that I get after the first mouthful I get jalapeno toasted a prawn tasted chicken there's okra in there it's soupy this is gumbo [Music] Sean was basically in his food he had his face almost in it it was kind of gross to watch it was but I found it for some reason really funny it tastes great I'm feeling quite confident at this stage you know I've found there's definitely prawn there's definitely tomato and there's definitely parsley I can make a dish with that I have no idea what the dish is and I'm really worried that I'm not going to get enough ingredients that I could work with it's just hand mouth hand mouth and mouth in this situation 10 seconds nine eight seven six five four three two one that's it sit up hands down time's up I just need to start writing I know I get really distracted I just need to get the things down as quickly as possible otherwise I'm going to forget you have two minutes to write down as many ingredients as you can blindfolds off start writing I honestly felt like I was in an exam at school I knew the answers I was just so bad at concentrating on putting them down I'm feeling really stressed and my mind just blanks I can't even think of anything to guess so I'm definitely scared that I'm not going to have any ingredients to work with today three two one hands down close your books who reckons they know what this dish is Colin I think it's gumbo absolutely Louisiana gumbo the classic of the American South the next ingredient everybody got right too which was salt next one prawns prawns Tech I didn't put that down so Georgia what happened there I just maybe I missed it in the bowl or maybe I ate it and just didn't taste it but yeah next one onions time tomatoes chicken I got chicken huge relief for me I should be okay bring onions next ingredient is oil Sean Tash you're the only two people have oil to cook with it's really going to be a challenge cooking without oil today I need to come up with another way to get oil into my dish and the final ingredient Tabasco I am kicking myself that I didn't get chicken bacon I I know I'm at the bottom end remember every ingredient you guess correctly you'll be able to cook with in the second round so Amy you got 15 correct Rachel Georgia you've got 11 ingredients correct I'm quite happy that I chose 11 ingredients because I was a bit worried about the whole taste test thing so maybe today I'm going to be safe Colin you got 10 ingredients right rent nine ingredients Sam I'm sorry to say you got the least on seven and I'm really worried about what's under the cloche you started off in this competition knowing that one of our Master Chef mantras was all about taste so we're going to kick off with a taste test we haven't had a taste test since top 50 and I was hopeless at it you'll come forward one at a time and you'll have two minutes to taste this dish and then you'll have another minute to write down as many ingredients as you believe are in that dish the ingredients that you get right will be the only ones that you can cook with later on I think I have a very good palette so happy that it is a test you'll be doing it blindfolded they can't be serious this is ridiculous let's get this blind tasting underway Michael your first step up you gentlemen have to turn around now [Music] when the Kush is revealed and I start trying to smell and I can smell something savory [Music] I can taste some pork there's some bacon around it or some kind of cured meat prosciutto I think [Music] bite into a carrot and I know it's a carrot this is weird Michael that's two minutes up you've now got one minute to write those down you ready yep go I think I've got a fair share of everything I'm just hoping I can translate that onto the paper and get some stuff right time to waste Michael no time to waste three two one that's it Michael Brown now wow one down three to go okay Peter up you come on blindfold please I can hear Gary plating up and it's interesting when you have your site taken away how acute your other senses become it has a loaf shape and it's quite sticky I identify chicken and I think there's probably pork three two one there you go I was in the top 50 taste and cook and I know that there's no wrong answers I've got to get a protein and so the first few things I write down is like beef veal chicken pork every kind of animal that I can think of because one of them's got to be right three two one well guess what when I start touching the dish I know instantly is a Terrain and then all I have to do is start breaking the parts and try to figure out as many ingredients inside as possible so many textures like firm soft crunchy but you've got 30 seconds left I get a few ingredients in my head times off hands of the place tasting and knowing the ingredients is one thing and also remembering and then start writing there within a minute is totally another challenge Billy time's up I touch food on the plate and immediately I sense it is cold I think it's going to be a desert of sorts because it's a cold plate I feel something really soft and squidgy and I taste it and it turns out to be Apple so I'm again I think it's something to do it's a dessert came out that's a minute already you need to put a hustle on if you're going to taste everything and identify everything you need I start tasting it and it tastes Savory and it throws me completely I can't bring something cold and savory together I guess being blindfolded has Frozen part of my brain everything comes to stand still my mind goes blank came out five seconds [Music] that's it time's up [Music] tough you're one minute to write down as many ingredients you can remember it's taken off there are things that I can remember but some things happen to my brain I just can't put names to ingredients [Music] I'm bummed sorry my mind's gone blank came out your time's up it should have been easy I honestly don't know what went wrong the dish that you were tasting was a Terrain [Music] and it was served with an apple relish I could kick myself I am very familiar with the Italian I made terrines under these 24 quashes are the ingredients that went towards making that terrain some of you did very well others didn't yeah so let's find out what the first of these ingredients are this is something that you all guessed correctly Apple you also all got time three of you got this ingredient right prosciutto I was holding the piece of procedure I was feeling it I tasted it just could not identify it shallots parsley I wrote parsley down but that was a guess Fork I was really pleased that I managed to get that right a protein so have you got this one and it is chicken I wish I had chicken garlic it's French food it's got to have garlic in it carrots yep I got a carrots fantastic now the next ingredient only one person identified correctly vinegar a lucky guess on the vinegar um I was just hoping it was in that chutney broad beans pistachios as soon as I bit into that pistachio I knew again another great ingredient to have for my dish only one person got this ingredient cabbage 15th ingredient only one person got stock I got a stock it's a good basic it gets an extra Dimension to any dish of these last nine not one of you got any of them chicken livers baby leeks duck fat Brandy cardamom Oh No One's Gonna Get that celery I saw Kumar biting into one of these it was a butter bean it's it I'm chewing it I couldn't put a name to it I'm so upset with myself Billy you wrote down a number of herbs as your time was running out the one he didn't write down is tarragon the final ingredient binding it all together gelatin the person who scored the highest number getting an impressive 11 ingredients correct [Music] is Michael Billy you got seven ingredients right Peter you got eight Kim I could see you during that reveal kicking yourself how many do you think you've got three or four at the most accumul you're right you've got four ingredients but we've seen before it's not impossible sometimes the simplest dishes are the great dishes each of you will get an identical dish it's my version of a classic your job is to identify as many ingredients in that dish as possible right you'll have three minutes to taste and memorize as many ingredients as possible you're then going to get a further two minutes to write down as many of those ingredients that you can remember but there's one last thing you'll be wearing blindfolds it's a blind taste test yeah you have three minutes and your time starts now first thing that I'm touching feels ridiculously weird is that I'm freaking out I don't even know if this is food lots of ingredients 29 of them dig in and find stuff I'm feeling the the ingredients and it seems like they're quite separate so I'm trying to taste them individually so I don't get the flavors confused I pick up a squishy round thing I taste and it tastes like egg yolk so I'm pretty comfortable with that oh clear water as soon as I taste kimchi I know we're in Korea and I'm not great with Korean food so I'm feeling really lucky because I think I'm blind tasting my favorite dish I can taste garlic I can taste Ginger I can definitely taste Goku Chang paste I think this is time's ticking who's gonna get them all John you're gonna get them all come on all right ten seconds nine eight seven six five four three two one time drop hands out of a bowl time's up and I still have no idea what it is that I just ate so I just need to write down as many things as I can remember the more ingredients I've got to play with and the easier it's got to be to make something see there's a pen and Pad you've got two minutes time start now time starts and I just write like mad I'm abbreviating I'm not spelling correctly I'm just like time's ticking I wrap all the ingredients that I think in that dish but I'm also doing something really smart and writing down oil salt pepper vinegar the key flavor ingredients and I know that if I get them I can make anything taste good [Music] I'm starting to panic one minute to go I'm struggling to write anything down time's running out and I'm worried my mindset's gone blank come on right right last few things I've just forgotten all the ingredients in there go on Johnny 10 seconds ago this is my favorite dish I should know all the ingredients but my mind has gone blank five four I'm worried I won't have enough ingredients for the next round [Music] we love a blind tasting so anybody got any idea what that dish was yep yep what was it it's a bibimbap I love it Well Done John that dish is one of my favorite dishes in the world but I'm just feeling really really nervous I don't even know what I've written down hopefully I've got enough to to create a dish we were delighted to see that there were several ingredients that all of you got right shiitake mushroom another one you all got right you should have done two with rice the last one you all got right is and it was front and center egg Koreans absolutely love this four of you got it right garlic before have you got sesame seeds only two of you got lava we also accepted Nori so I wonder who missed this one beef is the key ingredient this may be but and I didn't pick it hmm I'm really starting to panic now what else have I missed cucumber Cara I'm terrified I won't have enough ingredients for the next round daikon peanut oil sugar so many of these flavors going on I'm gonna easily missed this one salt [Music] I can get that myself I didn't write down salts one of the cornerstones of Korean cooking kimchi kimchi is a traditional Korean side dish made of fermented cabbage it has a real spicy sour flavor to it Ginger [Music] bean sprouts soy sauce got you Chan chili paste spinach zucchini well done Sarah it's a good pick actually Georgia you got this right apple cider vinegar nobody got pickled daikon dried anchovies garlic chives and we would have been absolutely stunned if you got this one right was Bracken or Fern a lot of wild and Forest ingredients in Korean food and finally anyone fish sauce this is a total nightmare I should have gotten all those ingredients I just hope I've got enough to keep me in the competition one of you got 16 ingredients it's really impressive Sarah congratulations [Applause] Georgia you also did really well 15 correct answers thank you Matthew your palate's obviously pretty good 13 rights and Rose you've got 11 ingredients right John you were the least impressive tasty you only correctly identified 10 ingredients yeah I think I just went blank um when I was writing it down it was yeah I'm really disappointed that I've only managed to pick out 10 ingredients from that dish it's gonna be a tough cook today today it's all about movie food [Music] behind us are 37 different popcorn flavors wow all you have to do is correctly identify them [Music] but be warned because they start off pretty easy and the further you progress the more difficult they become I don't even realize it was that many flavors yeah step right up stepping up go around this area because unlike other taste test challenges oh okay you don't get to peek cool I love this my strategy for this one is smell the popcorn and try and discern it before I make any decisions you can go as hard as you want you can hold you want to hold it yes I just act like you're in the cinema so happy with Andy's first pick I know exactly what this is but I'm gonna taste it just to make sure what do you reckon see it smells amazing dark chocolate correct hold on I think so I have a moderately refined palette so I think I should be okay but I'm feeling a bit anxious because it is popcorn and these things are designed to trip you up every time I'll pick it up oh thank you it's really hard to work out the flavor or something when it's disguised as something else so I have to rely on my palette [Music] the bucket Mel gives me looks like a toffee colored popcorn it smells a bit sugary and it tastes sweet I'm absolutely sure I know what this is should I have one with you do you know what it is it's not terrible you're correct it's caramel go for it okay I so badly want to get this right that's a good one really do you know what it is peanut butter correct hold on thanks I got that right I'm sure you'll pick up what's one of my favorites yeah is it vinegar it is vinegar I wish that could be a anapolitana popcorn or Carbonaro cache Pepe popcorn and then this challenge will be easy oh I can't smell any strong flavor coming out of it like it can be anything I can see that it's similar to caramel color wise and it's sweet but caramel has been already guessed my second thoughts goes to toffee it is similar to Karma but I'm not confident with my answer toffee how though that's incorrect the answer was honey [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's got an incredible palette Pittsburgh oh ah there it is what do you got there you go well done Daniel that that looks like it's moldy it's this new flight we've got a new flavor we've been working on you know what oh yeah Rosemary it is [Music] [Applause] like it's a tough one really yeah it's red I'll do it come on this is so bright red and I just have no idea I mean there's so many things that it could be tasting sweet quite tart so I'm thinking maybe it's a berry but I can't figure out which one what is song strawberry correct what was that strawberry is it such a thing that's a fun face [Music] is it broccoli unfortunately Mindy it is not it's mint yeah I reckon they get a little bit harder now Montana number 16. another red one another red one this is an interesting one it's bright red and just based on the looks and smell I'm thinking maybe like paprika or something I can't really figure it out I'm really scared with this one I mean the first two I was pretty certain on what they were just by smelling them not so simple this one here if I get this one wrong I don't have a chance to cook for that immunity spot but this flavor comes through it's a tomato [Music] yeah it's tomato [Applause] it's just getting harder and harder I'm tasting this and it's got such a bitter note to it but yet there's this lingering sort of citrus feel so I know it's a citrus type of fruit but I'm not sure Calvin you're going deep yeah going deep in the pub deep in the popcorn is this a tricky one [Music] I'm licking each popcorn trying to taste it I'm thinking oh it tastes very much like very reminiscent of grapefruit but then it has an orange team what is it oh I'm not sure about this one describe what's going on break it down it's kind of citrusy and bitter as well so I'm going to go with grapefruit Alvin I'm sorry it's orange unlucky oven it's orange I got it wrong and I cannot why did I say grapefruit it's orange the color's orange you fool [Laughter] team Race you might remember this one yeah I remember that one really well what happened that day I was eliminated from a cute challenge so what a day to be on the Gantry then I know for a fact that this Cube challenge is really hard in my season I managed to get four gethers right but it's really easy to make a mistake we'll take it in turns to taste and name one of these one-inch cubes and you'll be tasting [Music] blindfolded oh oh no oh God are you ready Callum you're gonna get the first Cube I grabbed that first Cube It's hard it doesn't smell like much as soon as you think you know tell me as soon as I crunch into it that distinctive taste and texture carrot carrot that's correct well done Callum [Applause] whoa I get my Cube and right away I notice it's very sticky and pasty and it's highly perfumed it's got a very strong tropical flavor I really hope that's banana is that banana you are correct that is so strange [Music] pasting this ingredient um it's really really strange it's like a cube that tastes like celery [Music] but it's not the consistency of celery it's more dense and starchy it's not as watery it's there's no stringiness so there we go celeriac yeah is incorrect the answer is celery ah okay sorry Tessa that means you are is that the core yes zucchini I'm sorry man it's a courgette I'm just joking oh my God oh he's good cucumber correct I get my Cube and I'm feeling it it's another meat put in my mouth but there's no saltiness it's pretty dry smokey [Music] maybe ham but ham has a different texture to it and salty because ham is cured um so got your stumped yeah it's a gamble um turkey turkey is incorrect yeah I'm sorry the answer is harm which puts you in room two my friend [Music] no this is Citrus but I'm trying to think of citrus fruits that have been cold out already My Mind is Playing Tricks on Me I'm overthinking it oh pomelo it's incorrect I'm afraid the answer is lime the 10 hardest cubes start now oh God really um I don't know it's I feel really unsure about this one it's something tropical might be a star fruit [Music] all correct there's a star fruit that is crazy I'm actually wondering if we're gonna go all the way to the end we're acing this car snap parsnip that's correct oh I think it's a feijoa but let me Justice wow feijoa is in the guava family I absolutely love the stuff you can even taste it and you got it Well Done holy crap take the cube off the plate smell it and I don't smell anything and I finally taste it and it's kind of just crunchy and watery I am trying to get something together in my mind and I'm really struggling is it daikon foreign but incorrect it's kohlrabi I meant you are all incredible I I I'm speechless so I cannot believe you got this far down only two left [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 106,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #masterchef, MasterChef Australia, MasterChef challenge, MasterChef pressure test, best dishes on masterchef, best masterchef dishes, cooking competition, cooking show, how to cook, master chef, master chef world, masterchef, masterchef best dishes, masterchef world, recipe, masterchef australia, masterchef taste test, masterchef taste test challenge, masterchef australia taste test, jock zonfrillo, andy allen, gary mehigan, matt preston, george calombaris, melissa leong, food
Id: AVGt4kUKjQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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