TOP 5 Reasons Why Clothing Brands Fail & What We Did Instead

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started this thing with 12 shirts and 120 dollars and yes now we created this apparel empire and we just hit a man give you all the knowledge give you all the tools that uh we want you to trust in your vision believe in yourself and and know that you can actually make something happen back with another one world envision podcast number seven baby and we got marlin watts nicholas clark and london let's get it started just like that man welcome back welcome back how y'all doing out there man it's a blessing man it's a blessing to be alive i once again just want to say thank you to all our supporters out there thank you to everybody that's um been rocking with us on our journey um we really appreciate it we started this thing with 12 shirts 120 and we turned it into a power empire and we're here to show you that you could do it too baby um just with a little bit of vision um a little bit of dedication a little bit of knowledge you could transform your life into whatever you want it to be man and um thank you we're gonna start this off but it's gonna be a little different today we're gonna just we're gonna talk about uh the five mistakes that you should avoid when starting your brand and um man yeah just bear with us you ready nick get us started what's gonna be the first what's the first topic all right i'm gonna just go over to five before we start okay number one thinking you could do it by yourself that's the first thing number two not having sales skills you need sales skills to do this okay number three is uh not reinvesting your profits okay number four is just uh not documenting your story and your journey of you know you doing your brand and then number five uh not adjusting you gotta be able to adjust and adapt okay to your market until um you know what your customers want so let's just starting off with that first one talk about yourself when uh i mean i felt like at some time um you were kind of doing the brand by yourself um with me doing football as as much i couldn't dedicate as much time as i wanted to um so maybe just talk about how how i was doing some things by yourself too versus when we really got to do it together so obviously uh everybody really think that that they just have to do it by themselves or you know there's a lot of people that just don't be wanting help from nobody but literally like to just go up and you know become successful in whatever you want to do you're going to have you're going to need help from other people just as you're going to have to help other people all right you cannot be successful without putting other people on um so don't be afraid to you know say that this person or this person helped me out and put me on to what i'm on to you know what i mean so uh i feel like a lot of people um just got that i want to do it all by myself mentality but that's only going to get you so far you know what i mean it could get you you know a good start uh but then you're gonna need other people to do stuff just like printing shirts in general like we don't we don't physically print our own shirts we work with other companies to print the shirts for us but they're part of our team correct um so like uh you know some people may not look at it as if i'm paying you to do something you're not a part of my team but technically you are a part of my team correct so uh that's just one simple thing right there is we can't do it all by ourselves we can't set up the uh run a screen print shop this is what we're doing right now we we focus more on branding and just marketing themselves than uh actually getting the garment done so man definitely avoid thinking that you could do it by yourself literally like that's that's that simple mindset it's only gonna get you so far but when you wanna scale up and you wanna level up you wanna make a million dollars like you you're not you cannot make a million dollars just by yourself so that's what i see okay um getting into the next topic it was about um not having sales skills you know i kind of talked to kind of talk about that i remember first doing pop-up shops in the student union you know i mean just us you know just seeing all those people walk past and actually putting yourself in position to talk to them like hey you have a i mean we used to try things like hey you ever heard about us before hell nah they hear about us they ain't hear about us at all but um we basically got uh created a moment to tell them about us like hey do you know we got going on over here no well look let me tell you about what we have going on over here and um i think that that that was the big thing uh that well with a lot of people that that don't have that sales skills it's just the fear of um putting itself out there uh putting um their product out there and also just um it's just being uncomfortable doing things that you um uncomfortable doing so you're gonna have to have sales skills to definitely be successful in business um because ultimately you're selling yourself um your brand or your product or whatever you behind you ultimately selling that either to another customer or to another business um and you're gonna have to interact you're gonna have to be able to push it or unless you're gonna just be you know packaging it but if you're gonna if you if you're deciding to be an entrepreneur you're signing up to be a salesman also without you even noticing it like all entrepreneurs are technically salesmen because um they're creating something that they're bringing to the world that they're selling to the world it's just it's your vision that you want to come to to life that you want to make manifest and um it's just like you know i remember when uh we were telling our family like hey we want we want to just do these shirts full of time and it's it's not like they can't see what we could see but until you actually go out there and sell a product and people are actually wearing it the people actually supporting it that's when everybody see so you're gonna have to see things that other people not gonna be able to see in your product and yourself and then you're gonna be help you're gonna have to go sell those same things to somebody else to to definitely have a successful brand there's no way around you're not going to be able to not get around selling at all what would you say about just um i mean just going to pop-up shops in general um it's just crazy how uh sometimes we'll be the only people out there that'll be actually like socializing with our customers and really like going you know a lot of people you know they they on the boot right they sit behind the ball and wait for people to walk up but a lot of times you know people don't just be walking up like they they like to feel comfortable when you like make it like a welcoming moment like you know hey hi how are you doing what did you say got you to that point like what what made you confident enough to go out and kind of sell even i mean seeing other people do it just that's like how uh how we had bj and curtin on the team how they just was social people um they kind of taught me like how to just get out there you know what i mean i mean the worst thing somebody could say is no a lot of people can't get over the fear of somebody telling them no right you know what i mean but you gotta now i understand you know there's gonna be a thousand nodes so you get no at least thousands yes yep so it's like uh i just feel like i was afraid that people would be like no i don't want to buy that like and just put pressure on me to not make me want to just go up to a random person to sell but like that becomes a challenge and that's what i like as challenges so that makes it fun to be able to convince somebody or you know sell to somebody like like a cool sale i guess that's what you would call it like somebody never even knew you never even heard of your product it's kind of and you win them over and you win the movie that's like that's like it's actually a challenging moment but it's a fun moment too because you learn how to become a salesperson it definitely is the third one was uh reinvesting your profits reinvest your profits so what would you say well i would like explain reinvesting the preference because let's just say if i'm starting off with nothing right like uh and i you know i invest my initial hundred dollars and i uh i get let's just say i get 10 shirts i sell those 10 shirts for 20 i make 200 i got 200 now what you mean by reinvest and what i mean about reinvesters and you already initially invested a hundred dollars so after you sold your product you made more so you have two hundred dollars an hour so you made more money than what you spent so instead of saying oh let me take 50 you know just the oh 25 let me take this 25 and put it in my pocket like when first starting off you need to put all the money back 100 all the money you make need to go back into your business fix um when we first started um our business we i mean we didn't even i mean i do remember us times like i said we used to go you know get food or something that that's survival things you know like but it never was like we just want money for money like we made money and had profit in our business and we just want to take the money for the money could just sit in our account yeah we always reinvested in it some even if it was like getting getting shopping bags yeah for them to shop better when we go to pop-up shops or like equipment we bought a um we we bought our embroidery machine i remember we invested in the truck um so it was always things that we i think wanted to invest the money that we made into it was never like oh we're going to make money to kind of like get money and take money because we always knew at a certain level you'll be able to do that once you get to a certain level you you getting money from your business and making money from your business is gonna come um but first start now first starting off and already not having a lot of initial capital capital is a big thing so you need to keep all the money that you're making in your business um when first starting out and use that to keep leveraging use that money to we didn't know anything about advertising people people were basically thinking they made profit and they didn't even advertise yet you know they're not even factoring that into their budget um just marketing themselves so i think that uh you know all the money you initially make you just need to keep on reinvesting into you know you feel real more comfortable to take take a little piece of it out and um notice that even when you're using money to upgrade your business that's for you so you're paying for things for yourself so uh just don't look at it it's like you're not getting money that's right that's because that's how i think people feel about it like they feel like if they put two hundred dollars in and made three hundred dollars they gotta get something out of it right now they didn't oh they didn't make no money fix yeah and i say uh just about investing in your business in general if you put up 100 then you make 200 don't be afraid to like keep putting up a weekly you know hundred dollars in your business so you could keep scaling up fast because you're gonna be able to just push you know uh you go you're getting two dollars for your every dollar that you put in so why not you know invest more into your company instead of just you know putting the money to the side saving it you could just keep on flipping 100 that you keep on investing to just keep going so uh even when you make profit don't be afraid to pitch more money at your company if it's profiting um yup so i'll just say that our next one was uh not documenting your process not documenting so please please everybody that's watching this video you gotta document everything today start right now like literally like this right now we documenting right now like we're gonna be able to come back to this video ten years from now and really see what we were talking about even like even some of the stuff that we're saying right now let's i think i got a moment can't hand me that phone from over there him in the phone i got let's see about just because i this is one moment that i uh that i i recently went through my notes and we had this was in 2018 that we wrote down a couple of goals and we're going to just share a couple of them goals with y'all and show y'all how just you know writing something down and documenting it it actually does happen yeah in my notes but even um we're going to put like a video on the screen of just scrolling through his nose i i even wish that uh i wish that we documented you know even more back then than what we did look at look so right here if they can see that it's gonna be a little tough all right so this this is from october 19th that's notes this goes 2018. all right so i put for some of our short-term goals we wanted to find a full-time a full-time kiosk workers as a team check so well if y'all don't know we we opened up our first kiosk in 2018 when i moved back down to new orleans and we opened up three locations uh oakwood mall the riverwalk mall and mall louisiana we're gonna have to make a podcast on just how to just start a kiosk yeah um we wanted to make a hundred thousand dollars in one month check we won in a month we wanted to get up we wanted to get up quickbooks and we wanted to start our accounting systems and we wanted to start uh uh we filed our 2018 taxes check so we started filing business tax returns we wanted to get involved with you groups and high schools and colleges check all right we wanted to get more involved with our customers on a personal level i think we did some things like that with our top 10 and doing zoom meetings with them we did a zoom call with our top 10 customers yup we wanted to grow media coverage so i think check we got we got on we got on monroe news we got a couple of features on the internet on some different platforms yup instagram followers went up like crazy in this past year we did the world envision fca collab check all right this one was crazy working on promoting our why behind everything that was a short-term goal so that's on your phone on my phone so we wanted to work on putting out why we was doing our brand within our brand what content so that was a short-term very important goal uh for us um making high school and youth team sports gear i don't think i mean i think we did one event yeah when he finished our game game of three put we designed these shirts put like a number at the back and they did a tournament um so that was one event that we did and this one's big the last one was continuing to train invest and improve our team members and making them surely understand who we want what we want them to do check okay like that was a big thing all right long-term goals opening up our second kiosk location like i said we had three kiosk locations we had three um having our um i guess we would say our distribution on autopilot where we would so that we'll be able to go out and do pop-ups so we are getting that now yeah that's not a check yet but we are able to leave but we don't i still order the merchandise yeah so it's like i'm even if i leave i'm still working on the goal yeah um but we we getting that we getting that process down pat to us somebody else could just from the team could just order our stuff filing our 2019 taxes check we got a pop-up shop truck check college pop-up tour ah i mean we did we didn't do it with the truck yet we didn't do it with the truck we didn't do it with the truck we could cover it cool we messed up and messed up hey if you right now make sure you comment under this video comment what college you at so that we could pop up at your college college pop up to come in 21 but well 20 what yeah that would be 21 at the beginning of the school year yeah 21. so leave leave that comment for us fallout 21. i mean i like right now currently like basically we're modeling like it's just telling y'all like we made these goals years ago like literally years ago and just coming back to it now we see that we really accomplished 99 of everything that's on this list you know what i mean so it that's it's not it's not video documentation but it's like notes you know what i mean and we could as some of our videos or remember we have like the highlights from when we started in the small room we added some of that stuff on here too yeah uh this was crazy though a couple more um increasing owner pay i guess that would be everybody's budget um making vlogs for youtube that was a long time that's on him a long time ago growing up personal brands i mean that was two three years ago and we just started making videos on youtube it's crazy just started on partnering with the colleges like we did college of business and business insurance i think we needed that three to five year goals getting a property through the business all right so we're working on that having our own store i think we we decided you know the kiosks was our thing and we won't go we're not going to step into the studio the only way i'm not i'm not going to really tell them still playing all right still playing yeah cause we still working on it big one yeah five million in sales from from three years yeah way more than that man all right this one big world envision warehouse in wrestling in parentheses wow we working on that man we're doing it right though another one becoming the household brand for louisiana tech all right three to five year goals it's three to five year goals traveling around the united states promoting our mission um with workshops and mentorship programs all right and becoming the number one active brand in louisiana so what would you say about that we are we getting close to that at least that that was one of the big terms for the number one brand as for them in louisiana so if you think we're the number one brand in louisiana leave us some more comments please let us know we we're trying to accomplish our three to five year goals and all right the number one the five to ten year goals was number one active brand in the united states and to be a household brand for a tier one university i like that we're talking about power five so we document right now right now we're telling y'all we're gonna be the biggest brand in the country in the world so we're gonna be able to come back to this video and just take this little snippet out right here and show y'all that we said it like like whatever you literally want to do like you could do it and don't be afraid to say it and speak it into existence because then when you actually get it done and you come back to this it's gonna be like it's gonna be crazy it's gonna be mind-blowing really but that just got to show you that having a plan could already just get you halfway down like you you already started at 51 when you got a plan you started at 51 yep and i think the last question was um not adjusting i'll let you start off with that one man adjust to your space literally adjust to your speech like and what i mean by that is just like how we had world invasion and um a lot of people caught started calling it world envision um i mean that just gave you know a bigger opportunity for the brand because it just made it made more sense without a story of just having a vision in general so uh we was able to listen to you know our customers and um you know we let them decide that you know feature of the brand so uh i see that slight adjustment is you never know it probably made us you know you know more attract more our brand name more attractive to certain people uh you know some people was already calling it that so just being able to adjust to your space is what keep you going and keep momentum behind your company yep and i said uh even without kia's deal i said that was a bigger adjustment within our brand um like when kovit well yeah but i'm saying mainly when we wanted we wanted a store oh yeah yeah you know we wanted to have a store we thought that you know that's that's that's ideal for every brand to you know have them a store where people could come in and get their product um but we decided to do the kiosk and go in a different light with most brands maybe wouldn't do that look at a kiosk and be like well i'm selling clothes out of key i swear you know what i mean but we saw it as just a way to they already had thousands of people just walking right there even if you didn't have this big store and we didn't have to have electricity bills we didn't have to have wi-fi builds it was just other things that we thought about and made it made sense you know what i mean and i think that that's a that was also a big adjustment because we were able to put out just as much product within a little you know shopping cart facts that some people may think that they need a big store to do that you know definitely don't be afraid to adjust and do different things you know you know i mean i say what would be one one one last super super tip from the boss itself um what would you give them what would you leave the people with um just over this week one thing that you learned this week one thing that i'm that i learned this week is just uh for one don't try to fix something that's not broken so okay continue to do what you're doing if it's working um and for two um do a little you know do a little bit of everything that's working so uh just like what we saying about like the kiosks like we have an online store that's that's like killing the kiosks and numbers just based on you can't check out a thousand people at one time at the kiosk you know what i mean but you could do that online but at the end of the day the key i still make money so like why not do it it's like a why not thing and and that's how you're able to drive up your sales um by doing a little bit of everything that is working so i mean it may not it may not be able to check out a thousand people at one time but it could check out you know 10 or 20. you know what i mean so uh just that one thing like just the concept of doing everything that is working and put it into one big old little funnel or whatever you want to call it um is what you know get you to the next level because sometimes we adjust to one thing and then we leave the other stuff alone but uh continuing to do the other stuff that was working um it's just a pic a big pool of things that just all works and it just gets you to the next level yep that's what i would say yeah and i guess i'll leave it off with um i mean just writing writing things down because if it's not written down it's almost forgotten like if i don't write it down uh put it in my notes or oh or just have it somewhere where you could remind yourself sometimes if i get a business card or something i gotta put it right down my desk in a certain spot so that way even if i do for oh like oh man i got to remember to do that because there's so many things going on and a lot people are engaged in so much you know as soon as you want to do something like your phone ringing you know it's always something that's distracting you and if you don't have if you don't have it written down is nine times out of ten it may get forgotten um so we gonna wrap it up here we wanna say thank y'all this was the world invisible podcast number seven baby so y'all know what to do right now what to do right look what they got to do y'all know what to do don't think you could do it by yourself okay you use use somebody okay help other people okay you hear me do that have sales skills get a chance to sell your product you are your best sales you are your best sales person later yes you're your best sales person reinvest your price up and reinvest profits invest your profit you're gonna pay yourself later later you're going to pay yourself later and document every single thing that you do but not least pick up that camera start recording it what's the last thing don't be afraid of change don't be afraid to change like change ain't gonna kill you baby it's not it's only gonna make you strong it's gonna make you better and once again baby this was the world envision podcast number seven thank y'all let's get it we out [Music] you
Channel: WRLDINVSN Clothing Company
Views: 23,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Before starting a clothing brand, Clothing brand fail, Clothing brand marketing, Clothing brand mistakes, Clothing brand mistakes to avoid, Clothing brand success, Streetwear clothing brand, The reasons why clothing brands fail, Why clothing brands fail, clothing, clothing brand, clothing brand startup, clothing brand tips, clothing line, how to start a clothing brand, how to start a clothing line, streetwear, tips for starting a clothing brand, why clothing brands fail
Id: UhTSRRq-ue0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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