This School Helps Poor Kids Succeed, Teacher Unions Try To Shut It Down

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this is our largest crew today so many kids from one charter school take advanced placement exams they had to rent space at a Convention Center kids who attend Rich suburban school sometimes pay $500 an hour for tutoring for tests but these kids can't afford that they're mostly from lowincome families they attend a city Charter chain yet they succeed outperforming their peers by a landslide on math test Success Academy kids outperform every school in New York state other Charters are in Blue on this graph government runs schools in Gray success kids also outperform other kids in English that is redefining American public education lame D young is Success Academy's Chief schooling officer our Black and Hispanic students um outperformed their peers by double triple perent in their math by peers you include the rich kids in the suburbs yes but school is boring no it's not when I first checked out this Charter I was amazed that these kids enjoyed School saying subjects like reading were rocking awesome so you guys look forward to going to school in the morning yes it's why lots of parents want to get their kids into Success Academy I watched them line up hoping to get their kids in this line goes on and on go forever goes around the block what do you do when you have thousands of people just a few hundred slots they hold a lottery the winners are happy sadly there are many more losers let mean my name going to come next time yeah next year not today that's so sad today the Lottery's done electronically so we don't get to see the thousands of kids and parents who cry in disappointment the chain wants to offer its magic to more kids but they aren't allowed to New York limits the number of charter schools why because some people hate them y aren now welcome here we will not welcome you here politicians and the teachers union have convinced many people people that charter schools are evil when Progressive Democrats are in charge they shut some Charters down the highest performing school in the state upsetting even media leftists and it's in Harlem is being shut down why shut down a successful school why not give parents more Choice here's a union Vice President we have a lot of choice it's do we need more Choice yes competition's good but the education establishment doesn't doesn't want competition education Advocates say charter schools are not the answer taking away from an already shrinking budget in New York City Public Schools that's completely wrong it is spending on government schools is not shrinking it's increasing despite falling enrollment also Charters like success get half what government run schools get yet with less money success does better why does success succeed cuz we believe children can and that is fund schools don't believe children can no there's low expectations that persist uh unfortunately and even more so after the pandemic at other schools pandemic related learning loss is the new normal but not its success every one of these kids has been accepted by a college here they cheer as friends open their acceptances that doesn't just happen one reason it does is because the school day here is longer kids often stay till 5:00 p.m. Charter teachers can be asked to work more than the union would have allowed they told us they don't mind but you're going to burn out why aren't you ticked off that's not an option for us because we kind of have our eye on the prize with these kids now some success parents do pull their kids out because of the extra hours required critics say that raises average test scores for kids who remain probably does but so what high expectations are a good thing for many kids thousands from low-income families now succeed because this Charter chain innovates at most schools the principal sits in the principal's office not a success no they're in the classrooms what are they telling you they're telling me things that I don't see if I don't think of a great question in this in the moment my principal's able to kind of feed that to me we expect not only change but fast change some teachers don't like being watched and criticized no but it's purposeful and they're getting better and when they get better their Scholars do better and they feel as Educators more successful uh and that's what you want most high school students never even take advanced placement tests of those who take them in New York City only half pass but all success kids take the tests and 80% pass we were all pretty nervous about this test it was like oh my god wow I'm really about to take my first AP exam you're a freshman most people don't take that until junior or senior year if then I think that makes me more proud these kids must be miserable they're working all the time why are they miserable they're having fun learning success offers dance and other activities it's not schoolwork all the time chess debate theater music those aren't add-ons those are part of our day this student was surprised that her friend at a government run school had few extracurriculars to put on her college application I was like don't you like have any like leadership positions like you should just go for student council and they didn't have one and I was like that's shocking well you should like make one and they were like oh like my school doesn't do that I was like okay how about like a club and she was like we still don't do that success does make its teachers work harder and longer some quit but so what other teachers like it here and the goal is for kids to succeed and they do I feel like it's unfair that not not everybody gets to get this opportunity if sa doesn't exist then we wouldn't all exist and we wouldn't have all the cool opportunities that we have it's great that the kids here could have a choice and pick a better school all kids should have that choice choice is good in all things you two has millions of channels they're everywhere here competition makes me work harder if you want to help us compete please click that button
Channel: John Stossel
Views: 154,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John stossel, libertarian, free market
Id: lN8urWXJuYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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