The Life of a Gypsy Girl | Big Fat Gypsy Wedding | DOUBLE EPISODE | OMG Weddings

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foreign [Music] Gypsy Tracy Herron is proof that marriage between Gypsies and non-travelers can work yeah and then that'll be all opened full balloons and cream all on the walls all the pictures are coming down Tracy has been married to her gorgeous husband Phil for nearly 10 years didn't you have them on your last dress that's a diamantes lots of sparkles glitter glitter after a low-key marriage at a registry office Phil has been saving ever since for the lavish wedding Tracy has longed for we didn't really have a lot of money at the time when we first get married so we went to the registry office had a quick wedding known I sort of always said whenever we do get enough money in that then we'll do it again properly so here's the reason why you did it massive four Big Stretch Hummers we've got I think you got 14 bridges in it yep they've got four white horses in a carriage a big pink Carriage I think every girl drinks a little like fairy tale day I hope everything goes up perfect and I get that day despite their successful marriage their relationship was met with opposition to begin with it was a little bit hard to start with your dad wasn't it oh yeah like my dad yeah of course I was in the Army at the time and there wasn't a thing that a traveler would do yeah I was working on the farms and my phone would ring my brother would be like who's that on the phone just a friend [Music] [Laughter] Tracy isn't the only woman in her family to marry outside the Gypsy community her cousin Maria also married a non-traveler with a relationship soon turned sour to my ex and his family you know I was scum of the earth and hadn't done anything wrong no yeah you know the spitting at me the [ __ ] you know that that hurt just because we were born and bred in the Caravan yeah in a trailer however we'd like to say it we should be proud of what you are I can't you know it just it does it brings tears to my eyes because you know we're normal yeah they're the ones missing out not no one else you are familiar to them yeah [Music] with just 11 days to go until Tracy's wedding there is some good news at last a delivery has arrived all the way from China [Music] [Music] oh I'll snap the yamanga one two three one until seven o'clock this morning we're still phoning I'm not really getting any answers but I'm pleased now they're all here that's a big weight off everyone's shoulders now yeah just when things are looking up Tracy notices there's a problem with the bridesmaid dresses in the indices in a massive bow that hits the floor no no the bankrupt wedding planner has failed to pay for the complete order I'd like to get out of her foreign twice on everything yeah okay then all right all right then thank you very much bye I don't know what's the time we're not paying for him again she's getting a maid and they'll be in next week what should we have to play from again just right there in it I'm losing my temper now it's lovely in it ten years after a low-key wedding Romani Gypsy Tracy is renewing her vows and having the lavish celebration she always dreamed of nothing of those planned is it there's some people are on church on time we're getting there there are 14 bridesmaids needing a full makeover I found have fun I've still got quite a few left I'm trying to go as quick as I can to get it done Keep Calm not everyone is aware of the tight schedule bend it bend it Megan because I don't like that at the minute it's looking too outwards yeah bend it right in that's it and Megan you know those bits here can you poke them up a bit as well Megan you know that bit there that curls and goes there can you bring that like out a bit yeah but just tell them at the end of the day yeah just tell him just to get their hair done I'll be back here for 11 o'clock yeah tell them don't stop messing around don't panic okay another box all right love you bye [ __ ] boys mate put it up no no put it on put it back in Canterbury there's half an hour to go before Tracy's wedding ceremony begins just kind of Brave and just trying to enjoy every bit now as the 15 bridesmaids make their way to Tracy's house news of the wedding has quickly spread through the neighborhood [Music] [Music] if we're not careful over at the in-laws Phil's plans for a perfect white and pink themed wedding are in jeopardy oh the white one two was supposed to be wait one was supposed to be like a creamy Goldie color no one was a pink one don't tell me it's a black one oh [ __ ] or what oh I've always yeah at the house yeah but it's a white it's a black a black one not a white one but it's a black one she said what do you mean it's a black one exactly what he says it's a black one well they know it should be why well they know it should be what she said yeah that's naughty is he right he's swearing so we've got a black hammer right [ __ ] 18. [ __ ] joke what happened to the white one well they didn't hold you at all no [Music] despite her wedding planner going bankrupt lost dresses and a wrong colored limo Tracy is finally getting the extravagant wedding she has always craved it's amazing [Music] [Music] Philip and Tracy you have committed yourselves to each other in marriage for better for worse for richer for poorer in sickness and in health to love and to cherish till partied by Death is this your understanding of the Covenant and promise that you have made a bit louder we're beautiful the drunk later on though can't we [Music] um [Applause] [Music] it's a rare occasion when Gypsies and Gorges celebrate side by side but today they've come together for Tracy and Phil [Applause] [Music] that was Conte [Music] although this Union has proved that a mixed marriage can work there is still some division among Tracy's family about the two cultures coming together I think that she keeps doing kind to make obviously the family tradition going so obviously our often can feel of it all is that the tradition ain't going to carrying going it's going to fade and fade away my personal thing is that you can keep your family to your family that you shouldn't mix with anyone I'm married a girl yeah but I wouldn't marry a traveler and I wouldn't because I want my marriage to work and not be a few years I've either beaten or a divorce down the line what woman wants to put herself through I've been snatched because I wouldn't I mean my advice wouldn't even dream to beat me I say I'll kill him I'll be in my ways of sleeping I'll execute him in the bathroom while adjoining of gypsies and non-travelers is still considered Unthinkable by many a happy marriage like Tracy and Phil's is achievable [Music] how does this prepare to your first time because 100 times better in it yeah wouldn't change one single a little bit I would the black omelet that I got oh I've been pissed off about that all day [Music] having been born on a site Irish traveler Freda Berry moved into a house with her family at the age of two [Music] you'll be wearing a real one next week I forgot a week before her wedding day she's out with her closest friends hunting for a suitable outfit for this evening's hen night life [Music] yeah girls that really is lovely you look groovy 15 years ago under the threat of eviction freda's parents were re-housed within wrexham settled community much to the alarm of the locals just down the road more or less and we wanted all the travelers to move into my house and they're all giving them all houses to move into and there was a big commotion about it saying we're gonna cause litter and there's going to be Mischief going on really but in the end like people got to know us like our next door neighbor she's really nice there's no lady across the road she's really really nice we've known them on our lives so do you know we're Travelers and do you understand being as bad as everyone thinks yeah for Freda marriage will not just signal an end to childhood but see her returning to a more traditional traveler lifestyle I'd rather live in a trailer because in a house you don't see nothing you don't do nothing the same thing week in weekends just born when do you officially move out of home today I get married today I Say I Do then the day after I'll be home my home not my mom dad's home and where's that in the background it's not very fairly from this room outside [Music] but Midway through the evening the Hindu is rudely interrupted by the Stag dude [Music] yeah yeah [Music] thank you Freda Berry is preparing for the biggest day of her life once married she won't just be living at the bottom of her parents Garden but we'll get to sample the life of her ancestors traveling on the road go ready for it yes it's balm ready a funny thing that a girl looks forward to is her dress and it's like something you planned for years and years I want this and I want that and this is something you look forward to in it huh [Music] downstairs the stress levels are rising the dressmaker made it too long and I don't somehow she could have done it little scissors my Telly keep turning you keep turning right that way that way it's not good this is really bad but outside the non-traveler neighbors many of whom have been friends with the family since Frida's childhood are out in force to catch a glimpse of her fairy tale dress [Music] it's lovely to see because it's so different from our way of life and our weddings people have got an idea of travel families and when you live by them it's just not what people think at all you have to live with them because they're absolutely brilliant they blend in to be perfectly honest you've got other ordinary families it will a lot more trouble Than The Travelers [Music] on the day of her wedding Frida Berry is being transported to the church in a luxury Rolls Royce but as the ceremony draws ever closer wedding day jitters are increasingly apparent what you nervous babe [Music] once married Frida will leave home and Sample a new life traveling on the road and [Music] I don't know it's gonna be different although their upbringings have been very different Frida will be married in the same church as her mother was 24 years ago [Music] but even in Sub-Zero temperatures the extravagance of a modern traveler wedding draws a crowd [Music] thank you two weeks after her wedding day Irish traveler Frida is moving from her parents house to her new marital home this hair is the living room this is the bedroom there's the unsweetened oh Mysterio My Vibes we got me speakers I'm gonna go bouncing make a little disco with the lights are flashing and try to rock [Music] you enjoying married life yeah it's different than a turtle it's gonna be I don't know it just feels like a dream at the moment it'll be like it doesn't feel like I'm married this feels like a single lunch you know I mean Daddy has this trailer and I'm just playing this and making the bed and hacking and stuff it just feels like up there who probably hit me in a couple of months probably crying now no it ain't that bad Frida is going to taste life on the road but for her it is not the trailer that makes the traveler culture is dying out like you won't see as many Travelers traveling you won't see as many Travelers like living in trailers and whatever but it doesn't exactly mean like you have to live in a trailer or you have to live in a a house you'll still be a traveler no matter what no one's gonna take that away from you it's still who you are here you are at the end of the day so it's gonna be a few comfortable with with the trailer you bring in your home wherever you want to go and you're exploring different things and exploring different scenery and there's nothing holding us back now is there so although she lives in a state of constant upheaval Helen is due to marry her fiance David in just over A month's time are you ready for me yeah yeah give me one second I can't waste and she's currently juggling the chaos of her lifestyle with the stress of planning a spectacular summer wedding and I'm not making up for you yeah yeah it's lovely [Music] okay you want to no I wanted like that it's perfect like that that's the very least famous thing where he was one of it yeah it's really lovely it's nicer I'm white you're shaking yeah oh God this is funny I just can't wait to see you tomorrow look at this now you're ready to see yourself [Music] thank you Helen has the dress of her dreams and for a girl more used to the struggle and hardship of life on the road it is a rare moment of Glamor just like a one one day your life you can dress like this all right so what's gonna change after wedding day after the wedding they'll be married and I won't be going to La every five minutes be David I won't depend on me that'll depend on him probably difference change for another way of Lee [Music] despite having only known David for 12 weeks Helen's wedding day is already upon her and the bridal party are readying themselves for a long day ahead such an occasion requires access to Reliable power sources and hair straighteners luxuries that trailers on the road can't provide so the girls have abandoned their Caravans in favor of a local hotel is he 'll be there and get married while hectic things foreign oh my fight's in super glue how many cans of Red Bull we've gone through I haven't got a clue it was like about 10 cases after being about this morning and every one of them was gone dress large jackass can't see what I'm walking weddings in the traveling Community often take place within a few close-knit families but Helen and Marie's family history meant that their cousins were off limits it happens we're cousins married cousins like my Dad and Mum is first cousins we had to write the Pope John Paul for the gay consent and he got married off him and he'd send a bag of certificate now it's framed and Jimmy on his house in Ireland [Music] why not because the blood's too close [Music] Helen is ready to be transported to the church she spent much of her life on the road eluding the authorities but today's journey is proving even more nerve-wracking how's it going Adam getting a little nervous it's really happening there like does this and I'm really really nervous [Music] All Creatures just 12 weeks after meeting her fiance David it's the day of Irish traveler Helen's wedding for the big day and they've all turned out in force [Music] enforce not lost on the bride this is where I live again in thirds and I'm the only thing how long have you been waiting for this day what happened to walk walk the oil [Music] we are asking God to give this blessing to upon them to be with women all together in their life because I believe it to take the lead to being a lawful committed Christ we have back to challenge and letting us alive [Music] just a small one [Applause] David and Helen are now man and wife and at the reception venue the celebrations can begin thank you the Dance Floor soon fills with friends from across the country but by now grandmother Maggie is well used to the spectacle of a traveler wedding Sunday Davis the grandchildren do you have now the child every year every year so how can I count up for money great grand change that I have because the bridge like rabbits rabbits in the field [Applause] [Music] a life spent on the road is always unpredictable but having traveled since childhood at the behest of her father it is now David who will decide Helen's future the scariest thing about being married now is haven't gone with him tomorrow and not mommy and daddy it's going to be like to move in with him and everything was gonna be scary [Music] do you know where you can be living now I'm married now and everything and I don't know where I'm gonna go [Music] the month and a half after her wedding the fairy tale is over Helen is back with her traveling companions living alongside her sister and Jimmy on a roadside next to Ikea but they expect to be moved on at any moment and Jimmy is becoming increasingly irritated by the constant battles with the council where can we go some people would say whether you get a house with everyone else well of course we'd love to do that but can't you give it to us we go under house there's no problem but look at the witnessing house you can't get them there's already I know where you're gonna go we don't what's the problem we've got to avoid event a lot of places already and every time we go to the council just put us off again just let you hold me down then every time it's the same process every single time while Jimmy grows frustrated by the endless cycle of invasion and eviction Helen's world could be about to change forever your results is pregnant and you're conceived approximately kids three weeks ago and there's two weeks pregnant 's all grown up and having a baby married and everything now well how long is my six weeks how long are you pregnant I've always how many three weeks pregnant foreign because then I hate to be something wrong with them or whatever now heavily pregnant Helen is taking a break from traveling life [Music] the respite is much needed soon she will give birth to their first baby and their second heart attack when I say twins the woman said baby one is a little girl I never said that they just kept quiet then baby two was little boy yes because he thought he was getting two girls like why would he not want two girls because they're too expensive girls are very expensive too come on Daddy give me money for some beds that I give me money to get my nails done two weddings you have to have two separate Bankers put 30 000 pounds like over two girls so everybody's life was like the perfect little family a boy and a girl can't wait to get them that's your own toy like you that's yours to come from you oh it's just I can't wait I really can't waste Helen plans to remain here until the babies are born and despite all the pitfalls of the traveling life unlike Jimmy she is convinced that her family's future lies on the road what sort of Life do you want for your babies they'll travel like they live the same life I lived and I'd like them to be brought up the way I was brought up in them to bring their children not the way I was brought up because I love traveling I love that I love us go on different places meeting different people what would ever stop you and your children struggling nothing that'll ever stop us it's just the way I like to swear we're brought up this is we just could travel the Supercar Travelers we just travel around can't stay in one place [Music] when I get a haircut here did you ring it boy I said ask somebody 26 year old Irish traveler Priscilla was also brought up to follow strict rules but since then she's run away to get married had a divorce is unmarried with four children and is now planning her second marriage to boyfriend Clive you make a nice job because Mommy and Daddy get married yeah are we foreign she's got ambitious plans for her second wedding another color team there was purple she's putting like a hot pink all over the roof all over the ground and she said that she might be able to come across like a glass flooring like like no because if it's on ice as if you're walking on ice like a frost floor and I'm trying to get there like an like an owl to come and from a distance and I want to like the two of us there looking out onto the ocean like in the kind of in the before it comes night time and I asked her to get the owl to come between the two of us with the wedding bands so are you looking for yeah [Music] Priscilla was just 16 when she ran away to be married for the first time but it was her subsequent divorce that brought a bigger Scandal my family was like shame on you Priscilla you should be ashamed of yourself you're making a disgrace your family look what you've done to us my father came over to me and cornered me in the kitchen and looked at me and stuck his finger in my face and said you should be ashamed of yourself and he said you dirty [ __ ] the man of life is meant to stay with each other for eternity because there's not many traveling women that gets married and gets divorced and even though all I wanted was to get rid of my ex-husband I my whole family went too tree silent year to stop speaking to me over it despite her ruined reputation in the eyes of the community Priscilla is once again going against convention by marrying Clive a non-traveler no I'm gonna hurt you I know it's gonna hurt me laughs like I didn't think that means end up together like all of our family in there but she picked me over a family that was that's that was no one ever done that like I've made before she gave up everything from me everything so I knew then she was the one for me and she knew I was one for her [Music] red course and a feather feather and red black skirt most shocking of all to the traveler Community is that Priscilla's two children with Clive were born out of wedlock but there are some traditions Priscilla does abide by and today she's christening their latest edition this is just literally a party for me to have never been pregnant again and have a free room [Music] and it's a big day for baby boy Rico want any more [ __ ] no because I don't condom condom [ __ ] so that's all we're baptized in it maybe wash clean of sin and be born again to live as your children I baptize you in the name of the father oh and of the Sun and of the holy spirit amen [Music] after Priscilla's day in church it's time for the christening party [Music] I want this kind of something different from what I wore today because I was letting on to a little Virgin Mary today in front of the priest so this is something that I wear after 12 o'clock what do your kids think when they see you all dressed up to work what do you think they think you do for a job um I don't know I don't think I should ask him that [Music] [Applause] [Music] despite Priscilla's unconventional approach to traveler life her decision to remarry has brought her back into the community and healed Old Wounds with her dad this is the only daddy that put up me all my life mighty cold over for the decisions that she finally made and this is a very proud of him as well I look here you cry very very lucky and she knows this life [Laughter] thank you foreign [Music] the wedding of divorced Irish traveler Priscilla and her second husband Clive is planned for six weeks time this white one would it be corset or Philadelphia literally standard on top of the table is that nice but before she does she's got one more Scandal up her sleeve my plan is to get go over to Poland and get um breast enlargements and get a tummy tuck done to the weighted my whole life her because um I'm actually able to do it and like he's allowed me to do it it's more of a privilege but if you didn't know me I go anyways without a doubt [Music] [Music] I'd like to say to other traveling girls look what I can do you can do the same and do we say how can you travel so far on your own and I'm saying you can do it [Music] it may not be the done thing for traveler women to have breast enlargements but this will be the second time Priscilla has had the procedure in Poland until at the band Priscilla this is nice to meet you your breast four was maybe in this position and then went down to this position and you have this Snoopy I'll say yes Snoopy if the breast is hanging now let's say this hanging position as it's hanging it's big resin hanging [Music] would your parents generation ever think of having plastic or never never think if they grew two heads and a tail I think the Palm on the tail and hopes they still wouldn't having traveled over a thousand miles on her own it's been 24 hours since Priscilla last Saw Clive he sent me a text yesterday I'm saying um you are the woman that I was dreaming about all my life when God made you he was thinking about me I miss you so much it's killing me being away from my cellar and I literally pour out in tears yeah God didn't think you could actually read or even still [Music] over in Ireland bride to be Priscilla has returned from Poland after her second breast enlargement I don't even actually know I I didn't even get the chance to even go into um a proper place to get measured I just literally go in and look for the biggest brand shop that's what I just probably telling me I'm just a bigger than everyone else because in the seeds the bras they'd be like just like to top for headlights of a car so I can't fit into my other one put it that way tonight with three weeks to go before her wedding date Priscilla is having her hen party and unlike many traveler men non-travela Clive is happy to stay in and babysit when women goes out demand to be ours with him but the men will be literally either drooling at the women going out the door or literally ringing the phone off the hook you probably see the Silent Night phone phone phone um what are you doing all night the girls have arrived ready to party and there's one person they can't wait to see this is the first time they're after seeing me stand there with the surgery done foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] while Priscilla and the girls dance into the early hours husband-to-be Clive is in for a quieter night [Music] beautiful the nicest hours here in London so I can only imagine what she's gonna look like in a wedding dress he's asleep [Music] but sometimes traveler Traditions can be stretched to Breaking Point three months after her hen party Priscilla has called off her wedding after a series of rows she's left Clive and moved into a hotel I mean he must finished our relationship was always argonal fighting and disputing and constantly him temporizing around the house and it's a tragedy how everything can just start from the happiest days of my life and being with him and having a family care and I'll leave her down I always thought that I would grow old with live and the two of us would carry each other's walking sticks and porridge a hands up around her arms but sometimes I'd rather be in a cargo box being happy instead of me being in a relationship that I'm not happy in foreign so you won't look like your daddy anymore hey so I won't have to look at him that's good despite her wedding plans falling apart divorcee and mother of four Priscilla remains defiant when it comes to going against convention I don't have to marry him because of Shame of having kids or a shame of just being a traveler I don't want to say I I'm married now just clear a Neymar to say that I'm his woman or anything the only thing that makes going to make me happy is my kids because I don't want to be with someone just for the sake of Shame despite a long-standing distrust between the two communities Gypsy and gorgeous relationships can overcome adversity last year 17 year old Sam married into the Gypsy community dealer Pat Sam won his family over by doing things that travel away [Music] foreign [Music] who go she's crazy she's gonna live in a trailer I tried it 10 months on Sam and Pat are living on a site next to an industrial estate Sam is expecting a baby boy he's all his t-shirts jumpers I like fire pairs of jeans got loads do you think that's quite a lot of jeans to buy for a new baby yeah if I was saying that he won't get a chance for wearing I used to live in a lot of these cupboards no one can work for every day of his life sometimes we forget bored I'll just get all these clothes out and just fold them up I've been feeling upset I've just gone buying things tears me up despite throwing herself into Gypsy life Sam is still struggling with the realities of living on a site she hates it I don't hate it and I like it but I just think it's a bit like doing my glue money I'd like it as well if there's more people my age only because they're all older than me so I'm lonely I've got no friends when he's at work through the day I'm just done me on she wants a bath but I could build a bathroom should be happy like getting the knee goes oh yeah you can go to your mum's it's not the same want me on bath [Applause] pram is next on the shopping list but as a gypsy man this is not Pat's domain times I won't be using it well well even if you go anywhere are you doing pushing the problem oh and a big cream one with our baby blue when the food with like ribbons and diamonds and things like that I don't bother the cheap cheap as possible she likes the Silver Cross problems but I think they're like Coffins on Wheels disgusting he says there's no room for it but there is room for it I'll make it rain for it took him out I don't want none of these [Music] I want a cream cream level I don't want this one so this is a complete waste of my day why is it always CJ you're not gonna pick one in well if you see one yeah let's go on I'll shut up Sam and Pat have registered the birth of their new baby boy Patrick Tom [Music] their son will begin his life in a caravan but his identity is yet to be decided it's going to be classed as a gypsy so it needs to be able to stick up for yourself because unfortunately I think he might get bullied I wouldn't have anyone calling him or anything just cause is that was a Zippo it could be bullied from both sides yeah don't agree with me I didn't think that like people were bullying because like he's a gypsy or like people are playing because you know I mean I don't think about classes of gypsy I think he will do like his daddy and where's he living is he living in house he's a bit of both mostly at Buffalo it's gonna be spoiled also attending the Grand National Festival this year is 19 year old bitty who alongside her bridesmaids plans to celebrate a very special hen do at the event in the park well the groundhog wedding in a park why no but I'm just saying it it would be nice it's her last day out as a single girl as not long after the last horse has crossed the Finish Line she will be marrying her fiancee whom she met only three months ago he was like who is I don't think I like them at first I didn't like him because I didn't know who he was and how do you know he's the one I think it's when you get to a point of like you can't live like a day without seeing each other or like you want to talk to each other and you can't you constantly thinking of them and then when you take them you're just smiling and people are like what are you smiling at you like nothing and what do you think the secrets are to happy long marriage him putting the clothes in to wash them but before her nuptials biddy and her bridesmaids are planning a spectacular Hindu at the Grand Nationals [Music] and they've asked Gypsy Couture designer Thelma medin to help them realize their dream bespoke hen party dresses [Music] is nice hoping to make a bold fashioned statement the girls also plan to enter aintree's best dressed competition with the enticing prize of a brand new Porsche up for grabs mine is nicer come on inspired by her upcoming nuptials biddy's Grand National hen party dress is adorned with thousands of sparkling crystals as well as two Diamante encrusted donut-shaped Rings symbolizing her engagement and wedding bands senior hats [Music] the crowning glory for bride-to-be biddy's hen party outfit is the intricately made headpiece a scale replica of a traditional gypsy wedding dress we we make dresses for the Grand National um every year outfits for them so the I think when these girls go out they're going to see a big difference in getting dressed for to go to a wedding what they used to go into and know what to wear here they'll see the difference is this the first time you'll be around like just loads of country people yeah yeah I all think we can dress well wait at least see you that's my finger how am I gonna know [Music] people celebrating her Hindu at the Grand National Festival biddy will have one last chance to enjoy a glamorous day out with her friends before her wedding six weeks later I I think everyone will notice me I don't think I'm gonna have to try [Music] in wrexham biddy and her bridesmaids are off for a spot of personal preening before heading to dressmaker Thelma medeans to get into their spectacular hen party outfits [Music] celebrating biddy's Hindu they want to make sure they look the part for the big occasion [Music] and it's just an excuse for all the women to get dressed up and wear big hats it's called ladies day for a reason for one day you have to dress up like a lady do you think the Traveler's style is going to clash with the country style I think so because falma is the best rest maker she does the best clothes but it's the point of like what will the country people think of our outfits we think will they think they're ladybug thank you So yeah thank you with hair to be crimped and hats fastened the next stop is Thelma's Boutique but there's a lot to be done before the hen party will be ready to compete in the best dressed competition in just four hours time [Music] don't really know what to expect I'm just expecting a lot of people in like yeah obviously that's right but I'm expecting like all the women to like I'm looking forward to see why they're dressed because this is like the day that the Liverpool country people or whoever goes to the Grand National can show The Travelers up well we'll see as well as the fashion competition they're entering where they could win a Porsche today will be a rare occasion when the hens will mix with non-travelers do you have many non-traveler friends no no I just never never wanted one there's enough problems to go around [Music] [Music] oh my gosh [Music] with the first race about to begin at Aintree the girls are beginning the difficult task of positioning their elaborate headwear so I'm going to push it and you need to guide it into your hair okay and biddy's scale replica dress-shaped hat is proving particularly tricky to secure [Music] yeah the head is ripped off oh I'd like me scalp that was even oh my God oh my God that's in my brains do you want to push it I need a neck traits in my skull you sure you want them this dark but over at Thelma's preparations for biddy's hendu at the Grand National Festival have taken a terrible turn for the worse we're looking to stoke me here no makeup look I'm gonna take limousines after spending thousands of pounds on their elaborate outfits the girls are running nearly two hours late [Music] and to make matters worse the bride-to-be's best friend Familia didn't like her nails and now she's gone missing maybe he's got nothing dangerously late they risk missing out on the best dressed competition delicious there she is [Music] four hours four hours you've been she's laughing like it's no harm limousine come at half one we're still not finished doing our hair we're still not finished doing right off we still have to get dressed it's gonna take us about an hour to get dressed and we might finish off what we're doing it's a bit of a rehearsal for your wedding buddy also oh my God won't be like this all right I'm having me on hairdressers and makeup artist you just get your own so not getting ready in the same room as me hours away from arriving at daintree having an altogether more terrible time our biddy and her bridesmaids [Music] despite running late they've come to a local cafe for a spot of lunch [Music] and after filling up they just have to squeeze into their dresses to the limo ready to wow the Aintree crowds remember [Music] Betty knows that fun day's out with her friends will be in short supply once she's married and the thought of wearing an even bigger dress for her wedding is filling her with Dread I'm not even in a wedding dress and I already couldn't get into limousine of this absolutely small dress today is that stressful getting ready I don't know I don't even know I don't have ideas I don't even want to be conscious on my way there get them ready what do you think everyone's gonna think when they see you bloody gypsies everywhere now after taking five hours to get ready [Music] and her bridesmaids have finally arrived at Aintree for their Hindu ready to enter the best dressed competition and sizing up her Rivals they're feeling confident [Applause] [Music] everyone is staring at us I think we definitely outdid everyone but on entering the parade ring they realize there's a slight problem [Music] they've arrived too late and the competition is already underway yeah dresses look like throughout the praying man oh my God the whole point of Us coming here was for that contest as usual we're too late despite missing out on the Porsche the crowds of race goers make it clear who they think are the real winners tell you what [Laughter] it's a lipstick how good does it for me you're the pink and purple do you like to wear that one yeah Chad should be a fancy I found this in my room having enjoyed the racing biddy and her hen party are starting to struggle with the jubilant crowd Kiss My Face get out of my face [Music] and seeing the non-travel is enjoying themselves to excess has put off biddy and her tea total Bridesmaids [Music] I'm finding it very claustrophobic if this were all travelers all the characters we're surrounded by a country people and I can't take it what have you learned about the Grand National to never go again disappointed at missing out on being crowned the best dressed at Aintree and upset at the behavior of the non-travelers bidi decides to call a halt to her hen party and not long after they've arrived they decide to leave saving their energies for another even more spectacular event her wedding day [Music] six weeks after the grand national festival in a popular two-star Hotel on the outskirts of wrexham nineteen-year-old biddy is getting ready for the biggest day of her life but already there is a major problem for the bride to deal with you don't seem very happy just worried about my drafts or so but the wedding in only three hours Time biddy's dress still hasn't arrived with Thelma's assistant running perilously late just like the whole idea of like let's move on I still haven't got me one dress like I have a wedding dress it's just in Liverpool [Music] we're gonna have very upset over a dress not being here she's been upset all morning crying as if the absence of her wedding dress wasn't enough the vicar is threatening to cancel the wedding if biddy isn't on time the red circum and she's helped us she told me she has another appointment and if I'm two minutes late that the wedding like the priest and her told me they can't go here because she has to go I can't cannot be what swiveling so now my wedding is not three clock it's 10 to 3. all right I'm trying to get here as soon as possible please are you worried about biddy getting into the church on time I am worried over what the registrar said you know what I mean if she's not like there on time that she's not going to be there to register it so if she's not there on time she won't be getting married [Music] with the prospect of the wedding being canceled tempers are fraying in biddy's cramped hotel suite get dressed and get out get your bag and get out shut your mouth because you want to get married today [Music] the Bridesmaids are ready resplendent in their lime green dresses [Music] but for biddy there's still no sign of hers [Music] hey what time is it now the day about nearly two o'clock still no sign of your dress no isn't that just lovely [Music] if she don't tear enough she's going to have to get married in a pajamas that'd be nice sweating want it but no dress [Music] I'm married in your pajamas honest to God I would because you're not going to get married today if you don't challenge I am just saying that I'm feeling stressed to see why these are whereabouts are you [Music] hello how long is it till you have to be at the church don't get married till three so it's past two [Music] 35 minutes at the church the congregation is arriving in anticipation of biddy's big day [Music] traveler brides are normally late to their wedding yeah [Music] yeah but for once this bride's reason for being late isn't just a case of bad time keeping foreign she's not going to get married today is she with just 10 minutes before she's due to walk down the aisle the wedding dress finally arrives [Music] so there's no time to waste [Music] move forward [Music] how are you feeling now you're in the dress I just want to go where's my daddy your daddy is not perfect move I just want to go squeezing the three foot wide dress through the hallways of the hotel there is just enough time for a few photos in reception [Music] but making the short Dash to the wedding car she's held up again please [Music] you okay yeah game get in thankfully despite arriving 40 minutes late the vicar has agreed to stay and conduct biddy's wedding so she makes a quick exit [Music] belts for the door before she can glide down the aisle to enjoy the best day of her life an hour later with the service over it's time for the party to begin [Applause] [Music] everybody say team at first biddy needs to get into the venue it's very very heavy scan is difficult to maneuver as biddy tries to take her seat to the top table eventually the 67 kilo dress proves too much for the new bride still pretty and I'll help him just having mom back on her feet bitty attempts to reach the Finish Line before falling once more [Music] despite the bride's struggle the guests are having an altogether better time [Music] it's very good so far I mean I only barely got home but I really am enjoying myself and I wish Billy and Phil are the best all the best what do you think of biddy's wedding dress well it's nice it's a scene so far it really is yeah I always say that because they want to go to it and it gets nicer and nicer cool amazing it's amazing lovely it stands out right Billy's the best ride I ever sawed now in my whole life having had a chance to rest during the meal biddy is soon back on her feet to take her new husband's hand for the first dance [Music] thank you [Applause] gentlemen before the rest of the wedding guests descend on the Dance Floor to strap their stuff [Music] but wedding traditions aren't just confined to the dance floor outside single gypsy boys have got their eyes on their future Brides grabbing is the controversial Gypsy courtship ritual where boys attempt to kiss a particular girl they would like to marry it's a non-travelers grabbing seems like quite a scary and Sinister yes it is like um yeah some people think it's wrong um will you be grabbing anyone tonight um I already have so rich girl is while some of the boys are more successful others are still looking for the right girl you got your eyes on any ladies I've grabbed one before but things never worked out that times um second time looking but trying to be anyway [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't advise anyone to get a big dress no way do you think any of your single friends would listen to you if you love that no I didn't I was like nah it's all right I can do it everyone else does it and then when you actually get out on your theme the first five minutes you're like what do they do to myself but it's too late to change your mind isn't it what is your shopping list for your honeymoon clothes shoes sandals children jewelry things for me here being with Miley without my friends it'll be different I'll miss my friends you'll call them all your way yeah there's no I'm gonna get her postcard made and get a postcard of me on the beach yay I'm gonna send it to them and it's gonna say hope he's having a very good time and a freezing code while I'm sitting on a beach [Music] Mary's journey to Mexico is significant in more ways than one as a traveler girl it's the moment she will throw off the shackles of her childhood and become an adult [Music] no because it's not their Christmas time it is having followed the strict rules of traveler courtship the honeymoon will be the first time Mary and her fiance 17 year old Miley have ever spent any time alone and the implications of being unaccompanied are not lost on the girls what will the honeymoon be it's just gonna be you two so how do you feel about just being a YouTuber hello turn right I am perfect shame don't mention don't even know although koi about the honeymoon for a traveler girl wedding dresses are a more acceptable topic of conversation today Mary is having her first fitting accompanied by her younger sister Priscilla mommy would you put her in our bridesmaid mom beautifies mate o [Music] oh that's a really interesting [Music] [Applause] thank you hi for everyone just to my sister's wedding dress it's like a princess anyway I think it really is lovely I'm dead overs having grown up together the honeymoon will see Mary and her cousin Mary separated for the very first time I knew she'd get married are you gonna miss her when she goes in the honeymoon it's like you die you don't hear from them no more [Laughter] [Music] thank you show me before you're gonna dance it is nice to meet you I mean [Music] in Middlesex 17 year old Irish traveler Mary's wedding day is fast approaching today she's with her father Larry choosing a suitable vehicle for her journey to the church [Music] no I won't be sitting here I think Miley be sitting here with Mary yep I'd be kicked out nice car she's happy with us does it feel real now Larry oh it feels very rude to me yeah I felt really love your Hammer go to the bank it feels real to me only too real in just four days time Larry will travel in this car as he accompanies his daughter on the biggest day of her life but it is a journey much further afield causing concern obviously she's never been away from a home before and as it's a frightening thing he's a happy thing to frighten them as well to take the young very younger children was very younger on the holiday thousands of miles aways our courses in the back of your mind you're worried about it you're hoping that we're okay and to be safe well obviously as your child you have him as a little baby in your arms and looking at him growing up this is sad and happy and joyful thing you know it's all midstinners I'm mixed feelings you've got a bit of everything in West London the day of Mary's wedding has finally arrived and the guests are beginning to gather at the church but while weddings are a frequent fixture in the traveler diary for some younger guests the honeymoon is even more intriguing [Music] [Music] desperate for the festivities to commence time is ticking on and the bride is yet to surface yes I mean we're running about three quarters of an hour we'll do to start the wedding at two o'clock so um whatever seems to be running a little bit late but um that's all right um we'll get there in the end I'm sure the kids all um seem like they're very excited and looking forward to the occasion as are all of we so you looking forward to it finally the long anticipated moment has arrived it is affecting the 17 year old [Music] Mary is feeling uncommunicative how are you feeling Mary you excited it's nervous excited the young girl of her life is a big day of her life for this [Music] okay [Music] [Music] the time has come for Mary to leave her family and friends and escape the Limelight for her honeymoon but Larry is still uncomfortable with the thought of his daughter traveling abroad so young she's never been away from home no life this is the first time she's ever going to be away from her home well this is what happens when you get married you go and you make your own life from there as part of human nature life my sister's gone on can king must come on I love that he's at night because then I don't have to see your ugly face again now a traveler wife Mary has left her family home to live with her new husband today her mother Anne-Marie and youngest sister Priscilla are reminiscing over wedding photos Mary looks nice did she well despite the excitement surrounding the honeymoon Larry's concerns about his 17 year old daughter traveling abroad eventually forced him into a drastic decision and to Mary's disappointment the holiday was postponed but then in the end she um everyone was just worried about their age I'm worried about them being over there on their own there's no other family member is going to be the so I was just getting too um I was just getting too worrying along with everything else sort of decided to cancel her the honeymoon they're gonna go Christmas instead so it'll be more family there friends it was a good day yeah it was lovely how did Mary find it she was very stressed out after getting ready and she wasn't happy with her flowers came out wrong um a cake she wasn't happy with her cake completely different cake turned off traveling weddings are very stressful I'm glad I don't have another one for a very long time um very stressful hopefully the years before I have to go through all that again that's when you've seen the other day it's now four days before her wedding and like many traveler girls Cindy has some ambitious plans we need to confirm that with the venue tomorrow about the helicopter to help her have the wedding of her dreams she has hired wedding planner Gainer because I like everyone yeah like we're Travelers they don't they don't sit like know how like non-travelish can have a wedding and they can they you can have a table mic and don't you do you have the names they just sit where they want they don't they don't do anything like that there so instead of that there I only got the names for the top table of the bride and groom and the parents and the best man and woman yeah but for everyone else's tables I just got two he just loves you yeah foreign [Music] this is the first time Gainer has planned a traveler wedding and she's been dealing with some of the most extravagant requests on the table she's having the martini glasses with the peach water with the three floating candles I did tell her that we might have trouble getting Peach floating candles because she wants photographs with the helicopter she wants she's got a fantastic dress but I'm not going to tell you what it is you'll see for yourself um she's got a massive big white LED dance floor and it's all sparkly and but she's got an owl that's going to be carrying the ring which I don't think anybody else has done [Music] for 22 year old Johnny the fun is about to begin he will soon be taking his wedding vows got two hours left Freedom uh so we're gonna go wild for the next two hours um we probably won't even be at the wedding [Music] wedding planner gainer's first job of the day is to feed the bridal party I mean they're not just conform into the norm when another ever imagined in my life that I have to go to McDonald's but that's just the way it is hello 21 year old bride to be Cindy has spent weeks organizing the catering dresses Dance Floor decorations and flowers which don't quite meet her mother's high expectations the floor is not the way you thought they'd be I thought it would have been more wider no the woman please stop shouting today I'm not interested I said that seven times mommy please [Music] I don't want it to be too stressful obviously think after I get dressed I can start relaxing a bit because it's just time to go along with their clay and whatever think of something you enjoy doing most oh yeah oh yeah I'm gone girls let's try another one [Applause] [Laughter] many Travelers try to outdo each other and one guaranteed way to impress your wedding guests is to arrive out of the blue literally but Johnny is in danger of denting his male pride and losing his nerve D in one way one way hope everything goes okay with us are you driving a plane yeah how long did it take us to get there five minutes foot right down which one which one is Passion scene and it's your big day you see Johnny yep do you feel it's important to look beautiful for you or for Johnny or for me and that's beautiful like but I think it's nice to look nice for your wedding day for and then something you want to look back on for the rest of your life you're gonna look back on the photos foreign as Johnny takes to the sky back on Solid Ground Cindy is finding it hard to relax [Music] the wedding is being held in the grounds of a private country estate a popular venue with local footballers and soap stars [Music] [Music] how was it Johnny life changing held Outdoors complete with beckham-esque Thrones The Wedding has reached new heights of originality as the marital rings are delivered by Spirit the owl foreign [Music] from this day forward to death and Now Pronounce You my wife [Applause] I love you Hallelujah [Music] [Music] just when the guests thought it was over there is one more surprise we're giving them a count of three [Music] thank you as the wedding guests hit the sparkly Dance Floor groom Johnny gets his first kiss as a married man [Music] are you pleased with how it went yeah definitely very very very happy your helmet praise God I went the right way it went God's way and everyone's still having a good night and praise God I went it went lovely how does it work now does does he own you what's what's up yeah yeah let's try something yeah [Music]
Channel: OMG Weddings
Views: 154,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: omg weddings, gypsy weddings, my big fat gypsy wedding, weddings, my big fat gypsy wedding full episode
Id: 5j2HqT1WDII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 57sec (5397 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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