The Ultimate Gypsy Wedding | My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding | DOUBLE EPISODE | OMG Weddings

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[Music] The Traveler look has become synonymous with fairy tale extravagance and sequence splendor but the ever more outlandish designs are driven by a delicate game of one-upmanship every single one of them makes an effort you know from the oldest woman there to the youngest kid makes an effus and it's all about how nice your office is they want to just go that step further I mean we've got a lot of competition because everybody does the same thing so they've got to be a little bit more outrageous than the next one to make them stand out for a traveler girl the pressure to look good starts Young 24 hours from her First Holy Communion nine-year-old Irish traveler Nan girl is preparing to receive the Lord into her life for the first time at her Salon of choice Lady Gaga [Music] how important is it that you look good because it's gonna be loads of people have to do and it's important for me to look good because I don't wanna be like oh my God look at there he's so ugly what would make you look ugly ugly giraffe ugly shoes ugly hair ugly makeup ugly spray towns oh patches all over here look it's important to look good when you make your Humane it's the Ponder look good for God God wants to see you looking good non girl would take her First Holy Communion alongside three cousins the competition to look the best will be intense [Music] [Applause] the first cousin to celebrate Holy Communion alongside Nan girl is nine-year-old Margaret so why is the first communion so important to traveler girls because it's a really big day really really exciting big day it's really important it's really important so it's receiving Jesus Christ and so why is it so important because we're a castle again that's what we that's what we have to do so what's going to be your favorite bit of your communion on Sunday and my dress I'm receiving Jesus Christ [Music] Margaret has decided to contrast her brilliant white dress with a subtle shade of brown [Music] um that's not very nice thing to say [Music] Margaret is it expensive to get your nails done no not really they're not off her anyway your mum wants you to look the best yeah that's what she said to the discraker as well she said make sure do you think you will yeah so how are traveler girls different customers to your other customers they seem from a very young age they like to look nice they like to have nails they like to have a tan they like their hair doing they just really look after themselves really look after themselves and it's not just like adults it's like young girls it's bizarre really what are you looking at Nan girl and Margaret will share their communion day with their Elder cousin Bridget with the ceremony just 10 days away she is trying on her bespoke dress for the first time [Music] yeah they're lovely if you like a project yeah it really really like us really really nice yeah oh shiny it's quite a short skirt yeah I always wear shorts on it um like this shorts on this yeah so you'd never wear a skirt this short without a pair of shorts underneath no why is that um because we have respect for ourselves she is 12 year old yeah but she gotta understands us Travelers can wear short skirts I mean but as long as you have respect for yourself to be very very high standards High morals she always wears shorts I mean you only show one leg massage I mean so you don't see it as provocative what do you see it as nice it's nice doesn't even enter my mind no really really don't [Music] although the majority of gypsies and travelers have now settled in permanent homes many still spend their lives on the road traveling throughout Europe [Applause] [Music] but whether at home or abroad the need to look good is still Paramount [Applause] [Music] ride to be Dolores quilligan is a 21 year old Irish traveler who takes the Gypsy look to new levels of luxury we've been in every country Wars we're driving down long Sunny Span in the beach and at the moment in England now and it's raining and it's snow wouldn't like live our life Dolores and her family have been traveling through Spain for the past six months following her father's business dealings but she's about to return home to rathkeel in Ireland for the wedding season hoping hers will be the most extravagant the town has ever seen a year that is the only time to meet back in Rock Hill when was the last time you saw your fiancee about a month ago he's in Switzerland what's he doing in Switzerland he's the sale a Salesman door knocking really [Music] up to 10 weddings a week can take place in rathkiel to ensure that it is her dress that creates the biggest impression Dolores has been exploring some unusual creative Avenues I wanted something different I didn't want something anyone already had like flowers or stars or tulips I didn't want anything to do with a flower because everybody in Racine have flowers so it's a cat top of the dress and be a whole cat coming around the Tails coming around your neck and coming down here the crown would be the same and on the back of the veil is the same two cats and the Dresden is our catch we're all the same cats yeah cash the fairy tale celebrations will begin the night before the nuptials a further opportunity to push the boundaries of fashion she said to me what about a palm tree and a pineapple palm trees down from here I'm coming the whole way up and it's coming out of my shoulder all the leaves for the palm trees coming out my shoulder my address is going to be proper metal of a pineapple I like the Spanish pineapples and all that kind of like Spanish it's always going to be like Spanish and it'd be a big mess of pineapple and in the dress will be all coming down dog scenarita like Spanish senorita and pineapple and I'm gonna have a big pineapple thing for my hair like matching senorita and that's really it like and I suggest [Music] Dolores has charged Gypsy dressmaker of choice Thelma medine with turning her Creative Vision into a reality although she's made dresses for gypsies from far and wide it's the Irish travelers like Dolores who bring her the most colorful ideas Irish travelers a lot more flamboyant than the English Travelers it's all to do with pride and it's it looks it's it's like that thing of locals we're all we're doing well you know my husband does well he looks after me and this is what he can do he can dress us like this because you know the outfits aren't cheap and if there's ever an unusual request it's where you sort of step back and go oh my's okay and then you do it that's usually off an Irish traveler who wants to have something but nobody else has ever had [Music] oh [Music] Beauty was the exclusive Preserve of gypsy women but the modern traveler man also feels the pressure to look good [Music] gussie is a 13 year old Irish traveler who takes great pride in his appearance describe your style to me good looking cute which is the most girls says pretty much everything oh God for ages but just can't be ass [Music] are you quite successful with the ladies hi um yeah I have too many already I bet a hundred and something all over the face last shot I really last count I can't really remember [Music] thank you oh that's 25 thank you [Music] [Music] on the morning of their First Holy Communion Nan girl and her cousins are sacrificing themselves at the altar of beauty [Music] Nan girls dress did not arrive until 2 30 in the morning putting the beautification process seriously behind schedule so you've stayed on to help yes last night okay add more diamond for them or repair their dress they need to be ready for today half an hour before the ceremony is due to begin there is still much work to be done [Music] [Music] it's my beauty is pain I'm meant to be at the church at 12 o'clock and she's all stressed out and then mango is crying around here and make her even more stressed out having spent thousands of pounds on dresses and over 24 hours in preparation the girls are still not ready and the service begins without them [Music] [Music] come on [Music] this way because there's two shoes keep going [Music] those significantly late the girls are in time to receive Jesus into their life just the body of Christ the body of Christ the body of Christ May almighty God bless you the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit our Mass has ended so let us go in peace hey [Music] yeah have a lovely day girls God bless you you look wonderful what do you think about the dresses they choose to take their communion that's them and we accept that they love to express themselves in this way what they're attempting to do as I see it is try to bring out that specialness you know so that people look at that and said hey you know that's that's special like it or not it's special [Music] all right and these two all the girls out there if you're ever in Coventry a free shot asked me chat a chat with me or auntie and if you want to ask me out or anything feel free I'm a slow feed thank you thank you you don't go over me took over the competition to look the most beautiful is as Fierce as predicted are you happy I'm very happy because you're so nice me [Music] actually me not actually me no me me me look at you look at you look at you look at you look at you [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] and I'm gonna go like that and that's like and then it's like that and then and then it's like no it's like [Music] a traveler girl's life is mapped out from an early age how often do you clearly know those houses and I claim my dollhouse sometimes it is come on but Boo's father is planning to cash in on Gypsy girl's other preoccupation fashion [Music] in one month's time 34 year old English traveler Ronnie is going to Stage a beauty contest for travelers the competitions for the girls to come are modeling competition all they have to do is walk around in a circle you know we'll have some judges there some proper judges and everything for him to say they can judge him it's not up to me to do it and I mean the winner obviously will go on and and hopefully be a star you know [Music] today he's looking at a potential venue thank you but mindful of prejudice Ronnie has opted to be completely honest about the nature of his event this is to find the next Gypsy Superstar right okay right and what we're looking to do is find a gypsy traveler in person yeah it was who who we're going to try and make into a star yeah okay um no claims about that have you no not really as long as everyone behaves all right well and it's not for nothing else it's not for a bare knuckle fight it is actually for this purpose right do you have um a camera room yeah right because I'll have to sit in there because if then if there's any sort of like if that if I think there's someone I don't want to be in here then I'll I will tell them you know you know from the camera room you know like um the only thing um as part of our license productive notifications to replace about any events yeah that's right yeah there's an event so I won't need to worry about that first do you want me to leave your deposit now uh no that's all right I'll come back to you there's no point until it's all 100 confirmed right okay then foreign [Music] person planning to enter the beauty contest is Irish traveler Sammy Jo age just 16. her looks are already a closely guarded family treasure boys are strictly off limits no no I can't have them because normally not to be afraid of us talking to boys on the phone so she's that foam but I'm not she's allowed wrong but they're just a bit strict with me because they're the oldest she had a fun fun she was talking to myself no it's just my dad I mean that's a bit he doesn't want me to go yeah and he doesn't want me to talk to boys and it's just me brother he's more strict than me that and he just doesn't want me even though for now she's being kept reluctantly Under Wraps planning what she might wear at the next wedding is a constant preoccupation yet [Music] [Music] appearance is quite important yeah so if I seen a traveler girl I haven't seen in there just yet and she's like a show like that dress nice and not fake like her hair is all up and and she's not dress fixed like I said oh she's the very bad kiss and see how the girl's going around she's a holy shawl now look how how bad she is that's how a lot of people talk about you so you have to get fixed proper when you're going off that could probably go to clean up even when they clean up even if they have Jammers under the time put up in the bed up and try and fix yourself while they're saying no okay saying Travelers although the traveler look is one that exudes self-confidence underneath the Glamorous outfits not all gypsy girls are so assured she's older than me like she'd wear shorts really short things like that and I can't show the top of her because I died this chair people will be looking at me she was like she could talk to boys I can't it's too shameful I probably shiver and Shake everything [Music] on her way home from Spain Irish traveler Dolores is stopping off in Liverpool to see her dresses for the first time what looks best Palm sure pineapple I don't want pineapple to look better than palm trees you she's the bride I think that one looks best do ya definitely I think we need some more diamonds on it [Music] okay everything is unreal [Music] is that what your thoughts would be it's more it's really nice isn't it it's really really lovely I was so worried about his wedding dress what do you think they'll say when you see that one then it's going to be hard to Beast isn't it I hope so yeah everything [Music] oh thanks yeah is it how you pictures like this no I did have a long time to do did it yeah days you nearly as a dog [Laughter] [Music] it's fabulous it really is [Music] foreign extravagant Cat theme doesn't end with her dress Jill Broadfoot has been charged with making sure the cake hits the same lavish Heights [Applause] the look we're going for is blingy and over the top and in your face and it looks really nice actually it orders look better than what you think it will you think I don't know about that I mean when we first talked about them cut on a cake it's not gonna look good is it but I think it will work well the cat cake will eventually rise 10 tears into the air and will be flanked by 14 smaller versions it's one of the most expensive cakes Jill has ever made but with such Grand designs appearances can be deceptive this cake is actually polystyrene so there you go that's one of our secrets out the big ones are all polystyrene they're all fake because all the girls want big cakes they want bigger better than whatever you know the more outrageous the better um and the way to do it is polystyrene I mean the things they go for the things that they come up with sometimes they will not they wouldn't work in cake so you have to have polystyrene involved in it you'll see people walking out as I do with a cake which they think's real and it's not it's polystyrene so that's quite funny [Music] Irish traveler Sammy Joe will soon be competing in a traveler only beauty contest today she's come to purchase a new dress at Affleck's Palace in Manchester one of the select few places that cater to the Gypsy look so do you want to be a bit blingy yeah a bit showing yeah a bit out there oh mommy's life isn't that nice yeah [Music] I think that's gorgeous I think it looks a little bit it's still show away it still shows your pig off to a tea without showing your flesh if you want more decoration I don't know what I did I did one similar she had a not the she had like mirrors memories on one side but not a 3D flower flat flower but it's turquoise nasty pink and yes stunning wasn't it yeah you can have that see-through panels as well yeah so if you want to show a bit more yeah yeah it's nice to have somebody that comes in that does get dolled up nowadays I mean really dolled up I mean you get on the ice tree and you know a lot of people got in pair of jeans they're t-shirt now I mean they do come they really get So Glamorous Sun Tans the hair done the nails done there's been a fortune on the outfits and for one night you know that's what it's about really isn't it so someone like me I think that they come with all these ideas I mean I Buzz of them because they give me ideas as well I think it's fantastic love it I love it how's that one look let's have a look that one I liked the first one what do you think yeah kind of sports lovely yeah although naturally more reserved than her sister annalize will also be entering the fashion show [Music] [Applause] that caused a bit run off for you babe I think it's too almond looking for her your mother killed me yeah she needs something a little bit more pastel pastel things be lovely fuchsia pinks yeah just choose [Laughter] despite its popularity the Glamorous traveler style is a relatively modern development and not all gypsies are so enamored with the new look Sammy Joe's grandmother included her body I don't like it at all what can you do this Young Generation isn't it the thing you can do about it years ago if you got out dance like that and I wouldn't close on you oh you'd be booed to death [Music] what do you think they're dressed like that get theirself noticed [Music] well what can you do it's their fashion is their world isn't it not ours what did you wear when you were their age maybe a school frock [Music] I wore a lot of pajamas wrath Keel in County Limerick is one of the richest towns in Ireland with Travelers making up around half the population during the wedding season up to 10 ceremonies will take place here every week each accompanied by a no expense spared night before party [Music] to ensure she stands out Dolores quilligan has commissioned a spanish-themed dress [Music] I didn't think it would be a piece of power in there yeah has anyone in Rafael had a pineapple under palm tree no we're the first so we will be the last letter to have a minor but and I have palm tree [Music] how big a deal is the night before the wedding like a big deal it's like the last night you're single really it's nearly as big as dealers today when you have to look nearly as nice but it's not in white not on my face because it went to my eyes along here top of me are you sad about tomorrow she's getting married yeah like I'm sorry because I mean like I'm the only one left so like when you're used to have an assist around this hair kind of see her run really you know what I mean like when you have a sister and she's gone in she's married like I live kind of on your own but no one really to get married she'll have her own husband and her own Caravan like and everything despite their extravagant cost the pineapple and the palm tree are not conducive to free movement but fortunately the girls have ordered a luxury limousine to transport them to the venue how am I going to get in mama how am I going to get into the limousine it's diving outside of that quick [Music] go on the other sideways at a nearby Hotel the outfit's Creator Thelma medin has arrived with a wedding dress ready for tomorrow's ceremony miss when they said a palm tree and a pineapple it was a bit now you're going too far but when you see it looks quite nice different really different but nice yeah it sounds ridiculous Bob it is lovely it really is lovely [Music] has everyone seen what Dolores is wearing today and what do you think of it because our philosophy is whatever they want we give them when she asked for that I just thought did we just say going a bit far now she wants to me that no one else has had it's not always a good thing that no one else has had a palm tree and a pineapple have you ever seen anything like it before she wearing [Laughter] we never say no we'll do anything that's right but I'd say up to now this is probably the most outrageous request we've ever had really good [Music] okay thank you having invested in a new outfit Sammy Joe is almost ready for the beauty contest but one last crucial stage remains [Music] achieving The Traveler look being Brown is just as important as bling I'll say all travel girls get so much look back makes them look nicer man so it's just simple all travelers have to get money you get everybody says she's that young was like a goals she needs to go and get a zombie all right but I don't get that money get chewy is there any kind of negative side effects which means like in cancer yeah yeah like some people say you get cancer after some beds but I haven't met one travel ago that got cancer the only country people say that they say girl girls gets canceled how many times get on them a lot they don't honestly I've never published some Goods might have did because they get one every day obviously you want to go to end up getting it but I don't know he did know somebody got it so if I knew someone that got it I'll get like two weeks I'll cut it down a bit more maybe one a week if someone got I wouldn't get as much but at the end of the day I forget cancer I get cancer and that's it I might not get cancer right but at least I still look good you know what I mean [Music] in Liverpool Sammy Joe and her sister are arriving at the traveler only beauty contest are you feeling nervous I'm a bit excited now I'm a bit nervous but a bit excited after a series of setbacks Ronnie finally found a venue to accommodate his venture chandeliers red carpet you'll name it we've got it [Music] roughly we're gonna have somewhere in the region of about 50 girls um it was going to be on you know that whether we'll be able to get through them all and and from all to join in the competition I really don't know whether we're going to have the time [Music] but despite Ronnie's extensive preparations the competition is less substantial than expected only four contestants have entered you know there's been there's been girls come go there's been um people come go and then like we've got down to people who really want to be be that type of thing now at the end you know please please don't make me fall upside down in spite of the poor attendance nerves are running High [Music] for Gypsy and traveler girls new experiences are rare the challenge of Performing unprecedented very scared I feel like I'm gonna follow upside Pizza shakers I'm gonna collapse yeah yeah [Music] Ronnie has engaged four judges his wife Maria a modeling agent and two local hairdressers [Music] while the girls attempt to impress the judges downstairs Ronnie has opted not to watch his vision unfold it's just our respect to the girls to be honest with you [Music] I'm a married person I've got a wife I've got two kids my wife's up there she's organizing all that type of thing although I want to make somebody into something it's against my beliefs to sit up there and watch you know [Music] the girls have overcome their nerves but it will be up to the judges to select a winner [Music] just hold it like that just pull the top one at the home of the bride-to-be Thelma is helping Dolores into her lavishly created Cat themed dress we've got here too late to go to your you know the night before outfits what does everyone say when he's senior everyone was in there yeah you couldn't believe how nice they were there's no one shocked the whole Hall was shocked because they were saying oh this is your night before this I don't want to see your wedding dress yeah what to expect we'll do now no one where's your one thank you come on [Music] let me know I'm gonna fall over the King Kings [Music] I can't because the Cancun is kind of nervous having negotiated the door the bride boards one of the largest and most expensive carriages wrath Keel has ever seen [Music] while addresses creators battle the elements [Music] crisp blender [Music] in Liverpool while the girls wait nervously in the wings the judges are attempting to decide the winner of the traveler-only beauty contest so you Samuel also had something as well I think with number one she basically had it it depends what are you looking for I think number one is quite classically beautiful yeah but number two is what is everything that travel girls are our generation is very kind of glamorous she's called The Bling after much deliberation the recipient of the coveted Crown can finally be revealed scoring points for her she look Joe has missed the crown goes to Romani Gypsy Montana [Applause] but she only had a bit of students a bit of makeup then she does a bit of foundation that's that's all she had but we all knew she was gonna win because she really is lovely and she deserves it she really loses then along down it along there it's been a long day for all of us hasn't it but let's just stop something comes out of it for for some of the girls you know I will come back here next year like go on a diet and fix myself up better but I won't do it as a joke because my brother will kill me break my legs one more lovely three two one [Music] at the reception venue in rathkeel the displays of wealth continue [Music] my first car right yeah [Music] but it's not only in the car park that big Impressions can be made [Music] foreign [Music] the guests have attended a host of weddings during the week with a new outfit for every occasion your toes to your rose it has to be sparkling it has to be diamonds diamonds everywhere diamonds are against West Branch [Music] so nice [Applause] we think The Travelers as being like unconventional unpredictable and uncontrollable probably usually people have restrictions on what they want or what they can wear or what they want to do not then [Music] or cheese wall today it wouldn't be forgotten you know everyone will remember that you know she's known as cat Gail now that's it [Music] [Applause] oh the police is here I think the police here next time Gypsies and travelers come up against the law crap don't worry about the place but despite the authorities still find a way to celebrate why wouldn't I tell the truth on a couple of walls I don't want a good fight for hundreds of years The Traveler way of life was one of ancient traditions and simple tastes [Music] then their world collided with the 21st century [Music] with unprecedented access to the UK's most secretive communities they don't like anybody knowing anything about them at all they even have their own language this series will take you to the very heart of gypsy life through the biggest celebrations in the traveler calendar from the most extravagant children's parties look at this would you ever get a tournaments to the biggest weddings on Earth it's the biggest day of a traveling Girl's Life very stressed people are turning up on time but that's gypsy's ways nothing never gets done properly and from birth all the way to the Grave cheers my Patrick sure is my son over five episodes this series will explore unique aspects of gypsy and traveler life in a world where a man is a man [Music] girls will give you a kiss straight away so you gotta kind of beat them I guess but this is a community under threat that Tinkers arrived I don't really know what to call on one evening all very unexpected fighting for its very survival long can the party last thank you from the day a traveler girl is Born the preparations begin for the biggest day of her life her wedding day [Music] Thelma medine is the traveling community's dressmaker of choice I can honestly say I don't think you've ever lived unless you've been to a traveler's wedding from the minute these young girls can walk and talk the only thing they're thinking about is the wedding day and getting married and getting the dress of their dreams she'll say to you I want mine to be the biggest what's the biggest stress you've ever done well I want mine bigger than that one Thelma has been making increasingly spectacular outfits for Gypsy and traveler girls for over 15 years lights off but their exotic dress sense took some getting used to when I first seen them it was like my God they did look like prostitutes that's how you would describe them they were dressed with short skirts low tops and you know just you just wouldn't walk around like that or you wouldn't let your daughter walk around like that but when you get to know them their morals are so high you would say they were definitely stuck in a Time War they're not allowed to go out on their own and there's definitely definitely definitely no sex before marriage [Music] marriage for these girls tends to happen at a young age sixteen-year-old Irish traveler Josie met her fiancee 19 year old swanley just four months ago the wedding is in five weeks time you start chatting on Facebook first always thought on Facebook I thought nice guy better build back then oh I love it going [Music] most traveler girls must be chaperoned when going out with a boy even once they're engaged swanley's mum has accompanied the couple to one of the biggest events in the Gypsy calendar the Epsom Fair where they're buying homeware for their future Caravan oh yeah yeah sure [Music] yeah when I get married I want to do something like that they start when they're young very young and I was looking after kids looking after their own when I was 10 years old I was 10 years old so we are brought up that way that's the way we are brought up oh my cause they call us we're bred into it we're brought up to be homemakers Josie's dreams of married life may be about to come true [Music] but for the single travel ago the place to meet boys is in this West London car park [Music] fifteen-year-old Gypsy cousins Cheyenne and Montana can be found here most weekends dressed to impress [Music] no I'm 15. I'm thinking and when would you like to get married 16. I'll be about 17 18. about 18 about 16 17 when I'm ready but I couldn't see any of them traveler girls have to follow the strict rules of courtship imposed on them by the community it's more what you can't Decor is a girls talked about it's just how it should be like girls with girls and boys reports girls aren't allowed to approach boys they must wait to be chosen sometimes through a ritual known as grabbing place [Music] you know a kiss I don't believe in grabs no no hold you coming in boys to get some good looking ladies like these you know there's your answer right there you see all the pretty girls got their numbers smell the perfume what do the boys actually do together just give them the eye don't they I'm not lying though guys no I reckon boys grabs guys I don't recognition grab cards I think she just pull them away to the corner give them the gift of the Gammon and Bob's drunk because they're getting a kiss in you oh are you able to explain what grabbing is well like to take a girl off and they say will you give us a kiss and you say the girl says no or yes but like I would say no they say no and then they'd do something like where it hurts you know they'd push like I don't know twist drums to hurt you and then like they keep doing it until you give them a kiss but he's like failed they were failed I don't but that means they like a girl they means like they like again they want to get to know them and get their number the next opportunity for Cheyenne and Montana to attract the attention of traveler boys will be at the wedding of their friend Josie [Music] foreign she and her 14 year old sister Barbara are putting the finishing touches to the big day that's nice but I want a shape like that the diamonds two of them yet the whole One's Gonna Be pink I see you're gonna walk in and see pink everyone I've got blue ones it's all done on all the roofs you can't see it under the roofs it's got old pink blue and pink eye balloons what color is your dress it's white white okay and what color the bridesmaid pink pink do you know the micro pink oh okay yeah it's probably a bit brighter but brighter okay no problem there's not a rose that says bright as there how long have you been pounding this now the wedding yeah it's been four months no it's not it's been three months three months now it's three months per hour now how long have you been swimming four months that's wrong we're longer engaged than what we were going out with each other all right I'll see you later see you later [Music] Josie and her family like many Gypsy and travelers in Britain today choose to live in a house rather than a caravan [Music] though Josie will be leaving the family home soon she is preoccupied with more significant matters how important is the wedding dress there wasn't the main thing out of all every girl that wants their dress to be the best because you're only going to work that one day and it's that one same thing is basically why is the wedding so big because it's the one time we're getting married it's like it'll be married seven or eight times after so you want to see how I look at my dresses like this and my dresses like that because you wait like since you're a baby just to wear it like to feel like a princess of course this is a long course it's about hair it's safe real then the bones just you can just see the bombs and then there's like a rose and it comes out about hair comes out that much and it comes back that much there that way and it's gonna split the leg it's weird but it's nice then it's got a rose just there a couple of roses it stands plain but it's nice a little bit heavy it wasn't too heavy when I tried it on but that was only that wasn't it wasn't fully red then so but usually girls get scared and the hips over yeah I know they said the more blades the better the dress [Music] foreign there are a number of milestones in a young traveler Girl's Life on route to her wedding day communion is the most extravagant of them all isn't that that's every little girl say with the Travelers it's it's fair to say this is like a dressy hassle for their wedding they actually they love the idea of the the dressing of the princess dress and and this is just like a little taster of what we're gonna have Mega Thelma has just finished a communion gown inspired by the Eddie Murphy film Coming to America it's really common with the traveler Gales to bring photographs or actually pass those films of Disney characters and or any sort of film where there's an elaborate wedding dress or an elaborate dress in it after waiting for months the Irish traveler family are about to see the communion dress for the first time close your eyes come on our little answer you've done four ready go go now what you think do you love it do you love it yeah isn't it gorgeous are you gonna cry Babe memory seven-year-old Margarita and her brother John Boy have made a 300 mile round trip from their site in Gloucester it's nicer than your thoughts it's gorgeous isn't it hey I think when your daddy sees this it's dark right what do you think yeah here's little princess and try it on yeah [Music] I want to see the dress monster they're not letting you in yet it's because she's getting changed hurry up boy I wanna see [Music] you're gonna cry everyone's gonna cry she's thrilled isn't she is it what you were there thinking yeah [Music] and just stick them along there yeah so it doesn't rub more than anything because she's not used to having anything taste issue [Music] John Boy will be taking his communion on the same day in an outfit inspired by the same film he's going as the African prince it's nice dress it's a lovely dress it's not nicer myself oh but you always call me a rat I think this whole outfit what she's gonna wear is going to be really really uncomfortable but I've never once heard a travel and child complain of pain discomfort or anything as long as it looks good stay happy [Music] traveling communities have been living in Britain for over 500 years the two largest groups are Roman Egyptians and Irish travelers [Music] to preserve their culture they rarely mix with Outsiders and are raised in enormous families bride-to-be Josie is the eldest of nine good looking sisters [Music] [Music] hello this is why Christopher six six that's right this is our loving family like many traveler girls hello Josie left school aged 11 to care for her siblings and helped with the housework the woman didn't work I think it's the man's job to do you know like just go out working and bring money in and all of there I don't think it's a woman stop it's man's world the man's a man the woman's a woman if the woman ever went out to earn the money and a man Everett is down to look after the children it'd be a funny dude I'm telling that it'd definitely be something wrong there I can't see that ever happening between our community I can never ever see that going on they have to definitely have to be Saint Row that couldn't happen Josie's husband to be swanley is an English Gypsy he works for himself as a manual laborer looking after horses in his spare time I know Josh is the right girl she's a good cook you know I know she does clean up food most of the day that's a good sign and that's I mean the main things there's the main things you know I'll get on with her well that's the main thing [Music] Cheyenne and Montana are hunting for a dress to wear at their friend Josie's wedding in two weeks time it's forbidden for Gypsy and traveler girls to go on dates with boys so weddings are one of the few places they can openly meet and is there wedding Somewhere over the younger guys and girls can meet each other yeah like Travelers usually have always have an open wedding then an invite only so like Travelers that don't even know each other just go there and meet up and they meet new people and they go there for a good time [Music] Cheyenne and Montana attend up to 15 weddings a year every time there's a new wedding like a wedding or something a dance we would always buy a new dress if I liked a dress I couldn't care about the price I'm sure my mum has above but me that's all right how much would you roughly pay for a dress about up to I'd pay 300 and how often do you wear this dress once that's it once did you get this shortened out oh Joe you you sure no because I don't like things to money because I've got short Legacies it's all about like looking the best and impressing I don't know I'm just to look feel good in herself when it comes to when you have to make the most of it I don't like the picture on it so I couldn't have if I was to have a dress I would not but that was a picture of myself it was a picture of myself but someone else on it I don't think so who is that anyway [Music] you want some beef yeah girls growing up in traveler families must never be seen in public alone they usually go out in large packs you gotta keep your name cleared basically you have to have [Music] you gotta be clean and decent in everybody's eyes you can't let a rumor go around saying that you did this you did that if I wanna or like any traveling girl wanted to meet a boy on their own it was just them and the boy anything could have like anything generally could happen it's just like he could say that happened this happened and obviously she knows didn't happen and what would that mean to the to the traveler girl that means basically she's scandalized dirty basically will you never get married your name the same rules do not apply to boys if I can leave the house he can get up and go out and call everybody's business not have to come back don't have to stay it's gone every half hour every couple of minutes of the day you've got to be in for a certain time you know there's lots of things do you think that's fair yeah I do think it's fair I think it's basically is a boy's world to do obviously they put the money and put the food on the table so did you change it no no for nothing oh a week before the wedding bride to be Josie and her family of 10 have traveled to Lanzarote [Music] [Applause] celebrate her last week as a single woman [Music] capped within the bosom of her family until she's handed over to her husband tonight they will give Josie a hen party to remember don't ask me I don't know why it was like this week I realized God I really am getting married next week I don't know I think I'm gonna I get a bit more scared and nervous I do want to get married but I'm just getting nervous how would you describe your outfits for this evening I described them Spanish [Music] [Applause] can I can I I'm on my Hyundai traveler and gypsy girls aren't allowed to drink alcohol before marriage yeah but that doesn't stop them having a good time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well obviously I don't want her to go I feel pretty bad about us I don't want to give her to anybody but I know she's got to go whenever it is [Music] gonna grow up straight away I can still grow up I grew up with suddenly me and Tony grew up together [Music] she's walking down the aisle well I'm sure I'm gonna cry but I'm an eye donut so she's gotta do what I've done at 17 so I'm sure she's going to be a capable of doing it and she's going to be all right she thinks he's ready I'm sure she's ready I was ready at 17 so I'm sure she will be really back home in England groomed to be swanley is on his Caravan site in Surrey where he's lived with his extended family his whole life once they're married Josie will move on to the site while she's been away what have you had to do follow out all sorts I stopped it's the man's job to buy their marital trailer but with just six days to go until the big day swanley is unsure of his choice I'd officially like it I think she'll like it I totally fine I'm completely happy with it myself but I can't no one's turning any better ones you know I'm not sure about the color of the seats that I'm not getting really levered different color let's see this at the moment I'm gonna say that well can you show me inside no why not you can see inside with the camera off turn the camera off you can see inside why do you need to do some stuff to it yeah they do something a lot of work to it I'll tell you the camera I think it's inside Travelers are extremely house proud and the inside of this Caravan has yet to be cleaned with Josie away there's no one around to do the job [Music] it's a special day for seven-year-old margarita 500 meters of pink netting are about to transform her into a princess for the day umbrella that's the courses that's the crown that's the sleep that's the dress not to be outdone brother John boy has a suit fit for a prince that's the trouser and um the course has this um when you're putting the code up you put that in there yeah it's gonna be really special it's the morning of their First Holy Communion [Music] decorated with over 5 000 crystals Margarita's dress weighs twice her own body weight [Music] yeah like this as is tradition in the traveling Community the children make their own way to church complete with a bottle of fake champagne [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Margarita's extravagant dress will make sure she stands out from the crowd the little girl and Marie were explaining to me that this is a it's like a school communion so it's all the children that will be in a class we'll be making the communion together but Marie's little girl is the only traveler who will be making her communion at that time and so I think you'll see a stark difference between the clothes what the other kids wear and what this little girl wears [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] I must say it was quite a surprise but we've had our Travelers waiting here about a year ago or so and the brighter to a great big dress then so I'm getting used to it it doesn't phase me at all [Music] please [Music] [Music] throw him away [Music] foreign [Music] when it's her wedding [Music] for Josie her big day has finally arrived an army of helpers are getting her ready for her wedding I can't eat food I'm too nervous I don't know what to do cry or laugh I don't I feel like I got all these butterflies in my stomach and I'm just flying around this is like really happening kind of thing well today's the big days boys that's where I saw my life away forever [Music] oh no I will get my hair done sort myself out get dressed drive to the church all done [Music] rubber do you think you're ready to see yeah I'm ready I hope I am yeah [Music] wedding guest Cheyenne and Montana are preparing for tonight's party at Josie's wedding tonight I'd like to get a very good laugh out of it enjoy myself because this wedding's only ever going to happen once and I bet it's going to be a lovely wedding and meet new people and have a good time where's the makeup Burger at the tender age of 15 they already know what they're looking for in a husband well I'd like a man that don't lay in the bed all day goes to work gives you money uh that's nice to you don't go off to the pub every night shows okay he shows the care don't go off the nightclubs don't go off of other women just like I'm your man I'm very loyal to to you don't beat you no I'd like a very loyal husband that's stood by you [Music] swanley will be making his own way to the church with the service due to begin in just over an hour we're not going to try and sit Gypsy boy style with the most important element of her wedding hitched pushed pulled and tied into place this is the moment Josie's been waiting for [Music] um weighing over five Stone her dress as a thigh length slit at the front to give it that certain Spanish something yeah the class [Music] [Applause] [Music] the church is a short drive from swanley's hotel if you know where you're going excuse my dear which way is it to either excuse me my friend get to Iva to the main Denham roundabout yeah then do like a left what will happen if Josie turns up then you're not there oh kill me if I was there if she if she turned up then I wasn't there oh she would murder Kate me 30 minutes before the service is due to start Josie and her Entourage are in the car park waiting for the limos to arrive the dress is lovely I've got I mean I've just gone brush my teeth and it was horrible with the call for too fast and toothbrush but let me put you on tomorrow for one minute yeah enough [Music] where are we where are we we are God knows what friend where's the Ivor Church than People's Church [Music] what time is it now Tony ten to one for the time now is tender one you know what time I'm getting married at one o'clock no how long's gonna take it to church but Josie is even further away and has a bigger problem her limousine is running half an hour late the back of people never showed up [Music] yeah please God let's please excuse my friend Oliver Church yeah yeah with time ticking first list swanley has finally been given clear directions oh [Laughter] what's the nicest wife calling Indian it's an Indian wedding oh she's gonna kill almost done Dead We Shall get through this together Oliver [Music] having been lost for over an hour swanley has found the right Church I'm at the church I'm pretty good married let's go but there's one person missing the bride where you at oh Josie Joseph what have you done to me oh I don't know stressing out here come on girl where are you wait are you having for our ship yet we still invite yourself for us to build your hotel Jesus Christi are you worried yeah um you might not be able to do it [Music] seventeen-year-old bride-to-be Josie should have been standing at the altar 30 minutes ago but she's still waiting for her car to arrive to take her to the church [Music] here you've got me through he thinks [Music] as the guests await the bride swanley has gone down the pub one and I haven't been married what half hour ago [Laughter] at long last the limousines have arrived [Music] I'm really excited I've got to sit like this all the way there [Music] oh God [Music] take the time very very slowly let all the test is still outside [Music] there [Music] could you please be outstanding for the entry of the Bride [Music] in the presence of God Father Son and Holy Spirit we come together to witness the marriage of swan Lee and Josie to pray for God's blessing on them to share their joy and to celebrate their love swanley I give you this ring sorry are you with a train as a sign of our marriage with my body I honor you where's my body I honor you all that I am I give to you all desires all that I have I share with you is [Music] you may kiss the bride but it's time to break Mr and Mrs Smith [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as the newlyweds make their way to the reception [Music] Montana and Cheyenne like most of the guests are about to join them the girls will have to be on guard for boys looking to stake their claim on a potential wife the girls and try and avoid it really that's a definite 100 what's going to be happening tonight at this wedding there definitely will be grabs there [Music] swanley's first Duty as a husband is to show his new wife to her seat at the top table good day baby oh wait are you on it what's up let's do that that's very dangerous funny this is yeah you come around that's it that's it that's lovely all right [Music] there you can't move all right are you comfortable yeah all right yeah [Music] swanley has slipped into something more comfortable just in time to cut the cake with his wife oh my God [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I love you yeah Cheyenne and Montana arrive as the younger generation make their way to the dance floor [Music] no there's a fair few boys and girls here Montana's been dancing and been chatting to people and having a look about and getting mixed in with the party [Music] with the evening drawing to a close a young man makes his intentions clear to 15 year old Cheyenne through the Irish traveler custom of grabbing [Music] hi everybody right I think it's time for you it's time for her to give me a kiss song Oh man where you going oh but this is um she's getting grabbed but she ain't gonna kiss him anymore are you worried about her not really she can fight for herself [Music] [Music] well I'm standing out here and he like got a hold of me and then he pushed me up the road he like was trying to get a kiss of me and it's called grabbing room so was it was it a violent guy no it wasn't a violent web now I've had much worse there wasn't enough it's like very I don't know it's not nice at all but you just have to live it you have to keep trying to get him off you enough about it it's all we found it [Music] as Cheyenne takes the first steps and travel a courtship for Josie the biggest day of her life is nearly over [Music] It's Time to Say Goodbye as she's handed over to her husband to spend the first ever night away from her family [Music] what are your hopes now for marriage being together forever oh God actually growing up together I'm not knocking the Forever part I remember such a beautiful girl completely handsome [Music]
Channel: OMG Weddings
Views: 355,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: say yes to the dress, bridal, wedding planning, wedding video, strangest wedding, big fat gypsy wedding, gypsy weddings, traveller girl, worst dress, best dress, big fat gypsy weddings, traveller community, irish traveller, traveller culture, irish traveler, gypsy wife, big fat gypsy wedding full episode, big fat gypsy wedding uk, big fat gypsy wedding episode, big fat gypsy wedding tlc, bigger fatter gypsy wedding, gypsy wedding, gypsy life, gypsy woman
Id: wBdf6OueA4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 26sec (5426 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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