Top 5 Pokemon that Became Good YEARS Later

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assistant we're back with more Pokemon that were previously low tier and took a while to become bastions of the respective OU metagames if you haven't seen the first video make sure to check that one out as well but here's the gist just because the generation stops being current doesn't mean it's no longer played and as past gen OU's continued to be played they continue to see significant metagame development including the rise of previously rarely or completely unseen Pokemon in the previous video Advanced Moltres took the longest time to break into OU by far taking about a decade between the end of advance and it being established as a legitimate threat everything in this video has taken at least a decade and a half to do the same with the exception of the first Pokemon which missed out on defeat just barely and again this is not about Pokemon who became good in the Next Generation but instead it's about the ones who were discovered to be good in the same generation so without further Ado let's jump back into the Pokemon that given enough time prove themselves to be great and here are the top 5 Pokemon on who became good years later in singles also here is a top 5 VPN because this video is sponsored by surf sharkvpn surf shark is an app and browser extension that allows you to place your computer or phone virtually in any country as if you're actually there surf shark has 3200 plus servers in 65 countries and by using surf shark to connect to servers in other countries you can get access to content that is normally region locked Rick and Morty sixth season is out right now and I need to catch up on the series but it's not on Netflix American Netflix that is if I change my IP to the UK the first five seasons of Rick and Morty are right here and I only need to use Netflix surf shark encrypts your data and keeps it safe when you're connected no matter where you are this comes especially handy when connecting to public Wi-Fi and surf shark is also the only VPN 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huge in and of itself then it launched a huge Focus punch that sung even resist like Zapdos it wasn't just a one and done poke either it's powerful Sky uppercut was a strong stab move in one-on-one situations against the aforementioned targets even once sleep Clause was active while Mach had the absolute incredible utility of checking the most dangerous sweeper in the tier Dragon Dance Tyranitar no matter how many DDS it had accumulated it Brett Loom could also turn the tears fighting resist to its Advantage any Salamence or Gengar looking to take it would get ruined by stunts for while Celebi and claydo got stung by HP bug this made brelum a team player as much as it was a threat in its own right brelum could even use an absurdly obnoxious substitute leech seat set however its greatest strength was always of course Spore the one-up it provided via shutdown of a crucial opposing piece was vital for offensive teams to be able to break through otherwise irritating defense this was similarly useful in Faster paced offensive slugfest brellum's presence in the metagame which saw it eventually make the leap from BL to OU caused a huge upsurge in lumbary sleep talk and even caused to ban the Sleep status as a whole that's how obnoxiously impactful it was [Music] in the beginning GSE was characterized by the stalius of dedicated stall team then offensive teams centered around explosion flipped the metagame on its head they took advantage of Stahl and took over the metagame one couldn't go wrong with the offensive framework of Snorlax Zapdos Cloister exeggutor Steelix and the filler eventually the most defining one became a champ the consistency of these boom teams as they were referred to was nigh unparalleled there was almost no downside to using them even if the opponent knew they were coming and that's what made them so good several players made such teams their trademark for this very reason boom teams had such a strangle hold on GSC that several other players complained about it they said they were too good and too difficult to stop reliably GSC was too fast then Jinx came along Jinx utterly shredded boom offense teams their sleep talker Zapdos did not want to absorb sleep from its lovely kiss terrified as it was of jinx's Mighty stab Ice Beam jinx's stabs shredded pretty much every Pokemon on those teams that wasn't Snorlax and Snorlax great as it was wasn't immovable especially when it was the only thing holding these teams together from being run straight through by Jinx plus Jinx was a superb user of thief and if lacks lost his leftovers easier than Jinx single-handedly changed the GSC metagame it removed old school boom offense from the tier in favor of a renewed all-out special attacking Onslaught bolstered by thief and forced Snorlax into using sets with sleep talk just to slow it down effectively it forced lacks to be a wall and not a wall and an offensive threat we haven't even mentioned jinx's infuriating capacity to freeze 10 isn't a lot but when you're spamming Ice Beam left and right the odds become nastily more in jinx's favor when each attack and this is particularly devastating with gsc's poultry 10 defrost rate Jake's encouraged entire teams to spam freeze-inducing moves and was itself so effective in facilitating the strategy that it is almost solely responsible for the existence of freeze Claws and GSC despite the fact that it breaks game mechanics getting one freeze was often devastating enough but two was just unfair and Jinx helped his team achieve this far more than was healthy material it's efficacy in achieving just one freeze continued afterwards to the point of some players wanting to ban Jinx itself for how much an encouraged fishing for luck in addition to freeze it also had a long track record of looking for 10 special defense drops with psychic it wasn't just a slot machine though it was a ferocious offensive threat in its own right and could even punish attempts to beat it through resting sleep-talking Walls by slotting nightmare into his last move slot and so Jinx completely changed Gen 2 OU a decade and a half after it had ceased to be the current generation [Music] and speaking of Pokemon that changed to owe you a decade and a half after it has ceased to be the current generation next up is Golem its impact wasn't quite as seismic as jinx's but it really wasn't far behind while it didn't knock entire team Styles out of the tier what it did do was reshape existing team Styles into a greater focus on rapid spin even on offensive teams which previously couldn't spend most of the time rapid Spin and explosion were illegal on the same Cloister set and most of the time you wanted Cloister to Boom it being offensively threatening was a big reason for it being as spammable as it was Fortress didn't have this problem but it was much much more difficult to fit onto teams than Cloister thanks to its pathetic speed crippling quadruple fire weakness thus you couldn't fit spin on your Spiker most of the time plus relying on one Pokemon to spike and spin could sometimes be too much for it to do in one battle what about using other Pokemon to spin well on bulky teams maybe but you weren't fitting the highly passive Starmie on offense especially since it didn't provide much necessary defense utility for them it could be tough to slide even on bulky teams for this reason with Golem this all changed it was a rapid spinner that possessed both the defensive qualities necessary for every team I.E a normal resistance to help against Snorlax meaning it could Roar out a sleeping curse LAX without fearing a boosted sleep talk normal move and the Thunder resists or immunity to help pivot around the dangerous electric Zapdos and raiku and it did this while still being offensively threatening thanks to explosion of course with its sets of earthquake rapid spin Roar and explosion it couldn't actually threaten the Zapdos without booming but that was the beauty of Gola it didn't need to Rapid spinning and Clary spikes away for his teammate Snorlax was all it needed to do as it lacks not being worn down by spikes was nearly Immortal another thing that made Golem superb was how it was nearly impossible to spin block Gengar was instantly dropped by its earthquake while miss dravis was slammed quite hard as well Golem was great on stall teams as well but it was most defining for how it changed often it went from never being seen to becoming the most used rock type in the tier more common than tyranna are and almost completely displacing right on while also eclipsing the previous ground type standard on offense Steelix and so Golem changed the metagame and became one of the best Pokemon in Gen 2 OU [Music] [Applause] for a long time rby games began with Alakazam facing down another Alakazam or a Starmie they would exchange Thunder waves then see who would be forced to switch out first the rest of these teams would be occupied by of course the big four of Tauros Snorlax Chansey and exeggutor and their last was quite commonly ride on a hard counter to the terrifying Zapdos and a monster's offensive threat in its own right this set of six was reliable consistent dominant all that good stuff and once that Alakazam or Starmie took paralysis they were almost single-handedly ruined by Victory belt it was faster than everything except Tauros which allowed it to get free turns with rap and it wasn't just threatening with rap though it also wielded a powerful Razor Leaf which was an automatic critical hit coming off of Victory Bell's strong special set you couldn't safely switch around it because whatever came in would be slower meaning it gets stuffed by rap and his razor Leafs hit hard you're one faster Pokemon would be Tauros and using Tauros to try and deal with Victory belt was favorable for the Victory Bell user the chip damage force on Tauros alone was useful for victory Bell's own Toros to gain a huge Advantage but Victory Bell could also choose to stun Sport and ruin Tauros entirely alternatively Victory Bell made excellent use of Hyper Beam which allowed it to finish off Chancey from much higher ranges Victory Bell was so good you almost forgot that it also packed sleep powder of all things but it most certainly did allowing it to shut down an opposing Pokemon even more directly and provide a window for it to launch its razor Leafs blocking its sleeves wasn't exactly easy either after all you needed to be paralyzed for that to be the case and if you were paralyzed you were going to be vulnerable to rap Victory Bell dominated teams so hard that it caused the shift in how rby was played suddenly lead psychics no longer wanted to take paralysis unless there was a second fast psychic in the back lest they get completely thrashed by Victorville and as a result of Victory Bell teaching OU this lesson with such brutal force it rolls from DL to join the tier itself finally we have some honorary mentions Advanced Charizard Rose in a manner similar to Moltres it wasn't as powerful and lacked willowist but it had significant advantages and higher speed as well as access to focus punch and dragon claw DPP Quagsire appeared at the end of the generation to stifle the life of Starmie offensive suicune and Troy Spec's Kendra running wild everywhere and was generally a pain for offensive teams to handle as it also stuffed offensive Zapdos and many Heatran variants incredibly hard in black and white Mian Xiao Rose for its outstanding feature an incredible offensive Threat Level becoming both of ferocious life orb attacker and a reliable choice scarf Revenge killer and cleaner there are so many more Pokemon that could be mentioned in these types of videos but maybe we'll see them next time foreign [Music] once more marking it as the only Pokemon in these videos to appear in two different Generations three if you count it's honorary mentioned in the previous video and the second Pokemon in these videos to appear in OU despite being teared as low as Nu this time it's marked as a tremendous late Discovery in rbyou two decades after it stopped being the current or rather only generation generally burn isn't a status you toss around carelessly in rby it only deals 6.25 per turn so Pokemon like Alakazam Starmie and Chansey even welcome it as it allows them to block sleep paralysis and freeze all of which are far more reliable at forcing progress on the opponent indeed fire Moves In general are rare precisely because by using them you risk undoing the effect of ko you scored on the opponent by freezing them in the first place however when played to its strength burn can be utilized to great effect both on Tauros and of course on molstress at first Articuno was seen as the underrated bird in rby-o-u because its blizzard is the strongest special attack in the game even stronger than Mewtwo's psychic problem with Articuno is that when it's walled such as when it faces Lapras or Cloister it's walled it has very little way of making its way past its checks itself Moltres didn't have this problem and thus established its role first generation Fire Blast has a 30 chance to burn thank Arceus that didn't stick around now alone 6.25 from Burn isn't that much however in conjunction with the Unstoppable Force chip damage from fire spin the opponent can very quickly be put in an uncomfortable position and when Moltres agilities late game out speeding the Alakazam or Starmie it's burned it can easily chip star me down mulchers also boasts over Articuno a higher attacks that and thus a much more powerful Hyper Beam it can use to seal the deal against Starmie Chansey and Alakazam as a result even moltres's checks aren't necessarily safe against it and things that aren't in its checks get destroyed by his fire blast that is tied for the strongest special attack in the game so mulchers didn't become a metagame defining threat but it did become a legitimate tournament-worthy Pokemon in rbyou thanks for watching everyone and in the comments again I want to know what type of different videos would you like to see we've been loving the feedback you've been giving us so far so thank you so much for that but we'd love to know more ideas that you want to see in the future and thank you to our patrons for continued support of our videos and thank you to everyone else watching as well [Music] thank you and follow my corundi social media platforms and that's all I got see you next time everyone [Music]
Channel: False Swipe Gaming
Views: 172,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Go, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Yellow, Pokemon Gold, Pokemon Silver, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon Ruby, Pokemon Sapphire, Pokemon Emerald, Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, Pokemon Platinum, Pokemon Black, Pokemon White, Pokemon X, Pokemon Y, Pokemon Ultra Sun, Pokemon Ultra Moon, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Competitive Pokemon, Smogon, VGC, False Swipe Gaming
Id: Q-zm8XHVyYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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