Top 5 Most Common Sales Objections & Rebuttals | Overcome Objections Like a PRO

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what's going on everybody it's patrick here so in this video we're gonna be going over the top five most common sales objections you are likely to get and you wanna make sure you watch this video until the end because if you don't know how to handle these objections it's gonna be extremely difficult for you to generate sales close deals and so let's go ahead and dive right in but before we get started make sure to give this video a like subscribe and turn on notifications and let's get into the first objection first objection we're going to talk about is let me get back to you all right thanks patrick let me get back to you later okay okay tommy thanks for letting me know now just curious you know as you think about it and you want to spend some time obviously i understand that but what exactly needs to happen before you actually move forward with this deal well i need to take a look at all the features that you guys are offering and see what my other options are okay so i mean we already talked about a lot of the features already right and so would that mean that you're looking at different competitors different people like what is it actually yeah where we might look at some competitors so far have you already like spent time there or is it that you still need to have the meetings with them you're the first one that we approached okay totally understand now you know just curious so we're on the same page here like when do you think you'll be looking at these competitors um i think we'll do that this thursday okay i gotcha so you can have meeting with whoever you want to talk to on thursday right so how about this how about we set up another meeting on next tuesday where we kind of recap everything and make sure that we're all on the same page it's okay if you talk with competitors totally fine right i just want to make sure you have all the right information so you know which one is right for you how's that sound okay sounds good so what's going on over here the prospect tommy said that he needs to get back to me now if i was a regular salesperson i would be like okay great let me know and then you never hear from tommy again right so what i did instead is i need to understand what needs to happen before he actually closes the deal why does he need to get back to me is it that he doesn't have the budget it's not the right time or is it that he's working with a competitor in this situation he is working with a competitor obviously i don't want to talk down on his competitor i just want to give him an opportunity to learn who his competitor is and see what are the differences but what i did strategically is that next week i scheduled a time to talk to tommy again on tuesday to kind of recap everything that we talked about and really just to answer any questions he has on why let's say going with me might be different from working with a competitor why you want to do this is because in that situation you want to be almost like a consultant or someone that's helping someone out i'm not saying i'm better i'm just saying like hey let me help you make a decision really if you come with the intention to help you set up the meeting they'll take the meeting and then you can actually have a real conversation if you find that hey maybe they want to work with a competitor for a specific reason and they don't want to work with you anymore totally fine but that's much better than them completely ghosting you and you know exactly what happened so that the next time that happens you can adjust your strategy accordingly so it doesn't happen again now let's get into the next objection which is the price is too high okay thanks patrick but after looking at everything i i think your price might be a little bit too high for us interesting well i appreciate you telling me that tommy when we're talking about price you know from my perspective industry averages i personally i think it's pretty fair but just from your perspective like what price were you looking for to invest in something like this i would say we're willing to pay around 10k only 10k only okay so what we're offering is actually 13k so it's a little bit off when you're picking out let's say what software you want to use or buying anything do you usually go for the cheapest option well not really we're looking at how the price justify like all the features and all the benefits it has okay so you don't go for the cheapest but you really go for does the thing actually solve your problem yes and so if it actually solved your problem and it's a fair value then that would be the perfect price for you right yes so based on everything that we talked about would we fall under that category or is there something that maybe we're missing some value to make it actually worth it for you actually i like what you guys are doing but the other options are cheaper for us okay i see and would you say that the other options that you're looking at do the exact same thing that we do in the exact same way well i think yours is a bit more user-friendly and it's a bit faster too okay user-friendly and faster well you know you're using the software in order to save time is that right yes and if a software is let's say more user-friendly and it's faster and it saves you more time there's obviously a price to that would you agree with that of course so in this situation because we're saving you more time and your sales people are more productive they can spend more time generating sales you kind of see why we would charge more right because just to give you some perspective on our end we're not trying to be the cheapest we're just trying to be a company that solves the problem the best and obviously we want to provide as much value as possible so the way i would actually look at it is how much time are you actually saving compared to using somebody else and how much is that time worth if you were to ballpark it right would you say that the time that we save you compared to the other options might be much more in value compared to the price that we're asking for well considering the time that we'll be saving it might be actually worth it all right that's what i like to hear the customer said the price was too high right and i'm trying to understand why does he believe the price is too high and maybe i am more expensive than my competitors now is there a reason i am more expensive in this situation my product is more user-friendly and i save their customers more time and so what i did was i said like how much do you value your time and is the price i'm charging much lower than the value of your time in this situation it was right and so by charging three thousand dollars more sure i'm charging more but you're saving so much more money from using my product compared to everybody else's and that's how you justify your higher prices now this is a very specific example but you know no matter what you're selling you want to think about it in the same way how can you justify your high price and even differentiate yourself from your competitors right because not everybody chooses the cheapest thing all the time they want to choose something that's going to work and it's easy and saves them more time and that's what you can do then easy sale next objection we're going to get is i need to talk it over with my business partner thanks patrick but i will have to talk it over with my business partner okay thanks for letting me know john now just curious when you talk it over with your business partner what exactly do you need to talk about well we want to see how much we're willing to spend and um you know when's the right time to buy and actually that's actually a pretty interesting thought you brought up just curious you know if you're in a ballpark like a budget like what would you be willing to spend like you were saying we're looking at a 10k maximum okay we definitely fall into your budget now the other thing you mentioned was like timing right so you know when do you think you can move forward with something like this uh ideally we wanted asap so how about we do this you want to talk it over your business part totally cool right but do you mind if i make a recommendation okay sure how about we set up another meeting for tomorrow me you and your business partner and we'll talk through what exactly this will look like that way because you have the budget and you're trying to get this done as soon as possible you know let's just not waste any time and really just uh get this going like how does that sound to you okay yeah let's set up a meeting tomorrow so what am i doing here he needed to talk it over with his business partner i said why he said he wants to talk about the budget he wants to talk about the timing i don't know the budget i don't know the timing so i asked the question what's your budget 10k it fits what's the timing asap okay tomorrow so instead of having john talk to his business partner without me being there right because john cannot sell my product and service as well as me so i need to be in the room rather than have two people on their own talk about it and there might be some misinformation how about instead get everybody in the same room where we can all be on the same page and i have that opportunity to listen to their challenges and really sell them so that they can move forward with the deal now we're gonna go into the next objection which is we're already working with somebody else right thanks patrick but right now we're working with another company already oh okay totally hear what you're saying now john just curious um who are you actually working with you're curious enough oh we're working with vector marketing oh vector marketing yeah i heard a lot of good things about them hey just curious actually you know how long you've been working with them of six months six months now and you know how's the service servicemen so far it's been spotty but overall it's good spotty but good okay that's quite interesting uh if you were to give them a one out of ten in terms of like how great they are as services and things that they're offering to you what would that look like um i give them a seven what need to happen for them to be a ten well some of the features that we're looking for they don't have it and we're looking to expand and i don't think they're they have the capabilities to meet our needs okay so basically at your current level they can kind of do the job but you're trying to expand your business obviously and they just don't have the capacity or maybe skill to actually do it is that what i'm hearing yeah i mean you're interested in expanding is that right yes you're already working with a competitor right i totally get that but yeah how about this i mean are you interested in learning about how we might be able to help you kind of expand your business beyond what vector marketing is doing is that interesting to you yes yeah i'd like to know so basically what i'm doing here is that this person is already working with a competitor right and i need to understand are they happy or not if they're completely happy and they love this company well it's gonna be super difficult for me to replace them so it's not even worth my time now what i did is i asked them how's the service going they said it's okay i said well one out of ten like what would you give it they gave it a seven six so now i say okay what would need to happen to make it go to attend and then they're gonna tell me all the problems they have with that company and i position myself as the person who does not have that problems and can offer a better service and so now this person who at the beginning of the conversation said oh i already work with a competitor now they're saying oh maybe patrick can actually help me achieve my business goals now the next objection we're going to cover has to do a lot with timing and that is we're not ready to buy right now okay thanks patrick but i don't think now's the right time for us to buy interesting you know is this something that you actually want to do in the future or maybe not right now but sometime down the line yeah of course it's something we want to do in the future like want to do kind of need or you know what is it it's in our plans in our plans okay so like for sure it's gonna happen right yeah okay well when do you want to actually do this or when is it possible i think six months from now okay so you want to do it but maybe six months from now is that because like you don't have the budget right now or like what is it like well yeah we don't have the budget yet and uh we're going under a uh restructuring process in our company right now gotcha so there's a lot going on i'm sure right yep okay so i totally hear what you're saying how about we set up another meeting six months from now and then kind of revisit the conversation to see if it's the right time to work together how does that sound to you yeah okay that sounds good okay so i'll do this how about i'll go ahead and give you a call back i'll put it on my calendar i'll send you something uh first six times for now how does march 18th sound okay march 18 then around that time right i'll just give you a call then we'll see if it makes sense to work together sound good to you okay sounds good all right great so what i did there was that the person is not ready to buy i need to know when they are going to be ready or if they even want to do this and i confirm that they want to do it it's just not the right time so what i do instead is i schedule another meeting for a future time when i can have another conversation to pick things up right and the reason why you want to have that firm future date set is because when you call them during that time it's not a cold call it's on their calendar so you can say hey it's patrick from whatever marketing and we talked six months ago i was curious to know like if you're ready to do xyz so they'll be like oh patrick i remember you and then you can have a real conversation that's very different from cold calling someone out of the blue and be like is this a cold call you always want to make it warm once you get them online on the first go and then set up the next meeting so with that said those are going to be some of the top common objections that you're going to get as a salesperson if you enjoy this video make sure to give it a like subscribe and turn on notifications and if you want to start and accelerate your sales career make sure to check out my website sales legacy where you're going to learn everything you need to know about sales plus there's a free training that you can sign up for there and if you want to learn more about sales check out my other video on my top three sales techniques to close more deals with that said my name is patrick dang and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Patrick Dang
Views: 56,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: patrick dang, patrick dang sales, sales legacy, common sales objections, sales objections, how to overcome common sales objections, overcoming sales objections, sales objection handling, overcoming objections, how to handle the 10 most common sales objections, how to handle objections in sales, how to handle objections, objection handling, sales objections scripts, sales objections and rebuttals, overcome the top sales objections, tips on overcoming sales objections, cold call
Id: WYspdNXgMtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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