Top 5 Moments Skip Bayless Got Very Disrespectful

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skip bis a man who has transcended Sports media over the past decade and is a face of hot takes in the Sports World recently skip had a Fallout with his former FS1 Undisputed co-host Shannon sharp over a recent history of being disrespectful to his colleague that ultimately led to their split but what if I were to tell you this isn't anything really new for the contrarian and that he actually has a history of getting mad disrespectful with kof's guests and even former athletes on his show especially when he's about to lose a debate or get called out for his takes today I'm going to dive into some of the most heated moments when skip crossed the line on a show with others sitting across from him on the debate table what did you tell me earlier in the show about you know with with age comes wisdom I've been watching football a lot longer than Eric dreamed of watching football so I think I'm qualified Stephen A Stephen A he just threw five verbal interceptions none of them were right they were all the wrong reads and if and tomorrow we should criticize him for it wait wait wait a second exactly wait a second Mr basketball Stephen nay Smith I learned a lot of football from Don schula and Tom Landry can Eric speak to to Don shul oh really were you in the meeting skip no I spent a lot of time with oh you you hung around you learned a lot of football from him tell me the last time you talked to or tell me about those meetings that you sat in with Don schula all right well look let's talk when were they tell you a lot of Tom the same page here we're definitely let the show I question I question results I would never think to challenge the Acumen of a of a former head coach and a Super Bowl champion as a defensive coordinator as well as secondary I would not do that you know what you're you're right I I didn't get fired twice as a head coach it's okay I get it this is hold on hold on this is this is Skip's answer to everything when he gets beat up as badly as he's been beat up today oh I didn't get fired twice all right listen Len guysthe attemp not let's move on it's ridiculous okay I'm not going to lie but this one was actually kind of funny and Skip's face after saying what he said was pretty Priceless but that doesn't negate the fact that bringing this up on national TV was pretty disrespectful at the time Eric manini had just gotten fire from both the New York Jets and Cleveland Browns after missing the playoffs and leading each team to a 9 and seven and 5- 11 record respectfully and hearing Stephen A Smith telling skip that's not right just added to this legendary clip from over 10 years ago he was 18 years old he wanted to choose the number of this favorite player he copied the powder toss not as a way of saying Michael's gone I'm here now just out of respect out of love for Michael LeBron about that yes and I know that mik LeBron you say it took him years to get to this point that's not true I talked to LeBron back in 2005 for a story I did for ESP in the magazine he admitted at that time he said Kobe Bryant's the best player in the league he he said right now I don't have that killer instinct to the degree that Kobe has it he wasn't going around saying I'm the best player in the league I'm King James I'm this I'm that King James just a nickname that matched his last name heck no he heard it from LeBron I heard it from his can I ask you a question I've been I've been you told me on you're take it to the bank LeBron James you told me once I'm not going to AC do not get in your heart do not tell you what's in your heart how you sitting here from thousands of miles away telling what's in LeBron James because you're way too close to have any objectivity aity I don't have objectivity you sold your journalistic soul to get close to Le so you can have a didn't do that I have objectivity about it I can sit back yeah I do first of all that's a strong claim this journalist I mean that's what if you're going to question my credibility that's what you question your credibility you told okay so this time on the other end of skip bis's wrath was his longtime colleague Chris busard who just so happens to work for the same network with skip at FS1 this clip was during their time together on ESPN and Skip questioning Chris's journalistic integrity was a severe low blow to call him out saying that he sold himself to get closer to LeBron is a huge no no in the industry come on skip do better as you know Chris skip has been your biggest critic and and uh he fair or Folly has uh like to refer to you as Bosch spice and I'm I'm assuming that's where you're going to begin with our first question question but why don't you start by getting responding to skip and and and the criticism that he has had of you throughout the particularly the past year well I just want to put it out there I don't have a problem with you at all you know we're both professionals we both do our jobs I'm sure you know you work hard we've got the southwestern connection we do have thatc and everything um my only problem is just the whole uh misuse of the name if I stink it up on the court that's fine I don't have no problem with you I love jokes I love cracking on jokes my thing is my family we take a lot of pride in our name uh and my ancestors my my great-grandfather my father my grandfather my aunts and uncles you know we we're very prideful with the Bosch name and um I don't like it being made fun of and I and I you know I don't think they appre appreciate it either but you know that's all really that's it I mean I'm trying to say you man if you run into my aunts you know that's you feel that way but you're so you're probably you're probably better off with Chris sitting there and not one of your aunts yeah yeah but you know you know um the bot name you know cuz that's all we have you know and um we're hardworking guys um you know my my father and um his fathers they've paved the way for me to do what I'm doing today and you know that's uh that's like my main issue okay I I respect the Bosch name but I have no regrets with referring to you occasionally especially early and at midseason as Bosch spice I I admit I was very tough on you but I thought that your performance with the Miami Heat the heatles warranted an occasional use of that nickname because I thought it was fitting and accurate because occasionally early on with this team I thought you were soft and passive and unaggressive so for over a year skip bis had been calling Miami Heat star Chris Bosch Bosch spice a play on reference to Posh Spice of the Spice Girls this was during the 2010 NBA season when the Miami Heat eventually choked against Dallas Mavericks in the NBA Finals anyways when Chris got on the show and told bis that he didn't like how he was using his family's name in that reference skip instead of actually giving in Justified his criticism and I guess that's what many people have complained about Sports media how it's more about ridicule than actual criticism BOS clearly did not like how his name was being used and Skip just didn't care but you've dismissed him you say he can't play in the league you told you said he's not a starter in the league that's not a start there's plenty other players besides the starter okay that's six weeks ago you need to move on till today we you need to move on what does he do every fourth quarter game after game after game they all say it he's inspired the whole franch covering Sports all these years I just watch with my eyes I've been covering a lot longer than you've been playing it I can tell you and I give you credit for that okay yeah but you can't take away his I give you credit for that okay well I just think I'm right about it you can't discredit me but you don't know you don't know neither does he what have I always told you some of the worst judges of personnel are the best players Michael Jordan's the worst GM in the history we also and we also debate the fact that as reporters when our objectivity is skewed for whatever reason that my fact he's a player might be subjective because of that you're a reporter you may be subjective so you tell me there aren't bad reporters that have jobs reporting compared to John Elway with his skill level like I agree I just I've always had a good eye for talent you can look at my draft record on this show so you discredit my ability to be no I'm just saying you're wrong about this one just this one you're not giving him any credit I did give him credit hey but you're saying don't give him so much so if we don't believe if we don't believe all right he played the game IAT into laughing you laughed the last time what happened you ate it again let me ask you question how many times were you wrong Chris Carter how many times seven times I know I went to eight Pro Bowl and played 16 years how many rings do you have I ain't got none you got same amount as you no I don't this was a discussion about Tim TBO during the time when skip was campaigning for the Broncos QB however his co-host Chris Carter didn't share the same opinion and pretty much called TBO a bench player it's only when CC started to laugh at the absurdity of skip bis's take that skip lost it on the former Vikings receiver and called out the fact that he finished his NFL career with zero Rings this was as bad as a shot he took on Shannon sharp Chris Carter is a legit Hall of Famer and one of the greatest wide receivers the game has seen but I have been extremely consistent in my stance over the last what are we eight years since you ended badly in 2008 in Dallas with the cowboys that you're not a first ballot Hall of Famer because in my humble estimation after doing all of my homework and covering the first team that you played for that you played a very large part in internally tearing apart three very good teams by attacking publicly and feuding with the head coaches of all three teams the coordinators or position coaches of all three teams and the quarterbacks of two of those teams but you had an issue with your third quarterback and his favorite Target Jason Whitten in Dallas and we can go through blowby blow all those things that happened we can walk back through it and go back and forth about it but to me I go back to what Bill poon said the day before this election happened on Saturday Bill poan the Hall of Fame executive who works for ESPN I I have had my issues with him on this show but he said as he pushed for his guy Marvin Harrison from his Indie days to get in ahead of you Bill poan said that the Hall of Fame ought to be for people who made their teams better I believe Terrell that you helped ultimately make all three of those teams a little worse by internally tearing them apart yeah I I'm going to make my case we can go team by team if you want to absolutely all right where do we start okay well so to me I I've always said this about you as high IQ a player as I was ever around but you have an alter ego you had one called to and I believe that you fell prey to your Alter Ego or just your ego too and that you and Chad both were more me players than we players I don't know how many of y'all let's skip get away with this one in my opinion Terell Owens was a greater player in his position than Shannon sharp ever was in his that said if skip said this to Shannon on national TV y would had skip crucified on the air in the short clip he basically nullifies Terrell's Hall of Fame career by telling him that he actually made his team worse which is just insane Tio after retiring is still in the top three in all the three big receiving categories yet skip bis campaigned for years on television telling his audience that Terell Owens was not a Hall of Famer this was just disrespectful to the max I don't know what are your thoughts on all this
Channel: Clasher Sports
Views: 90,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Clasher Sports, NFL, NFL News, American Football, Football, NFL Rivalries, skip bayless, skip bayless shannon sharpe, skip bayless disrespects shannon sharpe, skip bayless compilation, shannon sharpe, undisputed, first take, stephen a smith, skip bayless chris bosh, skip bayless eric mangini, skip bayless chris broussard, skip bayless cris carter, skip bayless terrell owens, skip bayless disrespectful, skip bayless richard sherman
Id: GZvrqQFad2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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