Charles Barkley Roasting Skip Bayless compilation 😂

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there's this the this ALS pepper challenge you eat things differently and one more bite wait we challenge this thing ain't even hot it ain't even hot I challenge Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe no I love I like Shannon only thing I want to do is put my foot up Skip's ass okay well let's see if Skip's up for that challenge now that'll be a good challenge yeah no doubt no way to take everything to the next level oh I ain't never gonna like skip yeah the next step we challenge you Shannon skip we just stop you've already said it skip tweeted something and although I disagree with the Tweet uh and and I hopefully uh skip would take it down but I didn't want it time out come out I'm not going to take it down because I stand by what I tweeted skip all right okay go ahead no you go go ahead let's go Jen okay I mean I cannot even get through a monologue without you interrupting me everything good things starting out 2023 just as they ended 2022. okay hey hey I'm sick of you man what I'm sick of you what happened you interrupted Ernie already the first show of the year you already interrupted him can he finish his monologue stop okay YouTube too so I didn't see the show here's three you could have came back I thought skip skip I don't know I was just going to say skip I didn't want to yesterday to get into a situation where Demar Hamlin was the issue we should have been talking about him and not get into your not get into your uh your Tweet that's what I was gonna do but you can't even let me finish my opening monologue without you interrupting okay I was under the impression you weren't going to bring this up because nobody here had a problem with that tweet no clearly the bosses wanted you to offer explanations so clearly so no they did not have nobody I'm coming home I'm not taking my tweet down I believe what I said Hey where's that case talk about you want to talk about the Joker go ahead go ahead no no no no because every time I want to talk you want to interrupt will you allow him to talk about the Jokers you know how much your mom means to me right and I just want to say man between the Papa John's and the general man putting on commercials is really awesome yeah she loves you too yeah she's awesome she loves you I know be nice if you put me in there I know I just like Shannon I know it's like to work with somebody you hate Antonio I think man in my opinion always praise that I don't want to be one of these idiots on these other networks act like they know everything about all sports uh Skip Bayless um sorry sorry yeah first of all Lebron's the only one got a legacy ride he gonna get all the blame unfortunately he's the one he's on that Mount Rushmore and you know Skip Bayless the idiot he's gonna find a way to build blame LeBron even though those guys have played the Six bad games I'm not waiting on those guys they've had six bad games in a row if I'm LeBron them says Hey I'm going y'all follow me that's like you know every time I'm on an airplane or anything they say would you show people what an exit is I said they should follow my ass off the exit I'm not trying to get people off the plane can they can I'm trying to figure out just because a couple jackasses on on television like Skip Bayless who I hate more in life itself Stars talking about who won and who didn't want a guy who never played and now they're making a great living doing that but what bothers me about that is basketball is not an individual sport absolutely like to go on television and talk about just because it makes great TV play quick dude basketball is a team game you're making a great living because it's easy for people to attack certain guys the stars stars yeah like if I get a disease and I'm gonna die how about I bring you get Skip Bayless in here and I kill him live on National Television I like it yeah pretty can we set this up yeah let's see why not but just let us know because I just want to get Skip Bayless in a room one time and just beat him like a dog okay so you you kill him yes okay if I'm gonna live I don't want to be in prison because as my horns say they would love you in prison you get a guy like Skip Bayless on television who's got a radio show and a following he picks shots about certain guys who were great players who didn't win the championship and he's made a great living doing it but my thing has always been wait it's it's not it's y'all do know it's a team game right so that that's the only time I get mad when guys who've never played the game uh talk about who hasn't won anything and listen and uh and the point you said earlier uh a couple seconds ago like I don't even get mad at guys who can't play dead who get rings yeah good for them but I don't want guys walking around talking about the dude never won anything like yo man you didn't even play in the game I mean like I'm gonna tell you something if I could get Skip Bayless in a room he need DNA to find who it was when I got through with it more games coming tomorrow TNT rolls out a pirate game twos Wednesday night both follow-ups you know everybody know I hate Skip Bayless because I think he's the king of I'm just gonna say so people will say they gonna go crazy on me all right uh but for me what drives me crazy is like he'll miss Nine out of 10 games and then he'll brag about the one upset he got right out of those 10 games like I told you so that team was gonna upset I was like yo man you missed the other nine games but I hate God I hate guys who do that on television who they are wrong all the time but when they get one wrong they go crazy bragging about it that drives me crazy those guys act like they know everything about sports like these guys on all these talk shows like well that guy's not a good baseball player that guy's not a good football player that guy's not a good basketball player I'm like dude in your opinion but you know we have two minutes so many guys on television who act like they know everything about every sport I don't want to call out certain guys we know I hate Skip Bayless did I try but I did listen we don't know everything about all these Sports we're paid to give our opinion it's just our opinion but you don't see me on toe like well this guy's not a good football player this guy's not a good baseball player because you don't know anything about baseball or football just because you watch the game I always preface my opinion with in my opinion because it's just my opinion well in my opinion I really enjoy that like because now it's a full-fledged business Clayton Skip Bayless hates LeBron and Aaron Rodgers and for me I hate that because the one thing I try to do is I'm never gonna lie on television because people believe what they see on television and if you have watched Skip Bayless you know he hates LeBron he hates Aaron Rodgers and that ain't right in my opinion because I'm saying he blessed you last night last week he blasts on Draymond Green's podcast and he said that I hate LeBron and I hate Aaron Rodgers in that I lie on TV about LeBron and I lie on TV about Aaron Rodgers bronze had way more All-Star Health than Michael ever thought about it my eye test tells me that Michael is better we're just sort of doing vacuumed vacuum you know just what do they look like because LeBron has a huge deficiency in his game he runs from the free-throw line late in game Johnny Manziel will become even bigger in the city of Cleveland than his buddy and business partner LeBron James ever was in the city of Cleveland can he right now at 52 years old right here right now beat LeBron one-on-one I mean and Beyond come on you know Stephen oh gosh don't don't don't do this you know ever he just might I don't do it he just might be able to LeBron James was made for the regular season Michael's a hundred times better winner all right LeBron James I just spit the truth about both of them and because I have a new podcast I took the liberty yesterday of using the whole hour of the podcast to fire back at Charles Barkley and I dared him once again I've asked repeatedly for him to come on this show the show I used to do on ESPN let's do it well our very first topic with you is Charles Barkley his hatred of skip is no secret okay listen to what he had to say about our friend thank you for giving me an alternative I don't know how to watch getting babies to the board I will always be dead it to you so I called to watch that at all it was getting famous he got guys on TV you know he got to kill Bandits he was a punk who's there's always going to be punks in TV because they got no Talent they got to talk about famous people let me tell you something anybody who goes after Derrick Rose is just an idiot and uh first of all you do I think Skip Bayless the biggest punk in the world you know he's the biggest punk in the world I just hate Skip Bayless I hate using the words it works in his favor you know I don't even watch him anymore you know I told Dan Patrick thank God for Dan Patrick because he gives me something to watch in the morning to get on TV everything just go after the big stars that don't make you a German that makes you a punk and that's what's getting paid is dead can you fight don't have to say can you fight are you a verbal fighter or physical we didn't hear Charles go all the way he actually has he actually says I want to kill Skip Bayless do you have any idea what his beef is with skip I mean clearly he made his points there but obviously you guys have run in to each other some kind of way no never run into jobs you've never had a conversation with her so you're a punk Melody stuff you're avoid each other come sit right there in that chair or this chair or even this chair right here well you know you know what you get more than anything that you that never played Central you can never played so do you really know and because I always say this to it like as a journalist I could look at the bird's eye view and go okay I see what's going on but then there's an in between you is that fair and I think that Charles lives in an interview entropy interesting say it again yeah yeah so right where the ground goes and where everybody's going in that's where he lives so when you come from the bird's eye view it's like anybody could say you get that you get you have that that self-hate already how do you explain that half the GM's in your league now never played a lick a pro basketball most of them didn't play college basketball Sam presti building the Oklahoma City Thunder up to Greatness and Glory I think he played pro basketball well I think the thing about that is that's why you could say Jeremy Lin exists because they don't know some of them don't know what they're doing who didn't play because you to God have a guy like that in your in your talent pool and you don't you can't evaluate the talent that's in your pool then something's wrong with you as well so you get both into the Spectrum I think that yeah if I it'd be difficult for me to be a good Baker if I've never baked before I could learn how to our greatest Baker ever Michael Jordan has become the worst evaluator of talent I think we've ever seen the Bobcats are still a mess the reason I'm sick and tired right now is I'm sick and tired of Charles Barkley blasting me for criticizing LeBron James oh it's been going on for 15 years TV's uh yeah like if if I get a disease and I'm gonna die how about I bring you give Skip Bayless in here and I'll kill him live on National Television I like it because I just want to get Skip Bayless in a room one time just beat him like a dog for years he said he would like to kill me and I responded finally I've never I've kept my mouth shut even with you on this show I've kept my mouth shut I finally said that's enough when he blasted me on draymond's podcast I said okay and I am now challenging Charles to join me on my podcast next week you can have the whole hour to tell me exactly what you have as problems and issues with me and why you'd like to kill me I just want to know see you when you come back I love the way wait hey take that Skip Bayless game tied at 89. take that with your punk ass this was the 36 footer and I'm just sick and tired of it because I keep seeing this happen again and again and again great player LeBron James but he has one fatal flaw and it's the closer Gene it's just you gotta close these games for an average team to make it a slightly above average sorry I'm being honest right I don't want to be one of these on television hey hey hey hey oh I mean jackasses I meant sorry I'm sorry I apologize I do I apologize [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Celeb Q
Views: 664,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Charles Barkley, Skip, Skip Bayless, Undisputed, Shannon sharpe, Inside the NBA, NBA on TNT
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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