Top 5 LinkedIn Tips To Attract Recruiters | Examples included

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if your LinkedIn standards don't raise the bar you are not getting hired every time you're on the lookout for a new role the first thing a hiring manager does is Scout your LinkedIn they're doing a quick surf on your profile judging you by how you look what you talk about what do you interact with and is it matching the role you are applying for these are some Essential Elements you must nail to definitely stand out on LinkedIn [Music] first off your profile picture you need to do three things here have either a blood or a flat background look at Brian chesky the CEO of Airbnb great example to understand how you should think about this second have your face a little tilted this is a psychological trick to state that you are approachable and friendly person and third have ample light on your face this makes you stand out trust me this sounds basic but makes a hell lot of difference the next thing is your name section the name is fine use this little snippet to your advantage think of what you can do with five words how can you build entry it would just be what you do for example growth a credit or something more interesting like this next move on to the talks about section make sure to just write three pointed things here and use words that indicate what you want your next role to be choose the city that you want to work in not necessarily where you are currently so for example if you want a role in Bangalore and you don't belong to a tier 1 City there is no harm in writing Bangalore because this indicates you're okay with moving maybe don't do it with an international role something most people miss out is the ability to add a link in my experience I've seen adding a calendly link for a 101 call works wonders it gives a clear city of our hiring manager to approach but think about it you can even add a link to your portfolio and proof of work here the featured section can really be used to Showcase proof of work so have some level of organization a good thumbnail clear two-line description and highlight only the most interesting projects you have taken visited try and use GIFs for these posts as the movement attracts the eye attention toward the course coming to the about section the only jobs to be done of this section is for the visitor to press CMO the idea is to create a very intriguing three-liner story that Cascades into the rest of the section look at this profile for example at age of 5 I was rejected for a theater audition because I was too young when they've wrapped up I got onto the stage re-performed the whole entire script alone ordering all characters and walked away incredible you can't help but click on see more to read the rest of the story and then of course it translates into how the story is connected to their professional life now the experience section the Holy Grail of your profile one thing that people tend to miss out here is only right experiences where you have created some impact definitely right the current and the last company and other organizations where you have brought significant value don't just fill your experience with long paragraphs one framework that always works is the star approach which is situation task action and result what situations where you put in what were the tasks that came with it what actions did you go ahead and take and what was the result of those actions in the education section please don't write schooling stick to the undergrad and postgrad institution the skills section is often miscontrued people tend to fill them with 50 skills the idea is to show quality and demonstrable expertise in a few not little emphasis on men so pick your top three skills that indicate your positioning for the next role and try and get endorsement for those three only recommendations when used right will do wonders don't try and get 10 people recommendations from average people try and get only one from an expert in your domain someone who is known for their craft in the industry this comes across as a glowing stamp of approval and trust me it stands out much more than the 10 average recommendations that's it remember consider your LinkedIn profile as a product how will you help a hiring manager on board onto it what Progressive disclosures and aha moments can you use to build entry the aim is for hiring managers to live feeling a little more confident about you as a contender for the role as after which of course comes in your interviews pitches and conversations this was a snippet from what we cover during hiring hours at growthex we help our members build their personal brand and optimize every small touch point in hiring conversation if solving growth problems with a community of top one percent growth leaders and operators sounds interesting maybe growth X would be the right time for you the link to become a growth X member is in the description and trust me there is only upside here I'll see you in the next one
Channel: GrowthX
Views: 17,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Growth Marketing, Growth, Startups, Digital Marketing, growthx, linkedin, optimize linkedin, optimise linkedin for re, optimise your linkedin profile, optimize linkedin company page, optimizing your linkedin profile, optimize linkedin profile for job search, optimize linkedin profile for recruiters, optimize linkedin profile, what is growth marketing, growth marketing strategies, growth marketing course
Id: PsfNRY_zqFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 1sec (301 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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