Top 5 Intimidating Dirt Bike Maintenance Jobs

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hello everyone I am chase here Rocky Mountain atv/mc coming at you with our top five most intimidating maintenance jobs that any rider can do so when it comes to maintenance on your motorcycle or your ATV well we all know that it's got to get done however for a lot of riders out there there are several maintenance jobs and we have five specific jobs that we're going to talk about today that are fairly common but can seem pretty intimidating to do on your own but I'm here to tell you that as long as you have the right tools for the job you use your service menu and you have a good set of instructions they're really not that bad not to mention all the money you can say by doing maintenance on your own now lucky for you guys here Rocky Mountain we carry all the tools parts and accessories that you need to do maintenance on your bikes three ATVs and also we pride ourselves on having a lot of really great how-to videos that show you step-by-step how to get jobs done including the five jobs that we're gonna talk about today you just gotta remember to take your time be patient use your service manual and they're really not that bad so without further ado let's talk about job number one alright so for our first job it's gonna be your fork seals now as much as we all don't like it it's pretty much inevitable at some point your Forks those are gonna leak dust and dirt they're gonna work the way past your dust seal they're gonna cause your oil seals to leak now fork seals are probably one of the easiest jobs that I feel that writers can do on their own that will literally save you hundreds of dollars we have a lot of great how-to videos for multiple different Forks we're showing you step-by-step how to get the job done so as long as you're watching those videos you use your service manual and you have the right tools and parts for the job it's really not that bad and once you've done it yourself well you're gonna be a pro so the next time your or your fork seals are leaking you can take your Forks apart and do it again and if your friends have any questions you can help them help them out as well and other really good bonus to be able to do your fork seals is when you have your Forks pulled apart there's other maintenance jobs you can do with your Forks maybe you just want to put a new fork oiler in there because you need to replace that regularly or maybe you need to replace the bushings as well so all these jobs are gonna require you to disassemble your Forks and if you can do that on your own it's gonna save you a lot of time and also save you a lot of money now I will say that no matter what Forks you have one tool that is gonna really make the job a whole lot easier it's gonna be a fork seal driver he's going to help you set your seals when you putting your Forks back together you must have tool so make sure you pick one of those up but that's gonna be the first job probably one of the easiest save you a ton of money is your fork seals alright so job number two is a top and rebuild in checking your valves now if you're cruising around on a two-stroke well you've got it made pretty easy on this one when it comes to a topping on two-stroke really all you're gonna do is just pull the cylinder off you're gonna replace your piston check your ring gap and look for any abnormal wear in the cylinder but I know a lot of four-stroke owners are scared to death when it comes to top-end because not only do you have you're pissin in your rings but you've also got your cam timing and also your VAT your valve clearance now cam timing and engine timing and it's very important to critically get that correct but with a little bit of know-how in the right tools it's really not that difficult to understand and I will tell ya we have a really good how-to video that shows you step-by-step how to do a top-end rebuild on a two-stroke as well as a four-stroke now if your valve clearance you don't have to be a math whiz to do your valves k it's simple addition and subtraction and once you do it once your gonna be a pro you'll be able to deal with plenty of confidence each time after that now when you're doing these jobs just make sure it use your service manual follow the steps use our how-to video and you definitely want to make sure that you have your feeler gauges another great tool that makes a job easier with valves is going to be a set of calipers other than that doing a top-end rebuilt and not as intimidating as it may seem and that is job number two all right so job number three is gonna be bottom in now I will admit that a bottom man and splitting your cases probably the most intimidating job that you can take on on your own but I will tell you that if you do it on your own the self-satisfaction that you get it is awesome and for me personally I love it I'll have to split the cases see the inside of the motor to see what's going on all the parts the anatomy I just think it's really cool and it gives you a really good appreciation of everything that goes on inside an engine now when you're doing this job you're just gonna want to take your time use your service manual and definitely watch a how-to video and that's gonna give you really good guidance now something some really good advice that we have when it comes to your bottom end is when you're doing this Kay it's important you want to stay as organized as possible so make sure you have a clean workspace to work with okay you want to keep everything organized and when you're pulling it apart it's not a bad idea take a picture if you need to with your phone that way when you're going to put everything back together you can see how it goes in another great advice or another great piece of advice is use Ziploc baggies and you want to just group and organize all the different processes the jobs that you have so as you're pulling everything apart you can put your case bolts into a bag you can label those or maybe put your clutch plates your Springs your bolts put those in a bag and label those that way when you go to put everything back together you're going to know what goes with what and I'm gonna tell you it just makes a job a whole lot easier some other advice is also you want to do it as quickly as possible so once you start the job try to have all the tools on all the parts that you're gonna need there's a lot that goes on we split the cases you might not know what you're gonna find because I've seen a lot of riders will they'll split the cases they get in there they pull everything apart and then they realize that they don't have the tools that they need or maybe they need a few extra parts or they don't have the money to get the parts that they need next thing you know a few months goes by and then when they go to put everything back together they forget where they're at they don't remember where things go so that's gonna help you stay organized and get it done quickly and efficiently it just do it as fast as possible but like I said use your service manual watch our how-to video and also it's really important you don't want to do this job without a torque wrench it's very important to follow the torque specs in your service manual when you are putting everything back together but that's gonna be job number three is a bottom end in splitting your cases alright so job number 4 is lacing in truing any wheel now both of these jobs are actually pretty simple I just got out the right tools a little bit of know-how and definit gotta have some patience now your two best friends when it comes to lace and trim wheels gonna be a truing stand and also a spoke torque wrench you can get by with just a regular spoke wrench but it's very important that you torque your spokes correctly because under or over tightening them can have consequences for both so look at your service manual because they will give torque specifications for your wheels now a common mistake that we see when lace when riders are lacing up a new wheel is assembling their spokes correctly so some advice that I have is if you're doing a whole new wheel and you have your old wheel use your old wheels or reference but if you're gonna tear down your old wheel and then rebuild it take pictures of it beforehand so you look at those and know how your spokes are going to line up now we do get a lot of calls from riders in regards to Honda wheels on certain Honda bikes the wheels the spokes actually cross over twice so that's why it's very important when you're doing those make sure you take that picture so you can look that as a reference but that's going to be job number 4 is lacing the intruder wheel again a little bit of know-how watch our video and some patience and you will get the job done [Music] alright so our fifth and our final job that might seem intimidating but really isn't that bad as a shock rebuild it actually surprises me just how neglected most shocks are and it's probably due to the fact that your shock seals just don't leak as much as their fork seals do so they're just not thought of too often but you gotta remember that your shock just like with your Forks it has oil in it and it's working just as hard if not harder than you fork so it's really important that you service your shock regularly and look at your service manual because they will give recommendations as far as how often you should be doing that now when you're doing the shock rebuild you got to remember that your bladder is gonna have nitrogen and that nitrogen there's a lot of pressure built up in there so it's really important with the shock rebuild or any maintenance job for that matter and Rock a pair of safety glasses but that's it pretty simple not a whole lot to it so make sure show your shock some love save yourself some money and do that rebuild alright everyone so thanks for checking out our top five most intimidating maintenance jobs that we feel just about any writer can do now I want to know did we get it right or did we miss a maintenance job that maybe you thought was gonna be difficult but once you did it that first time you realize really it wasn't that bad comment below and share those with us that's really gonna help other writers out who don't quite have that courage yet but they're looking to take on maintenance and do it on their own do you guys have any questions about any of the parts or any of the jobs that we talked about today you can comment below give us a call or chat live online we'll get your questions answered and to pick up everything you need you can click on the link or head over to our website or Rocky Mountain atv/mc calm and don't forget that orders over $75 ship free if you guys like this video you want to see more like it see our how-to videos our product spotlights well don't forget to just click and subscribe I'm chase fit rocky mountain you see on the trails [Music]
Channel: Rocky Mountain ATV MC
Views: 117,088
Rating: 4.9234858 out of 5
Keywords: Rocky Mountain ATV/MC, rmatv, rmatvmc, atv/mc, atvmc, motocross, rockymountain, dirt bike, atv, motorcycle, parts, accessories, rocky, mountain, top 5, maintenance, jobs, top 5 maintenance, tools, rebuild, intimidating jobs, job, top end, bottom end, how to, process, dirt bike maintenance
Id: 2ck-ZlAGres
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2017
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