Top 5 FUNK riffs for every beginner bassist

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[Music] whoa this isn't Funk this is Disco we're doing the five funkiest bass lines for being a little disco bass lines I thought it was pretty funky so this first bass line that we're going to be checking out today was recorded in 1974 by The Average White Band fantastic band and the track is called pick up the pieces you've probably played this over a hundred times I bet in your lifetime actually no no no I don't know why yeah this one is actually sort of new to me I've heard it a million times but I haven't actually played it so I'm gonna learn it with you today [Music] so funky that whole online there foreign [Music] okay killer Groove killer group they're great for starting out with right so it just starts right down here on the first fret of your E string the thickest string and it's right so you can play it first fret of the E string and then the bad eater is the third fret of the D string which is an octave up right same note just an octave up and then down to the first fret of the D string back to the third fret of the D string so slowly it'll be good [Music] beat up all that space [Music] and then this short didn't you do that right garlic [Music] so you've got to leave that space it's so good I'll do it yes [Music] thank you so good [Music] what the heck are you doing did you try to be the weirdest of places you do know that anyway whilst I've got you if you wanted to grab all of the tab of the notation for this lesson that you're watching right now we have created a completely free beautifully designed PDF workbook all you need to do is click the link in the description below and you'll be able to grab it from there anyway I'm gonna get back to my pedal Shenanigans I'll see you later so this next one is by James Brown The Godfather I'm not sure but he is mighty funky what's the word saying James Brown I knew he's The Godfather or something I was like is he the Godfather I'm not gonna make that claim well it is very funky yeah and check this out this is Will Lee on base yeah he was like a legendary New York City bass player okay this is the track check it out wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm back I'm back octaves right back um right [Music] foreign [Music] even smaller than that if we just play a g b just this g b d e f just getting mad [Music] um and then if you add [Music] you're just rocking back and forth that's right just get that under your fingers what a cool pattern and then it ends hey something too I always love to sing lines that I'm learning connecting these pitches on your instrument to your voice is so good you don't have to have a great singing voice I certainly don't and when we say singing you know yes sing the pictures but you don't have to sing it like a singer you don't have to bang on right it's actually more about the kind of like intention behind the notes and not last time if you listen to the original he goes [Music] and that there is just going see hammer on the D F hammer on the Jeep you don't know what hammer on it's like two for the price of one we all like a bit of a sale right so play one we hammer it on okay so index finger and then hammer on yeah and then F or third fret and then hammer on and then play that top note yeah and when you're beginning to do that it might feel a bit odd so you can just isolate it [Music] this time [Music] yeah great Baseline next one next one is take a look surprise to me as well Wild Cherry Play That Funky Music another killing bass line Jim when was this record was this recorded in fact checking gym and while Jim is fact checking can I just give a shout out to Jim and say he does more than fat chicken he's not like a little minion Jim I love it I love that you've reduced Jim to fact-checking Jim yeah I'm checking gym where are you [Laughter] check it out here's the track now this isn't the Baseline it's not the basement this is the guitar line [Music] thank you yeah short notes [Music] yeah [Music] so first of all we'll play what it isn't right yeah because I've heard you've actually mentioned it before you're like oh let's do a bass player I think we're just they'll find the right notes which was e yep d e a b d e yeah let me just break that down super slow so open E okay then fifth fret of the a string seventh fret of the a string and then another open e and then fifth fret E string fifth fret e seventh fret E string and then okay so it sounds like this in slow like put the space in it and that's the deal so like you need the space you need the daylight otherwise you like that bass player that you were talking about foreign this is not a fun thing to listen to for very long versus if we tighten up right this feels more it's exact same notes you know yeah right it leaves room for the other things to happen it allows your ear to get pulled into other aspects of the band The Lyric yeah right so that it's just not a wash of bass so make sure that you're getting those spaces correct yeah absolutely and we're hammering our own as well [Music] yeah open e and then you pick that fifth fret of the a string hammer on pick the fifth fret of the D string hammer on and then rinse and repeat okay so next track where's fact Checker gym Hello by Herbie Hancock 73 73. this is actually Herbie Hancock yeah this is Herbie Hancock playing Left Hand on a [Music] synths yes [Music] Mike Clark right is it Mike Clark I'm sorry [Music] I love how that snare on a 16th note I locked right up with the base that's so hip yeah [Music] okay and I don't know about you but I always played it this way yeah there's like an epidemic of bass players playing this uh incorrectly yeah I did it exactly the same so we're gonna go walking up from the third fourth fifth and sixth fret to that B flat or the sixth fret of that E string so right yep and then the next time it doesn't do it doesn't do that it walks up to the sixth fret but on the a string right and then it goes yeah which is the eighth fret eighth fret of the D string to the sixth fret of the G string which is a B flat and a d flat right so [Music] if you take your left hand and instead of playing this like one finger per fret like sometimes you know you're instructed to do or even playing you know first finger second finger fourth finger shift instead of that to get this sound you could take your whole hand playing with your first finger and walk up right where you've got these notes just get choked a little bit each time so Ian's muting them with these fingers the second third and fourth yeah so if you do it without those laying on the strings it would be like this right right we don't want you to play like that right [Music] so Ian's got the Sims sound he's got like a little effects box I'm called a line six h x stock yeah all I did was put on a little Envelope Filter and all that does is give the quack right so it just has this little bit of like a little bit of funky grease to it okay next up is Wolfpack uh the track is not the band wolf pack the track's called 1612. is that you guys refer to it 1612. I have wondered for a while I don't know that this is true but 612 is the area code for Minneapolis and they found Corey Wong in Minneapolis and I love to think that you put that International one in front you get one six one two owed to Minneapolis I don't know if that's true at all but that's what I like to think it is now foreign talk about the importance of note length it's everything yeah [Music] also a guitar and bass playing in unison together yeah I want an octave higher obviously Yep this is before Corey Wong in the Bands Jack Stratton on the guitar [Music] is what makes it fun lyrics [Music] to check it out let's break it down guitar [Music] okay so to do this first of all we recommend like singing along with that Rhythm boom boom boom boom boom boom see what Scott's doing here keeping a pulse that's like the snare you can also tap your foot on all fours and if you can sing it like that and tap your foot clap with the snares you're way more likely to be able to actually play it yeah check this out what you can do is all of the Downs right so it's one e and uh two e and uh right it says but but yes you can feel all of the syncopations on the offbeats when you're just count it like that shout out to Danny Mo Morris who showed me that so once you've got the Rhythm down and you can actually vocalize it let's like check out playing it it's dead simple right so it's four four two C's which is the third fret of the a string an e right second fret of the D string which is a third of the chord [Music] and then the E and octave down okay remember to get the PDF if you haven't already again oh f f yes let's just get to that point yeah sure two three four boom boom [Music] boom boom okay so that's did I say the F that's an F right so the first that first fret of the the E string there so we got exactly off [Music] so the notes there oh let's go there it goes FF boy okay so f f open a and then first fret second fret of the A and then where it goes so it goes open D and then boom boom back to the beginning again oh [Music] yeah super cool right and you've got one bonus tracker yeah it's a bonus track yes the Hidden Track yes yes exactly bonus round final Parliament we are going to show you how to play the incomparably funky flashlight check it out Bernie Worrell on Mini mode [Music] I just can't find my baby [Music] oh I know the slides yeah yeah crazy you show me oh it's just such a great Baseline we're gonna play it's in the key of C you're right we're gonna come up to C C Funk we're gonna play how cool is that that's it yeah that's the whole thing we're going to play C which is the third fret right on the a string we're gonna just move down to uh the first fret happens to be a B flat and then we're going to take our fingers and move down from the third fret E string second fret E string first fret super important if you're just starting out as well use Ian's fingering on this yeah yeah don't be using your third finger yeah if I if I remove my third finger from the equation I'm actually playing it like this oh that feels so weird to do but the third finger is not actually fretting anything it's just along for the ride we call this fingering one two four so we're playing fourth finger third fret a string first finger right and then walking down oh and then there's a walk up so fun going from the open a walking back up and that's the whole thing slowly [Music] great should we mentioned the daylight she mentioned some days [Music] right it's not that great Rock Baseline you're right we're going [Music] yeah and I've heard this called short long right like if you're thinking about this Rhythm yeah long short long short long short long yeah and how you getting that articulation I have no clue okay so I'm going you're muting it with your plucking hand yeah like one note and then the other finger stops it oh yeah slow that down even more yes long short long sure long short long and then also this hand here I'm going letting go oh God but you know listen yes oh it's so hip [Music] yes mates [Music] now why did I move my hand up to here if you want to if you get an octave pedal and a fuzz pedal oh the two best pedals to get for anybody you can kind of get this sort of synth bass sound going on and I'm just taking it up to this scene and it sounds a little bit like that mini Moog I'm even gonna add a chorus on the end of it and we're gonna play it together Scout one two three [Music] guys thanks so much for hanging out today um I've been Scott Divine I have been Ian Martin Allison I will see you in the next one take it easy bye place looks great by the way oh thanks man yeah I just did it like the whole thing from Ikea 47 quid no way yeah yeah
Channel: Scott's Bass Lessons
Views: 219,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scott devine, bass lessons, bass guitar, funk, cover, groove, beginner, beginners, bass riffs, funk bass, beginner bass lessons, beginner bass lines, bass lines, bass player, bass line, how to play bass, bass riffs for beginners, bass riffs with tabs, bass riffs funk, funk bass lines, funk bass lesson, funk bass groove, funk bass guitar, funk bass tabs, funk bass songs, funk bass riffs, easy bass riffs for beginners, easy bass riffs tabs, beginner bass lines with tabs
Id: fHP1UWg-hFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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