The hidden GENIUS of Duff McKagan (6 iconic examples)

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you're in the jungle baby bass players of the internet we are here today to celebrate the genius yes the genius of Mr Duff McKagan we've got incredible baselines to show you well actually Ian's got them and not even I know what they are we're going to be getting into those today and we're going to be writing a wrong aren't we Mr Allison absolutely there was a tragedy that happened in the bass community in the early 9s involving Duff McKagan and we are here to write the wrong and set the record straight today and we've got the PJs here as well oh my God almost matching we're going to be getting into something really cool about these PJs as well maybe how you could win one as well but that's we'll be telling you about that later in the video but Ian what do you want to just jump straight in I've got like weird Duff acts that people might not know about I've got I've got some really cool Clips to play but before we do any of that yeah let's dive into the tunes because Rocket Queen it's like one of the coolest base Rifts of all time and this album Appetite for Destruction 1987 blew my mind when it came out 1 2 [Music] 3 1987 Duff was playing his Jazz Bas special which you have got one right there beautiful the same era yeah this is a 1985 Jazz Bas special this is this one is in burgundy Mist Duff always played the white and black ones but I love how this has the black neck and the black tuners um never mind the little Bobble that my daughter gave me for good luck charm when I took this Bas out on tour once but this is an amazing instrument from 1985 original all was 1986 actually so that was the year after um do you want to hear Duff talking about how he got that bass yes I did my research check it out you know I was that guy we we rehearsed right behind Guitar Center on on Sunset and lived there everything so this unattainable place was you'd walk by it every day you go inside and look so we were probably those pesky you know I've been there you know guys who are never going to buy anything play [ __ ] so we got our Advance we got a record down we got an advance and I came in one day and I'm like I want that and I want that so that on the wall was this Jazz special Japanese made I played it I knew it sounded good had SE more dunin pickups in it has yours got SEO dunans on it well so this has the original pickups that Fender used which are like proprietary pickups they have big pole pieces maybe Seymour Duncan made them for them but I bet these these are the pickups actually that were in Duff's base I don't want to I don't want to call him out and be like he's wrong but unless they had been changed they all came with these sort of big pole piece pickups and if you know in the comments maybe Seymour made them for Fender but they didn't say Seymour Dunc on them they just had these gigantic magnets and they just have this big sound yeah it's cool there's something about the PJ sound just is incredible right it's kind of like reminds me honestly of like in a way the Alice and chain sound which you know it was a PJ it was a spectre and hey did you know that Duff McKagan briefly played in Allison Chains what I'm here for you dude I'm here for you do you want to show us the Baseline the is it sure sure do you want to show us the Baseline look at that that's it man that's absolutely right we're just playing and I feel like I've just got a bit of GK amp simulation going on I just have it Blended straight in the middle so I'm getting the p and the J together which is a sound that I actually haven't been super fond of historically but but just really committing to it and digging in maybe tossing on a bit of chorus [Music] too for the sound you kind of of touched on it there the sound for Appetite for Destruction right key signature sound for Duff it was a Galen Krueger um what is it the 800 RB is that it yeah rb800 800B yeah whichever way around but the gallan Krueger it was obviously the Jazz Bay special and then he had a chorus I think it was an ianz cs9 chorus pedal and then later moved to a rack mount corus dude just committing to the absolutely if you want the tab ation we have got it for you guys link is in the description so if you want to see what we're playing during this entire video it'll be down there for you completely free now with that said should we jump into the second baseline or hold it cuz we've got this incredible base giveaway going on it's completely free to enter you can win this amazing alino PJ Bas alino as like with some of the best Boutique Builders out there you can win that ba that very base that Ian holding right there yeah you can win that you we've also got we've also got this absolutely Bonkers alino J5 with just check the neck out oh yeah that's crazy Bonkers right we've got this up for grabs we've got this oh my word which is Inc yeah I know incredible fbas custom deluxe worth um a few kidneys on the black Market maybe even more than a few we've got a music man Stingray we've got a extra special Ian Martin Allison Mike L with beautiful SPL red if you want to join again it's completely for free all you need to do is go to win a base buildas it is down below as well in the description go click that and grab your chance of winning one of these incredible instruments now should we jump into the next track cuz it's another one for from appetite right oh yeah absolutely I mean appetite is high up on my list I mean okay you got to just check this thing out from Welcome to the Jungle B classic that it's so [Music] scary this whole this ending thing oh so good you know where you are you're in the baby you're the jungle baby God that was just insane dud when I listened to this album when I was a kid right I especi there was something about that track I felt like I was like doing something wrong I felt like yes what distinguished Guns and Roses I think from other like 0s hair metal Sunset Strip bands is they were like dangerous sounding they sounded like they were scarier and more dangerous and now this music is it you know in football games it's everywhere right it's like ubiquitous and it doesn't sound as dangerous but when it came out man I was like oh my God you're exactly right like I shouldn't be listening to I felt like I was breaking some kind of law right yeah it's weird now interestingly before we clicked record you said you were like why is it so good why is Appetite for Destruction so good and frankly so many of the guns and roses you know albums that like use you illusion and stuff like that there's something about the tracks dude it's the parts it's like everybody has a part within the B it's it's not like a jam it's like there's something yeah there's parts to it and I found a clip on the internet about how they how they were rehearsing for the uh for the recording of the album it's it's wild what's maybe not known totally about early guns and Roads and still to this day we rehearsed twice today that's all we [ __ ] did crazy so we worked on Parts where Slash's guitar would go in that part and where is his guitar everybody would find their peace and Steven wouldn't fill through a somebody else's lick and we really like every little piece of Appetite for Destruction was super thought out and then we just play it and just be a rock band so it's like the whole thing yeah like it comes across like they're just like bad boys is right but the reality NS yeah the reality is they're freaking nerds and they're rehearsing twice a day and crafting this amazing album and then he goes on to say that they did the entire album in two or three takes the whole thing W yeah pretty wild what was that yes it's so cool he starts with this ascending chromatic thing that Isn't that cool and then so he only does the ascending thing one time and then it just breaks into all the way through you know where you are oh my word hey something we should mention as well is the base our bases ATT tuned to E flat everything's down half a step we're keeping it real to the you know Appetite for Destruction Guns and Roses they always shift everything down a semmit tone so as you watch this video feel free to tune down okay dude hit me with the next track I'm ready give it to me okay still we're hanging out on Appetite for Destruction for a little while this is my Michelle and you know just when you think that Duff is just like a EAS string you know grungy rocker he hits you with this amazing Melody check this out so ominous check this out Duff that's Bas way up high tone knob rolled off oh that's [Music] interesting almost like baritone guitar again pops right [Music] yes so awesome and then this riff oh my God so check it out to get this thing going roll your tone knob all the way back duve starts up [Music] here K [Music] right what a great [Applause] [Music] line then everybody second phas oh that's a che note how cool is that yeah yeah that one there if you want any of the tab and notation for this remember is down below in the description down there in the description time to hit me with those Duff facts dude I've got the facts I've been promising I've been doing my research well check it out I mentioned it earlier obviously he played for a stint in Alison chains he also played for a stint in Jane's Addiction he's played with a bunch of you know other big bands as well he's been in the Hollywood vampires obviously bass player of Velvet Revolver but he's also got lean in a secret life a secret life that nobody well I didn't know about at least and you probably don't check this out Duff McKagan is a finance badass right and in the early 2000s he ended up going to University to study business and economics and then set yes and then set up a company of wealth management called Meridian Rock and he's also an accomplished writer done his own books but he's also written columns for like the Seattle weekly ESPN and a financial column for check it out Playboy called duonic Duff where have you been in my life I need this financial Wizardry in my life exactly exactly anyway dude what's the next Baseline it is time to swap albums we're moving to use your illusion one it's 1991 I'm standing on the street in line of budget tapes and CDs to get the long box use your illusion one and two I get it I run home I pop use one into my CD player and this is what I hear Duff dude starts the record what sound [Music] yeah I mean it's but dude what are the like the key attributes to getting the duff mcen sound okay I think there's four things really like four distinct things at play here he's playing a PJ a jazz Bas special made by Fender he's always committed to this instrument he's playing always with a pick he's always playing back by the bridge which is something that you noticed right away he's not like it's not this thing right it's this it has that really like bright Spanky Bridge sound right and then he has chorus on so if I play that [Music] riff that's that dff sound right PJ pick back by the bridge and a bit of chorus it's not just about being down here at the bridge it's also about the angle that he uses he's always playing a [Music] slight yeah a scrap exactly is getting that scrape because the angle of the pick is hitting the string and getting you that so killer and you can absolutely hear this like Scrapy Duff McKagan signature sound on this next tune dude oh Terminator to Terminator too listen to his fil oh look at that angle too the can really hear that scrape yes give it a shout in the comments if you remember this as good as I can oh I mean come on and that fill he plays right into it and I just thought it did that the whole time I thought the whole tune the whole intro was but it isn't does that oh yeah sneaky Duff McKagan man hey and let me say it one more time if you want the tab and notation for all of the baselines that you've been listening to today it's down there in the description hit that link and you can get it for free and hey let me just put it out there as well we've been looking at the analytics for this Channel and 60% of the people that watch every single week are not subscribed if you are one of the people that are loving the content we would love for you to consider subscribing we have got a big hairy goal the team at SPL we're trying to hit 1.5 million incredible right 1.5 million Bas players subscribe to this channel it would make a freaking day if you hit that subscribe button and become one of our community now with that said let's hit the next Baseline Mr Allison the next one we can't leave it out of course we're going back to Appetite for Destruction the intro that Duff plays on Sweet Child of Mine I mean within one note you know what this is right crazy crazy check this thing out that Duff [Music] plays see [Applause] [Music] she smile do you think that when they wrote that they knew they were just like oh this is going to be freaking gargantuan do you think that they knew great question I mean that guitar line it's so iconic but I don't know man I think you'd have to have some pretty incredible like delusion to think that is going to change the world maybe they did maybe some of them did but also it's kind of cool to think of them as just like really working hard on this record together and loving being in La together I don't know in the 80s doing their thing um I don't know do you think they thought it was do you think they knew dude if I was sitting in that studio yeah i' have been like oh I'm going to spend so much money just just peeling off dude just peeling them off absolutely oh yeah what a hit what a hit hey show us the Baseline dude show us it okay check it out so we've got duve playing this [Music] classic I would love to know where and when that was written in the history behind it duve if you're ever up for an interview we are here for you baby we're here for you remember at the beginning of the video we said we were going to write a wrong a great tragedy that happened in the bass Community you remember this Scott tragedy when Bas Player magazine ruled the world yeah was the cultural Nexus of the Bas Community they used to I kid you not give letter grades to albums and bass players do you remember this old school D yeah dude old school yeah yeah I believe in 91 when use your illusion came out they disparaged Duff I feel like the album overall performance was like a c or a d and then like Duff's base performance was also like I don't know it was like a C+ a c minus it might have even been a d and I remember as a kid reading that and thinking oh because I loved it and I remember thinking well hold on Am I Wrong do I there something wrong with it can I not and I am here today we are here today to call [ __ ] on that absolutely yes Duff we're giving you an a we're giving you an a dude A+ performance Love Your Bass playing love your Vibe love your commitment to tone and all that you do in parts so thank you we're wiping out that grade and now you are an honorable member of the sbl academy listen guys just to end it hey if you want to win one of these bases as we said earlier it's completely free to to the giveaway winner base Builders or you can hit the link down there in the description and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Scott's Bass Lessons
Views: 273,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: duff mckagan, scott devine, bass lessons, bass guitar, beginner, beginners, scottsbasslessons, scotts bass lessons, sbl, electric bass, bass lesson, beginner bass lesson, beginner bass lessons, duff mckagan interview, duff mckagan bass, duff mckagan bass tone, duff mckagan signature bass, duff mckagan guns n roses, jazz bass special, pj bass, rocket queen, welcome to the jungle, my michelle, right next door to hell, you could be mine, sweet child o mine
Id: 1PNCRXj54Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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