15 iconic ROCK Bass Intros of the 1990s (they were GENIUS)

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[Music] now obviously there are hundreds of great rock and roll bass intros throughout history but that's not what we're doing today we're focusing on the decade of the '90s cuz we are children of the '90s and we're going to go through these intros in chronological order let's get into it okay so this first band I actually rode to see them for the first time on my BMX bik yes 12 years old the band is Ned's Atomic dpin and I didn't even know until Ian told me just recently like five minutes ago that there's two bass plays in the band two base players in the band gav who are they Alex Griffin and Matt cheslin Alex Griffin and Matt cheslin one played the high parts one played low Parts Alex High Matt plays the regular basine I love it and this track is called gray cell green check it out that's bass yes it's bass and then the low base comes in [Music] ah I love this intro now although it sounds like a guitar that's Alex Griffin playing the high part just playing fifths on the bass like this sounds so much like a guitar doesn't it and if you want the tab and notation for this we put a PDF together for you just for you and it's completely free link is in the description go grab it and then you can follow along as we're go through this video now the next one we've got up I'm going to leave this all to you yeah all to you is Jerry Was a Race Car Driver by Primus Les Claypool on base and it is a brute and now the song that wouldn't die do you think he still likes playing it [Music] H that Carl Thompson Classic Beast there's this sing with les of like a flat five can kind of move around it doesn't matter so much honestly where that figure is it's the rhythm of it still sounds like Jerry Was a Race Car Driver right sounds like a dare gone wrong okay so next up is one of our favorite we got really excited where we're like oh oh it's in the '90s we can use this one check it out Jeremy by pe Jam Jeff a met with that hmer 12 look at how many strings are on that base at all those tuning machines I'm as impressed with this hat though as the Bas yes and the harmonics are on base on the record then live guitar players do them and then yeah so good is that D Abes on drums with the nerdiness come on coming in I love this band I love Jeff a men playing um here's the deal I don't have yeah but I don't have a 12 string you can do this on a four with a little bit of effects trickery okay woo oh I did not expect it to sound that good oh what is it that's it okay so yep and then the harmonic yep pick obviously pick absolutely Allison signature pick huh don't leave home without it don't leave home without it yep yep and here's the harmonics [Music] then the next uh part of the harmonics here uh yeah I mean such a classic line and I feel like not everyone knows that this was recorded on bass but it's indeed a hammer 12 string bass what I'm doing is I'm just putting a pitch shifter up I have two of them one simulating one octave up and then another one doubling that an octave up a little bit Out Of Tune so it gives that sort of like oh is now how you doing it yeah the chusy Shimmer right it's beautiful yeah thank you Nana Lou act that's so rock and [Music] roll when this came out so good I don't know about you I was like like a huge hair metal fan and when Nirvana came out it scared me I didn't know what to make of it I was rocking some hair as well not like now yeah I was like into V and Joe Satriani and yes and then never mind dropped and I was like ah I can remember a friend of mine playing it and I think he played me bleach first and I was like uh I'm not sure about this but I fell in love with it I fell in love with it and this is a great Baseline as well and you might not know we can actually do a video on this but there's so many great bass intros on Nevada records we didn't know we kind of discovered it putting this video together but this line specifically there are so many wrong examples online of how we played this yes so we are here to set the record straight okay so it's a pretty simple Baseline but you've got to get [Music] the you kind of got to get the right Vibe it's got this kind of guitar thing going on rummy yeah exactly he's also not going it's not in position it's not in position it's like rock and roll dude dude it's got a weird note in it that everybody gets wrong as well you'll see he goes and everybody online goes yes he doesn't play that he goes ooh that's c yeah and then second time round yeah again all the T and notation you can get it it's in the description below next up we move into 902 Rage Against the Machine the great Tim comford on base bullet in the head bright stingray oh [Music] yeah they never show the bass player oh no can you remember the first time you heard this album I can actually about so good it's so good can you guys remember the first time you heard the album I remember where I was I do too actually yeah a friend had come around to my house it's in my bedroom have my drum kit set up for me it was at school before Mr Anderson's history lesson thank you Mr Anderson I want to say hey if you have a story of when you first heard any one of these baselines please drop it down in the comments below and when you're doing that as well let us know if you want more of videos like this where we're looking at sort of like bass intro from the '90s do you want bass intros from the 70s Bas intros from the 80s and you're going to have to be subscribed to the channel obviously if you want to be notified of all that great stuff coming anyway how do you play this thing okay so here we [Music] go I think it starts out with third finger is it just like an E7 yeah all it is is E7 yeah but if you listen to the original we can't use the original because it'll get you know pulled out of the video but if you listen to the original I thought it was going to be right like hard it's not it's really chilled it's like that's right it's almost kind of in a jokey way setting you up to expect something completely different you hear the intro and it's almost sort of like it's not swung but I imagine like a shuffle you know and then soon it just goes like okay so next up is Alice and chains W one of my favorites actually Spectre base is it oh yeah Spectre ns2 Mike star on Bas [Music] woo that pck sound St [Music] grindy one of the greatest grunge bands [Music] Jerry can't Trail on guar obviously so many of these Tunes actually are a half step flat so I'm going to do it proper I'm going to drop this down a half step you could drop your whole base down right now I'm just going to drop the EAS string down a half step and then I'll show you the [Music] line two things I want to know two things is like what are you doing to your tone to get that Vibe and secondly are you doing anything with your pick specifically to get the you know that cuz it does it feels like more than just like yeah I mean I have Flats on this right now so and it's not a spectre it doesn't have active pickups that like Mike star ns2 thing is so cool in signature but what I'm doing to kind of like get close to the vibe I'm putting on a bit of amp emulation in the HX stomp so this is just a slight slightly broken up SVT into an 810 and then I'm picking back by the bridge a tiny bit of pom mute and then I'm thinking about BackBeat I want it to feel like it's grooving before the drums come in so I want it to feel like [Music] this yeah then add the notes it's that it's the cut of the are you angling the pick or because I play this it's like real clicky isn't it sort of like this yeah I've got flat on we need some rounds but yeah where when you angle the pick right it gets a little Scrapy even on flat yeah it adds some like percussion to the top end of the sound yeah and I mean you know because he's a bit of a low Slinger right yeah your pick kind of ends up at an angle yeah yeah got the Cool vibe go going on next up is weea only in dreams dude Blue album was this a I used to love this album I did love this album me too super clean base isn't [Music] it Matt Sharp on Base clean with a pick the hmon is kind of surprising for me when it all comes in I'm like [Music] woo [Music] oh here we go and the whole thing is tuned down half a step yes so I have the whole base tuned down half a step it's about evenness 10 points to anybody that can name where that started who started it tuning which guitar player started tuning down to E flat let us know in the comments as you were sir as you were okay here we [Music] go [Music] the opposite of the the Baseline we've just been looking at before which is allice and chain also play with the pig but all angled and like crunchy this is like super clean so when you're playing something like this you've got to take a a completely different approach next up is one of my favorite bass intros of all time I think it's incredible it's Doug wimbish with Living Color 1993 stain record this is called wall [Music] outrageous then this that's all Doug dude all the Bas now unfortunately today we haven't got all of the whammy pedal and stuff that Doug wimbush used on the track to do that live and play it but what we do have is Ian's twin brother Magnus no way we got you not a chance you might not have seen Magnus before he's you know very similar to Ian and actually is also a badass Bas player Magnus take it away I've got a whammy pedal hooked up right now I've got just a touch of Drive chorus and then that timed delay he's the better twin he's the better oh [Music] hey it's so fun and it's really hard with the whammy pedal that's the thing that creates the [Applause] [Music] ramp two octave setting on the whammy pedal that's how you get all that awesome right all the harmonics thank you Magnus such an inspiration such an inspiration who I wish I had a brother like that anyway who we got next we've got Josephine wigs from the Breeders playing Cannonball on her Stingray check this out [Music] ah great tone it's so cool it's so distinct yeah and then like like [Music] right the sound of the N oh so she's sliding up to an a at first right right and [Music] then right that's it the a right starts you thinking about it's going to be in this tonality and then it's going from B flat to E flat and that's the whole [Music] line is this stuff cruising by too fast for you never fear we put together a beautiful PDF workbook with all of the tab and notation it's in the link in the descript description below grab it it's all for free next up Green Day Dookie the track is Long View the bass player is Mike D Mike D take it away the slide that he does like [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] oh ah the double stop thing [Music] yeah part of his sound is that he's got it he's another low Slinger so we talked about this earlier he's slinging it low which means my Allison signature pick letting me down that means when he's it's your signature pick as he's like striking the string he's getting that top end yes do you want to show them how to play it because we've had to tune down again yep Mike Tunes his base a semitone flat yes so the whole thing is an E flat a flat d flat g flat right and the whole thing I love when he does this [Music] oh I when you're playing that open when you're playing the Top Line you've got to have that open string bringing with it as well yeah I always thought it was like [Music] uh but it isn't the vibe yeah yeah and it creates all this tension which is why you have to tune down to get the line to actually play along with the record otherwise we could just move it down a semitone but then you can't use that open string for anybody that was wondering okay so if you want to again if you want to grab the tab and notation for that and play it in detail see the details the link is in the description next up from jar of flies our second Allison Chains entry on the list but I don't care I love this song so much this is rotten Apple clean Active yeah maybe a spectre also yeah very different from the last one though tone so different and I believe this is mikz on Bas now oo different bass player different bass player gav is that correct Yes again we've got to tune down to E flat here because those guitar plays like the E Flats yeah and I mean here's the deal again I have a base with flat wound strings on it I don't have that bright active thing that mikz has for this so what I'm going to do to compensate I'm going to turn on a little bit of chorus and I'm going to pick back by the bridge right make sure all those knobs are [Music] up so when you are you playing e d and the top a there on that that is yeah what's that yeah that's just a that's just a d and an a together and then I'm I guess I'm using my second finger to mute cuz it looked like you were doing fancy cards H nothing fancy nothing fancy in '90s bass intros really it's about like this rock and roll thing but I'm just using this finger to mute it's Olden on the D and the g then this thing that's tricky are you playing them all or you hammering it all I guess I'm pulling this one off then I'm playing so a combo of pull offs and hammer on there yeah beautiful love it okay so next up we've got Adam Yao playing with the Beasty Boys and the track is obviously sabotage and now they're part of the big laala paloa tour ladies and gentlemen here they are Beasty Boys dude I saw this on Letterman in real real time what you you watch this I was watching it look at that jazz base so [Music] good that's still into the down be so good so while back and wonder in my side oh my God I like how he's wearing it too [Music] like there's also another one there's also like it breaks down to just him do you know [Music] that oh man it is a tricky one it's really strummy right so I switch bases cuz this has fresh rounds on it it's so bright so I'm just putting on a little bit of drive into an amp Sim and I've got [Music] this a it's way trickier than you think because he's doing this yeah you're rocking back and forward between these two notes aren't you so you could play it this way because that's what that's the notes that's what he's those are the notes then you don't get the [Music] yeah keep going come [Applause] on next up is tulle the great Justin chance playing this cool creepy bass atinado intro on 46 and2 wall Bas I think it is it is is it the first record cuz he played a stingray on the first record gav what is it gav a while gav's finding it Ian's going to show you how to play it gav and Lydia coming in with that knowledge the second record he used a stingray he didn't use the wall until maybe after this right so check it out I have a bit of light chorus I have both pickups on full I want to get a bright pick sound I want to leave this D string droning [Music] yeah is that all H runs and pull offs when you yeah yeah hammer on pull off pull off yeah hammer on yes yeah whole thing hammer and P if you're trying to get them together which hopefully you are it's a great great rift to learn to you know get that stuff under your hands he's playing it really lightly as well like it's kind of light his appro you're totally right Justin Chancellor picks a little closer to the neck I tend to default back here but listen to this you get closer to his sound actually if you go nearer the neck M it's kind of mellow isn't it [Music] yeah and the next one is the Dave Matthews Band Stefan lard Stefan Stefan Stefan lard Stefan lard and the track is called Crush oh playing a modulus dude right Baseline oh stingray in the shell suit I guess so yeah is this the flea base yeah no I don't think it's the flea base but I think it's like modulus version of the [Music] stingray Dave Matthews Live in Central Park if you haven't checked it out it's it's it's it's one to catch hang on is it Rock dude I'm calling shenanigans on this one it is today it is today we put I'm changing I'm changing to this I'm changing bases out going back to Flats okay so here I've got the bass back with flats and I'm going to play that's it so the only thing for me I I can just to point out you know it's just like a it's a b Min of root five seven stuff like that but it's that yeah you know just to and I think I think he's sliding it [Music] oh it's just getting the vibrate isn't it it's really laid back and it's it's really beautiful and check it out too if you did this it's not the vibe is it yeah right it's about the especially that seven that flat 7even making it so short right [Music] yeah that's it yeah beautiful line next up 1999 just sneaking in there don't you dare pretend don't you pretend you didn't love this record Sam rivers with Limp Biscuit rearranged just think about come on that comes in great the drum is going just have halfway through everybody loves to say they didn't like Lim biscuit but you did I know you did is that the B okay I think we've got Sam Rivers playing oh yeah nailed it and these trills can be tricky because it's really a hammer on a pull off and then a slide so there's 1 2 3 four notes happening but you only articulate once yeah but that's a cool Baseline I feel like we've forgotten about Sam Rivers Don't You Forget so next up is around the world flee on Bas obviously Chili Peppers is the band and for this they're going to need some fuzz [Applause] oh like the brightest Distortion sound crazy [Music] ranti dude you have to tell me about the tone what's going on down here with the fuzz also what are you doing with your pickup selector to make this happen Okay well in terms of the pickups all I've got is the bridge pickup on CU you want the sound to be super harsh yeah you don't want it on the neck pickup o too woly it's too woolly you want it super okay and then in terms of to tone I've got a little bit of Reverb on over there and then I've just got the way huge pork and pickle a beast it's a beast I've got it it's all on fuzz it's all up and then I've got the tone cranked as well again to give it that and then in terms of playing it it's a bit of a beast actually out of all of these baselines this was the one that we probably spent the most time right at the top of the video like what is he doing here you know and it's what I did I broke this into two sections to help myself learn it you've got this yeah so and then you've got a that's the first section so [Music] again and then the next [Music] section all the way down all the way down it's just down the E minor pentatonic system pentatonic scale including that flat five there yeah that's cool and then when you Stitch it all together it sounds like this [Music] yes now we did the '90s today but if you want more decades 60s 7s 80s I challenge you to come up with the 201000 teens I would love to know what you want in any of these other decades please like And subscribe so you don't miss that let us know in the comments what you want to see what decade what songs what artists and we will make that video for you
Channel: Scott's Bass Lessons
Views: 439,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rock bass intros 1990s, scott devine, bass lessons, bass guitar, beginner, beginners, scottsbasslessons, scotts bass lessons, sbl, electric bass, bass lesson, beginner bass lesson, beginner bass lessons, rock bass intros ninties, best rock bass intros, rock bass intros, top 15 rock bass intros of all time, top 15 rock intros of the 1990s, rock bass, 90s rock bass, 1990s rock bass, red hot chili peppers, nirvana, pearl jam, rage against the machine, tool
Id: ZEGaQ65an3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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