First 5 Pieces Of Dive Gear For New Divers To Buy

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you're a smart person and you've just finished your open water course and falling in love with scuba diving first off congratulations second of all being a smart person you've probably done some maths dive rental gear here in South Florida will cost you about $25 per trip so if you're planning on doing at least 60 dive trips that's about $1,500 in dive rental gear fees and that's enough money to buy you a pretty decent entry level set of dive gear to happen to hold forever and ever it's all yours but having just spent money on your open water course not everybody has fifteen hundred dollars lying around to buy a full set of gear so this week we're giving you our recommendation for the first five pieces of scuba gear that you should spend your money on oh hey what does that button [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome to divers ready my name is James on this channel we make inspirational videos to help make you a better diver so if this is your first time here go ahead and click on that subscribe button down there for us click the little bell icon and that way you'll never miss any of our awesome content lots of news and lots of exciting things happening with this channel thank you so much for joining us it's great to see all of your smiling faces out there we've got some really really big news coming and we like that clothes away from being able to tell you about it but I just want to hold it on to it a little bit longer and keep it as my own personal secret for now but I promise you as soon as I can say something I will but it's gonna be huge for this channel and it's going to huge for scuba divers everywhere so stay tuned for that other news this week from South Florida we survived mini season for those of you that don't know every July there's a two-day Lobster mini season I went out with some friends and we had an awesome Lobster mini season and we all came away with some tails to throw on the BBQ later so looking forward to that one but onto the topic at hand let me start by saying be bye so I'm about to give you I didn't follow myself in the early days of my diving career I made mistakes when it came to gear purchases and that's why I think this video is important for you as a newly qualified diver I spent money on equipment that was not right not suitable for the type of diving I was doing or that just wasn't of a good enough quality and it didn't last me and I eventually spent more money to replace it so I want to help you avoid making the same mistakes I did and I want to start by saying it's okay not to have a full set of your own dive gear right off the bat no one really expects you to it's much more important to invest in a few quality pieces that are gonna last you a long time and suit your needs rather than go out there and just splash money to have one of everything that you're eventually gonna have to replace over time with dive gear as with most things in life you pretty much get what you pay it's my opinion that is absolutely better to invest in high quality equipment remember this is life support equipment over time and spread your purchases out and get together a really nice set of gear that's gonna last you a long time rather than jump in and buy one of every five perhaps your budget doesn't stretch right away to buying the best of everything and instead you just end up with a bunch of mediocre dive equipment that isn't gonna last years long and if you really do get into this sport and want to take it further you're either gonna outgrow it as a diver or you're gonna outlast it buying lower quality scuba equipment is not a good idea for a number of reasons number one this is life support equipment do you really want the cheapest parachute and I think so number two as you evolve as a diver and you want to do more challenging dives it's better to have equipment that can support you as you grow rather than have to buy a new set of gear every step of the way so it is absolutely ok to walk into a dive shop and not buy one of everything you need go in there buy one thing that's absolutely quality and then save up for what the next item is that you want and the good news is my recommendation for your first five pieces of dive gear feature three items that don't necessarily have to break the bank so let's dive into it my number one recommendation for the first piece of dive gear that a newly qualified open water diver should invest in for themselves is a quality mask [Music] [Applause] [Music] in my opinion the mask is one of the most personal pieces of dive gear and it's also one of the pieces of equipment that has the most influence over the comfort and enjoyment of your dives if you ever done a dive with a cheap rental know brand mask that's leaking all the time it's really hard to have fun and enjoy your dives and that aspect of diving the the pure enjoyment of it is so important in your first dives after finishing an open water so you really latch onto this board it gets in your bloodstream and you just love it if you're constantly fighting a leaking mask that can be really challenging so spend some money on getting a quality mask that has a soft supple silicone skirt and that fits your face really really well I made a video on how to buy masks it's already up on the channel I'll link it up above there please take your time and go and watch that by all means my buddy Paul who owns the water line Academy channel here on YouTube I'll put a link to his channel in the description this video below has had his mask for 20 years 20 years most of that working as a professional diving instructor that's a lot of hardware on the shoes and he's using this exact same mask that he started out diving with why because he bought a quality mask the first time around I have a lot of masks I have a drawer full of them and I seem to have collected them over time I'm not exactly sure how people have given me masks and and I've bought other masks in in sales and impulse buys and all this kind of stuff which is ridiculous because I've been using the same mask for about 10 years now and the mask I use isn't even the most expensive mask I own but it is absolutely the one that fits me the best and that's why I keep going back to it time and time again and the other reason to own your mask rather than to keep renting masks is do you really want to put a mask on your face the housings of other people have sneezed into really a I didn't think so if you're curious to know what mask I dive as with all of the first five pieces of dive gear I'm recommending today I'm going to put the link in the description of this video below the second piece of dive gear I recommend all new divers invest in and these are in order by the way number one mass number two is a good dive computer [Music] wrist-mounted watch style or console the choice is yours whilst old-school table diving is exhaling its dying breath there can be no doubt at all that dive computers as with all technology are improving generation after generation now I'm gonna make a video in the future about which dive computer is right for you and when I do I will link it above of course but what I want to focus on now is why it's better to own than to rent a dive computer any dive computer is only as good as its users comprehension of its functionality does that even make sense as users comprehend terms every dive computer has a different type of user interface in terms of its layout and its menus and buttons what do the buttons do now if you get your own dive computer and you read the manual read the manual you will understand its functionality intuitively within a matter of a few dives now compare that to renting a dive computer in every single different place that you dive it's not always going to be the same computer that you're renting all these different places so you're gonna have to spend time at each place learning the functionality of a new dive computer and then you go here and rent a different one in there and so on and you're just wasting your own time when you could be enjoying your diving and let me say again a dive computer that you don't understand what it's telling you is a waterproof paperweight and remember here I'm doing this very much towards people have just finished their water certification so you don't want to be spending time learning the functionality of a new dive computer every dive when you should just be focusing on honing your basic dive skills after certification why give yourself unnecessary stress now let's say we compare that to renting a b c d b c these come in all shapes sizes and colors as well but b c d--'s have much the same design across different brands and different models there's gonna be a dump valve here there's going to be a dump valve here there's gonna be a dump valve if you pull the low pressure inflator hose the button closest to you is going to be inflate the button furthest away from you it's gonna be deflate there will be an oral inflation valve all these features are the same on all BCD so there's not really a big learning curve if you jump from model to model so I'd much rather rent you a BCD and you have your own dive computer where you know it's complicated functions intuitively and the next reason you might want to own a dive computer especially a watch star one is because you can wear it to the office and let everyone know you're a scuba diver and that will score you massive cool points oh hey Jim must be cool check out that awesome dive computer on his wrist item number three of the first five pieces of scuba gear that you should invest in as a newly qualified diver is and this will come to nobody's surprise who regularly watches this channel a DSMB or if you rather a delayed surface marker buoy as you will have seen I did make a whole video just about dsmbs I will link it up above it is such an important piece of life-saving equipment but astoundingly earth-shattering really surprising to my mind I really still don't understand it it's very few dive centers around the world will actually rent you an SMB at all and this is so shocking to me because it's such a cheap easy piece of diving equipment to make sure that every diver has one and yet can be so vital in saving your life if you need to indicate your position or if you need to signal to somebody from the surface or in a worst-case scenario where you get blown off of the dive site and drift away to help search parties find you it's an absolutely critical piece of dive gear now because most people don't rent it it definitely makes my list of the first five pieces of dive gear that you should invest in but also bear this in mind you can get a basic dsm-v for like $20 if you want to really deluxe one it's gonna cost you maybe eighty and if you can't afford a piece of life-saving equipment that cost between 20 and 80 dollars you probably shouldn't be diving at all if I have to think about it and I'm gonna presume that most operators believe that their guests are always going to dive with their dive master their instructor or their guide that they're putting in the water or what the dive center doesn't provide a guide in the water what if you're just diving is a buddy pair with you and your frame you and your partner or what happens if you do dive with the dive master and you get separated from them that's when you really need the DSMB and you won't be able to rent one so please ladies and gentlemen they are cheap they are small they are easy to travel with for me for my own peace of mind please divers never never never ever get in the ocean without a DSMB okay rant over the fourth piece of dive gear that I recommend any newly qualified diver invests their hard-earned money in is appropriate thermal protection [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now I know that could be like five or six different items but I'm lumping them all together right hey it's my channel I can do it for one two so like a mask thermal protection is a very personal item would you rent underwear would you rent a toothbrush do you know what scuba divers do in rental wetsuits okay then by your own dive suit plus only you know how cold you get I've ran dive centers all across the tropics and typically our rental suit was a two or three millimeter shorty short arms short legs and that's sufficient for most people diving in those areas of the world all year-round but even so some divers would still get cold in them I've seen divers get back on a dive boat with 35 degrees C air temperature and 22 degrees C water temperature and they're shivering and they've got blue lips and goose bumps and it's a personal thing there's no judgement is what's happening so if you're one of those people you're gonna want to make sure you bring your own suit along so you stay suitably warm suitably warm and also as with masks and as with masks different brands of suit fit differently buying your own suit means you're gonna get your best fit best fit means the suit is gonna do a better job for you of keeping you warm and this is particularly true of dry suits of course height and weight being the main driving factors there but even wet suits fit differently I'll tell you this I would dearly love a fourth element wet suit I love their technology I love the way they look and as a bonus the company was founded in my hometown in the UK so score one for the home team but if you want a suit that fits a six foot three man you need to be about a hundred and seventy-five pounds and that just isn't me so I tend to gravitate towards bare wet suits because number one they're rugged like the fourth unburnt suits and I'm always rummaging around in an engine room somewhere so I want a hard wearing suit that's gonna last me a long time even though I'm gonna put it through hell and they also fit rugby players number five on my list of the first five pieces of dive gear that you as a newly qualified diver should invest in is the scuba regulator [Music] [Applause] [Music] here's the nice thing with owning your own regulator you always know the last time it was serviced the end of course dive centers service their rental regulators I'm messin but here's the real reason that I would recommend owning a regulator of a renting one the regulator's that dive operators rent out are manufactured specifically for the rental market they tend to be the cheapest piston regulators the bottom end of the spectrum of all the regs that any particular scuba brand make and are designed to work great at shallower depths they're a very simple design that can take an absolute beating morning trip afternoon trip day-in day-out all year round now the regulators I'm talking about here to name a few the scubapro mark 2 the Act will unclip so the Cressy AC - these are the workhorse regs that you see as the rental fleet for dive operations are all around the world they do the job they were designed to do and there's nothing wrong with that now to tell you a story within a story when I was in Grand Cayman I rented a little Kia hatchback car and it got me around the island while I was shooting videos and doing dives with my friends and it was fuel efficient because gas is very expensive on Grand Cayman saw I was thankful for that and it did the job now that I'm back home in South Florida would I buy that little Kia hatch back to own no I probably wouldn't i driving this an frontier pickup truck it's capable of carrying my heavy tanks it's got bluetooth and it's spacious and the air conditionings super strong and all the things that I want I spend a lot of time in it so I want to be comfortable so going back to regulators then you can by all means buy a scubapro moth to an Aqualung clips or a Cressey AC - or any of the other rental bottom end regulators that are out there and it will work fine for you and it will do a basic job but if you want to regulate that you can grow into that when you eventually keep doing deeper dives it's gonna breathe better for you at depth that has more come for each alike a swiveling second stage or venturi lever adjust and just a regulator that has a better work of breathing rating then you're gonna want to spend a little bit more money on your regulator and go to the middle or top end of [Music] [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen don't forget to hit that subscribe button for us and click the little Bala icon and that way you'll never miss any of our awesome content I thank you so much for watching if you could do me one more favor and let me know in the comments below what was the first piece of scuba gear that you invested in was it a good choice if you haven't worn and dive gear yet then I'm really happy that you watched this video now and hopefully that helps you so in that case let me know what the pieces of gear you're thinking of buying are below that would be awesome and as I said before all of my top 5 pieces that I still dive today I've listed in the description of this video below so you can go check out my choices also if you have any scuba diving questions that you would like answered by a professional technical diving instructor please feel free to write those in the coins below and I will be answering them in an upcoming video or if you don't want to send them to me publicly by all means the link for facebook is down there and you can reach out to me with a PM thank you again ladies and gentlemen we just passed the 300 subscriber mark thank you so much for joining me ladies and gentleman my name is James this was your divers ready mouthpiece Monday for this week dive safe dive often
Channel: Divers Ready
Views: 72,845
Rating: 4.8766265 out of 5
Keywords: james blackman, scuba diver, diving, dive gear, dive equipment, underwater, diver advice, new diver, scuba certification, girls that scuba, scuba gear, scuba review, diver training, dive master, padi certification, scuba diving with sharks, scuba diving goa, dive computer, dive gear review, scuba gear packages, scuba equipment, dive mask, simply scuba, diver bcd, diving tips for beginners, scuba diving basics, open water, how to scuba dive, fsu, florida state
Id: euN_5PgTzU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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