How to decoupage mason jars

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hi i'm julie from rustic cottage co and i hope you like this video on decoupage and make mason jars and if you like the video give it a thumbs up tell all your friends and in the comments say hello and if you have any questions also pop them in the comments and let's get started so today it was exciting i got in the mail some actual napkins i ordered these a few weeks back and right now with the situation you never know when they're gonna arrive so they arrived and we're gonna have some decoupage time let's have some fun let's open up see what we have here i've got different ones and you can let me know which one just favorite what they look like and let me know and we'll see what they look like on the mason jars too so this one here this is the first one i think i got two of these so that means that would do um eight mason jars i think that one's pretty so got two of those and then some roses for summer and i think i got a couple of these let's see how many i've got one two three four so we've got uh quite a few of these oh five there you go maybe they put an extra one in now this one you're going to say i'm crazy but while i order stuff because of shipping especially here in canada i just order a load all at once so that the shipping is just for that one um package rather than a few times throughout a few seasons because then you're extra shipping extra everything so here are some christmas ones and i will get these done straight away and then that'll be ready for the season of christmas coming up which usually is november for us crafters because that's when we sell the most so i do do these at the same time so i've got one two of those and then this one i think is just beautiful another christmasy wintery one so that'll be another one we get going and oh another christmas one i must gone all christmasy but there you go it's not christmassy it's just wintery so this one's a nice winter one and a little bit different so i've got one two let's see oh i got a few of those so i must have liked those when i was ordering it's funny how when you order and then you get it and you're like oh yeah i can't remember i can remember ordering this now this one's no mistake it is christmassy um there you go but it's cute i'm going to do a few of these on mason jars and i'm also going to do a few of these on um cans old cans because i like to put these on old cans and then um put inside the cans the candy canes and it makes a nice little gift so i've got one two three four of those so we've got more christmas than summer but um that's fine we can get ahead for the season for take a part of that and we can get on with the season of um doing some summer ones too and get those out on the displays so let's get going on how to decoupage our mason jars and first of all you need a mason jar all right so we have the mason jar ready i've already started painting on this one but first make sure especially if you pick up mason jars from thrift stores or family members donated them give them a good clean and the main reason is you want to get any grease off because paint does not stick to grease so give them a good clean in some dawn dish soap my words today dis dish soap [Laughter] just bear with me today anyway and give it a clean let them dry overnight squeaky clean and that's always the easiest when you are doing them i like to use an off-white when i'm doing my mason jars the reason being that it's not so stark white the stark white ones look okay with the christmas stuff because of the snow on the white but for any other um napkins you use on mason jars i find it's a little too out there and it just doesn't blend in so an off-white this one is a sheepskin it's called the color it's kind of cream color rather than a white so i'm just going to finish these out here you just need the one coat you don't need it to be completely covered if you want it to be perfect yeah yes completely cover it but you just give it the one coat all over and then before you decoupage have a look at it of anywhere that you want to wet distress back because once you use the mod podge on top of the actual paint you will find that it's harder to distress back so if you're wanting some of the especially around the rim to wet distress any back do it right now get it ready wet distress back and then let's get ready for some decoupage okay i've brought you down lower here so we're going to work on this napkin first and what i like to do is prepare all the napkins that i'm going to be decoupaging with first and have them all ready to go so you're going to have you don't sometimes you know but you don't always know how many ply ply meaning how many layers are in the napkin now i find the easiest ways to either get some water on your fingers or even just a little lick on your fingers and then just finger and firm to the corner and then separate now there you go i've got one two two layers on this one but it's very delicate so i'm going to take the first layer off first because it's quite wet on that con so let's get the first layer off first now do not throw out your backings your layers and i'll show you why on this i find these are perfect for using your ink and your stamps to stamp up and ink up your own pictures and words and you can put your own stuff onto the mason jars and i do that quite often so i'm just going to get on a different corner because that corner is a little damp and just get to this corner and just try and bring this apart there we go so yep got it a little delicate but we're gonna pull it apart from there got it and then just pull apart and as i say when you're doing a few of them get all your napkins ready first so that's a lot it looks like i'm going to be doing for a lot of today make sure you get all the backing off i think i've got a little bit in the middle here i gotta just pull off there you go now you can usually tell when you've got to the actual picture because there's no white film on the back it's just picture on the back all right now you can get two um mason jars out of one napkin but you will need to where the picture is you need to cut along here but we're not using scissors i'm going to show you what we use here i use a small little brush i dab it in some water and then i just run it along the crease where i want to rip and then just gently pull apart where the water is and you will get a natural natural edging which is a way more pretty than having a fixed line also on these i like to do the ends as well with the water so i just get a little water on my brush just run it along each end of the napkin and just pull a little off so that we don't want to have this perfect line and again along the other side on this side here and just just rip around so that you get a little bit more of a natural edge the bottom you could do the same too if you wish i don't because you can't see it most of the time anyway but um there you go we're going to get started on decoupaging this onto the mason jar now make sure when you're doing the mason jars that you do paint the bottom if you want it to be perfect you can put a couple of coats on to make it perfect i just do the one just one coat on the bottom just so it all comes in nicely together and we are going to get decoupaging on this piece so what you need to do is get a plastic bag now i know i've used this one once before never use it twice but you can turn it inside out on backwards and forwards and use each piece so i'm going to put this on my lap ready and i'm going to get an old brush that i've used it's just a dollar store brush painters brush and this i need to get some more of this but this is my mod podge i have this ready and i'm just going to do a coat of mod podge pretty much all over i'm going to move this out the way so you can see exactly what i'm doing here all over the mason jar as i say i need to get some more of this it's getting a little sticky you can add some water to it just to make it a little bit more runny but don't add too much because more water just rips on the paper make sure you go along the edges and then get your napkin that you're going to be using ready light down nicely on your table and figure out where you want the crease of the napkin to be and where you want the join of the napkin to be on your mason jar because the one side is where you want the front to be so pick on your mason jar where you want the front of the mason jar to be and then you just adjust it so you're putting it down in the middle and wrap around the napkin lightly just wrap it around very lightly and then come along with your actual bag and this is where you're going to be pressing down and just wrapping your fingers around the whole thing pressing down the glue and the napkin the reason you're doing it with the bag is the bag being that it's plastic doesn't stick to the actual glue where your fingers would stick to it and pull the napkin back off so i use these bags because you know i've got plenty of them they're free unfortunately right now with the situation they are giving these out again because they don't want us to use reusable bags right now so i do have a surplus of these but i think in this area they go into paperback so hopefully soon anyway just push down get it all in all the creases around the top along the bottom push down and then open it back up as gently as you can so you're not ripping anything too harshly and let it come off like that and i just got a little bit of a rip here so i'm just going to just gently just push that with the bag and push it back in place there that's good all right so here we have the front of this one and what a lot of people do is straight away put the mod podge on the top and seal it i do not i leave it now leave it alone and leave it to dry when it is fully dry overnight that's when i go into all of the make finished mason jars and put a clear another coat of the mod podge on the top um the reason i do this it just it seems to get less breakage if you go in right now especially with my glue being quite thick if i put it on right now i could rip it where if i leave it let it dry it hardens a little bit with the glue and then when i go back in and do the top coat then i i don't rip it very often at all you know so it's just easier to do so there you go this one is now ready just let it dry and we will do the next one and let's see which one we've got going on next so the next one pushing it down and reveal the next one so we've got the center we've got the owl and this one is a little rubbing got on both sides and we've got some sticking to do at the bottom but i'm going to wait for the the rest to be um dry and then just push around the top here i've got a little bit to push in here and then we can always rip off this end bit too once it's all dry you can just pull off what you don't need but there you go we've got the rubbing okay so we're going to reveal this one here almost done just kind of press it around make sure i get it all everywhere so can you guess what this one is i believe it's another christmas one it'd be nice to be ahead and get started for the christmas season and it's always fun to see what this one's going to turn out like oh it's i like this let's make sure i get it all and we have christmas scene we have the lantern there i kind of like that one it's looking nice that one's done so we're going to put it down here wrap it around put the plastic over and just squeeze it everywhere making sure it's nicely pushed onto the jar and here we have a summery one that's some flowers i think i'm going to put something tied around this one bow or something nice all pretty i believe this one is the last one so can you remember which one we haven't done yet make sure it's stuck all over and do the reveal and we've got quite a bit on the bottom here so i'm gonna take some of that off once it's dry but here we have the last one isn't that pretty again this one's gonna have some twine around i think this one will be pretty with some twine so that's all of them finished let's get them all got the clear as again the mod podge i'm going to put over the outside when this is dry to seal it completely remove some of the excess off the bottom and then puts any ribbon twine around tied around the top and then i can just display them nicely and show you each one and you can let me know which one you like best if you have any questions put them in the comments if you're enjoying this video please give it the thumbs up and subscribe and tell all your friends all right so this is now dry so we're just going to put the top coat layer on and again we're just going to use the mod podge like we were using before and i would do it a little thinner than what i have here um it is a little thick so be careful if you have it thick you don't want to rip the paper but try maybe if you've got only a little left you can always add some water to it but just go around the whole thing without ripping it and just put it over and again just leave it to dry preferably overnight i like to get everything done and just let everything dry that i do overnight get to it the next morning and finish it off some of these i'll tie some twine around some of them maybe some bows around for christmas different things anyway i will stage them up for you let you see what they look like when they're finished and if you have any questions put them in the comments tell your friends and give this channel thumbs up and i appreciate you taking the time to watch i am julie from rustic cottage cove i have rustic cottage curl group rustic cottage co page and rustic cottage co channel so please subscribe to each my page is everything i create everything i sell locally my group is how i make things and everybody asks questions we get together we chat i do lives and my channel is my videos of how to so hope you uh enjoy them all and get some inspiration from each one my channel my group and my page rustic cottage co thanks for watching [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm julie from rustic cottage co i hope you enjoyed the video please like and thumbs up thank you
Channel: Rustic Cottage Co
Views: 143,777
Rating: 4.9374413 out of 5
Keywords: decoupage, decoupage mason jars, mason jars, napkins, decoupage napkins
Id: GjsWgivy-Pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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