Decoupage a Glass Jar | BEST TIPS for BEGINNERS | Chalk Paint * Mod Podge * Napkins 😊 | Gift Idea

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[Music] hi welcome to my channel i'm so glad that you can be with me today i love to decoupage and create projects and share with my viewers especially beginners so maybe you've heard the words decoupage and mod podge and you really don't know what it means i have a beginner's video that has basic techniques basic supplies including mod podge and also some projects to get you started i'll put the links below and while you're there at my channel please subscribe decoupage diy with joe marie domino and hit the little bell because then you'll get video upload notifications okay recently i have done some glass videos we did a glass cookie plate and we did a glass cutting board both of these started out clear i got them from the dollar tree and what we did is we decoupaged it from the back so here's the napkin i used on that one and here's the one i used on that one well i'm going to pick up on some more glass videos and this one is going to be on something that's a little more curvy like a jar jars can be very intimidating i answer questions like almost every day about how you do a jar and it really isn't that hard if you have the right techniques if you prep you have the right products you have the right tools it really doesn't have to be that difficult okay you'll be able to do a jar right away all right so this is a plain jar i took this out of my upcycling um my recycling so actually it is an upcycled project and what i did is i soaked this in warm soapy water and i give it a little scrub and the label and the glue usually comes off because this is a smooth non-porous surface i also run it through the dishwasher okay so one of the first things this is my first tip is you need to prep the glass to get it ready for the paint and i'm going to show you how to do that this is alcohol i put in a spray bottle and i like to get this really wet with alcohol alcohol is going to get rid of any grease and smudges and things like that and i'm going to start with a nice clean squeaky clean surface so we're just going to go like this until we've done the entire jar while the jar is drying i want to talk about the kind of paint we use on glass and that is chalk paint when chalk paint dries it has a very matte powdery kind of look to it and it has a little bit of texture and that little bit of texture helps it to adhere well to the glass and when the paint is dry and when we put the napkin it's that little bit of texture that helps the napkin to adhere better to the glass so um i use rust-oleum's chalked paint it's a little bit of a thinner chalked paint which i think is a good place to start if you haven't done any glass or bottles um when you start to move on a little bit you can think about doing a thicker paint and learning how to do it with a brush but we're going to start a little simpler i want you to be able to do a jar right away so chalked paint has like a thickener in it so when you buy it you need to stir it really really well and get it really mixed up now what i do this is a little tip when i open the can i fill up a bunch of these these little small containers last me maybe four or five little projects and then i can put it in the dishwasher or whatever and then i have another one that's all ready and it's fresh and by doing this i don't have to keep opening up that can as well so this is a really good tip okay so now we have our chalk paint let's go on to how we apply it so like i said we're not going to start with the brush brushes can leave these frustrating brush marks on it and then you have to kind of go in and sand it and since we're first starting we're going to avoid all that so what we're going to use is a sponge pouncer it looks like this you can get these at the dollar tree housing michaels has them i usually buy them from amazon i get a big bag of them they come in different sizes the ones i get are actually a set i do use these but mostly i use this size okay so let's open up our paint i'm going to show you how to put it on with the pouncer okay there we go so we're going to dip the pouncer into the paint like this not too too much and we're going to take the jar in our hand and we're going to start to pounce the paint on just like this the nice thing about using a pouncer is i can go over it and i can get nice even coverage and that's another thing about the chalk paint that makes it so good is it is a thicker paint and so it gives good coverage but even though it gives good coverage i'm going to say you're going to probably want to do two coats of paint anyway okay i hope that art can get this so you can see how i'm blending all of the paint in like that and i'm at i'm able to do really really good even coverage okay so i actually have one of these ready i'm going to put this one aside and i'm going to save this for later the first coat of paint is dry now i actually did this one a couple of days ago and i'm going to tell you why as i put my second coat on one thing i have learned about decoupaging is that you need to have patience the more things dry the better your results are going to be i'm not the most patient person in the world so what i do is next to my studio is my laundry room and as i do projects i put them in there in different stages so this way there's ample drying time and i'm going to get really really good results and that goes with not just doing jars but many other things but when you think about jars jars are not a porous surface so you can expect that this is not going to dry right away and it's going to take a little bit more time so if you can have the patience what you should do is just wait a couple more days well here's my jar i have two coats on it and it's completely dry so now the fun part we're gonna pick out a napkin so i went over to zippy's designs and i said i need some napkins for some jars and they said here's some floral ones and i'm like oh my god how am i gonna pick one out there's so many beautiful floral napkins that dippies has look how pretty that is um you can go to their website which is take a look at what they have and before i forget vips also has a facebook page and an instagram and you can follow both of them and i post my things on both of those pages okay these are all really pretty but ultimately i came down to these two so i couldn't decide i really couldn't decide but then i did ultimately say okay i'm gonna do this one but i think i'm gonna do that one on the back but let's do the front first okay so we'll put them over there and what i'm gonna do now is called a deckled or softened edge i'm going to show you how to do that because when you do that and you put it onto the jar the edges blend beautifully in with the paint okay it's not difficult i'm going to show you here's my napkin i already used one of the squares i'm only going to need another one so see i can do two more jars and we're just going to cut cut before separating the plies because it's always easier to cut a napkin before you do that so maybe you're like what does she mean cutting the plies napkins have one or two plies beneath the top one the top one is the printed one it's thin here you can see that's the one we use for decoupage now how we separate the napkin is very simple you take a little tiny bit just a tiny bit of mod podge put it on your fingers and just press like this look i got both pieces off tada look how nice that is okay so how do we deckle the edge well there's two different ways you can do it i gotta close that i don't wanna spill it um and that's with a water uh water regular water and a brush you can dip the brush into the water and just kind of go along the napkin like that the water is now weakening the napkin and i can just kind of tear at it like this it's not hard at all okay do the side then i have another thing i use um you don't have to have it because this works fine um i use it because i do a lot of decoupaging so i found it very very helpful okay here i'll show that to you okay here it is this is called a water brush it has a little tube that holds water i don't know if you can see it and at the bottom there's a little brush the water goes through and it comes out of the brush so i'm doing the same thing but i don't have to dip so just go along and go like this and just keep picking at it oh it's pretty similar to the one i already did and now we're ready to put it onto the glass okay so we'll just push that off to the side i'm going to put that over there because i do not want that to spill all right now the next thing i do is i get out my rice box um what this is is just a bag of rice and what you can do is you make like a little indentation like a cradle and then when you're doing your decoupage you can put it in like this and it's not going to roll all over the table or god forbid it's going to land on the floor so this is a really really good tip another tip that i absolutely love anytime you do something round like this okay so we're gonna get our napkin which is here i hope bart's getting that here's my mod podge and i need a brush and i'm also going to need and if you're a beginner i don't want you to skip this and give me a second here you're going to need a piece of saran wrap or plastic wrap cling film um they're called all different things okay so i'm going to open up my jar of mod podge and i'm going to figure out where i want it's couple little pieces there um i think i kind of do like it like that what do you think that's good all right and what i'm going to do is i'm going to put mod podge right on the jar and i want to make sure i put enough on so that the napkin is going to have glue underneath it if you don't get glue underneath then you're going to have to go back and kind of tuck some in there all right then you're just going to be very gently just fold it over like that okay now we're going to do the other side the same thing i'm just going to kind of flip it up like that you're okay you know if you really want to you can start with even a smaller piece um but i think you can do this all right and then make sure you get it and then you're going to just kind of flip it down take your brush and very lightly get all the edges down like that now one more thing i want you to do let me turn this around and it's for using the cling film saran wrap plastic wrap and you put it down on top then you're just going to very gently smooth the napkin with your fingers so what i'm doing is any glue that's underneath that i'm kind of pushing it out and i'm also smoothing the napkin because i really i don't want to have any wrinkles or as minimal wrinkles as possible so that looks pretty good now i'm going to lift off the saran wrap now be very careful when you lift it like this and make sure the napkin doesn't come up you say i'm not rushing it if the napkin comes up just put the cling film back down and just pick another spot okay so let's do it here very gentle very you know not real slow but slow enough and let's see okay i have a little bit of phrase over here but that's okay i'm just going to take my brush and i'm gonna smooth it down a little and let's take a look at that i hope art's getting that look how pretty that is and see how the deckled edge is just blending in so gorgeous i absolutely love it okay you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna wait for this to dry and when i come back i'm gonna put the other one on the other side so you can see how it looks okay that side is all dry with the pretty roses on it and now i'm going to put the other napkin on i already declared so i'm ready to go i'm going to take the mod podge put it onto my brush and i'm going to brush it directly onto the bottle just like that and i'm going to make sure that there's enough on the bottle so there's a glue underneath the entire piece of napkin i'm just going to very lightly brush it down like that just the edges all right then i'm going to flip it around and we're going to do exactly the same thing just put enough mod podge on there so there's glue underneath that napkin okay the same thing just very gently do all the edges with the brush now we're going to go back again and we're going to use the saran wrap to smooth it out but also the mod podge makes the napkin weak um and fragile so it protects the napkin as well all right let's take a look a little spot there all gone okay and peel it off and it looks very very pretty the watercolor flowers um i really like this napkin it gives a whole different look than the other side did so now i have two different ways i could put this out very pretty okay now a friend of mine she's so smart she showed me her jars and she did this paint along the top and i really liked it so i'm going to do that instead of putting like twine or ribbon around it and i did put the paint the white chalk all the way up to the top so this paint is going to lay really nicely on top of the chalk paint i choose two colors pink and grapefruit i love them together so i'm going to start with the lighter color which is that light pink i get these paints these little bottles i get them from michael's and they normally have a pretty good selection um so if you go there and you're looking for specific colors just take a look at what they have so this is coming out nice i like it and now i'm going to think about putting a little bit of that grapefruit on and oop i got a little sloppy there but it's okay i'm going to be able to go in there and clean it up with a little bit more white chalk paint so i'm just going to keep going around it and it's probably going to take a little while for me to get it exactly the way i want but i really do like the idea of coloring the top of the jar look how pretty love it okay so now we're gonna go on to sealing the jar you still have to put a sealant on top to protect the paint and protect the napkin this is one of the ones i like it's by dora clear and it's a brush on low odor matte has no shine and it's great to take pictures gloss is very shiny um so it depends upon what you want i use the matte a lot because again i like to take pictures of my project so i just kind of squirt the sealants on and i take my brush and i just go over the entire jar it's very thin um the door clear is very easy to work with just keep going over it until you make sure you've covered the whole thing and of course you're going to be able to go back in and do a couple more coats really does a nice job so of course we're going to put that off to the side to dry and i'm going to show you another sealant you can use which is by krylon it's called clear glaze that is high odor you want to do it outside i'm all finished with the jar this is the one i just made there's the front and there's the back it's very very pretty and i made a few other ones with the tulips and the daffodils they're absolutely beautiful perfect for spring add some fresh flowers into this it would make a great gift think easter mother's day birthday you know what you should do you should make a bunch of these and you should also join my group page which works right along with my youtube channel decoupage diy with joe marie domino i hope you give us a big thumbs up i want to thank art he does such a great job and thank you for watching
Channel: Decoupage D.I.Y. with Joan-Marie Domino
Views: 59,954
Rating: 4.9602256 out of 5
Keywords: Mod Podge, Mod Podge Ideas, Beginners Decoupage, Beginners Mod Podge, Decoupage, Mod Podge Jars, Up-cycled Jars, Farm House Decor, Chalk Painted Jar, Decoupaged Jars, Chalk Paint, Mod Podged Jars, Napkin Decoupage, Decoupage Paper, Decoupage Tissue, Vippies Designs, Vippies Napkins, Floral Napkins, Napkin Haul, Chalk paint application
Id: tvgp9i_wBVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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