Top 5 Cloud certs for 2021

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i love to get paid to learn rome wasn't built in a day you hopefully not going to be in your career just for one year you're hopefully going to be in your career for a number of years and that gives you time to add more and more certifications in this video we're going to discuss the five top cloud certifications to get in 2021 now before we discuss the five certifications that i would recommend that you're getting cloud i want to say the following about certifications in general i've had this question about certifications and networking certifications and security certifications and cloud etc etc who's paying that's the first question who's paying if your employer is willing to pay for you to get a certification then why not go and get that i love to get paid to learn so if someone is paying you to get a certification and you can take that knowledge and it helps you in your career then get that now i'm not saying go and get a certification where they lock you in by some crazy contract because some companies do that but in my personal life as an example i had to sign a agreement to work for a company for a certain amount of time and they would pay for my studies and that really helped me don't get locked into crazy contracts that keep you at a company that you hate for a long period of time but if you enjoy the company that you're working at if that company wants to pay to send you on certain types of training so let's say a certain type of cloud provider or a certain networking vendor and they're willing to send you on that training they're willing to pay for your training and they're not going to lock you into some crazy contract then it makes sense to go and learn that technology so if someone is paying for you to learn a specific cloud vendor then it may be worth looking at learning that cloud vendor because once you've learned one cloud vendor it's not going to be as difficult to move to learning another cloud vendor same in networking and other technologies if i learn cisco it's not going to be difficult to learn a juniper or a arista device because the technology is very similar so who's paying another question you need to ask is where's the most demand in the country that you're in so in some countries certain cloud providers may be better than other cloud providers look at the trends where you are look at the demands where you are and look who's paying are there specific customers of yours or potential customers that are using one cloud provider that really helps you decide which cloud provider to learn but if everything is equal there are two main cloud providers that i'd recommend and the first one is aws so go and learn amazon cloud services or learn azure those are the two main cloud providers in the market today if i only had one choice i would learn aws and i'd get certifications in aws so the first certification that i'd recommend that you get is the aws cloud practitioner if you don't have any knowledge of the cloud that's a great place to start so if you've never really worked with cloud technologies get the aws cloud practitioner that'll teach you a lot of terminology one of the big problems in cloud is all the different types of terminology that they use so get to that certification and then go and get the aws certified solutions architect associate that's the one that you're aiming to get so if you already have a whole bunch of cloud knowledge go and get that certification straight away but if you new to the cloud then get your aws cloud practitioner and then go and get the solution architect and once you've got those two you can decide sort of where you want to go do you want to become a solutions architect professional do you want to go into devops but security is a very hot topic at the moment i mean you may decide to go and do advanced networking but if i had to choose i would go and do an aws security speciality so get your cloud practitioner get your solutions architect associate then decide where you want to go but if you have to decide get the security speciality those are the three aws certifications or exams that i would suggest that you take initially if you try to get into cloud but a lot of companies are like azure azure is growing dramatically so go and get the az or az for my american friends 900 microsoft azure fundamentals and then the microsoft certified azure administrator associate which is the az104 exam and then look at getting the az500 microsoft azure security technologies exam okay so i've listed six here but that's because we want to talk about which path you're gonna take if you go aws get the cloud practitioner solutions architect and then the security specialty if you're going down the azure path get the az900 azure fundamentals then get the az104 azure administrator associate and then get the az500 as your security specialist so again if you're starting on your cloud journey in 2021 decide are you going to go aws or azure initially if in doubt i would suggest aws but have a look because you may be working with microsoft technologies you may prefer the microsoft way of doing things so then azure may be a good path both of those paths are good and again some advice don't lock yourself into one thing a lot of people ask me david is it this or this and i always say get both start with one see how you do and then try and get the next one you hopefully not going to be in your career just for one year you're hopefully going to be in your career for a number of years and that gives you time to add more and more certifications to the list of certifications that you have so don't think that i went from ccna to ccie in six months that didn't happen it's a process and life often gets in the way if you get married if you have a baby if you have some kind of personal issues it's going to affect how quickly you can get certifications rome wasn't built in a day don't think that you can just get all the certifications like that give yourself time remember that you're going to be building on knowledge that you acquire over time so you don't have to get all the certifications today you could get them over a period of time but here's a road map either go aws or azure if in doubt once again if someone is paying you to get a oracle cloud certification then why not if they're paying and they don't lock you into some crazy contract then it's well worth going and getting that knowledge who's paying so i'm hoping that helps you decide which cloud certifications to get in 2021 if you're interested i've put links below to a udemy course that anthony sequera has created for the aws solutions architect a thousand people will get that course for free please don't use the free link if you can afford ten dollars to buy the course i've put two links below this video so a thousand people get the course for free and then i've put another link where you can buy the course for 10 so if you can afford to buy the course then please buy it to support anthony or if you can't afford it use the link below to get to the course for free i'm david bomble want to wish you all the very best [Music]
Channel: David Bombal
Views: 54,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aws, azure, AWS Cloud Practitioner, AWS Solutions Architect, AWS Security Specialty, AZ-900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals, AZ-104, Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator Associate, AZ-500, Azure Security Specialist, gcp, google cloud, cloud, google cloud platform, cloud computing, aws cloud, microsoft azure, azure fundamentals, aws certification, google cloud platform tutorial, amazon web services, aws training, microsoft azure training, azure tutorial, aws certified, aws tutorial
Id: wNAEziRil6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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