Top 5 Chlorella Benefits [The best All-in-One Detox, Multivitamin & Mineral Supplement]

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In this video, I will discuss the Top 5 Chlorella Benefits, and explain Why This Algae is the best All in One Detox, Multivitamin & Mineral Supplement. In modern world, where soils are depleted, foods no longer contain nutrients they are supposed to, where most of us consume antinutrients that block nutrient absorption, where we are exposed to a level of toxicity in our environments and the food system, never seen before, it becomes crucial to support our health through the use of food supplements such as Chlorella. It’s almost impossible to get all the essential nutrients our bodies need to function properly, rebuild itself, detoxify, and prevent diseases. Especially knowing that most people eat for fun or for the taste, and not for getting nutrients they actually need. Most people are deficient in vitamins, minerals, and have impaired or insufficient detoxification to keep up with this level toxicity. This increased toxicity and lack of nutrients result in low energy, faster aging, and chronic diseases in the long term. That's why incorporating an all-in-one detox, mineral, and vitamin supplement like Chlorella is essential for everyone who wants to be healthy, feel great, and look great. Let's explore the top 5 benefits of Chlorella algae, and discuss why everyone should take it on a regular basis to support their detoxification, increase vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. By the way, if you’re new to my YouTube channel, my name is Greta, and I’m an online nutritionist and a holistic health coach. If you haven’t yet, subscribe to my YouTube channel. 1. Chlorella Detoxification for elimination of Heavy Metals, pesticides and other Toxic Substances. Chlorella has a unique ability to detoxify the body by effectively removing heavy metals, like lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic, pesticides, herbicides, certain types of radiation, and other toxic substances from the body. These harmful elements can enter our bodies through various sources such as contaminated food, soil, water, air, and our care products. So how does Chlorella detoxify the body? It's all thanks to its molecular structure. Chlorella contains a substance called "Chlorella Growth Factor" (CGF), which consists of polysaccharides, peptides, nucleic acids, and other bioactive compounds. It plays a crucial role in binding to heavy metals and toxins within the body, facilitating their safe elimination through urine and feces. When Chlorella is consumed, the CGF in its cell wall binds to heavy metals, preventing their absorption into the bloodstream and organs. The fibrous cell wall of Chlorella also acts as a natural chelator, attracting and trapping heavy metals within its structure. This mechanism ensures that the heavy metals are effectively removed from the body, minimising their potential harmful effects. Furthermore, Chlorella's high chlorophyll content contributes to its detoxifying abilities. Chlorophyll, the pigment responsible for Chlorella's vibrant green colour, has been found to assist in the elimination of toxins, including pesticides, and other harmful chemicals. It helps neutralise and remove these toxins, promoting a cleaner and healthier internal environment. 2. Blood cleaning and Building Properties of Chlorella. Chlorophyll, the green pigment found in plants and algae like Chlorella, plays a vital role in supporting the building and maintenance of healthy blood. Chlorophyll has a similar structure to human haemoglobin, the protein responsible for carrying oxygen in red blood cells. It has a slight difference in the central atom (magnesium in chlorophyll versus iron in haemoglobin). This structural similarity allows chlorophyll to enhance the body's ability to utilize and transport oxygen. By improving oxygenation, chlorophyll indirectly contributes to optimal blood function and overall vitality. Another way how chlorophyll aids in blood building is through its rich content of iron. Iron is a crucial component of haemoglobin. By incorporating chlorophyll-rich foods or supplements like Chlorella into our diet, we can increase our iron intake and support the production of healthy red blood cells. In addition to blood building, chlorella also helps to detoxify or clean the blood. The cleansing action of chlorophyll is attributed to its ability to bind to and neutralise various toxins, including heavy metals and environmental pollutants, which may be present in the bloodstream. This process helps remove these harmful substances from circulation, supporting the body's natural detoxification mechanisms. In addition, when consumed alongside alcohol, Chlorella helps reduce the toxic effects and oxidative stress caused by alcohol consumption. This can result in milder hangovers and decreased potential damage to the liver. 3. Chlorella helps to Improve Blood Pressure. Chlorella contains an abundance of micronutrients and antioxidants that play a crucial role in supporting the health of our arteries, ultimately contributing to improved blood pressure levels. The nutrients found in Algea are known to reduce arterial stiffness, a common issue associated with high blood pressure. Recent studies indicate that chlorella may enhance arterial health by boosting nitric oxide levels. Notably, research involving both younger and older individuals suggests that chlorella offers benefits for people of all ages, making it a valuable addition to anyone's wellness routine. 4. High Nutrient Density: Chlorella can be used as an all in one supplement. Chlorella is a true nutritional powerhouse. This vibrant green algae contains amino acids, vitamins A, B, E and K. Minerals like Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium and Manganese. And phytonutrients including Glutathione, Polyphenols, Chlorophyll, Superoxide dismutase and melatonin, some of the only nutrients that can get into and detoxify our mitochondria, making it a valuable addition to any diet. It’s a complete and nutrient-dense superfood. Incorporating Chlorella into your daily routine can help ensure you're nourishing your body with a wide spectrum of essential nutrients for optimal health and vitality. 5. And lastly, Skin Rejuvenation: Chlorella's rich antioxidant and nutrient profile contributes to healthier, more radiant skin. It helps protect against free radicals, promotes collagen production, and assists in the natural repair and rejuvenation of skin cells. The potent antioxidants in Chlorella help combat free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, which are major contributors to the aging process. Regular consumption of Chlorella may help maintain a youthful appearance and support healthy aging. How to Choose the Best Chlorella Supplement? Not all Chlorella supplements are created equal. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting a high-quality Chlorella supplement: Several factors influence the quality of chlorella, including the cultivation location, with Taiwan being optimal; the method of cultivation, preferably outdoors rather than indoors, the cultivation environment, pools being preferable over tanks. The contaminant testing should be conducted by third-party labs. You need to ensure that the Chlorella supplement has a broken cell wall to maximise nutrient absorption and utilization by the body. It has a very hard cell wall. In order to make its nutrients bioavailable, that cell wall must be opened. Ideally, the cell wall should be broken using sound vibrations. In ensures that chlorella is not damaged. In addition, look for a Chlorella supplement that is processed at temperatures below 42 degrees Celsius. This helps preserve the delicate compounds and maintain their potency. Most products you’ll find online will not state the processing temperature, or if they do, you’ll see very high temperatures that destroy these heat sensitive compounds. For best results, buy it from brands that use low heat processing. Also, look for chlorella Grown Outdoors in Fresh Water. This promotes purity and ensures a rich nutrient profile. Chlorella is a superfood that offers a wide variety of benefits for detoxification, multivitamins, and minerals. By selecting a high-quality Chlorella supplement, you can unlock its full potential and experience the amazing benefits it provides. I will leave a few links in the description where you can find the highest quality chlorella supplement. Thanks so much for watching, and I hope to see you in the next video.
Channel: Advanced Nutrition and Health
Views: 24,146
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Keywords: chlorella benefits, benefits of chlorella, benefits of chlorella and spirulina, chlorella, spirulina, chlorella and spirulina benefits, chlorella vs spirulina, best detox supplements, heavy metal detox, heavy metal toxicity, chlorella detox, chlorella heavy metals, algae benefits, algae nutrition, chlorella nutrition, chlorella nutrition facts, chlorella dr berg, advanced nutrition and health, natural detox, green juice powder, nutrition bits
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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