Top 5 Chess Opening Traps Against 1.d4

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what's up today we're going to cover the top five opening drafts against White's first move Pawn to D4 and these are my favorite ones they are unknown and highly effective so let's get right into it alright so the first one happens after we go into the Queen's Gambit here what offers this Gambit pawn and what I suggest you to do is just to accept it now a lot of your opponents will play here in the move Pawn to E3 aiming to get this Pawn back on top of that lots of your opponents are aware of the most classical trap in the Queen's Gambit so first of all let me show you what your opponents are hoping for and I'll let me show you how we are going to turn that around your opponent is expecting you to play Pawn to B5 and after that white girls .4 trying to split up these pawns and as you try to keep it up here is the very classical trap that wins the game for white but cannot defend the Rook without losing material and wide wins now let me show you what we have prepared instead in this position after your opponent attacks your Pawn instead of going Pawn to B5 you're gonna defend it with with your bishop and that creates a pretty strong question for your opponent how is he going to get it back moreover right now you are ready to play B5 if necessary to overprotect this Pawn on C4 so I mean queen F3 will never be an issue because at least you can go Bishop D5 and there are a lot of ways for you to handle that so Pawn C4 is not that easy for a while to get it back so lots of error pawns will figure out that they can deliver a check to your cane and on the next move they can get the pawn back with the support of the queen from A4 and after that you play Pawn to C6 and here I can't help but to show you something really funny here we can see the stats in the lower right corner and you can see that the most blade move by four as Bishop takes C4 which is actually a big blunder because instead of trading Bishops you've got something a lot better you're gonna play Pawn to B5 which is a simple double attack to these two pieces and white can save them but the font doesn't stop here in most cases white tries to get at least some pawns for their Bishop so they in trade on 35 you play Bishop D7 to carry your king and just look at this the most played move here by widest Queen to be sound I mean by now black solution is already winning you're up a piece but they desperately try to find back and they play queen bee sound which makes it completely lost because now you've got Bishop to C6 double attack to the queen and this time this Pawn on G2 so if the queen drops back somewhere you grab this Pawn on G2 and on the next move you inevitably grab the rook and that's how you completely devastate white there's another common trap for your opponents to fall for here if they notice that the issue is actually around this bishop right which protects the pawn they may decide to play a knight to add three going after this bishop with Knight to G5 on the next move so what you do here is you play Pawn to C6 kind of pretending like you're preparing to play B5 and make this Pawn chain which is actually one of your ideas and it's a pretty good thing for black to do anyway but if white continues with their plan and goes Knight to G5 this time it fails to Queen A5 notice that it's very handy for us to have this Pawn on C6 so that it gives way to the queen to go there and this time it's double attack to the king of the Knight therefore winning the dine on the next move the next one is a lot of fun remember the Trap your opponent was trying to get you into we're gonna use that against him so after white girls Pawn to D4 instead of going for the classical Queen's Gambit you offer the pawn right away your opponent may take it because why not then you play Pony six aiming to get the pawn back here your opponent May realize that he can go Pawn to B4 and pretend League's pawn and also this makes it horror for you to move around to develop to move something so B4 looks really strong for y then you play Pawn to A5 and this pointer Pawn Stars thinking what to do if white splits up the pawns then you can pick them up very easily and you actually got some positional advantage that's cool what else can your opponent play here Pawnee 3 fails to another tactics after you trade here pawns on B4 notice that this drops The Rook on A1 for y and that's how you can win games against some less experienced opponents if you're facing somebody stronger they will probably calculate this line and they'll figure out that they gotta defend this Pawn differently by playing Pawn to C3 and here after an exchange at first looks like what is just dominating with an actual Pawn but then you play this trick him of queen of six it took quite an unusual tactics because rarely you win a game by playing queen of six but here it is exactly the case so white is gonna lose the Rook or at least they'll have to give out the Knight to cover that and in any case you're getting a totally winning position so what's really funny about this variation is that this trap is very known with reversed colors but somehow when you use it as black not as white your bones are completely clueless about it by the way all the opening traps I'm sharing with you are actually decent opening lines meaning that if your opponent does not fall for the Trap you continue playing as if nothing happened because you're actually having a good position anyway so against D4 another thing that I recommend is you going for this B6 opening one of my favorite ones I played myself a lot in bleeds so after C4 the ship to B7 your opponent will usually go Knight to C3 because that's how they play in the Queens Indian defense or any other similar openings and then they aim to play Ponto E4 and grab the center but you allow them to do so it's okay you just go Pony six and your opponent so far thinks that you're playing some passive weird moves oh he happily plays E4 grab in the center looks like he's totally in control but that's when you start your brutal counter attack so first you play a bishop B4 and you say hey you've got these overextended pawns and now I'm gonna Target them what do you do with Bishop to B4 is that you pin this Knight down to the cane therefore it can no longer moves and on the next move you threaten to capture these Pawn on e4 if your opponent notices this and by the way many of them will just miss that completely and will wander this Central Pawn but even if they nowadays and play Bishop D3 here you can views them once again with the move Pawn to F5 striking in the center once again and this is getting quite uncomfortable for white because they see that you are putting pressure on the center of the board you're also ready to develop Knights to increase pressure to these Central pawns one way or the other you know with the other Knight so it's quite complicated for why to figure out the right way here and if they capture this Pawn on F5 thinking that you're just playing weird opening then this is actually losing because of Bishop takes G2 and oops there is no way to defend this rook in the corner they can throw these check when H5 but that doesn't change anything after akin to f8 they have no attack whatsoever You're Gonna Go Knight to F6 chase this queen away in any way they can defend their Rook so we're gonna grab it on the next move and win the game by the way I've got another video where I cover this particular opening variation in Greater details so if you're interested you can click the link in the description below the video and check it out later here's one more sudden but highly effective thing that you can do you use the two nights game against your opponent who is playing D4 and usually the two Knights game is used against D4 but here you're using it against D4 so play an out of six and after C4 Knight C6 you're develop in both of your Knights which are perfectly fine with those you gotta develop anyway your opponent will usually continue as they usually do in the Queen's Gambit so they play Knight C3 and here is strike in the center with the move Pawn to E5 and here comes something unusual because mostly in the Queen's Gambit black girls Pawn D5 at some point but here you attack White Center the other way and if they trade no problem your knight is getting even more active you're having an excellent position there so in most cases they're trying to attack you somehow so they play D5 go Knight E7 and on the next move you reroute your knight to G6 which is actually an excellent Square for the Knight because in the future you know it can jump up for later on the middle game and help you to attack so that's an excellent score for the Knight anyway here they usually Play Bishop D3 they still want to be protective and support their Center you play this bush about to C5 it kind of looks like both sizes developed in their pieces and in this position the most blade move by Wyatt is 92 which is already a losing error because that allows you to go Knight to G4 and attack these Pawn on F2 twice then forever threatening even in order to capture it but the bishop an attack is Keen or to grab it with the Knight and Fork The King The Rook the bishop and everything still at this point they may still feel comfortable because they think oh I was going to Castle anyway so the castle thinking their life is good but Hereafter Queen to H4 you add one more attack to F2 square but on top of that you're now threatening Queen takes after Checkmate and White's position simply falls apart so they have to prevent this Checkmate by playing Pawn to H3 Here Comes Knight takes F2 attacking the Queen the worship preparing all kinds of discovered tracks along this diagonal so they have to give up material then you're grabbing the rook and after King to H1 not only your up material but you save your very strong attack against white skin you can play Pawn D6 opening up this bishop and you can even sack it over there on H3 you can go Knight H4 and threaten you know Queen takes G2 Checkmate this bishop is extremely strong so I mean it's completely dominant for black and should be winning within a couple moves by the way let me also share one General positional principle which is useful for this or any other chess opening you can see that white went down after he played Knight to E2 and there was a General positional principle which says that normally you gotta develop pieces to most forward available squares now for in this position nada3 would be a correct mode for white it's now that it's winning the game is just a normal game of chess after that but 92 was losing the game on this part you see that regardless of whether you know an opening Theory or not if you know those General positional principles it's pretty easy to follow that if you want to know more about that I have a free Master Class where I cover those positional principles you can click the link in the description below and check it out and the final trap for today looks a bit weird at first but for some strange reason it actually works it's not a pawn to B5 and like what it does at first is at least you prevent your opponent from playing his intended move Pawn to C4 of course B5 still looks weird and why I can grab the center this way by going 24. and that also hits this Pawn on B5 but you can ignore that and go Knight of six counter-attacking this Pawn at this point your opponent will probably realize that yes they can trade pawns but that's just an exchange but they can push the pawn to E5 first attack your knight and only after that they can win this Pawn on B5 for nothing so for now they're thinking that they're playing a dummy and you're just throwing out random moves and white is already almost winning then you play Pawn to C5 kind of pretending like you sack yet another oppon and strangely enough this position is pretty difficult for white to play I mean of course stockfish that calculates millions of variations can handle it but for a human being realizing what's going on here is actually extremely complicated yasu gave up a pawn but that's not such a big deal now you start counter-attacking these overextended pawns and whites got to figure out how to you know solve that problem moreover there is also another tactical track that they usually Overlook if they play Pawn take C5 thinking that that also attacks your knight on D5 and grabs yet another Pawn you play Queen A5 and all of a sudden what I realizes that hey that's double attack so this winning five trick is very powerful in this operations and now in most cases let's just go Knight C3 that's the most played move in this position and it's completely bad because Knight C3 does not really defend this bishop as you can trade Knights first and after that you can grab Battleship and now also white spawn structures is completely ruined and you're up a piece so that's completely bad but even if your opponent is more advanced let's get it back and realizes that hey I was actually attacking these Knights so let's just trade and he plays something like Pawn to C3 saying okay you grab a bishop I grab your knight then you follow along this line and here after Bishop B7 it turns out that you still outsmarted your opponent because the queen now has to move and after it moves somewhere doesn't really matter he then grab this Pawn on G2 and still win this Rook on H1 somehow it's a common tactical pattern because it works across different opening traps to discussed today moreover besides Bishop takes H1 which is already winning you also have the sudden threat of Queen to F1 quite an unusual Invasion which can also win the game so you're just completely winning once again so far we've been talking about transfer black against D4 but if you want to know traps for White and the Queen's Gambit I've got another video about that it got almost 2 million views already so people are really enjoying it and I hope that you will enjoy just as well take care I'll talk to you soon
Channel: Remote Chess Academy
Views: 73,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: opening traps against d4, chess traps against d4, chess traps for black, chess traps for black against d4, opening traps for black, d4 opening traps for black, d4 chess opening traps, d4 traps for black, queen's gambit traps, queen's gambit traps for black, queen's gambit accepted trap for black, qgd traps
Id: JkdPpjMsJZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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