Top 5 Best & Worst Rosters in the NFL | PFF NFL Show

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[Music] I mean what's Football Focus doing last week they had Brady this week they got we're doing it we're literally doing it differently from everybody else as a matter of fact moving forward from this point on I will not make reference to pm ready to get into it yeah yeah all right we're going team by team I would be very careful about SL am I going to get Su we got legal on this let's send you out on the right note uh PFF sucks have a great day [Music] everybody Welcome in to the PFF NFL podcast Steve pela S Monon Live on YouTube we apologize for being a little Tardy on this Monday morning Sam yeah sometimes the uh the computer decides it's just not going to work you got to reboot the thing you got to go through the whole process it's like being on a dialup internet back in 1997 wow shots fired at the studio but here we are and uh we're gonna we're g to keep it tight here today somehow we're talking best rosters in the NFL Sam we got an article over at we're going to be breaking it all down we'll give uh we're going to give our own top fives here uh sure anyway uh Jim Wyman Dalton werman shout out to those guys a lot of time and effort ranking The rosters over at we'll break down how they ranked them and also you know give our takes and maybe even give our own top five best rosters heading into the 2024 season but first as a busy parent you want to give your kids a head start in their financial future but investing can often be both confusing and timec consuming well fabric by Gerber Life makes it easy for you to set up an investment account for your child that grows with them and helps prepare for their financial future fabric by Gerber life was designed by parents for parents to make it easy to plan for and manage your family's Financial Health with a ugma account from fabric you can start investing in your child's future today a ug ugma stands for uniform gifts to minor act so while your kids can't invest while they're minors a ugma account allows you to 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Carolina Panthers are 30 New England Patriots are 29 and the Arizona Cardinals are 28 in the roster rankings your thoughts so my initial thought is you know wow that's harsh on Denver but it definitely when we've been doing the whole offseason thing every time I fire up that Denver depth chart I'm like w this really isn't the team that it used to be a couple of years ago like this is not a goodlook roster uh the offensive line where they threw so many resources recently still doesn't look great like Garrett balls at left tackle is a really good solid player Quinn Miners at guard had a real breakout season last year if he's still that guy going forward then you know that's too of your offensive line in really good shape Mike mcin is fine at right tackle he's a capable good starter the other two spots though now look like potential problems Ben Powers uh Luke wattenberg or Sam muster or whoever you're going to put in there at Center so two- fifths of your offensive line isn't in great shape the wide receiver room which a couple of years ago looked so strong is cland Sutton sort of you know not quite becoming the player maybe that he was supposed to become uh uh and and you know a sort of long-term trade candidate maybe your guy Tim Patrick coming off injury Marvin Mims who's the offseason hype guy every year are we going to get more of him this year or is he just going to be you know that guy every year I it's and then you know obviously the rookie Troy Franklin the fourth rounder but it's not like that's a group you're going ah this is amazing this is you know high level the defense is like Patrick certan and then all the good players have gone like it's not not a good roster here's how I like to soften things in during optimism season here we got mini big week of hype this week Sam mini camp we are finally to mini camp and so there'll be plenty of you know hype videos and swing passes that come from the the main team accounts hyping things up I like to soften it by saying question marks these teams just have more question marks lot of question you know and so when it comes to the Broncos remember how bad their defense was through about six weeks last year like historically bad how much do you weigh that they absolutely turned the corner started playing playing better they turned the corner as a season but a lot of that was turnover laced right they had a they had a bunch of games with three and four turnovers we know that that tends to regress back and that's what happened with Denver so yeah as we're looking at the depth chart you've got all the question marks you mentioned at receiver the offensive line that you mentioned it's probably their biggest strength I mean that was that was in the graphic while you were talking probably their biggest strength out of this whole thing and that's part of the issue right questions at receiver questions rushing the passer and then questions on the back end outside of Patrick San on defense so um and then all of that added up to your quarterback as well bonick qb6 as a rookie right and so a lot of these teams are going to have quarterback questions combined with some of the you know the lack of depth here for the Broncos all that said I would still probably put the Cardinals lower maybe well I know Kyler's back but right so I will say I know we did this maybe last year the year before and I remember thinking this at the time like you go back a while and you could find rosters that were like miserable looking you know what I mean like teams that were just terrible there's nothing going for this team there's zero talent in this roster they've torn everything down there's nothing left this is the worst roster in the NFL and it's not even close and like along with the sort of offseason trends of you know teams are not doing as many crazy things in free agency with their money they're not doing as many crazy things in the draft as they used to be like this sort of General perception that teams are getting better at just football like the NFL the cycle they're just getting better at knowing what they're doing um I think that that translates to these roster rankings as well like my initial reaction is to look at that go there's no way Denver has the worst roster in the NFL and then you sort of unpick it and you go okay yeah it's it's not a good roster and blah but it's not terrible like as you said you know as much as I the offensive line is a concern you know it's three fifths fine right the wide receiver room isn't what it used to be on the then courland Sutton is fine Tim Patrick if he comes back is useful we really like Troy Franklin what he could be you know the backfield has Got Talent like there's bits and pieces you can pick out of that and say there's stuff to work with here and you know Arizona you mention them as a potential candidate I mean Arizona Kyler Murray Marvin Harrison Michael Wilson you know that back field of James Conor and Trey Benson the other rookie Greg dorch Trey McBride like there's a lot of Talent on that team um like I I think we've run out of teams now where you or or just teams are no longer awful at this you're just not going to get the bottom end of these rankings every year is not going to look just a a NeverEnding stretch of misery there's going to be some Talent there no I agree we've said that the last couple years here on the podcast it is a it's a zero game at the end of the day though like somebody has to win and somebody has to lose somebody has to be ranked right 32nd but um that's a good way of softening the blow there Sam as well just saying oh everybody's good all the rosters are good but you're right I mean there's it was easy to pick Arizona I assume they were 302nd last year when we were talking through this it was easy to pick Arizona last year because they had Kyler Murray hurt and they were legitimately going into a rebuild but you're right they're they're back on track I think why Arizona would be competing here though is the defense right there's still so many questions on that side of the ball ball for the Cardinals and in important spots rushing the passer and just their secondary generally outside of Buddha Baker so I think Arizona is still somewhat in the running I think the Patriots being in the running also kind of makes sense we've made the point that hey Drake May stepping into the situation that M that kind of got M Jones kicked out of town minus Bill bellich and then the defense last year remember they went on this historic run where they couldn't score points but the defense was also on a historic run of keeping them close uh losing these games where they gave up 10 or fewer points the defense was pretty good but again how much of that was Bill bich or the bellich who have gone and so the the on the on paper depth chart for New England it's not disastrous you know to your point but it's still not great relative to the rest of the league on defense so if you're losing maybe a coaching Edge on that side of the ball and you have offensive line question marks one of the worst playmaker situations in the NFL I think New England is in the running in this bottom five here as well yeah the the big question mark for New England I think is the effect of the bellich right what does what impact ises losing the highest ranking belich have on that defense and the talent there you you sort of run down the list and it looks not too bad right on the defensive side in particular we've got all these guys that we know play quite well within this defense for Bill bich but we also know that that guy's got you know a multi-decade uh track record of taking players that don't look like they should be high-end NFL starters playing to their strengths minimizing their weaknesses and turning them into something better than they are outside of that New England environment and we've seen that in both directions for years right guys that come to New England after not necessarily dominating somewhere else or guys that go away from New England after dominating there and not playing at the same kind of level my question is simply like does that immediately fall apart with him no longer pulling the strings there on defense cuz if it does then suddenly like this collection of talent might look way worse just by not having bich you know maximizing what they do well minimizing what they don't do well and then like the the offensive side is definitely not a strong group so if the defense suddenly starts looking way worse than it has been the last few years from an individual Talent point of view then I think you could make a compelling argument that this is the worst roster in the NFL all right that's enough on the negative side anything else you want to talk about about the worst teams let's let's flip it to the best teams unless you have something else here uh no just I mean looking at I think part of what I was saying you know that it's actually quite hard to find teams with a terrible roster like the Chargers are where 25th on this team on this list or something Washington who have a ton of talent and just added a bunch you know this offseason are 27th like you you can find teams that you expect to be reasonably good this year way down at the bottom end of this I think that just sort of says this is a very high floor in terms of how bad a roster is right now in today's NFL yep just to reiterate it does seem like the team building across the NFL has gotten better and but you know every year there's going to be a team that has two or three wins right there'll be a team that ends up at the bottom but you know I think overall teams have done a better job in the off season um we'll talk about some of those teams that end up in the middle or interesting teams let's go to the top and you know coming off of our last exercise which was ranking the top three players on each team AFC and NFC if you didn't see that go check those out from last week we went through the AFC and the NFC in two separate shows talking about the top the top three players on each team and the team where it was by far the most difficult selecting just a top three right was the number one team in the roster rankings here the San Francisco 49ers you know as you look through it and think about all of the star power that they have this looks like the clear slam dunk best team in the NFL from a roster standpoint it's the ners yeah I would say so I mean certainly you know the star power that they have the highend is ridiculous like that that exercise we did of trying to just identify their three best players was crazy particularly relative to most other teams on the roster the Assembly of skill position players in particular that they ' got is absolutely nuts you know Christian mcaffrey Debo Samuel Brandon auk George KD um you throw in Trent Williams is the best left tackle in the NFL you throw in Nick Bosa a genuine Defensive Player of the Year candidate in any given season Fred Warner the best linebacker in the NFL like the high end is absolutely crazy uh there are holes though you know it's not like this is top to bottom there's no weaknesses at all um you know there's some areas that you don't necess neily love particularly in terms of depth I mean we've been talking about the offensive line needing work for years again with the cat that the Kyle Shanahan system hides deficiencies on the offensive line like nothing else yeah I think it's it's tough in these things you're trying to how do they weigh quarterbacks here I think we always have to weigh the quarterback it's not just a simple you know unit byun breakdown I don't know how much they weighed QBs in this whole thing and it's tough to separate the players from the coaches right I mean the the Chiefs are number two on the ranking here I think if you're just looking at the talent on the team the Chiefs would be a little bit lower yeah much like they were last year but it's tough to separate well the Mahomes Factor the Andy Reid factor and spags you get spags over there as well Sam tying it all together I think it's harder for me to put the Chiefs up that high but even when you're looking at the ners the pure talent again it's it's tough to like separate Debo Samuel from the fact that Kyle Shanahan is the one pulling the strings making you know putting Debo Samuel in position to succeed here but when you just look at the talent I you know I think the ners are are the team I there are other teams that would be competing there all that said are the Niners a tick worse than they were last year you know that I think the defensive line has lost a little bit of depth I look at it both ways the offensive line that we keep questioning they're not disastrous and they're all they're all coming back and they're all you know what you know adding a year of uh experience from an o line perspective that means a lot and I mentioned on the top three show Brock P's heading into year three and if we just look at it through the lens of Brock pie heading into year three and what he's done in his first two seasons that's in the Niners favor that he'll continue to progress and get better I guess my question is did they lose a little bit of depth on that defensive line but overall I think the ners uh look like the best Rost in the NFL as I've said yeah I mean I think in so the way to factor in coaching in my opinion is uh like it it's only relevant it's not it's not relevant in abstract terms right so we know Kyle Shanahan basically improves everything on the 49ers roster uh and therefore there are players on this roster that we think outside of the Shanahan environment probably wouldn't look as good Fair as well play as well be thought of as highly but since the two of them are together for this season which is the only way of measuring this like after the fact it doesn't matter right uh whereas with New England and belich departing like the same thing is true on on the defensive side with belich there are players that will look better with belich as their coach but he's no longer there so that I think is where you start to look at it and say all right now you've disconnected the head coach or the coach and the player now we actually need to start looking at whether that Talent exists independent of the coaching or if it's only when you put them together you get this version of the player so when you look at you know the impact that Andy Reid has on the Chiefs the impact that Shanahan has on the 49ers um like to me it doesn't matter whether like how much of the Brock pie success is Brock pie how much of it is the receiving help how much of it is Kyle Shanahan like that's its own interesting intellectual exercise but for the purposes of roster like how good is the roster doesn't matter cuz they're all playing there together this year they're all contributing the sum of those is the important part for how good this roster is not necessarily which individual piece is the driving force behind that that's only relevant if you break that up and it's no longer Collective anymore all right so what about number two here um on the site we've got um we have Jim and Dalton doing the rankings they had the final say on this they put the Chiefs at two do you agree with that or is there someone else that you would slot in there as the second best roster no I think there's a few rosters that I would put over Kansas City um I agree they I mean I think we've we you have a danger of sort of falling into the The Narrative that you use over and over again and it's like when you have Andy Reid Patrick Mahomes like they've been built off star power right for years um and for a few years you're like ah this roster actually isn't amongst the best in the NFL but they're they're the best in the NFL at a couple of really important positions now last season I think that was probably not true anymore I think last season's roster was actually crazy good except wide receiver and the wide receiver thing almost came back to bite them throughout the season this year maybe they' split the difference and it's not quite where it was a few years ago where it was basically you know Patrick Mahomes and a few other star players dragging this relatively average roster to Super Bowls and I don't think it's as good as it was a year ago albeit they should have upgraded at wide receiver which was their single biggest weakness last year so I I think it's good roster but I don't think it's amongst the very best in the NFL yeah I mean I think I think they're in the top five I still think they're in the top four or five I think and I I agree with you they that was probably the best all allaround Chiefs team that they've had of the momes era on maybe they they underachieved a little bit of tackle I think right and then receiver as you mentioned and they're still really good I've been doing a lot of um draft studies over here over the last few years no team has brought in more more PFF war no more solid players you know you know well above average starters than the Chiefs and cowboys you know since 2017 they're they're the best and this is just non I'm just looking at non QBs so in addition to having Mahomes of course and having Andy Reid and the way we've seen spags game plan in in in the playoff they are adding a lot of talent around those guys so the Chiefs deserve mention I think they're they're certainly in the mix I I'm considering the Lions here though as the second best roster and part of that's projecting their their cornerback situation they got they're at six here on the roster rankings but I look at that team and we've we've given them so much credit on this show over the last few years how they've built it piece by piece Brick by Brick this offseason getting even deeper on the defensive line are there some question marks at cornerback this year yes but they address them with Caron Davis in a trade with Teran Arnold in the draft I think the Lions have a chance to get up there and look they're in the NFC Championship with the ners I think the Lions have a chance to be up there with the ners you know fighting for that top spot so I like the lions at at number two I don't know that there's a better roster in the NFL than the Lions right now like they would be absolutely I I would have them either one or two on on my roster rankings I think the Lions really really is a good roster like there's they've done a phenomenal job of patching up holes of you know addressing their biggest weaknesses of attacking areas that haven't been as good um and they've got like there's no I don't think there's a clear weakness now you can look at it corner you mentioned as yeah that's an area that potentially isn't as good as some others um but it it's not like an obvious hole right now it's like they've got one proven good quality starter in Carlon Davis teron Arnold was a you know arguably cornerback number one cornerback two whatever way you want to look at it in this draft it shouldn't be a weakness now we know rookie Corners don't always hit the ground running and it might still be a problem but and then Brian Branch obviously Manning the slot who's a really high level player so of your three starting cornerbacks two of them should be minimum solid and the third is just only a question mark Cuz he a rookie but if he's as good as some rookies have been in recent years you know it could be a massive strength like they've overhauled the defensive line you bring in DJ reer you bring in Marcus Davenport okay he's still a bit of a gamble given what we've seen from him but like this is a really really good roster I'm always a sucker for the Marcus Davenport ad especially when there's not a ton of pressure on him you know maybe it's more of a rotational role you know maybe you get James Houston back right it's still a bit of a question if they could rush the passer consistently ly opposite Aiden Hutchinson but they're they've definitely made the moves to make that better and then that receiving core the way they've come together and if if Dan Campbell's telling the truth that Jameson Williams is ready to break out in addition to am manra St Brown and Sam leaport and jir Gibbs the amount of special you know just unique type playmakers that they have there I think we mentioned that going into last season they they were going to be able to attack defenses in a whole bunch of different ways and they did that and then you know yeah we're not talking coach here but Ben Johnson's back as well and you know to your point earlier we know that he's the one pulling the strings right we know that he's the one getting the most out of these players as well it you know doesn't hurt having that continuity well that goes into the yeah the Jared gof conversation right it's like how good is Jared gof in a vacuum probably not as good as a lot of other quarterbacks but Jared gof plus Ben Johnson is a slightly different proposition and that's what we're dealing with this year we don't we don't have to take away Ben Johnson and say oh what's J gof going to do this year we are pretty confident you're going to get a good season of Jared gof because the the offensive coordinator stayed in the building all right number three roster rankings it's the Philadelphia Eagles I I I agree I'd have the Eagles in this range I think they'd be I'd have them or the Chiefs I think competing for that third spot what are your thoughts on the Eagles and in their ranking here uh so I think this is still a good roster I do however have have many more questions about it than I I have had in the last couple of years like the Eagles have been a team I think that have been in the sharp end of this roster ranking for a few years now they have got a lot more uh question marks on the defensive side in particular and this feels a little bit like the Bengals from a couple of years ago where they've done a really good job of like future proofing and identifying you know where they're going to lose players where they're going to have to plug in new young players to pick up the slack you know agent guys that have either already parted guys like Fletcher Cox retiring you know on the other side so they've lost Jason Kelce who obviously got all the the attention in the offensive side with Fletcher Cox retired at the same time right so two of their sort of stalwarts on in the trenches on either side of the ball have gone in the same off season now's when they need you know Jordan Davis or Jaylen Carter to step up on that defensive side but so far a lot of the guys they've plugged in to be the continuity guy the the replacement the successor hasn't gone well right like ncoe deem was supposed to be that a year ago and injuries meant that we just didn't see it the the cornerbacks now we might need quinon Mitchell to step in and be that guy right away and similar to Detroit he might be I mean he was consensus quarterback one or two whichever if you went Arnold number one you had Mitchell number two if you went Mitchell number one it was usually Arnold number two um so it might be fine or it might be a problem um I generally I think you know there's just more questions than they used us to be we've got the the secondary what became a big this is the the challenge here with the Eagles I guess you they're they're toying with moving James Bradberry around and you know moving him out you know off of corner at this point in his career the challenge I have is the collapse that they had last year it's the same it's the same Talent right last year going into the season the Eagles we probably ranked them as the best roster if I remember correctly going into the year at least one or two and they just absolutely collapsed last year and they they looked just disastrous on the defensive side of the ball so again let's go to this how do you separate coaching and from from the players the players were the same the same team pretty much that went to the Super Bowl last year at this time we said ah you know cam Jurgens has to step in and start you know it's like all right if that's the only big question that you have it's not bad but all of a sudden they looked old in the secondary they couldn't communicate guys were running free all over the place there was there was in-house fighting with with the coaching staff so if you could separate that a little bit have they made the Right Moves you're right I mean there's a little bit of H do they actually have the right linebackers I don't know they're probably worse than they were a couple years ago are the young players going to be able to step up and you know take pressure off of uh slay and Bradberry who had been so good for that year and a half basically for the Eagles so yeah there were definitely some question marks there but they have intriguing pieces to replace those guys especially in the secondary with the two first with the first and second round pick quinan Mitchell Cooper Dijon so um love what the Eagles have done from a roster standpoint it will be on Vic fangio telen Moore both sides of the ball to just make everything better because it did seem it did seem like the failure last year for Philly was the coaching offensive and defensive they didn't have answers for the blitz on offense they didn't it looked like they couldn't even recognize a route combination in the second half of the Season guys were running free the the linebackers looked old and slow and out of place and they weren't even necessarily old and slow they were just always out of place so to me that's the big question but when you're just looking on paper where did the Eagles Stack Up strong in the right spots and as always deep on the defensive line and still one of the better rosters in the NFL yeah the the only other issue for Philly is I think they're death isn't as strong as it used to be um you know wide receiver say you've got AJ Brown you've got Devonte Smith those are still both great you've got you know one of the top wide receivers in the NFL you got one of the top number two wide receivers in the NFL but then with Devonte Parker retiring like immediately you run out of proven Commodities at wide receiver if either one of those guys gets hurt you've got potential issues um you know now you're down to a couple of rookies coming in Johnny Wilson or Ana Smith uh Paris Campbell is on the roster as well like and then the offensive line as well now that we're going to have to reshuffle you know replace Jason Kelce cam Jurgens will will step in and play there but now immediately that offensive line no longer has the depth like you are the starting five should still be okay even with one question mark a guard but if an injury hits anywhere on that offensive line you run out of the the depth that they've had in previous years so I think just across the board as a product of this like struggling to replace those starters I think Philadelphia's roster depth isn't as good as it used to be all right number four over at the New York Jets fourth best roster agree or disagree with this one Sam I when we were going through our exercise we said yeah they their top three was pretty clear but there they probably had five guys who could all be in that mix what do you think about the Jets being here at four I yeah I I think this is a really good roster still um you know we we tend to view it I think not unfairly but we view it in negative light because of what happened last year but they went from you know having theoretically an all pro level quarterback to having one of the worst if not the worst quarterback starters in football uh and that's you know and even with that they still you know flirted with the playoffs for most of the season so they've upgraded the offensive line significantly like you bring in three new starters and a contingency for the one new starter that's always going to be injured at some point during the season with fashu backing up Tyron Smith at left tackle so the weakest part of last year's roster got a significant overhaul and you're getting Aaron Rogers back again in theory I think it is one of the top rosters in the NFL yeah I agree I mean look you you steal a Morgan Moses at right tackle just that move alone helps move that roster forward this is all contingent upon the injury situation of course right I mean we're we're looking at we're looking at depth charts we're we're factoring in depth but even with Tyron Smith maybe if he can he actually play over a thousand snaps can he make it through a 17 game schedule yeah but you have Olu fosu as a backup who I think you know can step in and and and hold his own at left tackle at least in pass protection as a rookie uh Mike Williams coming off of injury so I mean if it depends on these guys staying healthy of course that's true for everybody but they they specifically brought in older injury-prone type of players like Mike Williams like Tyron Smith Rogers coming off the Achilles so yeah on paper this does look like an outstanding roster a little bit of turnover on the defensive side of the ball with Bryce Huff out but Hassan reic in right they're still going to be loaded up front able to rush the passer and they have two straight years of play in really good defense it is difficult to keep up that consistency and play Lights Out defense year over-year but I think the offense will be better they don't have to be as good defensively they still have all the same pieces I'm just saying even if they face a little bit of natural regression on that side of the ball obviously having Rogers back with some of these Playmakers better offensive line should offset that so yeah I agree the jets are in this mix I don't know if I have them at four you know they might be more five or six for me with some of the other teams I like the Lions ahead of them and um you know the Chiefs who I mentioned so i' probably bump the Jets down a little bit but they're definitely in the range here to uh to be one of the better rosters in the NFL and by the way they've upgraded a backup quarterback as well I mean their season still likely hinges on whether Aaron Rogers can move on his Achilles or not but if they do have to turn to the backup for an extended period of time Tyrod Taylor's a better backup than Zach Wilson was by the way just as a quick aside do you think teams especially with older quarterbacks would ever just sit a quarterback like just uh load manage right an older quarterback would you ever just start Tyrod Taylor I don't know if it's going to happen this year but in the future with the 17 game schedule just if you have a good enough backup just give the extra rest to the to the older quarterback I think it's it might be worth considering especially if the jets are in a decent spot you know down the stretch I don't know if you're ever going to like purely load manage simply because you know the there's so few games relative to other sports that it's like it's kind of taken the piss to be like look you've got 17 games and we're going to give you four of them off just because just because we can right like it's all it just seems crazy but I do think that you can easily like er on not even the side of caution but like the oh your body is really banged up this week don't worry about it this is a this is a tiod game you don't even have to think about it um but that kind of like you need to be really really good because you still need most of the time you still need to win those games right like you either need to be completely cool with we only need to make the Playoffs seeding is irrelevant we don't care what you know what number we are if just make a wild card spot we're happy like the important part is the postseason just getting there is the only is the only goal for the regular season and maybe we're reaching that point right where teams are actually going to be focused on that outside like honestly outside of that number one seed the rest of it is not irrelevant but it's far less important anyway so in a in a landscape where there's a ton of teams vying for that number one seed you know maybe it is more important to keep your aging quarterback upright than it is to have him out there every single week trying to secure the number one seed that you might not get anyway um but you would have to be cool with that and then you would have to be really careful the games that you're essentially voluntarily playing a backup all right I'm going to start going out of order here because look as I mentioned I think the jets are in the mix with the top five but there's a team way lower down in this list that I would put ahead of them and they're ranked number nine and that's the Dallas Cowboys okay they're at number number nine in the article I would still have the Cowboys in the top five and and that's it it to me it's all about perspective Sam and the two things that I think skew the P the perspective with the Cowboys is inability to win a big game so it's like all right we forget how much talent they have because they're not you know getting to an NFC Championship with with this talented roster and then second the es and flows of the off season because Dallas hasn't made any aggressive moves this off season it's it's just like two offseasons ago for Dallas it doesn't feel good it doesn't feel like they're putting themselves in position to succeed they're not filling some of the uh glaring holes on that roster at least not at least not well they're finish they'll fill filling them with okay question marks Tyler gon in the first round at left tackle a third round potential Center in Cooper BB but they're still really good and the Cowboys I think are still in the top five or so when it comes to the Rost their roster yeah I I think you're right it's it's the perception it's because they've probably gotten worse that we yeah really dragging them down right it's like yeah but they they're probably getting worse from one of the best rosters in the NFL like it's important to sort of understand what the starting point was before you you know before you sort of drag them down too much for for declining in the offseason I I think they probably have gotten worse heading into this year relative to even ending last season but the start of last season but it is still still a really good roster and un you know like a lot of some or some other teams it's strong in the right places I mean Dak Prescott had a strong MVP case last season CD lamb is one of the top three wide receivers in the NFL based off last season Trayvon Diggs and Duron Bland of each had an absurd season you know leading the league in interceptions and big plays from cornerback and Michael Parsons might be the best pure football player in the NFL like Elite pass rusher he'd be an elite linebacker if he played in there just a phenomenal player period uh like they are strung at the most important like that's literally ticking off four of the five most important positions in football yeah and is I was mentioned in the you know recent draft history Cowboys Chiefs Lions those Ravens those are all the best teams at at drafting and bringing in you know solid starters solid or better starters and you know then you have a Micah Parson so like like you said you know an elite starter so the the way the the way the Cowboys have drafted over the last five or six years is actually really good you know we're we're very critical of some of their moves I've mentioned yeah when they draft for need instead of drafting the best players maybe they miss a little bit but those guys are still carrying things the other part that feels uncomfortable for the Cowboys is those three stars are unsigned so you and I we love to look at things from a big big picture team building standpoint I don't know what they're going to do with Dak with Micah Parson with CD lamb all needing to get paid so I don't know if they've future proofed the roster very well and did they take a bit of a step back since last year I think so right Michael gallup's out the door Tyron Smith is out the door uh Tyler botes out the door starting center so there are starters missing called Gallop a starter as you know wide receiver three there were starters missing from last year and last year's offseason they did a better job of Shoring those things up right they got Stefan Gilmore for almost nothing they brought and Brandon Cooks for almost nothing so when they had issues on the roster last year they got they got a couple proven veterans who ended up playing pretty good football for them last year this year they've done it through the draft so there are more question marks this year than last year I would say for the Cowboys but we're talking about a team that is a perennial 12- win type of team and talent-wise is among the best in the league so I think you know for the Cowboys I'd have them I'd have them in the mix probably in the top five and I still think maybe above the Jets who you know were ranked fourth here so yeah let let's jump back to the PFF at top five because they had the Ravens at number five right as the final team and then there's one team that I I think belongs in the top five and it's way down this list I was amazed is it the Dolphins no so Baltimore Ravens are the fifth team in the PFF ranking um discuss yeah I mean another strong roster I'm not I'm not criticizing this one too much um obviously you know Lamar Jackson Derrick Henry the weakness we've talked about is still at wide receiver we don't really know what that's going to look like this season with Z flowers and Rashad baitman still sort of theoretical um theoretical more than practical in terms of how good they can be the offensive line they tore that down and sort of rebuilt it over the course of this offseason that's a bit of a question mark uh relative to the last couple of years and then the defense you know should be strong but still has some sort of weak links as well or some potential holes so a good not a great roster I think yeah the the same argument I'm using to defend the Cowboys I'm probably going to use it against the Ravens it feels worse than last year because of the offensive line turnover they lose Morgan Moses right I mean the the the whole roster R the Jets jumped the Ravens because of Morgan Moses if you flip Morgan Moses back to the Ravens boom they're above the Jets um no really but I I think in the back of my mind the same coaching stuff that has us elevating the Chiefs or the or the ners or the Lions because we know they have that continuity the Ravens have the opposite no continuity from a coaching standpoint at least on the defensive side of the ball Mike McDonald is out you have the offensive line turnover it is tough to argue with the the sea of green as I like to say on the defense PFF grades of green across the board last year uh do they have star not they're not lacking in star power Kyle Hamilton roquan Smith you know relative to their positions You could argue Justin matab at defensive tackle but it they just have few weaknesses on that side of the ball but to your point the receiver question mark it looked obj wasn't great last year he was fine but you know it looked cleaner when it's obj with you know with Z flowers with Rashad baitman so they need they need a breakout there from somebody so yeah I think the Ravens are probably a tick below where we have them ranked at five i' i' dropped them a little bit just because of some of these question marks that they have this year maybe versus last year and then the team that I think is a top five roster is ranked number 12 in the PF rankings the Cleveland Browns I think this is a good enough roster top to bottom that they don't even need Deshawn Watson to play at the level we keep talking about like go back to that you know preco Deshawn Watson with Houston I don't think they even need him to play anything like that this roster is good enough that they can make the playoffs even with him just playing halfway average football like I I think this is one of the best rosters in the NFL the addition of Jerry Judy underachieving as he's been like that group of Amari Cooper Jerry Judy Elijah Moore should be a really good wide receiver group even if it's you know even if they don't have you know there's no Justin Jefferson there's no CD lamb there's no absolute Superstar there but I think that's a really good Trio gets even better when you factor in David and joku at tight end as well who particularly down the second half of last season was absolutely phenomenal the offensive line is one of the best in the NFL with some depth as well like Dewan Jones probably isn't going to start and yet could be uh the defensive line is sort of still the rebuilt version of the defensive line from a year ago that was so much better than it was prior to that J at linebacker Jordan Hicks coming in at linebacker as well that group of cornerbacks Greg Nome Martin Emerson Denzel Ward like this is one of the best rosters in the league at 12 I mean you have to think you have to a be valuing quarterback really high and B think Deshawn Watson just stinks now to put them at 12 yeah I was about to say if you just forgot the quarterbacks for a minute this roster does look similar to the Lions does it not I'm not saying pure roster construction the same exact position groups but but when you talk about depth is the it's still one of the better offensive lines much like the Lions it's a similar group of receivers as the Lions um the defensive lines uh probably better than Detroit the secondary is probably better than Detroit as far as proven players go but it's similar across the board as far as when you go unit by unit there's not a whole lot of weaknesses on the Cleveland Browns and then the X Factor if you were just comparing those two rosters as I am uh Jared gof versus deshun Watson one guy has played far better uh over the last couple years and that's and that's Jared gof and we don't know exactly what um DeShaun Watson's going to give I mean I look did Joe flacko kind of play out of his mind last year off the couch but maybe we're under valuing that whole aspect of things I know from a storyline perspective what they won games with what five starting quarterbacks last year was it the Browns four four or five I mean Kevin stefansky has done a great job wins coach of the year but maybe we're not even valuing that in enough the fact that Joe flacko came off the couch got away with some turnover worthy plays but he was he was aggressive and attacked down the field and they made a little run they made a run and you know they got beat up pretty bad in the playoffs but yeah I'm with you man I think roster wise the Browns have done an outstanding job these last couple years and they should be a little bit closer to the top five I agree yeah I mean to me they're one of the best rosters in the NFL I mean I I think one and two is is San Francisco go Detroit in some order but Cleveland could be three for me I think so you want them up as high as three I don't know if I'd put them up that high because the Watson the teams that I have in the top five let's say 49ers Lions Eagles Chiefs I would say probably top four for me and who did I put it and then Cowboys five all of those teams are far more secure at quarterback the worst quarterback of that group you're you're battling between Jaylen Herz and Jared gof and we're talking yeah Watson hasn't been good since since the lockdown year right so that's an issue for the Browns and that so for me it probably puts them closer to seven seven or eight because you know who are they going to Lea frog some of these other teams the Houston Texans are at seven sorry let me go to six I'm sorry we have the Lions at six we get the Texans at seven the Bengals at eight Cowboys at nine who I you I said earlier bills at 10 I we can debate about the bills here in a minute and dolphins at 11 you know it's tough to Lea frog some of those teams because the the quarterback situation is such a big factor but yeah but it has to be like you're your ranking has to be like Kansas City is a better football team because they have Patrick Mahomes right but I don't think it's a better roster than the Cleveland Browns unless you factor in like quarterback is everything and unless I have a highlevel quarterback I simply cannot have a high level roster but like the players certainly players two through 53 for Cleveland are dramatically better than Buffalo like the only argument for putting Buffalo ahead of Cleveland as a roster ranking is that Josh Allen is dramatically better than Deshawn Watson right now and I factor that you know 17 times the weight of anything else yeah so that's where I was going to go with this is Buffalo at 10 I would I would drop them a bit and I'm going to be I'm going to be a Bill's Advocate this season when it comes to that team and the fact that I still think they're going to be one of the best teams in the AFC and I don't think that their Super Bowl window closed or whatever um but it still looks like a team that has a chance to take a step back before it takes a step forward and it looks a little worse than last year and that's fine they're younger they have more question marks right it's more questions if ke maybe Keon Coleman's a stud maybe all of the the travius white Replacements uh you know Benford will do fine you know like he did rul Douglas will continue to play great maybe all The Replacements for uh the seeming not the stars but like their they're locked in solid starters that are out the door maybe they'll be okay maybe Von Miller bounces back but it is tough I think to put the bills above even just the Dolphins at 11 in their own Division I think the Dolphins have more Firepower top to bottom than a team like the bills yeah I mean I think that's true I also think like Cleveland okay we could debate Baltimore maybe but I think Cleveland clearly have a better roster than Cincinnati does like the Bengals roster you I think quite quickly you look at that group and start getting concerned by potential weak spots or holes in that roster and the only thing that's making you feel good about Cincinnati is well they still got Joe burrow and Jamar Chase and T hiin so it'll be fine right but the roster itself I don't think is in great shape certainly relative to like Cleveland again the only argument for having them above is Joe burrow is a lot better than Deshawn Watson right now yeah I I like Cincinnati's roster overall though I mean I I think they're I think they're fine in that top 10 mix it would be interesting if we did just say take the quarterback out of it like if you did really if you were able to be disciplined and take the QB out of it but I do think that the the receiver the receiver room of Chase and Higgins as a starting point is huge the offensive line being back um again seemingly improved looks looks like the offense is one of the better ones in the NFL for Cincinnati um and then defensively do I have some question marks for you know pass rush help for Trey Hendrickson or losing a DJ reader absolutely I think the the simple adjustment of having Von Bell and Gino Smith Gino stone in there at safety is going to help that defense quite a bit the quarterback room maybe have some questions so yeah there are some questions there but I like the Bengals roster overall but certainly having a healthy Joe burrow sitting at top that makes it you know closer to you know roster eight like we have listed here like the star power and the depth of that defense compared with Cleveland's defense I think is night and day I mean the Browns at almost every single position are significantly better than the even even at the star power like the best player on the Bengals defense right now is Trey Hendrickson and he's not as good as miles Garrett and the depth at every other spot is is better on Cleveland's defense as well so yeah like you can paint a world with the optimal uh version of this Bengals defense play plays okay but again like they like Philadelphia earlier the players that they've identified to come in and take on bigger roles so far have not done a great job of that notably you know Dax Hill and DJ Turner those two guys the two defensive backs who are like Dax Hill was sort of identified to step into a bigger role last year DJ Turner is going to need to do it this year there's no evidence yet that either one of those guys is going to be a plus player for this defense and now they need them to be all right you you've made your Browns Point Sam put them in the top five I put the Cowboys in the top five you're putting the Browns in the top five who else stands out here as a so I'm going to make the case for the Dolphins here okay being closer to six seven or eight than 11 um you know again they're same argument I made with the Cowboys stuttering through my words uh Jim and Dalton have the Cowboys at nine the Dolphins at 11 and I for me it is tough to get out of my head the the onp paper Championship that it looks like these teams are winning or the September Championship that seems like these teams are winning the Dolphins had most yards through uh through five weeks last year Sam that was the record uh there is a little bit of Flash and Dash to the Dolphins and the Cowboys a little bit of front runner to both of those teams I I have a tough time putting that aside where they put up a ton of points when it comes down to playoff time or facing good teams both teams struggle there was so many similarities I think between Miami and Dallas last year but for this exercise of on paper Champions the Dolphins have to be a lot higher in my opinion especially with Tyreek Hill and Jaylen Wadd with tu a running the show the offensive line yeah there's some questions there but again the Mike McDaniel and the the scheme Factor they can they can man all that speed that they have and look they got depleted on the defensive side last year from an injury standpoint if they stay healthy this should be a good defense and then apparently they hated Vic fangio right yeah and that's that's the tough thing as an analyst Sam it's really tough for us to know that Vic fangio historically is a really good football coach and we think oh he's going to a team that has a lot of talent including Jaylen Ramsey who looks like a perfect fit schematically and we did know the team just hated Vic fangio and so did Jaylen Ramsey hated Vic fangio and it just wasn't a good fit and just that addition by subtraction might help this defense which again is is extremely talented is that do you think that's like a Miami Vibes type of thing like that that wasn't a thing everywhere else Vic fangio's been like when you're no I don't I don't think this is like a thing if you go back through Vic's history that nobody likes him because the Eagles are excited to have Vic fangio but but what I'm saying is when you are applying your trade in Chicago and Denver and Philadelphia these are places that are already hardworking miserable cold ass places in the winter whereas Miami is still party time and 70 degree weather and palm trees right does that is that is that what's happening here is that Vic fangio's you know hard-nosed football Persona doesn't work in Miami in December when people just still want to chill on the beach it sounds ridiculous and I used to hate that idea that like the teams the the city and the identity and the but there's probably something to it yeah there's Pro there's probably something to it like n coach we don't want to play defense we're in Miami we don't want of course the Dolphins want to play defense at some point but hey even Nick sain couldn't win in Miami no you know be less of a dick about it like let's just we want to we want to be professional but you know you don't have to yell at us it's sunny at to yell at us it's sunny but you can yell in Chicago right it works at Chicago expect you to Chicago it's cold it's cold and dreary anyway yeah uh my big conservative Miami is the the interior of the defensive line I think losing Christian Wilkins could be a big loss you know not only his his durability but you know just overall Talent they're a little depleted there but they got the they got a a slew of pass rushers speed speed on both sides of the ball as we've mentioned the secondary could be really good I mean if you get the best of Kendall Fuller the best of Jaylen Ramsey I know those guys are getting older but Javon Holland being one of the better safeties in the NFL Jordan puyer coming in I mean that could be one of the best secondaries in the NFL if they put it all together there so I think Miami should be a little higher on this list yeah I mean my concern for Miami is just it's both trenches essentially like the interior the defensive line without Christian Wilkins that's that's okay they're in Miami right it's hot nobody wants to you know destroy blocks or anything like that it's Miami obviously the edge rushers all got injured last season which means they're all coming coming off injuries this season uh and the guys that they brought in to sort of supplement that are either also coming off injury or are rookies you know chop Robinson Muhammad Kamara so that's still a very much a question mark like the pass rush for this team where is it coming from um and then the offensive line again the caveat m McDaniel but teron Armstead is good but you're guaranteed to miss 25% of the season with teron Armstead now they've back filled that Patrick Paul in the draft but it's less of a comfortable backfill than the Tyron Smith Olu fashy one that the Jets did and then like the rest of this offensive line just doesn't look good um they lost their second best player in Robert hunt in the off season and like I I mean if you didn't know the offense that this offensive line was attached to right if you didn't know that it was going to get protected by the Mike McDaniel fastest average time to throw in the NFL to a type of thing you would be really concerned by this offensive line it's only that you know that's working behind it that you're like okay it's probably going to be okay but it's still it's not good because we've seen them operate right we've seen them operate with a similar line with that similar group of players so um other interesting teams Texans are ranked seventh here on our roster rankings is that about the right spot for Houston yeah I think so I mean this is a good roster I don't I don't think it's great yet um but it's definitely sort of pushing that top five there there were theories in the NFL and I I I I want to find the exact numbers I'm going to try to do one similar where you want to have X number of high-end players you know whether you call them blue chips or stars or Pro Bowl potential and a lot of times you're looking at you want to have six seven eight guys that are that are carrying your team and it almost looks like Houston is subscribing to that theory the way they've built their team the last couple years of course I don't know if they deserve all the credit for drafting CJ strad at too but you know they're they're thankful that they got them right but they've got strad they went up to go get Will Anderson there's another star they went out and get denell Hunter this offseason there's another star they go get Stefan Diggs this offseason another star in addition to Nico Collins becoming one of those guys last year so this receiver Trio of niik Collins defon digs tank Dell stad throwing them the ball lar me tunel left tackle I mean if you're just looking at the high-end starters that they have on this team Derek Stingley the way he played last year plus that draft pedigree they've got seven or eight guys that you could say hey these guys are among the best at their position and I think Houston has specifically gone out and gotten those types of players the complete opposite of they did a few years ago but that's why they're high here on these roster rankings yeah no I think it's legit uh one other team I wanted to bring up because I think they're an interesting one to talk about number 13 Green Bay uh second year in a row going into the season as the youngest roster in the NFL I think that makes them very difficult to rank because you're not sure how good those guys are going to be with another year of development right like are they all going to take this big step forward together in which case they could be the best roster in football or you know what's the Baseline of that development going to be for an incredibly deep group of young players so maybe I was um I'm just going to repeat all my Packers lines from last year going into last season they were very young had a lot of upside and I said next year at this time we're going to be talking about the Packers and we are we absolutely are talking about the Packers because if this if we're talking about roster if this roster exercise was a multi-year exercise like who's best set up for 2025 and 26 Packers are probably top five right all of these guys are going to be under contract over the next couple years they rework Jordan love and figure him out but they're they're not breaking the bank for a whole lot of players and there's all sorts of promise with these they're all second and third year players and and as I mentioned on the last show like if Christian Watson took that big step with his healthy hamst strings to become a star this year wouldn't be surprised right so they have all the makings they're going to be a very good team but when you go up and down the roster and say okay are do they have a slew of elite players not necessarily they just have unbelievable depth the depth is really young and I think in that group of depth players like a Romeo dos a Christian Watson Um Zack Tom taking the next step ran Gary plenty of these guys can take the next step and become Stars you know heading into this year and and that's not to take away from like Jerry Alexander's been one of the better Corners in the league over the last couple years Xavier mcken is one of the best pure free safeties in the NFL but I'm talking about the Luke Musgraves of the world right like all of those guys becoming bigger household names this year all of that stuff's on the table it's just a matter of okay who are the guys this it I I think they're ascending I really like them as a team Jordan love looked unbelievable down the stretch last year but I also think okay next year at this time we're saying okay they're even better and they're cracking that top five from a roster standpoint once we get more information on the Packers so I'm with you it's tough to rank them 13's probably fair but they also have this you know Matt Flor has done a really nice job there as well they've they've just done a nice job the defense should be better with coaching changes there as well so there's a lot to like about the Packers but I think the roster in a vacuum for this season's probably ranked in in the right spot I just think they have such a broad range of outcomes because we have no idea how much those young guys are going to develop and how quickly so it's like in video games where you get the kind of here's your actual ability right now and here's your potential ability you know there's that that sort of gray out like so the Packers have all this extra room of potential ability and we don't know if any of them are going to take a step towards that this year or if all of them are or you know some mixture of the two and how far along that's going to push them but you know all those wide receivers the young guys like the youngest wide receiver Corp in the NFL last year all those guys looked pretty good if they all take a step forward I mean tuger craft right the second tight end they drafted last year by the like the end of the season he looked like a star and the better of the two and like and and he might be the you know the the lesser of the talents right if all those guys take this step and tuger Craft's like a good player and he's tight end too and Musgrave you know becomes a player he he threatened to be in in preseason in training camp and then the W like wide receiver happens likewise there's just there's a world where this team takes a huge jump and like the youngest roster in football is is suddenly loaded with star power because a year of development together has has worked wonders there's equally a world where they're basically the same as they were a year ago and no nobody's taking a step at all all right we got about five minutes before we wrap it up the one other team I'll let you highlight one team and I'll highlight W and we'll kind of get out of here the Rams are at 14 yeah and again I love saying last year at this time last year at this time very specifically at OTAs our friend Zack Robinson was like a camp arm for the Rams right the QB coach Zach um I don't remember if that was real or if we were just joking but they had rookies everywhere right they didn't even have uh special teamers at OTAs or whatever it was or mini camps last year so all they went from a team where it was like hey this is going to be fun it's Matthew Stafford Cooper cup and Aaron Donald and then a Senior Bowl roster no offense to the Senior Bowl but literally all rookies and then they ended up being very competitive you discovered a puka akua you have a breakout from Kiren Williams you have a breakout you you trade for Kevin doson and be he becomes one of the better guards in the NFL they locked him up um so even with Aaron Donald out this roster and the way they've transformed it just in the last 12 months I think is amazing and then now now they finally got to play in free agency too for the first time in a few years and and they brought in Darius Williams and they bring in travius white so they also have just some good established players mixed in with some Packers like young players and it's it's really nice roster for the Rams especially given where they were last year at this time yeah I think that's fair um the Chicago Bears is the team that I would highlight they are all the way down at number 20 in the roster rankings and I'm I'm less high on the defense than a lot of people but I think the offense that they've assembled is insane and again it's sort of the only way of dragging it down this far in my opinion is the quarterback right and and not knowing what we have yet in Caleb Williams um but that's one of the best wide receiver groups in the NFL uh you add in Kim at a tight end the offensive line should be more than fine um and then the defense you know yeah it's got some question marks but it's also got some quality players at this point like and at all three levels Jaylen Johnson TJ Edwards at linebacker Mont sweat they've now got at least one impact playmaker Kevin ber at safety as well at all three levels and and then a group of young players that similar to Green Bay could all take a a big step forward together so I think 20 for Chicago feels harsh it's been fun watching their transformation over the last couple years we mentioned when Ryan poles came in cap issues no draft capital they flip the script on both of those things and especially that Trio of receivers going with Caleb Williams the talent that they've added to the defensive side of the ball I'm with you man I think the the Bears could be higher and I think the I think the Vikings could be higher they're at 21 they could be a little bit higher I'm not saying they're like the Browns but it's a similar I think when you look at the roster top to bottom it's solid there there're more holes than the Browns but the biggest thing holding them down is probably the questions at quarterback they got JJ McCarthy likely scheduled to be the starter Sam darnold I think that hurts the Vikings but I think non-quarterback roster I think they have done a nice job but they might be more in like the hey two and three years from now they're just really well set up compared to where they were so I might be overrating them but 21 felt a little bit low for the Vikings for me all right you want to wrap this up by just uh passing comment on the retirement of Darren Waller uh tight end for the Giants this has been sort of bubbling all off season it's been I think expected from the Giants um all the way through the offseason he's sort of finally getting round effectively confirming it the Giants put out a statement essentially wishing him well um fascinating story a sixth round pick out of Georgia Tech and was a wide receiver back then Georgia Tech still back then running the triple option offense so the wide receivers were always an interesting kind of proposition yet they sent A lot of them to the NFL from that kind of system um but Darren Waller this huge 6'6 200 50b wide receiver and got to the NFL didn't really work at wide receiver then converted to tight end and that's when he became this sort of breakout player for the Raiders um and and was you know really good for a couple of years and then injuries started to to take hold the move to New York didn't work at all uh injuries just never really cleared up but fascinating career for a guy that you know had to do it by a circuitous route yeah I'm always of the minds that the the elite tight end is a is just such a GameChanger for offenses and the elite tight end being a grank a Kelce uh a George KD uh Mark Andrews but but guys but those guys make such an impact on the on the offense there's only a handful of those guys in the league at any given time and there was a two to four year stretch where Waller was one of those guys so I think that to to me that's what I'll remember him as PFF War has him as number three most valuable tight end in 2019 number two most valuable in in 2020 I remember Waller as that receiver conversion as you mentioned and there's a lot of those receiver conversions that just don't work right a guy becomes a second or third string tight end they certainly don't become what Darren Waller became an absolute GameChanger on that offense though um and and the the Giants were hoping for for for something similar he was fine but yeah as you mentioned the uh the injuries and um now was music career yeah take it off I know you have a heart out now so but I can't end the thing without asking you are you growing like an early 2000s era chin beard there or is that just some weird shadowing that's going on I think it's the shadowing okay though I shave every Sunday yeah I may have missed a spot yesterday did I miss a spot it's just it's got It's had this sort of like you know the the little like up like up or sideways se you know no that's a shadow that's a shadow it's okay that's normal right I just wondered if you were you know you had a side gig as some sort of you know just just like the under almost neck beard you're looking for not even the neck just around the chin you know what I mean the little s of no we're not doing that like uh the the Papa Roach thing right that the singer from Papa Roach always had oh yeah yeah we're not we're not doing that okay just just checking thanks thanks for checking in on me yeah all right well that's it for us today best rosters in the NFL let us know haven't asked you to let us know in a while what you think the best rosters are in the NFL drop them in the comments and uh we're going to do uh win totals here AFC and NFC next Thursday this Thursday and then on Monday as well so thanks to everybody for tuning in we'll see you again on Thursday with more PFF NFL podcast [Music]
Channel: Pro Football Focus
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Id: 6_Z3JQ1-Ji8
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Length: 69min 12sec (4152 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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